Monday, September 08, 2014

In recent video chat with Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty Sarah Palin finally admits what we have known all along.

Courtesy of the brilliant Bob Cesca:  

Robertson tells Palin that if we put our faith in Jesus, God will “get you off the planet Earth alive.” Where in the Bible does God say we’re getting off the Earth while still alive? What the hell is that? He continues by mentioning the golden rule, which isn’t all that bad, I suppose. But then Palin responds by saying: 

"And for simple-minded people like me, that’s what I crave. That’s what I want to know, that’s what I’m supposed to know. That’s the majority of people. It’s simple."

Seriously how long have I been telling people this very thing?

And all I get are  Palin apologists saying I am attacking her, or that I am jealous of her, or that I ma spreading lies about her.

Well now you have it straight from the whore's horse's mouth.

Cesca does a great job with this whole thing and I urge you to read his entire post, however I did want to share with you this incredibly clumsy edit attempting to clean up something Robertson said about the three races that God supposedly created.  

Palin launches into the boilerplate fundamentalist notion that all natural resources including “the animals we eat” are placed here by God for “the betterment of man.” This of course is the chief excuse for utterly raping the environment, but instead of giving us his take on Palin’s “sustainability” bit, Robertson jumps into a speech about political correctness. 

ROBERTSON: My sociology professor, uh, he alerted all of us that there were three, according to them — the experts — the people who had studied it, there were three races– [AWKWARDLY OBVIOUS EDIT] –there was one race of people on this Earth, it’s called the human race. 

PALIN: Amen. 

ROBERTSON: We’re all made in the image of God. 

Now what could Robertson possibly have said that would have horrified the Palin video editor enough to make them cut it out entirely?

I ma so glad that Bob Cesca exists to download these long meandering videos and but them up into barely digestible morsels of madness. 

He is undertaking a herculean task for the betterment of mankind.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    "The division," $arah?!? And just WHOM is responsible for raising it to fever pitch, hmmmmmmm?

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Oh fuck off, Robertson. Everyone knows that God was created in man's image: it's the only way to explain all the imperfections of so-called divinity.

  3. Sarah, a simple-minded person?
    Truer words were never spoken!

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      goes for all the white trash palin's/heath's

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    More importantly, Gryphen- what of the edited, presumably toxic commentary did Sarah say "Amen" to?

    She was in harmony with this racist and I wish that had been exposed.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Good point!

    2. Ailsa2:14 PM

      I'm guessing he was talking about the history of polygenists who thought there were 3 or more distinct human races who had different origins.

      I'm only acquainted with 18th century philosophers and scientists - Hume, Voltaire, and Cuvier all of whom believed there were three races, white, yellow and black.

      As far as I know, of these three men, only Cuvier ranked the races. No prize for guessing which one was superior.

  5. ""And for simple-minded people like me.."

    This reminds me of a little ditty my mother-in-law first heard in her college days in the '30s. She remembered it every time she drove by the town water tower which the town officials for some reason thought would look good painted to look like a giant yellow smiley face hovering over the town.

    "See the happy moron,
    doesn't give a damn-
    I wish I were a moron,
    my God, perhaps I am!"

  6. ROBERTSON: Blah, blah, blah.
    PALIN: Amen.
    ROBERTSON: We’re all made in the image of God.

    (And the Lord spake thusly: "Shit.")

    Of all the reasons to consider atheism, this has got to be at the top of the list.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      People like them would turn God into an Atheist!
      M from MD

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Simple Sarah thinks everyone around her is as simple as she is.

    Look up Dunning-Kruger effect - too stupid to know that you are stupid!

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What a perfect prelude to my venture into vegetarianism. The older I get, the worse I feel about how animals for food are mistreated in our world. I do not believe any loving god who created creatures would want them penned, drugged and slaughtered so horrifically.
    Thanks for this post. I was just cooking two dinners, as my teenaged boys do not want to be vegetarians, so it is turning out to be a lot of work for a working mom, until I get a handle on balancing all the proteins and stuff.
    And so, also, too Sarah is admitting to Rapture readiness? We need the world to blow up before that, right Scarah.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      As the mom of two vegetarians with other carnivores in the family I suggest just keeping the meat separate- pasta with meatballs on the side, tacos with meat to add if you want, pizza half cheese only. After a while it's routine.

