Wednesday, August 06, 2014

The folks at Pluto.TV have come up with their own answer to The Sarah Palin Channel.

Courtesy of Video Ink:  

Shortly after the launch of Sarah Palin’s subscription digital video channel with Tapp, Pluto.TV has come up with an online video hub that offers a counterpoint. Their comedy channel, dubbed “#SarahFailin” (ch. 507 on Pluto.TV), hosts a steady stream of Palin’s best, worst TV moments. 

From her infamous Katie Couric interview during her 2008 vice presidential run to clips from Palin parodies created by Funny or Die, The Young Turks, and “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” #SarahFailin has something for everyone who considers the Alaska-based political personality somewhat of a joke.

The channel will offer 24 hours of Sarah Palin, seven days a week, so you would think this would be a Palin-bots dream. Except that the channel finds the MOST embarrassing moments of Palin's public life and runs it in a constant loop. (To be honest while preparing this post I actually got sidetracked watching a segment on CNN of Palin being called out for something stupid she wrote on Facebook.  Very entertaining.)

You can watch for yourself by clicking here.

Hmm, I wonder if this most recent cry for attention is working out the way that Snowdrift Snooki thought that it would?


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sadly, I think she could care less how it turns out as long as she gets her big fat paycheck.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I sold my hearing aids to get money to pay for Sarah TV. Now I can't hear what she is saying.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Well, aren't you on a lucky streak!

      Better pick up some lottery tickets soon, also too, you betcha!

    2. PalinsHoax9:40 AM

      Love, love, love your humour!

      I just may sell my computer to be able to afford subscribing to Payme's Faux TV Channel on the great World Wide Web.

    3. Anonymous9:56 AM

      9:06 perfect!

    4. Anonymous12:51 PM

      9:40, go over to the pee pond and suggest that all those mofos over there sell their computers as you did so they can subscribe. What kind of amuricans are they if they can't even pony up for Palin? Maybe tell the guy who needs an operation and can't afford the 100/year subscription that he should go sell a kidney.

    5. Anonymous3:40 PM


      Unfortunately I don't think there's a big market for PC's running Window's '95 :-)

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Perfect picture of the Palinbots mighty leader. Dirty, unkempt and misplaced wig, drugged-out eyes, whole image screams drug addiction and trailer trash. Keep sending your money, fools, this is the REAL Sissypants Sarah Palin.

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    who, again, is Sarah Palin?

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Rode hard, put away wet. These people who are funding her latest fiasco probably actually thought she had as many likes as are listed. Since she BOUGHT most of them, the list is much shorter. O/T The scars on Bristle's stomach may be from hernia operations. She was hoisting Tripp up to cover her pregnant belly when he was way too big to be carried.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Hernia surgery? Really? My husband just had double hernia surgery in June and you can hardly see any scars (and I'm seeing him up close and personal). It's either stretch marks, bad lipo or bad photoshop.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      I've had surgery to repair hernias that were a result of other surgeries. My scar is 4 inches. It depends on the kind of repair and where the hernia is as to whether or not there is scarring.
      The scar from original surgery to repair my colon - 18 inches. It all depends on what the doctor needs to do.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      It's diaper rash

    4. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Anita Winecooler, you always make me laugh! Thanks.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    She is being humiliated everywhere and then the Alaska Dispatch (formerly Anchorage Daily News) put her on their front page yesterday albeit at the bottom of the page! They are actually giving the quitter gov a voice regarding its resources!! Go figure!

    Alaskans have proven themselves to be questionable already due to folks they have elected to their higher offices and the fact they are an ongoing corrupt state!

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      So, if she ran third party, would Alaska vote for her?

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      It was a paid advertisement in yesterday's Alaska Dispatch. Paid for by Yes On One initiative.

    3. Anonymous11:08 AM

      10:50 Even though she quit as Alaska's governor mid way through her term, I'm sure they are idiots in Alaska that would vote for her if she ran under the guise of a third party! Nothing would surprise me!

    4. Anonymous12:28 PM

      ACES was her signature legislation and when she quit her job and gave it to Sean Parnell the oil company lackey, he undid her good works and is now giving the state away to the oil companies. The only good thing Mrs. Palin did as governor was get ACES passed in the Legislature. It also is the only thing me and many other Progressives have agreed with her on. Too bad that her endorsement of YES on the Repeal of SB21 is probably the kiss of death for it.

