Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Realizing that she is falling behind in her "attack the President over nothing" quota, Sarah Palin goes for the jugular over a Styrofoam cup and a fumbled salute. Oh the humanity!

What you are seeing is the President of these United States buttoning his coat with one hand and then trying to return the salute of the Marines posted by his helicopter, without stopping to put his cup of tea down first.

Which in this country is clearly an impeachable offense.

Well as least according to several REAL Americans tweeted as reported by the Daily Mail:

President Barack Obama saluted a pair of United States Marines on Tuesday while holding what appeared to be a styrofoam cup in his saluting hand, a breach of military regulations that won't win him fans among veterans and servicemen. 

Obama is known for drinking tea, not coffee, when he travels, especially before delivering speeches. 

His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, and not because his environmentally taboo drinkware clashed with the green-policy speech he was on his way to deliver at a UN Climate Summit. 

Yes how can the man who is right now coordinating an attack overseas against ISIL while battling the many domestic problems at home, NOT understand that the most important thing to remember is to  NEVER use an environmentally unfriendly coffee cup, but if he must to toss it to the ground in order to return a salute from any military personnel.?

And he dares to call himself the Commander-in-Chief.

Well this did not escape the notice of "she who perches in anticipation" and Palin immediately sprang into action to post that Daily Mail new links while adding this biting criticism:  

U.S. Armed Forces, our apologies.

Wait. That's...that's it?

No attacks on the President's manhood? No calls for impeachment? Not even a mention of Track's warrior body?


Could it be that the Wasilla Wendigo is distracted?

Why yes she is.

As it turns out Palin is right now preparing to give her speech at the Values Voter Summit.

In fact if you click the link up above you can watch her behind the scenes (For free!) as she prepares for her speech, discusses her red, white, and blue toenails ("I love'em!"), her spangly wrist bracelet ("This is the symbol for death to tyranny,  the crossbones and skull. Jesus, my fav! I love this!"), and hugs T.W. Shannon (He's a black guy!), Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, before taking the stage at Tulsa.

Fortunately the video cuts out right after she screeches how happy she is to be there. But if you listen carefully you can already hear dogs all over Oklahoma screaming in agony.

Personally I am a little disappointed that Palin is so off her game that she can not launch a barely coherent attack against the President, while also babbling like an idiot in front of a bunch of Evangelical disphits.

It's like she is not even trying anymore.

I think I'm going to blame the drunken brawl.

Update: As others have pointed out it appears that this video featuring behind the scenes at the Values Voter speech is actually from an entirely different rally. So I really have no idea why she posted it.

Update 2: Okay, okay. Since so many of you are sending this to me let me just post it.

 Yes clearly Obama is not the only one to fumble a salute of two.

Of course I would like to point out that Barnie IS biodegradable, unlike that planet destroying Styrofoam cub our current President was clutching.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    She'll just jump on any godamn stupid bandwagon that happens to be rollin' down the cyber block! This whole thing is indicative of a very bored media looking for things to write about. I guess there is a photo of Bush saluting poorly because he is holding his dog, but the point is, who cares, none of it fucking matters!

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Speaking of bandwagons, I wonder how her BF that wanna be Miss USA from California that was into porn videos of herself. Never heard another word from Palin/RAM after that band wagon.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      If Palin ever decided to get serious and disagree with the President on real issues only and stop this "mean girl" crap about his salute, his mom jeans, the color of his suit, etc., she might (probably not) be taken seriously. I would still dislike (ok, hate) her. I looked at the comments on her FB about the offensive salute and realized that her followers can't handle real issues and this is the depth of their (and her) political opinions. It is all she understands and all she is capable of. What a simple, shallow woman.

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      That Bitch is a fucking IDIOT.

    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      She's been asked, in the past, by both Greta and O'REilly, OK "Governor" what would YOU do? What are your solutions. But she has never given one single solution for any of her constant harpyism.

  2. hedgewytch9:08 AM

    For whatever reason my Yahoo news browser loves to post the top headline from reactionary far right wing "news" sources like the Business Insider - which had a huge picture of the awful embarrassment of the POTUS trying to return a salute with his tea cup in hand. Oh, the horror! If you've been reduced to harping about such trivialities then you really need to pack up and go home.

    1. I have also noticed a definite right wing bias to Yahoo's "news". I wonder who owns Yahoo.

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      And, the comments are biased too. Most absolutely blow me away with their seriously hateful bend. I think they must be unmoderated as the racism is disgusting.

    3. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Yahoo news will reflect the way you have registered yourself, if you use yahoo mail. IE if you are from a certain part of the states you will get news from the closest area to you. It might work the same way, if you have clicked one of their boxes, when they ask for profession, like "business" you might get more feed from that sector. I went back and changed my birthday, changed to a rocket scientist, changed my address to way across the country, and sure enough, I get feed from that new area. Ie news reports from that area show up first. Try it, register from a tiny town in North Dakota, and if there are any headlines from that area, it will show up on your feed. If you don't use yahoo mail, I don't know how it works.