  9. Anonymous1:16 PM

    And this is exactly what Robertson is advocating, so Sarah must be on board since she likes to suck duck cock.

    ‘Christian’ Pastor Calls for Genocide of All Muslims

  10. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The division.
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin you are known for spewing division and hate.

    That's why you will never be a political leader.You are known as a leader of the simple minded, ignorant and uneducated who are easy pickings for your scams.

    The majority of those who gave you money has woken up and realized they're getting notthing in return and has stopped from getting fleeced.

    The others who still open their purses, wallets, piggy banks and checking accounts, well the fool and his money are soon parted because they have given to The Sarah Palin Trust Fund, Alaska Fund Trust, the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund, SarahPAC, the Sarah Palin Channel, bought Sarah Palin books, paid to hear her ghost written speeches and the other grifting scams.

    The only people getting rich is Sarah Palin on the first tier, people on her second and third tiers who has made a career from those of you that has given and still foolishly give.

    When will all these Sarah Palin shenanigans end? When it cost Sarah Palin more to run them than what money comes in and what little money she makes.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      That's not true. Sarah Palin is a caring giving person. Sarah Palin has given more money than what she has taken in.
      - Louise Sarah

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      she's the ring leader of the proudly ignorant of this country.

  11. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I mentioned this on another post, but it's worth going to watch the video if only to see Sarah sit there QUIETLY while Robertson talks.

    I believe she had to agree NOT TO BUTT IN while he spoke. You can see a bit of it in these clips. In the video you can see she is straining not to say something.

    Funny to watch as it appears someone has more power than Sarah and gets to call all the shots. Not the same as when she dictates just what she wants in order to appear. Bendy straws, not recording after 3 minutes, payme, payme, payme.

    Clearly Robertson is THE STAR and Sarah is just a minion.

    She must have really wanted and needed his fame to tolerate the "stay in your place rule" literally and figuratively.

    She's a failure and these videos prove she needs to glom onto a FAMOUS person's fame in order to get the attention (and money) her brand needs.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Bitch was high, as usual. She probably momentarily forgot how to form words. I mean, she's 50 years old and still hasn't mastered the art of forming a coherent sentence, so I could believe it.

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      I was wondering why she was squirming around like she had wet her pants....

    3. Anonymous3:25 PM

      But she doesn't know how to have conversation. All she can do is grunt every once in a while and clench her fist(s).

    4. Anonymous4:47 PM

      They're both kind of in the shitter celebrity-wise, so I think they need each other. I believe that Phil, being the dominant christian male, made it clear that the little lady was to be seen, and not heard. Being such a good christian woman, Mrs. Palin had to obey him. That christian subservience is a bitch sometimes, right Sarah?

  12. Ailsa2:16 PM

    I see Sadie Robertson - Phil's granddaughter - will be on Dancing with the Stars starting next week.

    No further comment.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      Good to know! DWTS contestant rule number 7, get at least one rwnj or someone related to one, on every season. Let me guess, Mark Ballas is the prom date?

    2. I think that's right about Mark. Then when she gets voted off for no talent, they can whine about haters and liberals and white conservative women being picked on. Boo hoo.

  13. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Does Sarah Palin know what the "Golden Rule" is? Because she sure never practices it.

  14. Anonymous2:24 PM

    John McCain, if there were do overs would you pick simple-minded Sarah Palin as your vice-president smuck?

    Trolls don't get mad at me, I'm just repeating what the mother of those smart Palin kids said.

  15. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I am hoping she loses. Losers deserve to lose. She is sooo much like Palin. Big mouth spouting bullshit, shit stirrer, legend in her own mind, faker, all stink, no pigs.

  16. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I love how these fuckers try to pretend they're not racist, and that they need to explain to US that "there's only one race, the human race." We've been trying to explain that to the dipshit right wing for decades. There is so much stupid between these 2 douchebags I'm surprised a black hole didn't form and swallow them. Two lying, grifting, ignorant, fake-ass idiots who deserve each other.

