Friday, September 26, 2014

Here is video of Sarah Palin's press conference yesterday in Joplin. Bring two forks, as there is plenty of word sausage to go around.
Click authentic faux yellow leather biker old lady jacket to play video.
This is a press conference that Palin did concerning her speech for Lifechoices, an anti-abortion group masquerading as a sex and pregnancy resource center.

Palin pulls out all of the stops here.

First she refers to the "resiliency" of the people, undoubtedly referencing the tornado that devastated the area in 2011, and calls them "overcomers." Which of course makes them sound like habitual masturbators.

Then she goes on:  

"I was happy to be chosen, well invited anyway, because when we talk about less than ideal circumstances, I've been there. I've been there and I'm going to talk about that tonight and speak candidly about it. (Wanna bet?)

Palin then says how happy she is that Lifechoices has asked her to be candid, because most of the time her job is to be political and this time she gets to talk about what is near and dear to her heart. (Wait, she has a job?)

Palin then claims that her family's "hardships" were easier to deal with because of the strong and loving family "network" that is in place. (From what I have heard recently that may be the biggest Palin lie of all.)

She then lists the "hardships" as her own pregnancy, her daughter's"unplanned" pregnancy,  the diagnosis that Trig had Down syndrome when she was twelve weeks pregnant, Track about to be deployed to a war zone, the fact that she was at the time Governor of Alaska, and then of course the call from John McCain to be the vice presidential candidate.

I found it interesting that of all of the "hardships" she rattled off, that really the only one that she did not actually plan was Bristol's pregnancy. All of the others she orchestrated in one way or another.

It is after the last question concerning what she plans to talk about at the fundraiser where some serious word salad gets tossed.

"I'll be able to, even though I'm not going to get political, it's kind of in my blood, I'm going to be able to relate to the tumultuous world that we are in today. People seeking real answers, real hope, they're seeking peace. They're...they're seeking solutions to things that they see and feel that are out of their control. Just like a young mother with that diagnosis you know of being pregnant unexpectedly. A lot of things that she would be feeling too, more centralized of course, more personalized. Being able to, through the experiences that we've gone through, experiences that your clients have gone through, being able to translate that into a bigger picture about what's going on in our world. Less than ideal circumstances how we handle'em. How we can make this world a better place by all of us making healthy choices as individuals, as families, as communities, and then as a nation."


So if I understand that right, and I have no confidence that I do, Palin is saying that she is going to relate an unexpected pregnancy to a world at war, terrorism making us feel less safe at home, and how we can conquer all of that by following Michelle Obama's advice about making healthy choices?

Is that right?

Is it too early to start drinking?

Well in news that is easier to understand, the Daily Mail, Palin's favorite British newspaper, has posted an article taking note of the fact that she wore her wedding ring to the Roberts fundraiser, after earlier making a big deal over the fact that it was missing, and using that as an excuse to once again talk about the drunken brawl in Anchorage.

So it appears that, though there is little new to report, the brawl lives on in the minds of journalists around the world.

Gotta love that!


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "Just like a young mother with that diagnosis you know of being pregnant unexpectedly."

    Tab A, Slot B. It ain't rocket science, Grandma. No birth control, either through lack of sex education about conception, restricted Pro-Life jerkwad restriction of access to contraception, or just plain stupidity, could lead to an "unexpected diagnosis".

    Face palm.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      If you have unprotected sex, guess what the consequences are. If you didn't know that you risked getting pregnant when you didn't use birth control, then Chuck Heath Sr. was not a good science teacher.

    2. "Whatever"11:29 AM

      9:13 Tab A, Slot B. It ain't rocket science, Grandma.

      I like that Tab A, Slot B. So descriptive and simple even a first grader could understand.

      Guess what, folks! If you don't want to get pregnant, you don't have to.

      It's simple: If you have sex, use birth control. If you don't want to use birth control, then don't have sex.


      Also, too. Is it just me, or does the Christian Right tend to put the responsibility and "cause of the problem" on girls?

      It takes two. And if boys' parents would put more effort into teaching them to practice birth control there would be a lot fewer pregnant girls.

      Condoms, or as Sarah Palin would say, "pull out" early.

      Or, even better, why not put an emphasis on the boys' virginity?

      Aren't they the ones who are "suppose" to become the "head of the household" and "rule maker" of the Christian family? Why not teach them some responsibility while they are teens in order to prepare themselves for their important role in the Christian family?

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Don't judge! She said she was using birth control pills!

      "Palin notes that when she got pregnant she was on birth control pills prescribed to treat her cramps. Only by the eighth home pregnancy test, she writes, was she convinced of the positive results.

      When she told her parents, they were accepting, not condemning, she writes, and focused on the future, particularly her continuing education."

      Sounds average and normal to most random people!

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Anon at 12:03 PM
      No, normal would be not only using birth control pills. BTW if you tell aDr they are for "cramps" the one providing you the utmost protection against pregnancy may not be prescribed--"birth control pills" or hormonal therapy is prescribed for a multitude of conditions besides as BC. And why wasn't Ol' Brisket the tent fucker using a condom to protect against STD's, with both hormonal therapy and a condom her risk would have been lower. But with every sexual encounter, you risk pregnancy no matter what you are using and she should not have been out fucking if she was too retarded to know that. And yes, I do think Brisket is mentally retarded, I doubt her IQ is more than 75.

    5. Anonymous12:34 PM

      "When she told her parents, they were accepting, not condemning, she writes, and focused on the future, particularly her continuing education."

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We've gotten to see just how focused on her continuing education they actually are. Did she even finish whatever cosmetology degree she was working on? I'm not deriding cosmetology; I have a lot of respect for people who do it and do it well. I just don't think the famous Palin work ethic extends that far. Wasn't Willow going to open a salon...?