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      I don't get as much right wing insanity on my yahoo feed, but they've definitely picked up on my interests in Astronomy, Animals, Ecology, Archaeology, and any news on the upcoming Marvel flicks.
      M. from MD

    5. Anonymous3:13 PM

      They probably scan our email/posts to pick out key words, to decide on what you probably want to see, just like google and facebook do. ADBLOCK plus works very well on firefox, I don't see any ads on google searches, or on facebook. If I go to REI to look up, for example, a down vest....without the adblock plus that same vest will appear for the rest of the day when I go to CNN, many other sites.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Palin obviously forgot that the last POTUS George Bush did the same thing - only he was carrying his dog off the plane! The national news was showing both photos yesterday - of POTUS Obama and former POTUS Bush!

    Spread the truth, you idiot, Sarah Palin!

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Bush salutes with dog plastered on his face.

    Anyway.....isn't she the one that thinks the CIC's pants should be tighter? And says he "shucks and jives"? And says he's "impotent" and "pulled out too early"? And isn't she the one that told that radio personality to "reload" with N words? She is practically incoherent with her obsession with the CIC. She's a poor role model for servicemen.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      $he's a poor role model for Homo Sapiens.

    2. She's a poor role model for dryer lint.

    3. Anonymous12:20 PM

      And yes, a poor role model for my Komodo dragon.

    4. Anonymous1:14 PM

      And a poor role model for her children. But, I guess that has never occurred to her as nothing ever changes.

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Nefer, thanks for the unexpected. Haaaaaa!

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I think there are far more important issues going on in the presidency of POTUS Barack Obama than Republicans whining about his salute! Get real for crying out loud! He did salute the military gentleman!

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Thanks for the update about ScareMe being in Tulsa! I was wondering why all the dogs went crazy at the same time. I thought maybe we were getting ready for another one of those earthquake not caused by fracking events!!

    Lucky us, we didn't even know she was here as NONE of the news stations have mentioned her in quite awhile. lmao I think that brawl didn't set well even in this god awful state.

  7. Anonymous9:16 AM

    He's the Commander-In-Chief for crying out loud. And they accuse him of being disrespectful?

  8. Anonymous9:21 AM

    There’s NO regulation that stipulates presidents must salute the troops. It's something Reagan made up. NONE of the first 38 commanders ever did it. Soldiers are supposed to salute their president; the president was not supposed to salute the soldiers.

    Reagan saluted anyone and everyone in uniform, but it's improper military protocol. “The gesture is of course quite wrong: Such a salute has always required the wearing of a uniform,” author and historian John Lukacs wrote in The New York Times in 2003.

    St. Reagan started the improper salute because he wanted so badly to BE a soldier. It was a form of self-congratulations for achieving the post of War leader.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Reagan was just used to doing stuff he did in the movies.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      My sentiments exactly 9:29.

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Reagan saluted anyone and everyone in uniform.
      He had Alzheimer's he probable thought he was on a movie set.

    4. Yeah. he treated his presidency as his greatest role ever.

  9. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "it's like she's not even trying anymore."

    Oh no...she's trying. She's trying very, very hard, but the blinders have been removed from the public. She's aging badly, her voice was never nice, and her lack of intelligence is extremely obvious. She needs to STFU because people are laughing and pointing at HER.

    What a maroon.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      No, she's not trying. As always, everyone else is wearing a suit, tie, dress, or other formal clothing, and Palin's wearing a bedazzled T shirt and jeans.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      In Sarah's head, that is the correct way to dress. She never matured beyond middle school.

    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      I agree she's trying too hard, and not because she's actually gives a shit about her actions and how they affect her. Sarah, like any other malignant narcissist, is hugely self-absorbed but not self-aware. If Sarah was self-aware she would have realized how the "Palin Family Brawl" was thoroughly foul and disgusting and would be working 24/7 to better her and her family's behavior. Nope, instead she "writes" some complete BS on how Bristol is a great role model, and then makes a huge mountain out of a molehill, a photo of President Obama holding a paper cup of tea while saluting.

      And I hated the Bush administration with every fiber of my being, but I can't get too out of joint while Bush is holding onto his dog while descending and saluting. At least he's showing his fur baby some love, instead of strapping the poor thing onto the family car.

      Back to Palin: I have found Palin's fans tend to be either mind-numbingly stupid, vile, vicious bigots or fellow mean girls. I just unfriended a former colleague of mine on Facebook because I looked further into her past (both recent and further back), and she is straight up Palin (fake and a total backstabber, and I can easily justify this).

      Jennifer K

    4. Anonymous5:01 PM

      yeah they have a lot of sheeple don't they?
      I hear it is all coming to a crash soon with a pending lawsuit against the State of Alaska..
      They will want to know about the crimes, the money trail and the Dain Bosworth file..
      Sarah might have started this ordeal way back in the early 1980's and used religion as a stepping stone to get the windfall in 1989...isn't that right Sarah? How is your Terri Lee of the Idaho Arian Nations today?