  17. Archduke Beldar J Conehead, Astro-Hungarian Empire (ret.)2:41 PM

    Gryphen, as you know, my big plans to get rich off of have not panned out as I'd hoped and I'll ask you not to say "I told you so". Now I feel a little silly for coming up with 5 years worth of "word of the day" entries! What was I thinking? No one wants to read this crap and no one ever will!

    While I come up with the Next Big Idea, here's some gibberish the trolls say:

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, a waste of space, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    "She", (who must not be named),
    - is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesn't live in reality, doesnt know her, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept no Substitute!

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Maybe one day youll believe the truth "trolls" write.

      Until then, please, continue proving Sarah right and wallow in your immaturity.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      ooooooohhhhhhhh, Beldar!

      Good Troll Bad Troll War!

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      2:53 you've never written anything that even resembles truth. That's the problem. I think you have fallen off of your bridge on your pointy little head one too many times. Why are you so jealous of Beldar?

    4. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

      Sorry, Beldar, this one's below the legal size, gotta toss it back, but nice catch! No one wiggles troll bait like Beldar, NO ONE!!!!

  18. Anonymous2:46 PM

    In the bottom pic I believe mr. Duck is showing palin the size of his manhood so naturally she says, AMEN! (Not as big as Glenn Rice, right sawah). The blind leading the blind. Pitiful, and to believe people actually listen to these misfits. Oy

    1. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

      She needs stronger bifocals, just sayin'. Swamp guy talks about his college sociology professor, what college professor has Sarah ever mentioned?

  19. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Dude, Gryphen, are you high? Sarah's ALWAYS said she's a small town, simple woman who needs nothing but the essentials, passion, family, and love.

    If you said that too, goodie for you for listening to her.

    But that is not why you're "attacked."

    You are "Attacked" because you've told huge lies about her, her kids, and made weird assumptions based on nothing but your imagination. You cannot even name her 5 closest friends she's known for 30 years.

    And im not talking about the elite 6 friends she shares with Brittas mom.

    THAT is why people call you out, because you are uncaring, tactless, and you lie.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Oh go fuck yourself.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      "People" don't call Gryphen out, you do, masquerading as "people". So please, "people", please name 2 or 3 of those "huge lies" and tell us (with credible proof/references of course) what the real truth is.

    3. Dude, the only one doing any "calling out" is you! Try to stay on topic, you idiot.
      I cannot imagine why you post these rambling, crazy, off-topic, incoherent posts unless you are being paid ... otherwise, you are a fucking loon! Or a Heath/Palin. Or both.

    4. Anonymous4:33 PM


      Now think about this for a second, why would a "small town simpleton" as you, and Sarah herself, have described her have a group of friends that are called the "elite 6". That is just fucking weird, I mean, hubris anyone? Mrs. Simpleton rails AGAINST the elite at any chance she gets, and is the de-facto queen of the uneducated and unemployed, so why, pray tell would she call her friends the "elite 6".

    5. Anonymous4:40 PM

      2:48 you forgot minded, simple minded. How can you misquote your idol like that?
      YOU name all of her friends. Snort! You can't.
      Why are you sooo jealous of Gryph? You're the one that comes here and attacks everybody. You are the biggest liar. You are really hard up for a little attention. Poor baby.

    6. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Hey jealous troll, Sarah proclaims to be valley trash. You left that out also, too.

    7. Anonymous9:02 PM

      5 closest friends, 6 friends shares with Britta = cult

    8. Anonymous7:00 PM

      half the tea party is on the dole, and their crazy as hell with no organization and clearly don't know what their doing lol

  20. Anonymous2:53 PM

    We also call you out because you honor and hold up slanderous books and defend the authors. You admitted Levi's book was filled with lies, yet he's defendable (go figure. you'd think because he completely altered his entire life to appear better that you'd call him out)

    you defend Mercede who is a known liar, trash talker who's lost friends, and former blogger of lies that lost her her best friend she was she confronted over the large amount of lies.

    You coddling of certain people doesnt help their emotional makeup. It boosts their ego in a bad way. It prevents them from taking responsibility for their lies and shitty behavior.