    5. Anonymous3:47 PM

      From the Alaskans I know, they wouldn't vote for her if she "ran" for a cake walk. People generally don't take kindly to being abandoned- AFTER having been lied to their faces for years on end.

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Poor lady looks like SHIT and no one in her family bothers to tell her to stop posting pictures like that...I mean, what's the KLAN's plan for ther cash cow who milks her bots.

  8. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I could be wrong, but I think $arah's chickens has come home to roost, couldn't happen to a more deserving person, is it so wrong that I'm smiling :)

  9. Anonymous10:14 AM

    YIKES! I'm shocked that the woman actually goes out in public looking like a chepo druggie. Another "good" photo is the pink stripper photo in New York.
    Really, at least her mom, Sally Sandusky, should tell her not to go out in public looking like hell--Forget her mom, what about the rest of her family or friends, or publicists.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      She has no friends.

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    A new trend among conservatives on Facebook is to change one's middle name to "Benghazi," the site of a 2012 terrorist attack that the right-wing media insists mainstream news organizations, President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and your mother just aren't paying enough attention to.

    The idea behind the Facebook campaign seems to be to call attention to the terrorist attack by squishing it between the wedding photo albums and Upworthy links that populate Facebook. Every time one of the participants writes a status, makes a comment or simply "likes" something, you're quietly reminded of Benghazi.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Facebook management should block that from being done. The majority of us could care less about what Republicans think about Benghazi. They've been lying about it for years and Americans know it!

      Vote ALL Republicans out of office that you can in the November election - especially in the U.S. Congress!!!

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      That should be Issa's middle name.

    3. Anonymous11:55 AM

      How juvenile.

    4. Anonymous12:42 PM


  11. Anonymous11:10 AM


    Yesterday the kiss of death struck again. 2 of the Palins backed primary runners lost.

  12. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Still laughing - had to retweet it. Thanks for a Wednesday laugh!

  13. Anonymous12:30 PM

    This is a joke of course by yet another comedian making fun of those kooky Palins. Tweeted!

    Bristol Palin to Launch Online Unwed Teen Mom Channel

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      From the Humor Times page:

      “My channel will focus on support groups that will aid unwed teenage mothers,” Bristol Palin said.

      “Our groups don’t blame the teenage mother for their pregnancy, we focus the blame on the father, who obviously seduced the teen mom into making poor life choices such as not using protection,” Palin told the Humor Times.

  14. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Awww, how sad is it that the attention whore has to leak her website content because her few subscribers just aren't satisfying her media cravings. lol

  15. Anonymous1:06 PM

    What a great clip. Compare and contrast how Sarah Palin would react under the same circumstances. I can just hear her screeching, "Hello Stephen, I went and got me a big gulp before they are illegal, then I put on my Belmonts and took a walk to Times Square."
    To think there are voters who value the ignorance and stupidity of Sarah Palin over the poise, real time experience, and intelligence of Hillary Clinton or for that matter any qualified candidate is beyond scary to me.

  16. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Worked for me but this time it says The Sarah Palin

  17. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Thanks for the link Anonymous 11:56...Hillary and Colbert were great!

  18. Anonymous1:38 PM

    It's there now!

  19. Anonymous1:44 PM

    The Pluto.TV sarah payme channel needs a government health warning label. Watched a few minutes of her early days, and my blood pressure went up 30 points. Man I hate that bitch! She's so happy when being destructive.

  20. Anonymous2:04 PM

    ARRGGHHH!!!!! I am so rip-roaringly repulsed right now by SP. Just watched her "sample" video "Defending the 9/11 Cross" on her channel. I, too, am glad the courts ruled in favor of letting the cross be part of the memorial complex. But to have her weigh in on such a - still - monumental wound to our nation with her snark towards "angry atheists and their attorneys" - and then her blabbering on and on in what sounded - a good third of the six minute drivel - as if she was reading to a group of pre-schoolers. Especially her effort at the end of the clip to act empathetic and compassionate and statesmanlike: SO FAKE.

    Of course, she is absolutely NOT THE ONE writing her little scripts. Thanks, Nancy, for that. Or whomever else lugs their inauthentic, compromised selves to slaver at the trough of her PAC $ and regurgitate talking points for this woman to video and act as if it's her own material coming out of her own head, own heart, own convictions.