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Technically, he should not be saluting at all...he is NOT a member of the military even though he has the title of CIC. Secondly, when one is in civilian close, ONE DOES NOT SALLUTE. PPL get a life.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      If he had not saluted, she would have said that he is a Muslim, was not born in America, wears pants that are too loose, is not a Christian, does not have testicles, pulls out too early.....oh wait, she already.........

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM


    3. "Anonymous9:28 AM
      Technically, he should not be saluting at all...he is NOT a member of the military even though he has the title of CIC. Secondly, when one is in civilian close, ONE DOES NOT SALLUTE. PPL get a life."
      Oh, fuck off. If you read actual well-written articles with input from a variety of well-spoken military people from different perspectives, it is clear that either saluting or not saluting can be regarded as perfectly acceptable.

      If you are agitated enough to squawk in all caps about something, at least know how to spell it. Otherwise, it is a giveaway that you knew nothing about the subject until you looked at some jackass right wing site.

    4. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Well, well well, talk about not understanding but you are correct I should spell check….having a disability is tough. Regardless, living with a Marine for over 20 years; and overall coming from a military family, I think I can speak without being told to F off. So look up military protocol…
      And I do not know what right wing site you are talking about...are you drunk, on drugs, or just generally a really nasty person?

    5. See, Gryphen, this is what happens when otherwise perfectly polite people who might well be on the "same side" comment when they're totally anonymous.

    6. Anonymous1:49 PM

      12:54 See, Gryphen, this is what happens when otherwise perfectly polite people who might well be on the "same side" comment when they're totally anonymous.

      You've lost me, what has the name to do with anything? I'm reading the content of their comments, but I don't see how not having a made-up name makes any difference?

      Anonymous, or Bob, or Mildred, whatever.

    7. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Kajo, I have no problem with it. Oh and you can refer to me by the clock time on my post. Thank you.

    8. Anonymous3:13 PM

      OK...I'll take Mildred. From now on I will post as Mildred and we'll see what difference it makes.

      Sign me.... The New and Improved Mildred

      ps. Sheesh, can we all just chill out a bit? I don't believe any of the regular IMers mean to insult or attack another.

      And I'll apologize in advance if my comment is taken as an offense. Not meant to be at all....Mildred

    9. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Hey! I'm Mildred!! You can be Whatever! :)

    10. Whatever6:13 PM

      3:57 Hi, Mildred! You can keep your name and I'll change mine to "Whatever".

      The former Mildred, now posting with the name Whatever.

    11. Yeah let me see you "find" "Mildred" again. Anonymous can be every and any anonymous on the board. Who wants to micro study each anonymous writing styles to figure out rightly or wrongly, really guess what anonymous one is commenting on?

      Also I think Kojo was saying that Nefer could have been telling a regular IMer to fuck off. But how is she suppose to know? Anonymous writer defend themselves all the time, which is silly. Because how is one to know who's who? How is one to know their writing history? Nobody has time for that!

      One last thing, how is it G fault if people want to be referred to as one of one or one in a "million" commenter?

      Personally I can't distinguish between one sorryass troll from anonymous commenters either.


      Or Mildred.


  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Watched the video with the sound off. She is clearly anorexic. And Todd is clearly her purse-carrier. And why can't he stop shoving his hands in his pockets?

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Pocket pool - always has a game going.

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Hard snort thru nose=snot on keyboard.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    She linked to the Daily Mail, thus, giving them her approval--the Daily Mail which is also the organization running the latest, expanded article on Eric Thompson?

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Someone give them a heads up on Tripp Johnston. Perhaps along with a still capture from a video. Thanks.

  13. Anonymous9:50 AM

    According to her Facebook page, Sarah posted the photo of President Obama returning salute with the cup in his hand "12 hours ago". She linked to a DailyMail article.

    A fanatical RWNJ on FB that I watch and who constantly posts the latest, nuttiest RW outrages imaginable, posted the same photo two times 18 hours ago. One of his photos was linked from "I AM THE TEAPARTY" and the other was from "Obama's Dead Fly".

    Sarah's not keeping up even with her TeaParty/RWNJ pals. Too much booze and too many brawls will do that to ya!

  14. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Remember Sarah giving a salute to whomever with a styrofoam Big Gulp cup full of whatever? Wasn't that a big one finger salute to the Mayor of New York, healthy drinks, and reusable cups. Total RedBULL bull.....

    She is going to be spending time in the in the Meth Capitol of the Midwest. Will she get some recipes from the locals to share on the cooking segment of her U TUBAL blog?

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Yes, she was mocking our Statue of Liberty, comparing herself with a big sugar drink to the torch of freedom.

    2. What does that hillbilly, stupid, old goat care? she doesn't know the meaning or the history of the "Stature" of Liberty.