    6. Anonymous12:38 PM

      The idiot just said this at the "ValueVoters summit" via twitter:
      "Sarah Palin: "I'm speaking to the most slandered group in America today." Referring to white conservatives. That happened. #VVS14
      So "Who " is the "slander" troll?

    7. Anonymous12:42 PM

      "Whatever," yes, they put MUCH more impetus on girls to prevent sexual activity and pregnancy than on boys. Boys are "supposed" to remain virgins until marriage, but everyone understands if they don't, because God made them with uncontrollable sex drives. It is always made incumbent upon the girl to help the boy stay "pure." I was always taught, "If the girl doesn't say no, the boy can't." And yes, this is a culture full of slut-shaming and blaming sexual assault victims. I was also taught that rape would only happen to me if I went places girls aren't supposed to go, like bars and nightclubs, and dressed in a provocative way.

      Incidentally, I spent years frequenting bars and nightclubs in often very scanty attire and was never assaulted. I was, however, molested by a Mormon doctor while my mother was in the room. Either she didn't notice, or she was so cowed by patriarchal authority that she never said a word.

    8. 11:29

      sarahy doesn't practice good birth control either. Nor does she practice prenatal care. The nerve of her screeching at such an event.

    9. 12:03
      Don't you judge.

      the ho stop taking the pill because she is irresponsible and trifling. she didn't even know if levi or some random guy (know as her her good times) was screwing her in a tent (regular place.) she also accused levi of rape and called him a gnat.

      Yep sounds like a palin to me.

    10. "Whatever"1:17 PM

      12:42 Thanks for sharing your horrid experience. I'm sorry you were molested and that your mother didn't protect you.

      I recall everything sexual was the girl's fault. The way she dressed, the way she behaved.

      As an adult looking back, I guess it was in large part to protect me.

      I hope parents know better these days, but I know there are many who didn't learn from society's past and keep repeating the old mistakes with today's girls.

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    She's a liar, pure and simple. She was NEVER pregnant with Trig, she bought him for her 'family values' run for VP. She's a fucking piece of shit lying sociopath and she needs to be put down.

    1. Not to mention, if someone (not Sarah) WAS pregnant, and found out they were carrying a DS barely-older-than-embryo-size fetus at 12 weeks, that'd be because they were in a clinic getting an abortion.

      Tests for women WANTING a child, to determine the health, sex, etc. of the fetus, are done when the fetus is farther along in gestation.

      Sarah is so full of bologna it's a wonder she isn't slathered in mustard. Oh, wait, is THAT why she's mustard yellow in that picture?

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM


  3. Caroll Thompson9:36 AM

    I love the part about individuals and families making healthy choices. I don't think it is a healthy choice for any individual, let alone a family, to show up drunk to a private house party and then start a drunken brawl. I also do not find it healthy to bring a five year old to the party and then ignore him as he plays on an active runway.

    But that is just me. I do not possess Sarah's 'serpent heart', so what do I know?

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Healthy choices, isn't that what Michelle Obama has been talking about for years? Nice to see Palin getting on board.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Another healthy choice by Sarah Palin:
      Traveled by air when she claimed to be 8 months pregnant. (Most doctors call that a no-no after 7 months). She woke up at 3AM leaking amniotic fluid and claiming to be in labor, but she did not go to the nearest ER. Instead, she gave her speech in Texas and then flew for 12 hours back to Alaska. She by-passed the well-equipped hospital in Anchorage which handles high risk births to take delivery of Trig in a small town hospital which cannot handle high risk births.

      What's high risk? Sarah was over 40, history of several miscarriages, carrying a special needs child, premature delivery-- MatSu transfers that kind of mother to Anchorage. Every decision that Palin made that day risked the life of the unborn child (if she really was pregnant), the lives of the passengers on the plane, and herself.

    3. Balzafiar12:28 PM

      Anonymous10:54 AM

      Not only that, but the doctor she claimed did the delivery wasn't even there! Such a miraculous delivery; delivered by a figment of Sarah's scheming imagination.

    4. Suzy Q5:09 PM

      I saw what you did there @10:54. ;-) ". . . to take delivery of Trig in a small town hospital . . ." No truer words have been spoken.

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    No one gets pregnant "unexpectedly." It's not a disease. Not even the "overcomers" over there in whatever land she is in.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      The only thing that is not expected is learning that the child will be born with a serious disability. For an ordinary family, without the money and clout of the Palin Family, they will have to spend more time with the disabled child at the risk of neglecting their other kids. Even though much of the medical expenses are covered by insurance, if they are struggling to make ends meet, having a disabled child will throw their budget into chaos. It will also be an added emotional burden, while worrying if Dad is going to be fired when the company he works for is sold or is going to down-size. The parents will have to spend more time at doctors' visits, therapy, and support groups while trying to meet the needs of the rest of their family. These are serious issues that Palin tosses off with that "less than ideal circumstances." For many people who found their mortgage underwater, job security gone and medical insurance problems, her glib remarks are no comfort at all.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      She doesn't care about others' comfort. Only her own.

  5. Without my glasses, could of sworn that sign above Palin said:
    Board of Vermin

    *How can Palin get the Down Syndrome diagnosis at 12 wks and mention her pregnancy as a factor when picked for VP? Trig was already born, so why was 5hat even mentioned in her speech like she was juggling all of these problems?

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Because liars can never keep their lies straight if asked enough times. It's easy to tell the truth, but lying is much harder.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think it is interesting that she mentions a "young mother" and a "diagnosis". If she is referring to herself (and come on...all she EVER talks about is herself)....she was NOT a young mother when she had Trig. But perhaps there was a young mother and that young mother got the "diagnosis" that her baby had Down Syndrome. Who ever says...I was diagnosed with a pregnancy?? But you might say your baby was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Trig must have come from some young mother who got the unexpected diagnosis that her baby had Down Syndrome.