    Sarah - let me make this clear to you. While you still hold sway over a couple hundred - heck, maybe it's still a few thousand - mostly elderly, mostly male, mostly white, mostly utterly doltish followers - you fool no one else. No one.

    How sad is it to know you had a greater opportunity to effect good and to effect change and to advance whatever your positions are - perhaps more so than ANYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE OF HUMAN HISTORY (b/c I can't think of anyone who ever went from being unemployed (for the prior almost three years) to being tapped to run for a world-wide known position like VP of the USA in under two years) - but lucky you. You were that person. And look how greatly you have squandered your opportunity. It is staggering. The world really was your oyster (thanks, Meghan Stapleton). But you have destroyed the oyster and made yourself a laughingstock.

    And from your greatly reduced place of influence, you make disgusting, snarky, hate-filled diatribes about something so grave, so reverent, so deserving of any other voice (almost) than yours.

    I would implore you to be silent. But we all know that won't do any good. All I can do is beg Nancy French to stop having any role whatsoever in this sad, little (yes, financially beneficial to her) scam. Nancy. Have you no convictions? Check with your attorney husband. Is there any possible way to get out of your non-disclosure agreement and write a tell-all book? You are a decent writer. Can you not see Sarah's star is fading, and fast? Write the truth about what your association with her has been like. You've seen behind the curtain. You owe that to yourself, all of us, - and frankly, to Sarah. Until some of the folks associated with her start telling the actual truth, she will never get the intervention and help she so desperately and obviously needs. Think about it, Nancy. I'm praying your heart isn't so hardened you can't accept truth when you hear it. She who has ears to hear, let her hear...

  21. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Despite the negative attention I calculate they will make a substantial profit then use public reaction as a persecution money making scheme.

  22. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Hey Anon. 9:06, I cut my long locks to sell for Sarah TV.

    If we put our minds to it, we can find quarters and dimes stuck in ice in winter, or behind couch cushions. Maybe trad the lawnmower for a goat to save there too and whatnot.

  23. Anonymous2:33 PM

    2:04 Wasting your time asking French to reveal the truth. These uber religious types LOVE $$$$ as much as $carah. Besides, there might be another book to be ghost written. I wonder if she wants her daughters to turn out like Bristol?

  24. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I just put my sack of belly button lint that I have been saving for four decades up for sale on e-bay. Oh I hope I get enough to sign up.
    So excited! I found a penny in the parking lot. I'm one cent closer. Lucky me.

  25. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    Damn, even God's got her number!!!!!!

  26. ibwilliamsi6:09 PM

    Do her wigs actually have knit hairbands in them to hold them to her skinny little head?

  27. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

    24 hours of Palin's faux pas? And I thought waterboarding was inhumane!
    What's next? Bristol making promises on television interviews that her ass can't keep?

  28. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Whose endorsement would I want?

    That's like asking me who do I want to give me a bj.

    Excuse me, I would rather stick my penis into a hornets nest than have those old bats touch me.

  29. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anon 7:37 I see you've never been gummed by an old bat before.

  30. detroitsam7:51 PM

    CNN did a segment on calling Palin out for something stupid she wrote on Facebook? Wonder what got nickers in a twist?

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Impeach Obama?

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Her endorsements?

    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Bristol has great work ethics.

    4. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Track is a combat vet?

    5. Anonymous8:10 PM

      "Well, I'm very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing ... any hint of any kind of unethical activity there," 

    6. Anonymous8:25 PM

      She said that the President is afraid to discuss the economy and that the President needs to be vetted

  31. Anonymous7:57 PM

    If Sarah was any good at giving blowjobs would Track be 1/2 African-American?

  32. detroitsam8:17 PM

    I just left The Sarah Palin page on Face Book. I laughed so much that my face hurts. I wonder if this was also created by Cobert?

  33. Tell me they have the turkey interview and all of the Revere's ride stuff.

    I hope they have Tina Fey too (and don't get in trouble over any copyright violations.)

  34. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I'm guessing that Stephen Colbert/Comedy Channel had nothing to do with the FB page and may have objected to being associated with it. (But I'm glad it's back with the modified name.)

  35. An SP cartoon, from The Week:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.