  15. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:55 AM

    "Death to tyranny"? Hmmm. I'm sure that Esther and her shrinking army of dimwitted dullards would MUCH prefer a stifling, all-emcompassing, govern-like-the-Bible-sez Xtian theocracy, huh?

  16. Sarah is a class A twunt. I've set aside some time this evening to troll at the Pee Pond day room. My hope is that I can get stlouisix to shit his depends.

    Hey read here, as we all know...I hear you pee standing up!

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Someone has already got in today as "Sarah's Smelly Thong." They are none too happy awaiting the moderator's blocking. LOL!

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM


    3. BINGO! I used the term "Bristolnacht" (credit to Wonkette) and MJ Udall became offended, then shart himself...good times:-)

    4. Anonymous2:00 PM

      If you ever go back, ask that Isabel how she jumped to the top of the immigration list coming from Cuba with her get in free card, ask that old guy from Canada who keeps saying we should do more in Iraq....ask him what Canada is doing to help, by the way. Ask that one guy how his food stamps are. Ask those 2 old bats from Wasilla if all they ever do is read the bible or if they ever get out....ask some of them that are so sick that maybe if they would think less venomously all day they might feel better. Ask that old guy who has a son in the military why he, the old guy, is instilling hatred towards the CIC in his son. Patriotic? Guess not. Just for a start.

    5. A J Billings2:57 PM

      @Mike D.

      I've noticed that lately (last few years) StLouisXXX is getting more and more rabidly insane about nearly everything.

      The guy is going to give himself an aneurysm with all his foaming at the mouth spittle flecked rants about GOD and BIBLE, and how HORRIBLE the President is, and how FANTASTIC $arah is, even though she is not Catholic like superior people are.

      I replied to a long post of his on another site, with a cogent factual statement backed up by solid references about freedom of religion and freedom from religion, and not one response from that Palin worshiping bigot

      If you can get him to go off like a firecracker, he might just bust a spring in his zeal for insanity.

    6. Anonymous3:19 PM

      They get all bent out of shape on other sites because they can't ban you. It's so funny when ZH does the roboposting, posters on just about any thread start mocking him for having "robo syndrome". You know, the ones that go....Sarah's accomplishments, she quit half way through because she had already done what she set out to do....blah blah blah. She didn't really raise taxes, it just seemed like that.

  17. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Y'all get a look at her left arm???? Pause the video. WTF?? Track marks or left over skin from surgery?

  18. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Oh for fucks sake... she still draws on her hand? Let it go Sarah, you've shown much more idiotic behavior since that stupid stunt.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      She really is an idiot.

  19. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I have no respect for anyone who seeks attention dressing like that giving a F U to people. Nothing cute charming nor endearing about it to me.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Really, look at her next to the others. She's trashy as hell. A joke.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      She was out and out porky most of her life until from about 2010 to today, according to pictures she posts, she reminds me of a teen that suddenly can wear "in" clothes, after a drastic diet. But, she's not a teen, is she.

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    That's an old video isn't it? Scarah is not due to do [doo doo] her little speech until Friday or Saturday or am i wrong?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I just got a kick out of her referencing "red dirt". Wonder if she thinks (in her own inimitable way) she's in Georgia with the red clay dirt, and not Kansas with the flying monkeys and the als icewater challenge?

  21. Anonymous10:44 AM

    hahaha...that's when she first started t oshow her flappy've made my look at the faces she makes!

  22. Anonymous10:45 AM

    As the mother of an active duty member of our Armed Forces, I know that my son would prefer that Sarah SUPPORT our President during these extremely dangerous times. I don't know if she is so simple minded that she thinks this made up salute is of national importance or is so anti-American that her motive is to rile her followers. Regardless, what she does is indeed dangerous and is NOT in the best interest of our country or the men and women who serve it. A house divided.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Sarah Palin was called out on her treasonous actions years ago by Pravda. Nothing has changed. She is a disgrace to the USA.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Putting all of her stupidity aside, even if Sarah was running for POTUS or VP, how could she overcome the stigma of having a husband who belonged to a group that wanted to secede from the union? How would she explain the fact that she went to events and gave speeches in support of secession? Isn't that un-American/treason? I would think most Americans would find that unforgivable. Almost as bad as Mr. Obama's fumbled salute.

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      It's also treason to conspire with a teenager to have the president killed.

    4. Anonymous12:57 PM

      11:45-- what are you talking about?? She did this? With who? If it's Shawn Cristy, I'm skeptical it's the truth. Sorry. I believe he was a pawn yes, but I think he and his family have serious issues as well.

  23. Olivia10:45 AM

    How can a woman that skinny have a double chin? Time for a trip to LA!