    Pregnancy is not a malady to be diagnosed. It's pretty obvious: you skip a period or two, maybe feel nauseous at times, breasts get larger. Then you go to the drug store and buy a pregnancy test for $10. And...any time you have unprotected sex, you should expect to get I don't understand the "unexpected" pregnancy. Unplanned maybe.

    Palin: ugh.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Bristol was actively TRYING to get pregnant, Sadie and her mother knew that. Levi and Bristol told them.

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      9:48 I wrote the same thing before reading your comment. This is one of Sarah's verbal "gives". You are 100% correct. Women do not think of pregnancy as a diagnosis. She stopped herself before saying being a young mothers with a kid with a diagnosis of DS.

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Bristol wanted a "normal" baby that she would be allowed to keep after her mother stole her first born, the "special gift from god".

    4. Balzafiar1:15 PM

      Neither Trig nor Tripp were her first; there was an earlier one when she was about fifteen.

  7. Dear Sarah in that screen cap above looks more like she's masquerading as a Halloween pumpkin and squash decoration.

  8. It's silly to make a BFD out of wedding rings; it's usually the last thing off after a marriage ends.

    Palin is idiotic in oh so many ways, but there is little significance to wearing a ring or not.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      The fact that her not wearing it was mentioned in the articles and now she suddenly has it on again would indicate that someone is monitoring what is written

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      It matters to her christian following.
      It matters if they are not married.

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Then why does it magically appear on her finger when rumors of marital discord swirl around her?

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Ring was put back on after the DailyMail (read the world over) put out a big article about her not wearing it & divorce. Now that have a big article with close-up of her finger with ring on. ha ha she's stupid

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Todd must still have battle wounds and therefore can't tag along to carry her purse this trip! Either that or he's been told to stay in town to keep the pressure on the APD.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Both. Todd still has bruises that haven't healed and he has to keep a lid on anyone threatening to talk. I wonder how much Todd is paying to keep videos from surfacing. I've seen him intimidate a school teacher in Homer, and I have heard the tape recordings of him bullying people, trying to get them to fire Trooper Wooten.

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Someone on another story on this blog said that the APD has photos of the man's BACK, where Bristles BIT him!! She must be a regular put bull when she is angry.

    3. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Bristol can't help the biting. Girls like her pursue their unwary prey and sneak up on them, sinking their teeth in the back of their potential mate, thus subduing them and preparing them for the mating ritual. I saw it the Nature Channel ;-)

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Thanks a lot 11:35...I needed to clean my screen anyway. Too funny!

    5. "Whatever"11:54 AM

      11:16 Darn, I missed that comment about Bristol biting the poor host.

      However, if he doesn't file charges or insist that charges be filed, I have ZERO sympathy and rate him as a LOSER and a chicken.

      But I digressed, if Bristol Palin indeed bit the man, that raises the crime to a whole 'nuther level.

      We are talking bio-hazard. (I know some of you at first thought "rabies," but I am being serious.)

      Breaking the skin with a bite is serious business health-wise. At the very least the victim should get a tetanus shot and be put on antibiotics.

      Anyone who intentionally inflicts a wound that requires a tetanus shot and antibiotics is one DANGEROUS person and should be held accountable--and/or locked up to protect the public.

    6. "Whatever"11:58 AM

      ps... Plus, how SICK is that, that an adult would BITE another person in a fight?!!???

      If someone attacked me, I'd be all for biting and whatnot to get free. But for the one who initiated the attack biting a person? I repeat, how SICK is that???!!???

      Also, too, a "random" thought while typing...dogs and monkeys and mules and horses (and whatnot) bite when they fight. Just saying. Draw your own conclusions.

      pps. I have never in my long life used random in that context, that's why the quote marks. Just so you know I'm making fun of the Palins and the trolls who use random a lot.

    7. Anonymous12:30 PM

      And another bit of "factual lore" is born, re the biting. Soon, no one will remember where they heard it, but claim it as true.

      I say we wait till we have proven facts, not anon comments, before we assume it's true. I worry that if it's disproved it will again give the Palins a case for victimhood.


    8. Anonymous12:34 PM

      11:16 AM
      People do those things when doped up. Bristol may not have been that out of control had she been caring for her son and staying sober.

    9. Anonymous12:56 PM

      I hope bristle is all up to date on her shots. Bortadella, distemper, tetanus etc. etc.

    10. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Bristol bit him?!! I hadn't heard that. More proof that she's an animal. The difference between a pitbull and Bristol -- or any of the Palins or Heaths -- is the pitbull has class.

    11. Anonymous5:35 PM

      11:16 AM - " ... Bristles BIT him!!"

      No surprise there. The Palin brood is feral. How could they not be with Sarah as their role model.

  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    My very first thought was she looks professional, normal getup. Then I read, leather. oh brawtha. Did she think she was going to a motorcycle club? Still not normal sp.
    Almost 8 years later, same word salad.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      I bet she was trying to look "cool" & to blend in with those with "unexpected" cincumstances age-group. Thus the weird getup...

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Leather and sequins. At least the wig was clean.

    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Yellow and red are clown colors!!
      She gets her fashion sense from Ronald mcDonald

    4. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Fake leather. And she's no biker chick, that's an insult to us.

    5. It's her Evel Knievel get up.

    6. Anonymous1:36 PM

      If it's fake leather, then finally one thing the cruel woman is to be applauded for--not wearing a tortured animal on her body. But, knowing her cruelty and delight at murdering animals, it's unlikely to be faux leather, unfortunately. Biker chicks need to show some compassion.

    7. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Sorry, it's fake. I can tell horse leather, pig leather( Many leather jackets on the market are pig leather) or cattle. Sorry, Sarry's jacket is as fake as Trig's birth.
      BTW you can tell what type of leather something is just by looking if you know what to look for.

    8. Anonymous1:52 AM

      So right you are Game, she probably bought the entire Evil Conniver fall line.

  11. It was Gov. Mustard, in the Tea Room, with the Revolver.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      OMG - That was HILARIOUS!!