    All you had to do was ignore them and let them sort out their lives and past bad decisions.

    I GUARANTEE things would have gone much easier for Levi without liberals manpilalting and lying for him. Tank is stupid, yes. but to date, I doubt Levi knows the Cowans ruined him. Though I doubt "his" book will be touches again.

    And dont' get me started on how liberals manipulate Sunny, a drama queen who has nothing to do with any of it.

    THANK GOD Bristol is a great mom and Tripp knows she is.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      'Though I doubt "his" book will be touches again.'
      What, in the name of jeebus r u tryin' to say?

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      "Tripp knows" Bristol is a great mom? He's a child you stupid fucking cow.

    3. Caroll Thompson4:30 PM

      Please take an English class 2:53. I can guarantee that you will benefit greatly from learning to write a well-turned phrase. I would also like to point out, in the most helpful of hints, that there is a little something called the spell checker that might assist you in your attempt to communicate with the Big IM and the IMer's.

      Sounds like it was a bad day in mediation Bristol. Have a cup of tea and take a nice hot bath. You will feel much better. And of course, a good night of sleep will do wonders for your disposition.

    4. Anonymous4:30 PM

      So true, not many Moms teach their little kid to say "fuck" and "faggot" and ask them to call their latest bed partner "Daddy". Not many Moms take their child 4000 miles away for 6 months without discussing it with the bio-Dad. Not many Moms give their child unfettered access to sweets, so much that the child poses in photos with mounds of candy!

      You are right, she's a "great" mom, indeed ;-)

    5. Anonymous4:50 PM

      We? Who's we? Do you have a turd in your pocket?
      Why are you sooo jealous of Sadie and Sunny, stalker?
      Read what you just wrote. Calling everybody names and judging people you don't know. Hypocrite!
      When are you going to take responsibility for YOUR lies and shitty behavior?
      You can't guarantee anybody a god damn thing.
      "His book will be touches again?" Huh? Get back to your own blog, www.dopesrus.

    6. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Troll is having a breakdown in public. Buahahahaha

    7. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I wonder why the troll keeps coming back to IM to post and run. When defeated by logic and good grammar, s/he never returns to engage as s/he would if really invested in the argument. I'm guessing it's pay-per-post or in the case of the wordy entry above, pay-per-character.

    8. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Give it a rest already. That your medication and step away from the computer.

    9. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Oh my goodness. The green-eyed jealous troll is losing it lol. Whatcha gonna do about it troll? lol

    10. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

      2:53 makes me laugh. She's so jealous of Mercede and Sunny, she's stewing in her own juices. Have you tried getting your pipes cleaned?, Christian Mingle, or even Craig's list have tons of guys ready willing and able. Don't worry, Bristol, just use a fake name.

    11. "manpilalting"?

      Okay. Sure.

    12. Anonymous7:00 PM

      and republicans are better how? lol both sides let us down and betrayed us..everyone knows that

  21. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Plain seems to think that God will cure Track's PRSD, as if it was a disease. She must be waiting for God to heal Trig, too.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Trig has Sarah's prayer warriors. It's been 6 years, he must be cured by now.

      Unless Sarah's cult is defunct.

  22. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Odd thoughts: First time I've ever seen her w/o a phone in her claw. What's with the pencils she's clutching? In certain places it sounds like she's slurring.
    She's one urpy thing.

  23. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Sarah thinks that God will cure Track's PTSD. Maybe she thinks that God will cure Trig, too.

  24. Anonymous3:26 PM

    These 2 sitting there in their money-grubbing getups.

  25. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Notice how she leans "just so" into the camera so we can see her bra. She's so good at those sexual things.

    Myself, I never would have thought to do that. And if I'd known it was happening I'd be horrified at my inappropriate reveal.

    For Sarah, showing and teasing is all part of the daily game plan.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      you could tell she was real drunk in her last speech and is starting to need botox again lol

  26. Caroll Thompson3:38 PM

    These two clowns are two of the most divisive in the Country. Yes, they love everyone, except they hate gays, the President, Democrats, single ladies over 16 (in Phil's case), blacks, muslims, hindus, buddhists, jews and anyone who is not their brand of phony christianity, atheists, RINOs, Levi Johnston (in Sarah's case), this blog and its owner as well as a long list of other people who have the good sense to disagree with Sarah Palin.