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Scottsdale has TONS of plastic surgery centers. North Scottsdale, where her house is, is loaded with them. It's like a mini LA. And lots of hot yoga places too-- lol
      But Sarah is pretty trashy for Scottsdale. I don't think she quite fits in like she thinks she does.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Heck, Sarah's too trashy for Casa Grande too. And Mesa's too uptight for her too.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Sarah Palin wouldn't fit in well w/the majority of the rich women in Scottsdale, AZ as she'd never connect with Ann Romney!!!

      Palin has no class at all! She's too mouthy and mean w/zero manners!

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Of course it is, but her numbnutz bots will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

    As far as President Obama goes, she is the last one to be lecturing him on proper etiquette. Lands sakes, bitch, would you please sweep your own doorstep first?

  25. Anonymous10:46 AM

    did he win? LOL or did she help him lose...

  26. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I just cant' stop watching this video of $SCRAH:!/video.php?v=10152749012463588&set=vb.24718773587&type=2&theater
    Keep in mind, she must be proud of it thus she's posting it. GULP! GASP!

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Compare her apparel to that of the men. She is jeans, cowgirl belt and tshirt. All the men appropriately dressed in shirt/tie/suit. What the hell is with her?

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      A small dust up in the comments of that hatebook post:
      April Danz You're an embarrassment to our country.
      3 hours ago · 2
      Chris Biasiotto Get a life. President obama has a full plate. He is one thousand ti
      3 hours ago · 1
      Scott Hansen April Danz, you must be a big looser if you support a president who disrespects our constitution, our flag and our military and is the biggest embarrassment our nation has ever, ever had!
      3 hours ago · 5
      Karen Ellis Montgomery April Danz I can't stop laughing at your comment (which I totally agree with) but I'm laughing even harder at the guy who called you a "looser". What do you think a looser is? Like someone who can't tie a knot very tightly?

    3. "Mildred"3:27 PM

      Gasp! Gasp! I couldn't even get through :30.

      Her fake hillbilly accent. Trying to look busy and important.

      One thing that has come of the BLOG that she calls a TV channel is that the quality of the videos is better. Mixed sound and all.

      She mentioned her "entourage" and pointed at Todd. As if condemning someone who has more than Todd and trying to appear humble.

      Sarah, dear, most professional women would not drag their husband's along on business trips. And most humble people do not show up at parties in massive Hummer limos.

      Just pointing out the obvious.

    4. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Thanks for posting the comments!

  27. Anonymous11:01 AM

    She posted it because it has clear shots of Todd's face and smile showing his teeth.

    It's a red herring. If people believe it's from this week, they will think he has no battle scars from a brawl.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      11:01 AM
      Ah-ha! You are exactly right.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Ding! We have a winner!

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Wow! You hit the nail on the head! It wouldn't look good to put up current video/photos of Todd looking like he was recovering from a brawl. Too funny! What a classless white trash family!

    4. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Before we get too excited, remember her followers don't connect the dots. (They will however follow laser pointers on carpet, walls, etc). They fell for her "no make up" photos that she released to get a jump on the real no make up photos. They fell for "oops, missed Todd's birthday while traveling" FB post and "a source close to the Palin family" account of the brawl that outweighed 10 or 20 other witnesses.

    5. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Todd's battle was 2 or more weeks ago. why couldn't he afford to have his face fixed and improved by now?

  28. Anonymous11:07 AM

    10:46 AM
    Shannon lost even though Sarah gave it her ol' "look at ME, I'm so cute" try.

  29. "His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, "
    No. No, it wasn't, you stupid America-hating republican dirtbags. You wish it were an embarrassment. Big damn difference. Fuck off and die, every last damn traitorous one of you.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      When you have nothing intelligent to say funny how you ignorant people resort to using the F BOMB. if you're not American you don't have a dog in this fight shut up!

    2. "Anonymous11:31 AM
      When you have nothing intelligent to say funny how you ignorant people resort to using the F BOMB. if you're not American you don't have a dog in this fight shut up!"
      Actually, what I had to say is in fact much more intelligent that the ignorant jackasses complaining about the salute. And I am obviously *not* ignorant, unlike the drooling morons complaining about the salute.

      And I am an American, and a proud one, unlike republicans who do nothing but try to destroy this country on a daily basis.

      So I do have a dog in this fight and I have every right to tell ignorant un-patriotic assholes to fuck off, because that is exactly as much dignity and consideration as they deserve.

      So how about you fuck off and shut up?

    3. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Since she is "apologizing" to our military, I would like to know, do YOU have a "dog in this fight"-are you or a family member currently in the service of our country? My son, who voted for our current President twice doesn't want or need an apology from this hateful bitch or anyone else. He supports our current POTUS, as he did when he enlisted during the Bush (W) presidency. If she really cared about our country and those who serve, she would not harp on trivial matters. This only adds fuel to the hatred that she promotes. Period.

    4. Anonymous12:23 PM

      @11:31 let me say it a slightly different way:

      Nein, war es nicht, du dummer Amerika hassenden republikanischen dirtbags. Sie möchten es peinlich waren. Big Damn Unterschied. Fuck off und sterben, jeden letzten verdammt verräterischen von euch.