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Maggie wins comment of the day :)


    3. Hilarious-thank you!

    4. Anonymous4:23 PM

      brilliant! Still laughing as I type :-)

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM

    3 microphones for the "press" conference.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      I refuse to listen but a press conference implies the "press" could ask questions. DId that happen? If not, it was a "statement" not a "conference".

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "Someone in LESS THAN IDEAL CIRCUMSTANCES finds out they are pregnant and they think, “Oh no, in an instant, my plans are ruined, my dreams are broken.”"

    That was Palin speaking on Nov. 24, 2007 to an AK right to life organization. After April 18, 2008, the 'less than ideal circumstances' phrase became one of Palin's most over-used expressions and the cornerstone of establishing herself as an icon in the anti-abortion movement. She who is incapable of empathy dares to equate being 'a busy governor' to the full range of devastating circumstances in which many pregnant women find themselves.

    It wasn't enough that Palin's pregnancy hoax minimized and belittled the pregnancy and birth experience of Trig's birth mother--Palin minimizes and belittles the life, pregnancy, and birth experiences of every woman who has ever considered or had an abortion. She is despicable.

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    The brawl coverage, for all practical purposes, is done. May as well cop to it.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      That's what you think. As long as that beast is still breathing we're not going to forget the great palin brawl and bite festival of 2014. Nice try, though.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Hahahahaha - you wish!

      Just waiting for the APD report to come out.

      No matter what it says, $he's toast!

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Hope someone gets those photos that the cops took of Bristol's Fang marks on Korey K.

      That's worth another sound bite (teehee) about the brawl in the news cycle.

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      10:44, that's right, you won't forget about it, as well as a few dozen other IMers.... but nobody else really cares. That's what you don't get.

      And 10:47 what you don't get is, what exactly will be in the ADP report that will make her 'toast'? Seriously think about it. They could charge the whole family with battery and blame the Palin's for the whole melee, and they would still be the Palins that are loved and adored by all their fans. They are a reality family at this point. Such behavior is expected and kind of necessary to remain a famous 'Amurica' reality family. There is no downfall when you are already at the bottom. Praise Jebus!

    5. Anonymous11:10 AM

      "There is no downfall when you are already at the bottom."

      PERFECT, 11:01 AM!

    6. Anonymous12:18 PM

      We really don't care. The news of the Trashy Palin's family brawl and drunken behavior is out there. And I for one, know a few people who did like Sarah until they heard about that. A truly Christian follower would not tolerate that behavior ad it makes those people think about their own choices.

    7. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I am looking for the BITE coverage. That is huge. That man can make a fortune and retire when he sells his story and photos.

      Bristol is the worst mother of the years. Who takes a kid to a party in a Humvee with a bunch of drunks? Said mother drinks to a frenzy of anger and strikes out out the nearest victims.

      It was good news for Tripp he didn't get in her way.

      Who bites a man in front of their 6 year old?


    8. Anonymous1:11 PM

      12:41 you are living in loony land.

      Hadn't heard anything about a 'bite' but assume you are inferring that Bristol also bit the guy she hit.

      So you think a Bristol Palin 'bite' story, even if entirely true, would make enough money to be rich and retire on? Kukoo Kukoo.

      Humor me, put a dollar figure on how many millions this story must be worth!

    9. Anonymous1:17 PM

      12:18 calling you out on BS twice. Of course you/we really do care, that's why you are here. Only the Palin posts at the IM get over 100-200 comments. And I don't believe you know anyone who 'liked' Palin before news of the fight. Nice try though.

    10. Anonymous3:07 PM

      The bite coverage was a comment on the last IM Palin post. Anybody could have made it, including a troll so that sarah can come back with "see how looney the lying haters are?"

      We need to make sure of our facts, a comment on a blog is not a "fact", unless you are c4p or fox news.

    11. How could it be possible that Bristol bit K.K. in the back? She was heading toward the mother of Willow's ex-boyfriend when the host approached her and asked her to leave.

      Bristol then punched him several times and he finally pushed her away. When would she have had the opportunity to bite him in the back?

  15. "most of the time her job is to be political"
    What job? Sarah, you dimwitted harpy, you have no job. You are not a politician, you have no elected office (and couldn't get one if you tried), and your appearances on fox have dwindled down to an occasional mosquito whine.

    You may think your assorted canned talks and fox squawks mean you have a political job, but you would be wrong (as usual).

    If you provided thoughtful, learned analyses of political topics, you could say you have a political job.

    You do not. Your stupid blatherings fall into these categories:
    1) I'm so noble and such a martyr also too because everybody picks on me and my defective gift from god.
    2) Obama bad, I hate Obama, Obama look at me, what does that damn Michelle have that I don't have (you mean besides Barack, you silly pinhead?).
    3) Cliched buzzwords and bumper sticker slogans with no thought, substance, consistency, or truth to them.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I think what's his name in KS called her a "celebrity" and that's why he invited her to come campaign with him. Is "celebrity" a job?

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Sarah's job is promoting Sarah Palin, which includes manufacturing the image and choosing the wardrobe. Do you know how hard it is to find red, white and blue shoes on line, I mean, shoes that actually fit her? Sarah spends more time looking for shoes and painting her toenails than writing and learning a speech. Sarah does not spend time writing speeches. She writes down a number of slogans and expressions, such as the name of the local football team, the local BBQ restaurant and the nickname for the state. Trivia, not substance. Sarah also works that phone of hers 24/7 looking for new places to promote herself. Hey, Sean, why haven't I been on Fox lately? Hey, Voters Value Summit, could I be included in the group of speakers, too, also? Self-promotion is a very hard job, especially when all you are promoting is an image without any underlying substance. Gather around kids, it's time for another photo op. I haven't posted anything on my private TV channel for days. Get Jill in the picture or else people will think that she was part of the hot dogs I served that Jewish guy.