    Sarah can say whatever she wants. However the sheer hatred she feels for most of us is wearing on her and making her look much older than her years. Yes indeed, hate is aging Sarah Palin right before our eyes. And all the plastic surgery and botox in the world can't fix that.

    And for the record, no one dies when they die.

    “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

    ― Albert Einstein

    If you want to know more about life and the origins of life and the endless and infinite dimensions of life, don't study the bible, study mathematics. Mathematics is the key to unlocking all the secrets to our existence. And that is anything but simple (so sorry Sarah).

    We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.

    [Address at Rice University, September 12 1962]”

    ― John F. Kennedy

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Why isn't it enough for these people to simply know that when the chemical reactions that create life within our bundle of cells stop, when our carcass rots or is burned to ash, that the atoms that were the basic building blocks of our cells will remain as part of earth forever. That is immortality, granted our conscience does not remain, and we've no way of knowing where and how our atoms might be employed but one thing we know is that they will hang around forever, even, in 4 billion years when earth is swallowed by our red giant Sun our atoms will go on. Even when the sun is in its death throes and becomes a white dwarf, our atoms will still be around, somewhere in this solar system, somewhere in this galaxy, somewhere in this universe. To me that is much more amazing than a fable about some cloud palace and a bearded old man in the sky.

  27. Sally Rand3:38 PM

    Word of the day: defunct.

  28. Anonymous3:50 PM

    A drug addict and adulterer finds a mythical god and is changed... No, he's just using religion to fill his pockets.

  29. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Holy Bat Shit! They are straight-up crazy! This video pretty much sums up the end of any political career she thought in her deluded mind she was still capable of prosecuting. This is the Real Sarah Palin in all her racist glory! Don’t plan on seeing this video online for much longer.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      she and ted cruz is really the nuttiest one..he wants to get an amendment to legally have inequality for lgbt people..makes u wonder how far that will go lol..right republicans say there for less government unless it to try to do more inequality fights against them that is losing and wasting more of our taxpayer money. they have wasted billions so far, and are mixed up with hate groups and the elite corporates as well as the fundamentalist extremists like nut case phil Robertson and the rest of his fundamentalist so called minister whack job family on DD show that is doomed

  30. Poor Sarah. She is now so out of it she has to wear clothes with her name on them so she can remember who she is.

    1. Yes, but it doesn't work, because when she looks down at her name it is upside down, and if she looks in a mirror it is backwards. What's a moron to do?

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      They put her name on the apron in case she ever pulls her head out of her ass and needs to know who she is. Very unlikely to happen but just in case.

  31. No Sarah, the 'majority' of people are not simple minded lemmings like you. The majority have an education, can think for themselves, and don;t need some Master's Degreed idiot dressed like a hillbilly to tell them what to believe.

  32. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Is this the month the custody hearing for her grandson begins?

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Monday the 8th of Sept was a a settlement conference.

  33. Listen to those two 'conversate'. Sound familiar? You can hear that exact conversation verbatim in just about any tavern in America within an hour or two of closing time.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

      Ah, they're in a swamp, just break out the booze and drugs and watch the submarine race! This way, no one sees them out in public steuping their brains out.

  34. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

    Put your faith in two beards sitting in a swamp contemplating the Bible and sociology. It was "a breath of fresh air" to hear Sarah say the truth for once "The simple minded, like ME!" Next time, just shorten it to "The stupid". "Amen"

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Who is their set director? Was that old Phil's idea to have Sarah look like she is taking a dump with him? Does she always do those hand jobs when taking a shit? The "amen" is a great touch.

      Old Phil was pretty sharp with his TV show appeal so he must know there is an audience out there who wants so see Sarah take a dump. Good for her to use the edited version to attract fans to her already defunct blog. She may find 2 or 3 more suckers to pay the $9.95.