    5. Anonymous1:01 PM


      i'm totally with you in regards to your sentiment Nefer, absolutely, unequivocally

    6. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Nefer 11:53...thank you...I always love and agree with your comments!!!

    7. "Mildred"3:34 PM

      12:14 "If she really cared about our country and those who serve, she would not harp on trivial matters. This only adds fuel to the hatred that she promotes. Period."

      Thank you.

      Sarah focuses on the little things, the ones she knows she can get an emotional response from her "public."

      Yet she is the one who went overseas and criticized our president. That is a whole lot worse than saluting with a cup on hand or a dog in arms.

      I don't know that I have a dog in the fight...but I do have a dog and she agrees with me! So do my cats.

      People who continually cut down the duly-elected President of the Unites States are in essence cutting down our military and our vets because, like it or not, like the person in office or not, that person represents ALL Americans and is the Commander in Chief of our military.

      I say, as a veteran, get over it or shut up.

  30. "U.S. Armed Forces, our apologies."
    1) There's nothing to apologize for, you stupid drooling harpy.
    2) If there were, who the fuck appointed you spokesperson of anything? You are not part of the government at all, you hold no office, you do not get to speak for the President. You sure the hell don't speak for any actual patriotic Americans, so how about you sit the fuck down and shut up, because you never say anything worth listening to, anyway.

    On the other hand, by all means, apologize to the armed forces for all of your seditious activities in trying to destroy this country from within while they have sworn an oath to protect it.

  31. Anonymous11:29 AM

    President Bush put Barney down went back and gave a proper salute! If you're going to tell part of the story tell the rest of it!!

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      11:20 AM Think you are full of ca-ca! Video proof? Showing otherwise was done thoughout yesterday on national news

      Trust me, had a video of past POTUS doing that been available, it would have been played a lot throughout the day to counter, or put down, President Obama.

      Don't believe you one bit!

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Doesn't matter what you believe. It's true.

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      yes - the dog was taking a shit when Bush picked it up and half saluted. He took the dog into the plane and returned to re-salute the startled marine after he tapped him on the shoulder.

      There are no pictures, no reports, and no proof.

    4. Anonymous4:00 PM

      11:29 were you there bristle? I doubt you were potty trained when this happened.

    5. Anonymous5:39 PM

      He put the dog down just to give a salute? Well, he DID hold the record for the Governor from Texas who had the most convicts put to death under his leadership, but what did the dog do to deserve that?

  32. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Off topic.

    Angry Ann rMONEY wants you to know- There's no war on women! Forgot to mention Sarah Palin!

  33. "So I really have no idea why she posted it."
    1) because she's a fucking idiot.
    2) For the season reason all of her official pictures are from her book tour and VP beauty pageant tour of 5-6 years ago. She looks like hell now. She can't use current pictures.

  34. Gryphen, you better be sure of your facts because if what you say about The Screechy Wretch(tm) is even half true, why then she's just a common twatwaffle and nothing more.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      She's a Half Baked Alaska Twatwaffle(tm)!

  35. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Most forget what the salute represents. Its origin is from the middle ages when armored knights lifted the visor of metal headgear to identify friend or foe. Obama is a multitasker, waging war on the run the Prez gets little time to juggle his tea time with obligations. I suspect he has a lot on his mind, I don't think the marine pilots feel the stumble. Bombs away, eat hot metal isis.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      I agree. I doubt that the Marines standing by the helicopter were offended in the least. Just another example of the GOP/Fox/Sarah Palin daily dose of hysteria over nothing.

  36. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Republicans Deploy The Buffoon Squad Of Rick Perry and Sarah Palin To Save Kansas For The GOP

    ...The only way this would make sense is if Republicans thought that the problem with Kansas was that it wasn’t conservative enough. But the very reason Republicans find themselves in jeopardy of losing Pat Roberts’ Senate seat to an Independent is precisely because Governor Brownback purged moderate Republicans from the state legislature 2012.

    Those moderates want their state back. They are siding with the moderate/sane people. They are against extremists. Clearly this rules out secessionist cheering Rick Perry and Sarah Palin. Sending Perry and Palin into Kansas as fixers is the equivalence of a white flag surrender.

    Yes, Perry and Palin can whip up some frothing hatred, misunderstanding of government and a dazzling ability to con voters into ignoring their own self interest, but Perry and Palin are political failures as politicians. Perry has been indicted and Palin had to quit her “job” as governor after blatantly lying about being found guilty of abusing her power on the trail.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      "Palin had to quit her “job” as governor after blatantly lying about being found guilty of abusing her power on the trail."
      Does anyone know what they are referring to?
      Abusing her power on the the trail?- for governor or VP?
      It is the first time I have heard about this .

  37. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Sarah Palin gets saluted also too!

    One male Sarah Palin fan simply cannot hide his excitement at meeting her.