    3. Suzy Q6:41 PM

      She can't even be bothered to memorize the address of the Whitehouse! Who lives at 1400 Pennsylvania in DC, by the way?

    4. Anonymous1:45 AM

      10:42 Well said. Very.

  16. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Don't give me that "hardship" crapola, you twit, the Trig lie is what catapulted you to the national stage and the kangaroo boxer was paid handsomely for the role she played in it. Quit your fake whining already. You are the furthest thing from a martyr there is and you know it.

  17. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Once again it's all about her. That little speech only proved either A: She is a moron B: She is a self centered ego maniac,or C: A and B

    She points out that all these high pressured things happened to her yeah to HER not her family and still she made the decision to go ahead and be the VP candidate, expose her daughter to the world stage, lug her downs syndrome baby around not like a "blessing" but like he is there so she could get brownie points. A smart caring Mom would have known that this was a time to focus on her family, but no, nothing can come between old Sarah and her quest for fame and camera time. The only time this old bat is happy is when she has an audience and a camera in her face she is in love with herself and it shows.

    Hardships? really? has having a special needs child ever, ever stopped her from traveling, fake hunting,and doing whatever she likes? Who takes care of Trig when she is gone? Todd? I hardly think so and if she leaves him with Bristol The Boxer ..well that poor kid no wonder he and Tripp hit people. She doesn't know squat about what a normal family who are not millionaires go through ya know the ones that stay home and focus on therapy and work with their child daily. Where was Todd this trip, guess she found a new purse handler old Todd better watch it and she should know people may talk if she keeps taking her new|old pal with her.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Don't you think someone there should have had the simple curiosity to ask, "Who takes care of Trig while you're on the road?" But no. Never. Free pass always and forever, that's Palin for ya.

  18. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Did anyone ask about the Famous Hillbilly palinbrawl!
    "went through a earthquake" what a asshole she wasn't even there....

  19. Anonymous10:33 AM

    She mentioned "not getting political...TWICE"! They must of laid down the law no Obama bashing to her.
    Also G, the coat is real b/c sarah wears them to piss off PETA and she buys expensive coats at Nordy's, newman marcus, etc. It prob cost about a grand. But who cares when its OPM!!! And Also too, very few people can "wear" yellow, and palin is not one of them. Yellow makes her look sallow and hung over. Although it does seem she put some effort into trying to look presentable.

  20. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Took a drink every time she said resilient or resiliency and now I am sh*tfaced. Was that yesterday's word of the day? Being employed and having health insurance does not put her in 'less than ideal circumstances.' Did she actually say Trig was in her? I thought that was what she said, but can't bring myself to watch it again. I'll have room spins and have to hold onto the rug if I hear resilient again.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      LOL! I sympathize.

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      But then we'd all be as drunk as a Palin on a Saturday Night.

  21. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I listen for some basic information from the Palin females and sharing helpful and accessible lessons beyond "gift from God" or abstinence to avoid the "gift from God". I read a spread in Vogue spinning that a teen mom can buy a car, condo, furniture and electronics and support a child on a receptionist salary which was gross misinformation. I have not read any concrete tips about what is required nor resources for children with disabilities either nor what people can do if they aren't tapped for VP or get a shot at DWTS. It is a cross to bear to be preggRs and have the. RNC buy your wardrobe and get a GED on line then a contract from Candies. Horrors!

  22. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I was happy to be chosen
    -Sarah Palin

    No Sarah you are not the Chosen One, you cannot be since you represent the Dark Side.

  23. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Just like a young mother with that diagnosis you know of being pregnant unexpectedl

    Another one of Sarah's verbal "gives". Pregnancy is not a diagnosis in most lay peoples minds.....but a young mother with a kids with a Tri-G diagnosis, now that makes sense.!

  24. Anonymous10:46 AM

    There's an excellent chance that, for the first time in 6 years, Sarah Palin will update her Trig speech with new material that she previewed on her subscriber-only website. No longer will Sarah be limited to putting words into Trig's mouth about how happy he was to meet her and how he wakes up every morning and applauds the day. She can now add how he's so disabled (hence, increasing her martydom) that he basically can't speak or eat and how he finally, at 6-1/2 years old, got himself to a speech therapist. And Cheerios!

    And about 99% of her audience will laugh and think she's so adorable and they'll completely miss the underlying theme of neglect.

    There is one truth that Sarah has always told about Trig's part in the Palin family:

    "he [Trig] teaches us so much more than we’ll ever be able to teach him [so why should we bother to try]."

  25. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The lies stream out of this smirking conscienceless peawit like a ticker tape.

    1. Suzy Q7:02 PM

      The lies stream out of this steaming pile of bull excrement, don't you mean?

  26. Anonymous10:53 AM

    "most of the time her job is to be political and this time she gets to talk about what is near and dear to her heart. (Wait, she has a job?)"

    WAIT!!! She has a HEART?!

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      She has Moose Heart.

      Stuffed and hanging on her wall.

    2. "Whatever"11:42 AM

      10:53 My thought exactly.

      If she does have one, the only thing "dear" to it is herself.

    3. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Palin has an evil heart and it probably pumps black blood throughout her veins!!!

  27. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Some women are in hardship situations when they have unplanned pregnancies. These women don't have cradle to grave free health care paid for be you & I. For one thing.

  28. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Palin never hesitates to put out her children for publicity for herself. Then, of course, she is oh so victimized when the public talks about those very same children that were pushed out for her publicity rounds.

  29. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Since when is being a caterwauling lying ankle biting grifter a job?

  30. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I like the sign she sits under.

    Bored of Governors

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      The sign she shits under:

      Bored of Governing

  31. Anonymous11:24 AM

    What ever happened to Eric Thompson? Has he been silenced? Anyone know?

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      He said he was going on vacation, to get out of the limelight and put his feet in the water and toes in the sand and have some beers somewhere warm, so I'd have to guess he's doing just that. I think his point was to silence himself and be done with this matter and just move on with his life, beginning with "getting the hell out of dodge" for a month or so.

