Friday, August 01, 2014

I want to make it crystal clear that S.E. Cupp is NOT a real Atheist!

Courtesy of The Daily Banter: 

Conservative S.E. Cupp of CNN makes for one terrible atheist. In 2009, she gave an interview on C-SPAN that would befuddle the finest team of doctors the field of psychoanalysis could offer. During one exchange, she claimed she’d never want an atheist president because such a person wouldn’t believe in a higher power — the very kind she doesn’t think exists in the first place. 

Now she’s back at it. The atheist who wrote a book called Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack On Christianity, stars in this short clip where virtually every single thing she says is just demonstrably false. Not arguably false. But false, as in fact-not-opinion false, up to and including her claim that conservatives welcome atheists.

Right off the bat Cupp makes a statement that identifies the fact that she simply does not understand what it means to be an Atheist.   

“I don’t believe in god, but I’m not mad at him.”

Mad at who? You cannot be mad at something, or someone, that you do not believe in.

That would be like me saying I don't believe in unicorns and then saying "But I don't get angry when I get unicorn crap on my shoes."

As for her contention that "conservatism is far more intellectually honest and respectful of atheism than liberalism has been," either suggests that she is as dumb as a stump or simply an habitual liar.

Allow me to remind you how conservatives feel toward atheism.

And don't bother suggesting that Norris is an outlier. I think we all know that if he were to run simply on this statement, that he would immediately capture 80% of the conservative vote.

Oh and another thing that separates Atheists from S.E. Cupp, is that the majority of us are infinitely smarter than she is, and recognize that wearing glasses does not fool anybody!


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Messy Cup is just plain stupid. It hurts to listen to her. I just don't get how someone so mind numbingly stupid gets so much air time.

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The glasses don't work for Rick Perry, either. Go away Sippy Cup....

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      I laugh every time I see little Ricky with his new intellectual glasses look.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    She's confused. I'm not an atheist, but probably half of my friends are. What she said from the :45 point on is utter bullshit. Word salad. Does she hang out with Sarah Palin?

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    “I don’t believe in god, but I’m not mad at him.”

    Yup. She's as dumb as Palin.

  5. Anonymous3:59 PM

    She's a tiresome attention-seeking little girl.

  6. Anonymous4:07 PM

    S.tupid E.yeglasses Cup is not a real anything. How she has been allowed a voice in politics or social issues of the day is mind boggling. Take off that whole getup, glasses and fishnets, and she really isn't even that attractive. She reminds me of a spoiled, rich, self important teenager, and that is being complementary.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Agree! I couldn't stand her on "The Cycle". She sounds an awful lot like Palin.

  7. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Man Sues Nebraska for Forcing Him to go to Alcoholics Anonymous: Objects to Religious Programming

    Marvin Sundquist, 43, of Fremont, Nebraska has filed suit against the state claiming that his Constitutional rights were violated when he was ordered to attend AA meetings once a week — as a condition of obtaining a license to work as a massage therapist. His suit is based on the religious underpinnings of the AA program, in effect forcing him to take part in religious rites in order to ply his trade.

    The 12 step program is overtly religious in nature. Half of the 12 steps include reference to God:

  8. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Cupp is a dolt. Even Maher went easy on her when she appeared as a guest on Real Time quite a few episodes ago.

  9. Anonymous4:40 PM

    What I find infuriating is just the whole framing of "My team (of sheep) is better than your team (of sheep)", can't we get a higher level of discourse on CNN? --that, and the glasses. She looks like a Warby Parker ad.

  10. Anonymous5:51 PM

    What a creep. Moreover, it does not occur to these idiots that to disavow the existence of one or more gods as a matter of touting the supremacy of some singular "true" god essentially makes atheists of all "believers." That is, one cannot say there is one god without disbelieving all others.

    There you go "SE": Stick THAT in your fucking pipe and smoke it!

  11. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Beneath those faux glasses and, frigid, smug disposition, there is a porn star just screaming to get out.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

    I can't think of a word vile enough to describe SECupp's idiotic rantings about things she can't even define properly. Palin is the closest I can come to, but there must be one more offensive.
    She wouldn't vote for someone who doesn't believe in a higher power. Does she realize "higher power" covers all religions? I doubt she's lying, but don't offend non believers with the crap flowing out of your mouth.
    When she was on "The Cycle", she showcased the creatures known as "Duck Dynasty" and a few days she spent in the swamp with them. One of the "wives" asked her to lead them in saying grace, and one of the menfolk refused to let her (because she's a w-o-m-a-n), and she was perfectly fine with it, saying the prayer verbatim before everyone pulled out their duck calls and farted out sounds. But Toure' disareed with something she said about President Obama and the Ledbetter Act, and she blew the "Feminist" duck call and "how DARED" him suggest women get paid MORE just because they're female" Toure' said no such thing, had the producer replay it, and Cupp turned beet red and blinked like she was in a dust storm.

    She, and Ann Coulter bring out the worst in me with their bullshit.

    1. Anonymous11:26 PM



    2. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon8:56 PM

      I know nothing about this person, but reading what's been written here makes me think that she's a satyrist -- er, satirist -- a la Colbert.


  13. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I have a lot of "Country Club" Republicans in my family and they are basically Atheist at heart but still go to church on Sunday because, as they say "that's just what you do". They mock the evangelicals and think that the Fundy religious people are batshit crazy and intellectually inferior, but they still go to church just like they attend cocktail parties hosted by people they hate, because, really, in polite society that's just what you do.

    They no more believe in god than I do, but they play a role and they participate in the conservative Republican movement because it improves their bottom line. The Fundies and the Evangelicals vote conservative and sometimes to achieve the necessary ends you must romance and then get into bed with some strange characters.The ends ALWAYS justify the means for these people. Case in point, most of them play golf and HATE it, but they do it to meet the right people and make the right connections. They live life rigidly and calculatingly and when one of us ends up being a "free spirit" we freak them the fuck out and they really can't understand us.

  14. Boscoe11:21 PM

    I think Cupp may really be an Atheist, but at the same time she's trying to grift off of the evangelicals which is proving to be a tightrope act she's not skilled enough to pull off.

    Or she's simply a fraud claiming "Atheism" because she thinks it makes her seem more intellectual and interesting.

    As for how "welcoming" they are, we know the prejudices that have been voiced, but in general, I can't think of any occasions where I've seen a "conservative Atheist" in a situation where they'd be open about their lack of belief and need to be "accepted".

    Come to think of it, other than Cupp (if she's for real), I don't think I've ever seen a "conservative Atheist"...

    1. Anonymous12:22 AM

  15. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Deconstructing Conservative Atheist S.E. Cupp’s Latest Rant Against… Other Atheists

    ...Notice she never says the word “Republican.” Because they absolutely don’t want atheists in their party. They don’t even want moderate Christians in their party. So what “party” is she talking about? Academic small-c conservatism? Maybe, but that’s not the group that’s in power within the GOP.

    Cupp also never elaborates on how exactly she’s a conservative. On which issues does she depart from liberals?

    Is it possible she’s welcomed by the “party” in the same way Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is? That is to say, her views as an atheist are completely out of sync with the majority of atheists just like Thomas’ views are not shared by most African Americans. I’m sure conservatives love atheists who don’t seem to give a damn about their atheism or the political implications of it.

    Here’s a spoiler for Cupp: They don’t welcome you because you’re an atheist. They welcome you because you’re an atheist who dislikes other atheists.

    Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ

  16. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Two churls, one is Cupp...the other, Norris.


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