  38. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Seems we are on the Sarah Palin Apology Tease Tour. Two apologies and yet we still haven't received the one we are all waiting for. What other fake apologies are we going to have to endure? Anyone?

  39. I think the President does stuff like that pictured just to entertain himself (and perhaps even the Marines whom he's sorta-saluting), just to watch the loons go ass-over-teakettle whirling around in their freak-outs.

    (how's that for mixing metaphorical tailspins?)

  40. Caroll Thompson12:46 PM

    Sarah is offering apologies for the President's salute? I think she and her family owe a big apology for their drunken behavior at the throw down.

    And how lazy is Sarah? She gets on the google and she sees what the President is being attacked for today and just jumps on the bandwagon. No original thought whatsoever. And if this is the best you idiots can come with, Obama is doing pretty good.

    1. "Mildred"3:47 PM


      I agree. The Palins owe the American public and especially Republican voters a BIG apology for behaving so poorly in public.

      We can't control what politicians do in private, and most will give a pass to most behaviors.

      But when you run as the VP candidate on the Republican ticket you had better show a bit of decorum when in public from then on.

      Sarah does not care about those who voted for her (I'm a registered R and DID NOT vote for her!).

      She doesn't care about trust or American Pride or even just being a tiny bit respectful or a tiny bit polite to those who supported her.

      She is one BIG FAT LYING ..... (fill in the blank)

      I am so angry and so frustrated about the total lack of respect to fellow Americans. (And the lack of accountability the Palins get away with.)

      She OWES the Republican party for getting her where she is. Yet she continues to flip them off.

      Why do they let her get away with it? Sure beats me.

      And just so you know. I'm voting for the "non-Republican" pair for governor and lt. governor! And am thrilled to see the bi-partisan effort to lead Alaska.

      I am also voting for the "non-Republican" Mark Begich for Senate and will try to get my Republican friends to do so as well.

  41. Anonymous12:54 PM

    10:45-- you are so right. Look what she is wearing in that video. Talk about inappropriate!!!!!!' She looks ridiculous and unprofessional, yet she has the gall to criticize President Obama?? What a stupid bitch she is. Seriously. She's treasonous and enough is enough.
    Jessie--- are your stories still coming out or are they messed up again?? Thanks for trying!!!

  42. Oh sweet jaysus. I actually watched the video. It HURTS! She is dressed like a coke whore. And makes even less sense than one.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      C'mon, beth0214, don't be a hater.

      Coke/crack whores lead hard lives. Comparing that woman to crack whores just insults the whores and doesn't faze the roller derby queen of Valley Trash one little bit.

      Of course, you're 100% correct that she makes less sense than a crack whore and even the whores will agree your assessment.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      she makes the woman standing in front of me wearing pajama pants & a wine-stained t-shirt at 7-11 this morning look like anna wintour when it comes to fashion can google anna, sarah/bristle.

    3. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Anon 3:57. Anna Wintour- funny comment you made!
      Although the Palin females are proud they do not care about fashion they are lacking self awareness that seldom do they dress appropriately for any occasion including professional ones.

      The less successful she is the worse she dresses. The most success she had included being dressed for success as VP candidate which was not off putting to her fans to rally around an attractive female professional attired for the job she was running for and her family too. Now she wears sequin dress tops with parka vests and stripper shoes.

  43. Chef Beldar J Conehead, Le Lapin Fou (****), ret.1:19 PM

    Gryphen, as you know, there's a rumor circulating that The Screechy Wretch(tm) will be revealing shocking evidence that President Obama is secretly using Camp David as a base to train ISIS fighters for worldwide jihad. If this is true, it means every douchebag tea bagger who pulled his head out of ass just long enough to slam the president as a kenyan-born, muslin, terrorist who hates white people and stole the election - TWICE! - will have been proven to be right!!! Please use your connections to confirm or refudiate this rumor IMMEDIATELY!!!!

    While we're waiting for the results of your research, let's enjoy some shit trolls say, shall we?

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She who must not be named
    - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    In Non-Bizzaro World, she
    - is divisive, mean-spirited, thin-skinned, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, not self-aware, inconsistently buxom, mercenary, self-absorbed, reckless, inarticulate, shameless, cynical, obsessed, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, unprepared, sour, counterproductive

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    IM blog
    - is a cesspool, a defunct blog that nobody reads (while inexplicably garnering 24.5 million page views)

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    **** *********** ***** *****
    ****** ****

    Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept NO Substitute!

    Bon appetit!

    1. I saw what you did there.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Does anyone on this site read comments from this person - or like me just zoom past?

      Pat Padrnos

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      when you realize no one cares it will be ok..

    4. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Zoom past? Perish the thought. BJC is national treasure.

  44. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Someone may have already mentioned this but: There is a picture of President George W. Bush fumbling a similair salute, only Bush is holding Barney, the family dog. Gryphen if you can find it, please post it so the Wasilla Wombat can see it. I'd like to hear her comments on that picture!