  32. Anonymous11:30 AM

    That get up is not what I'd consider "presentable". A 1980's Michael Jackson leather coat with a sequined wife beater tank top? What not to wear.

  33. Anonymous11:30 AM

    When the lying sack of shit said we need to support both the mother and the father during these challenging times, I had to end t he screed right then and there.

    Sarah, Todd, and Bristol threw Levi to the curb and ran over him again and again and again. They made Levi's life, and his mother and sister's also, miserable.

    Support for the father ? Not in Sarah's family.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I absolutely hate Sarah for what she tried to do to Gryphen as much as I hate what she tried to do to Levi as a teen. Boy did she ever set him up in an evil way just so she could drop him right on his face and then nationally calling him "ricky Hollywood" and a "deadbeat dad". The Palins are experts at screwing up peoples' personal lives as much as they can. Abuse of power - they love to abuse other people and then probably sit around laughing about it. The gods know there's a special place in hell for those who do things like that - especially when Levi was a teen. He learned his lesson well & now has a happy family life. I just hope to live long enough to see the Palin KKKlan get what they deserve.

  34. Anonymous11:59 AM

    How resilient was Sarah during her second term as Governor Alaska? Same question about her first term?

    1. reasonably sane1:44 PM

      There never was a second term. She quit 2 1/2 years into her first term.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Hard to have a second term when you quit half way through your first.

    3. Anonymous1:40 AM

      Not to forget some of that 2 1/2 year term was spent campaigning to get the job the much more lucrative job of campaigning for the VP 'role'.

  35. Anonymous12:14 PM

    She looks like hillbilly trash. I don care where she got the jacket. The woman has NO taste or class.

  36. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Word sausage. Perfectly hilarious

  37. Anonymous12:28 PM

    MSNBC announced Sarah Palin is now on stage at the Values Summit with "red meat".. wtf?

    I notice she is dressing in suits. Is that part of an image make over?

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      I think they TOLD her not to come out looking like a hooker.

    2. Anonymous1:37 AM

      It was a 'Sweatshirt Hoodie, Not Optional' occasion. It was one of many conditions they made her sign if they agreed to let her show up. 'Sober & Coherent' was on their list too but looks like she might get docked for blowing that one.

      Also heard the guy who signed her contract scrawled, 'Bendy straws, my ass, lady. bring your own water cup too' after his name. So mean they are to her sometimes.

  38. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Huff Po has an article titled, "Sarah Palin Tries to Rescue Pat Roberts' Campaign". The people commenting are cutting her NO slack. The "drunken brawl" is mentioned constantly. This one will never die - no matter what the APD does or does not do about it.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      I hope the APD throws gas on the Palin's very own Beatdown at the Hoedown.

      No blood, no battery!

  39. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Ok, am just trying to figure out what the Life Choices Clinic management wanted Sarah to say at this gathering. Would they have wanted her to make suggestions, or talk about the supposed clinic in AK that made inroads in giving kids needed help, while she was Governor?

    Wouldn't they want to hear a heart-warming detailed description of the care that Trig needed, and instead of bragging about HER loving network and HER being blessed with helpful family, transfer those needs towards young men and women who don't have that network? Couldn't she have somehow spent time researching the LifeChoice clinic's resources, and summarize them to the reporter asking questions? That would be good for the cause of LifeChoice, wouldn't it, Sarah? But no, she talked mostly about herself.

    She talked about how these clients of LifeChoice are given options and healthy choices and that "everything works out" in her sing-songy voice. She says, how their "little world stops spinning" when they get the news of an unwanted pregnancy, yet she says they aren't alone. It's so narcissistic to hear Sarah say, "You're not the only one" and "a lot of other people have gone through it too". Talk about encouragement.

    Is that all she had to offer? Pull yerselves up by the bootstraps suckas and stop whining, I had to go through it.

  40. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I watched a little with the sound off of course. Her mouth looks weird. Also, too, I wouldn't want to puncture a Dollar Store flag pin on my leather jacket, which means it's not real leather, she's an idiot, or it's glued on.

  41. Anonymous1:11 PM

    It's obvious Sarah Palin does not know what colors highlight her appearance. Yellow is NOT one of them in that leather jacket she is wearing in the above photo. It washes her out!

  42. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Why can't she just say what she means? Let me help you articulate your one and only platform here Sarah. I claim to have had a choice in an unplanned pregnancy. You can have a choice as long as you make the same choice that I (supposedly) made. I support the people who will force that "choice" on you. You will thank us for it because we know what is best for you. All of this because, despite whatever circumstances you find yourself in and whether or not you even want to bear and raise a child, we know best. I have committed to ignoring any other possibilities. You may thank me now.

  43. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anonymous 12:54, what, are you criticizing her for not wearing real leather? If that's true, and it's doubtful, then that may be the ONLY compassionate things she's done her entire life. Let's applaud murdering humans for NOT wearing leather. There is nothing better or admirable about leather--it's violence and murder and the bloody sad soul of an innocent animals draped on your body.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Then we must as well applaud humans for not eating murdered animal meat?

  44. The dumbass smugzilla is in my territory smirking and doing her smartass mean girl act in DC today. And no one in that crowd with the desire or the gumption to ask Seditious Sarah some inconvenient questions. She got the W.H. address wrong too.
    Dumbass embarrassment to the human species and do proud of it too since she feels that she's still Teflon coated.
    M from MD

    1. Suzy Q7:19 PM

      Well, M from MD, what are we, the people, going to do about that Teflon-coated bitch?

  45. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Has anyone ever seen Palin "choppin' wood or cutting up a moose"? In an article on Salon that is why she said she rarely wears her wedding ring in Alaska.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Please. I DO chop wood, and I cut up caribou. Either can easily be done with a ring on. I don't care if she wears a ring, I would prefer that she wear a brain.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      In 30 messy years of raising children, gardening, wood chopping, working an a lab the only time I take off my rings is to knead bread.