  35. PalinsHoax6:07 PM

    At first glance it looks like the Ol' Hunchbacked One is palling around with a member of the long bearded Taliban - Christian Taliban.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      you got that right old phil is a fundamentalist they have extremists views that are dangerous they want to have a do away with the constitution that is their goal

  36. Anonymous6:59 PM

    DWTS Sadie Robertson is the adopted granddaughter of that old fucker with the gray beard.

    Do you think Grandpa Phil told DWTS Sadie not to dry hump on the dance floor for the world to see like Sarah Palin's nasty daughter Bristol? Do you think grandpa told Sadie not to bring home any babies?

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Bristol Palin should teach Sadie how to ballroom dance since Bristol is an DWTS All-Star ballroom dancer with two seasons under her gut.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Anon 7:07 you overlooked Bristol Palin's ballroom expertise. Bristol was not only a DWTS All-Star, Bristol was a DWTS finalist. I'm upset they didn't offer Bristol a pro dancing job.

    3. Remember when most of the cast was hired to dance in Vegas the year Bristol was on? Her buddy at the time Massey went. Bristol didn't. Let's see, I think that was the year of the tight across the swelling belly military costume. Wonder why the talented Bristol wasn't asked to participate? Hmmmm.

  37. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "That’s precisely what Palin did, providing us all with an exclusive chitchat between two reality show B-listers, Robertson and Palin, via the SarahPAC political action committee and Palin’s Facebook page."
    Would someone please explain to me how she gets away with a PAC, when discussing religion?

    How does a D rated reality star get to keep a PAC? She hasn't held office or run for anything since 2009, how come the FEC hasn't shut this scam down?

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Even is she did run for office she couldn't use her PAC money for her own campaign, her PAC dollars can ONLY be spent on other candidates' campaigns. It can fund her own consultants and travel and all other non-campaign expenses related to her.

    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      You are all haters. We gave SarahPac money for Sarah to do whatever she wants to do with it. Don't take our guns, religion and the money we gave Sarah.

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Stop crying.

    4. Anonymous9:45 PM

      9:00- please, you do a terrible job of pretending to be the troll. Terrible!

    5. Anonymous7:09 PM

      if people were stupid enough to vote her in office you know she would get too stressed and quit halfway through her term just like when she was governor of Alaska lol

  38. Anonymous9:09 PM

    If Phil Robertson is so wise then why can't he see through Sarah Palin's scams. How can she call herself a Christian and how can he have an alliance with her and consider himself a Christian?

    1. They are both pseudo-Christian scammers. Two birds of a feather. In it for the cash.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      exactly right..that's why old phil is a minister he wants that tax exempt status to have millions on his ridiculous rants in his church sermons around the country not to pay taxes on his millions

  39. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Typical con. A persistent narrative in evangelical churches is to refer to the “experts” or “professors” in this weird way and it is usually in a passive aggressive construction. But Mr. Duck’s sociology professor takes the cake. It must have happened in a dark hole like Liberty University or some other "Christian university” where racists like Mr. Duck send their kids.

  40. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I know it's just a costume or his brand, but he is gross. That beard is disgusting. Two very stupid losers together. I can't believe anyone supports people like this.

  41. Anonymous11:26 PM

    So Phil we're human beings? Is Todd a human being? There's a woman, Shailey Tripp, who has passed lie detector tests and has proof that Todd was her pimp. Shailey can even describe Todd's penis.

    Phil we're all human beings. Phil is Sarah Palin a human being for looking down her nose at Shailey Tripp while pretending her husband was not Shailey's pimp and did not have sex with her? What did Todd do with his pimping money? Did he buy milk and cereal for his kids? Did Todd give the money he made off of Shailey 's back to Sarah so she can pay the light and gas bills? No Phil the Palins are not human beings.

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Todd had Shailey Tripp give hundreds of dollars to a campaign. Was that money Shailey earned? Why didn't Todd donate his money to the campaign? What other funny money deals was he involved with?

      Did Todd have his friend in the Secret Service, David Cheney, donate to a campaign or other funny business? What other shadow business was going on with the shadow governor and spouse of a VP campaigner? When will the people have answers?

      There are too many questions, we can't ask them all at once.