  46. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I cant believe ANYONE would ask our sarah to speak about anything to anyone today. Where is that big house? better ducky and runny sarah......its gonna land on your evil bad witch ugly face. You be trash and #garbage. Go away nat. U B disgusting valley garbage. America does not need U, pos. get it. comprendo? dumbo. nor your pathetic garbage family

  47. reasonably sane1:49 PM

    I tell ya, with this leather fetish she seems to have, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she hooked herself out as a professional dominatrix to some old religious (naughty!) guys.... Her pimp usually by her side, needless to say.
    (JEZUS tells me you've been BAD and GOD wants me to PUNISH you!!)

  48. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Haven't read thru the comments yet but it's being reported that SP, during her Values Voter speech today, got the White House address wrong, saying "1400" instead of "1600".

    C'mon RAM. Get on your game. Try and do a better job of checking over the speech's Jason writes for her.

    Also, is it my imagination or is she wearing virtually the same jacket as yesterday with nothing more than a change of color? Blue today; yellow yesterday.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Whatever jacket it was it had bulging shoulder pads and then was real tight on her upper arm so they look like shoulder pads.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      She is wearing a dark colored leather jacket at the VV hoopla. It looked black to me.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      It's probably one of those you can turn inside out and it shows a different color. God I hate that wo(man).

    4. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Lol, them fake glasses she wears are forking up her vision!

      Should have gotten a non prescription prescription Sarah!

  49. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Gets white house address wrong. The place she think she belongs.

    1. reasonably sane2:07 PM


      'At least the country never has to worry about Sarah Palin setting foot in the White House. She doesn’t know where it is.'

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      lol was that in that article?

    3. reasonably sane3:01 PM

      Yes it was....cracked me up!

  50. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Best comment from huffpo article: "Don't you know who I am?" " We really don't care"...

  51. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "You reload with truth which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyway."

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      She does a whole spiel about being called racist, and mentions all the non-white people she can think of, including her husband, lol. At the end she says truth is an endangered species at that hotel or liquor store, but she is trying to say the the CIC/President of the USA is a racist. Doesn't come out too well, Ms palin.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Hey Sarah 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue is an 1 bath, 1bed, 513 sq. foot condo! so quit calling those poor home owners liars. What a twit.

  52. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Do you know WHERE I am? Here to bug the black guy at the white house but off by a few blocks at a hotel.

  53. Anonymous2:14 PM

    People were hardly responding, so at the end she asks them all to stand up, so it looks like some kind of standing ovation. Yep, she DEMANDS that they stand up.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Nuremberg Syndrome. I bet she has a tattoo of a swastika on her ass.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      That's an old trick of hers.....ends speeches by telling the audience not to let anyone tell them to sit down and shut up....or to stand up for freedom.

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Kinda like the equally deluded Kanye.

    4. Anonymous4:45 PM

      "I bet she has a tattoo of a swastika on her ass."

      Two things I would not especially like to see individually are even less enticing when paired together in precisely the manner you've described.

    5. Anonymous6:57 PM

      @ 4:45 Add framed by the hoedown thong for the Valley Trash Trifecta win!

  54. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Twitchey never sits still does she, always licking her lips, pulling on her jacket or top flailing her hands around and making those fists making fists apparently is a strong trait in that family. Maybe they are distraction techniques to cover for the nonsence that pours out of her maw or she is tweeking.

    And about that wedding ring I thought Bar Brawl posted a picture once showing Todd The Toothless giving Twitchey a new ring for her Birthday or Anniversary, you mean to tell me it was a cheap plain gold band? or a lie.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Nope, that replacement ring had a small stone in it so I guess that' also too at the bottom of Dead Lake Lucille also too.

  55. Anonymous2:22 PM

    If I am to understand her message ... which for the love of god is nearly impossible ... she is suggesting all conflicts and their resolutions could be eliminated if we just begin the process within ourselves. Hmmm ... sounds like a pretty humanistic proposition, but wait! It sounds a little like something she heard on Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers (not that I’m against the wonderful lessons taught on Sesame Street and certainly Mr. Rogers will always be my dearest friend) ... but ... if this is so and we should take courage in the adversity in our lives and apply the lessons learned from sullying forth ... then maybe Ms. Palin ought to take a good long look at her family. I see a dysfunctional group that responds to a slight with violence or the eye for an eye approach. I’ve yet to see a measured and mature response to adversity in this group of people. Sarah Palin, your pants are on fire!

  56. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Hat tip to another poster on that politicususa site "She wants to do her business at the Willard hotel(NW end) or at the local liquor store( SE end)" OMG the jokes just make themselves.....

  57. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I wanted to be there to hold up a "Hi, Sarah! I'm an IM reader! Big fan! XOXOXO." Subtle, but an unobnoxious way to show exactly how much I dislike her without calling her names or causing a stir, and would leave her wondering exactly *who* I'm a fan of.

    Apparently she had the police force tied up... or something did. A couple of bounty hunters brought someone into the station, and they had to wait 30 minutes outside to hand them over to the officers.

  58. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Wow, just saw Sarah at the Values hoopla on the Red's show. she is wearing the same leather jacket, only in black!

    Her hair is a mess. Wig is askew. She is all cutsy and of course has her prop - this time a styrofoam cup salute! Yep, she did that.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      opps - i.e. Rev Sharpton's show

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Ah a take off of the Big Gulp joke that was so nauseatingly bad. Spend some money Sarah and get a new writer by the way you are no good at comedy well intentional comedy at least however you are really good at unintentional comedy in that respect your always good for a laugh.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Willow was with Sarah, she needed to be with the warden. Can you imagine if Willow was alone, the next stalker she might find?

      Btw, what happened to Peter P.W. Ferrero? Why won't the Alaskan media report on the last Willow/Bristol/Tripp stalker?

      I can understand why Sarah would keep Willow with her. Too bad she can't get her to do some work and help those poor wigs.

      Who is watching Bristol? Todd?

      Good news for Junker. He is getting his life back together after his near death experience.

    4. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Anon 317, why are you a freak who rambles on about weird things?

    5. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Anonymous10:23 PM

      Anon 317, why are you a freak who rambles on about weird things?
      Hi wallows!

  59. Beldar J Conehead, Speed Racer (ret)2:48 PM

    Gryphen, as you know, I'm trying to sell my 1987 Dodge Caravan customized minivan with the classic 1978 3.3liter Porsche 930 turbo flat six racing engine. This is an awesome vehicle that goes 0-60 in 3.4 seconds and can still handle full sheets of 4x8 plywood. You can take the kids to soccer and turn sub-10 second quarter miles at the strip. Most versatile car you've ever seen. No one else on the road has a car like this. It's distinctive in every way, from its snowflake pattern magnesium cast wheels and 24" wide tires to its haunting turbo howl when running flat out at 14,000 rpm. My only regret is the baby vomit yellow-green paint with the peeling faux wood finish contact paper side panels. Truly an incredibly hideous looking car. After six months on Craigslist without a nibble, I'm ready to try something else. Perhaps one of your libtard blog buddies would take this piece of automotive garbage off my hands. Priced to sell at $37,500, firm. I'll throw in a non-working, but cosmetically perfect 8-track tape player, because I'm feeling generous today.

    While I wait for the offers to pour in, here's some shit trolls say.

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, traitors, malcontents, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, inept ones, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, have juvenile mentalities, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She who must not be named
    - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    In Non-Opposite World, she
    - is divisive, mean-spirited, washed-up, thin-skinned, pugnacious, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, totally twitastic and insanely facebookeriffic, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, mercenary, self-absorbed, classless, reckless, garish, foolish, inarticulate, embarrrassing, shameless, cynical, obsessed, shallow, skanky, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, unprepared, sour, counterproductive

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, sad little man, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    IM blog
    - is a cesspool, a meaningless void, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still racked up 24.5 million page views)

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    * * * * * ** *** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** *
    * * * * * * ** ** ** **** *** ** ** **

    Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept NO Substitute!

    1. Caroll Thompson4:10 PM

      Your first paragraphs Beldar always have a message. Either that or i am drunk. i have had a couple of cocktails here on this Friday night. But i am not getting into any fights; verbal or physical, so i guess i am doing okay.

      You see, It was all an experiment. I had to toast a few to see if i would get have any violent tendencies. No such luck. My thoughts go to a deep slumber thinking about the weather tomorrow. it's going to be 80 degrees in the State of Maine tomorrow and Sunday and it's almost October.

      Things are changing Mr. Conehead.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Dude! You you got good taste in wheels!

    3. @CPT
      I would very much like to believe that all of my first paragraphs are deeply profound AND that you are pacifically drunk while remaining hangover free. So far, late summer/early autumn has been meteorologically awesome. Can an apocalyptic winter be far behind?

      $37,500, it's all yours, dude!

    4. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Speaking as someone who had the misfortune to own a 1987 Caravan with contact-paper side panels (long story, don't ask), you have outdone yourself, Sir BJC.

      PS. I would suggest you talk to the Smithsonian but regret to report that somebody beat you to it.

  60. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Rebecca rebecca rebecca put the bag of cookies down and do some proofreading!

  61. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Super Chicken Chirps at Bible Thumper Circlejerk

  62. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Let's keep the fun of mocking this sub normal family, yes they are stupid low life fools but amusing to poke fun at. Bristol and Sarah can write childrens books such as.

    The Bummer In The Hummer. Where to hide when fists fly.

    Toothless Todd. Adventures which lead to a visit at the dentist.

    Don't Play In The Street. Instead play on an airstrip

    My Middle Finger. How to express yourself with body parts.

    I'm sure there are more.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      "The magically reoccurring Hymen" "Re-virginatization for Dumbies"

  63. Cracklin Charlie3:41 PM

    Did the Palin really wear a leather jacket in Joplin yesterday?

    Temperature in Missouri yesterday was very near 90 degrees. Those folks in Joplin must have been wondering what that Dog-awful smell was. Ewwww.

    What a very strange bird she is!

  64. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Oh,the Summit speech is another new low! Check out the clip on politicususa. She gets the address of the White House wrong! And accuses President Obama of being a racist.

  65. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Don't want a fish picker born at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave.

  66. Anonymous @ 10:33-

    When you say "yellow" makes Palin look "sallow and hungover"...please to remember: you can replace "yellow" with green, blue, red, white, brown, aqua, cerulean, taupe, puce, and oxygen.

  67. Suzy Q4:40 PM

    Projection much, Sarah? If I didn't know better I would say that you just described a Republican. Keep it up, hon, you can only milk this for another two years and then you will be cast into the dustbin of history, if not before.

  68. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Palin won't ever be anything more than an F-List celebrity and she will always be on the worst dressed list. She dresses like she's in the show/movie Trailer Park Boys.

  69. Anonymous6:04 PM

    For the love of humanity.......1400 P Avenue?!

    Smarter than a fifth grader.

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      She's written and said the correct address before.

      Critics have no lives and love exaggeration

  70. Suzy Q7:33 PM

    Maybe she's admitting that she's a coward with that yellow colored jacket?

  71. detroitsam8:50 PM

    Well, Sarah is the only woman in America who has a child with Down Syndrome. Maybe in the whole world.

  72. My dentist offers nitrous oxide when I undergo plaque scaling. Seems to me that putting on that mask and breathing DEEPLY would make listening to $arah distinctly less painful.

    In my experiences, nitrous oxide does not make me high, but I'm much more relaxed and receptive to whatever the dental professional has in mind. After all, I can always read the transcript of $arah's remarks later: Much less painful than hearing her screech in real time!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.