  42. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I'm the mother of a combat vet."...
    -Sarah Palin

    The retard still thinks she's a combat vet. Sarah wants her followers to think she's the mother of a combat vet. I thought Immoral Minority debunked that shit?

  43. Anonymous7:00 AM

    There's more to read than what's shown above.

  44. Anonymous7:34 AM

    "Someday, we may be back there," she whispers — "having dinner with another president.".....

    Ohhhh how sweet. Sarah is still dreaming about going to the White House.


  45. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Some comments from above post

    James Cabrera Ramos
    10 minutes ago

    This is a good example... don't use drugs

    11 minutes ago

    Ms. Palin is a very uninformed individual who should have never been picked by John McCain as a running mate. She doesn't have the knowledge to spout off the hatred she does. I wish she would not try to stir up uniformed hatred on things she has no idea about. Time for her to bow out or just admit she is an entertainer trying to make a buck. I would have no problem with that as long as she runs a disclaimer saying commenter has no idea what she's talking about

    _SF- EP_
    2 minutes ago

    On the political front, Sarah Palin has nothing and knows nothing other than she is a right wing Tea Party politician! I don't even find her sexually attractive like most sexual predators and perverts do, because there is where she draws most all of her attention from. She is not hot or attractive, she is just what she is! A Political Witch! and nothing more.

    6 minutes ago

    Ms. Palin is a very uninformed individual who should have never been picked by John McCain as a running mate. She doesn't have the knowledge to spout off the hatred she does. I wish she would not try to stir up uniformed hatred on things she has no idea about. Time for her to bow out or just admit she is an entertainer trying to make a buck. I would have no problem with that as long as she runs a disclaimer saying commenter has no idea what she's talking about

  46. Anonymous7:59 AM

    All these years of abandoning and nneglecting Trig now Sarah wants to show her people that she cares for Trig. Trig is not buying, Trig doesn't even know who Sarah is. Sarah is just the lady who shows up for photo and video ops.

    And in my favorite video, "Mom-in-Chief," Palin tries to interest Trig in "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish"; he slaps the book away and watches "SpongeBob" instead. Palin tries to convince her son to count and to identify the color of her fleece; he'd rather tap at his DVD player. This goes on for seven uneventful minutes: Palin tries to show us that she can mother the boy; Trig only occasionally responds.

  47. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Track Palin discharge papers (Menard)

    Is everything Sarah says about Track Palin a lie? Who is the real Track Palin? It is time that fraud comes to an end. Next thing you know Track will be used to send young men into a fake war to be maimed or killed.

  48. Anonymous1:03 PM

    BBQ in Sarah’s back yard. On the pot with Duck Commander. SARAHPAC Posted on September 04, 2014

    TRIG: Sarah Palin to visit Joplin to speak at fundraiser: talk about her experience having a child with disabilities. Last year, the event drew more than 1,500 people for a dinner, with a waiting list of people who wanted to attend.

    Lynda Armstrong September 7 PTSD
    I arrived a little early and found the person I needed to find. I can tell you I had butterflies dive-bombing in my stomach. In a few minutes I would see the lady who lives under the great North Star - the lady we call, "Sarah."

    TRACK PTSD Christ Heals Better Than Pills, Counselling: Sarah Palin

  49. Anonymous1:41 PM

    " "Mom-in-Chief," Palin tries to interest Trig in "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish"; he slaps the book away and watches "SpongeBob" instead. "

    That is 10000x more sick now we know that she knew he had no therapy and she was only acting to get more money from cult and cult worshipers that would fall for her hoax.

    It is a crime to use a child, any child in the was she is demonstrating that she does. You don't pretend with a child's health and abilities that way. No genuine mother would do that.

  50. Anonymous6:53 PM

    she is..her and ted cruz, rick sanctimonious santorum, michelle backman and rest of the tea party are like 18% popular and falling..they don't have a plan, and are very unorganized and sarah palin quit halfway through her term as governor and went to 5 colleges in 5 years..very unstable lol..sounded real drunk in her last speech too lol

  51. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I cant wait till that disgustingly stupid restarted duck dynasty ends and the truth comes out about phil Robertson and his cons to people that think he is for real


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