    1. Scroll down for the picture, but the article is good, too!

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      You know I'm being perfectly honest in saying I found the picture of W holding Barney & saluting to be one of the most endearing photos of W. But then I'm not a racist, lunatic sarah panty-sniffing idiot who would find fault with anyone in-charge who wasn't of my party and had the audacity to not have lily-white skin.

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      I agree 3:43 pm - it is a sweet photo. I love seeing past POTUS Bush interviewed. He really does have a fun, cute sense of humor.

      Still love President Obama though and admire the job he is doing in spite of the Republicans blocking him every step of the way.

    4. Anonymous8:01 PM

      If GWB had been some radio personality, or some small town mayor, I'd agree: HOw Cyyyyyuuuuuute. Unfortunately he was POTUS and did so much damage. Not cute. Not ever.

  45. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Sarah Palin needs to apologize to the Armed Forces for all of her fake "warrior son" nonsense that we've all been subjected to for years now. If I were the mother of a son or daughter who had seen combat in the Middle East or who had come home with an injury or with PTSD I'd be furious with that excuse for a citizen known to us all as Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      She should go back and apologize for most of her public actions after she imploded after the Couric interview. She is eaten away with meanness and revenge. She should remember that revenge hurts the one doling it out, more than the ones she is trying to hurt.

  46. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Her nose is out of joint because Levin went on TV first to "apologize" to our military, because Obama is president. Sarah always copies others, whether it be in the use of "rascal" towards the Texas gov (a real gov), or taking the word "dither" from Cheney, she has no original material. She needs to hire ANOTHER Washington consultant.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      she is the Queen of Copycats for sure...

  47. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Let's not forget that the white house released those photos, or as a video. Not too embarrassed I don't think. Maybe they were thinking that citizens would be more focused on the middle east. But not that crowd.

  48. Anonymous1:55 PM

    old hag skin, 1:03, 1:14, 1:15...eww.

  49. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Did Shannon ever reveal whether his family and extended family get free health care for life, by virtue of their ethnicity?

  50. Okay, I get that he's Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the U.S.

    But he isn't required to abide by all military regulations of all of the armed services.

    And as green as I am, I'll give him a pass on the cup too. You can't drink hot tea out of the biodegradable plastic ones they have now. If they have biodegradable "styrofoam" cups, there is no way to tell this isn't one of them. Using a reusable ceramic mug just isn't practical when you are on the go, not unless you are going to waste a handler to carry your dirty coffee mug around until you get back on the plane. This is just nit-picking.

    And we all know why.

    It's his tan.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I'm sure that picking out the cups aboard any of the AF1 aircraft is right at the top of his 'to-do' list according to the screechy one who has no real jobs at the top of her list. This leaves her time to dart out from beneath the couch to ankle bite his every movement and utterance.

      The trolls love to tell us to get a life when it's their 'qveen' who sorely needs to get a life to keep her from her daily embarrassment of yipping at his ankles.

      She's so deep in her bullshit that she has no choice but to continue on with her mad ravings since she's not capable of doing anything else. Libelous lunatic of Lake Lucille.

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      I'm pretty sure that he demands bendy straws.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      And lot's of places have recycle services for all sorts of refuse - soooooo.... $craah shows she's stoopid one more time.

  51. She's delusional. Still thinks she's running the country or won the election or something. Maybe it's an insult, likes she's taking on the responsibility to apologize for her wayward child?


    I don't pay attention to anything the zany says any more.

  52. Anonymous2:51 PM

    She didn't go "for the JUGULAR" she went for the ankle, as in ankle nipper. That's all she ever does, yap yap yap

  53. Anonymous2:58 PM

    It is not his duty to salute!
    Look it up in rules and revulations!
    She is a FOOL and a troublemaker.

  54. Anonymous3:01 PM

    His "tan" fired up the Tea Party about 10 minutes after the inauguration. His "tan" has fired up Palin resulting in her sick preoccupation with his testicles, his pants, his vocabulary, his basketball playing, his wife. Remember palin even mocked the 1st Lady, for promoting breast feeding. And she lied in one of her reality shows when she said the 1st Lady said not to eat dessert. She is obsessed with the tan.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      The Obamas don't even acknowledge her pitiful existence, it drives her & see how she'll be snubbed by anybody who is somebody at this upcoming gotp event. The Bushes are repulsed by her "commoness"...

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Barbara Bush (the elder Mrs. Bush) is the one that spoke out against Sarah Palin.....wasn't complimentary at all!

  55. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I was just looking at the Xmas cards. Both look dignified and show part of the White House.

    The White House which belongs to ALL OF US and which cannot promote one religion over another.

    But, I think Sarah's problem with the dog one (The Obama's) is that she's not capable of having or understanding the warmth and love and hominess of having a loving dog snoozing by the fireplace.

    She hates it, because like President Obama, it's something she cannot ever have. Love and warmth. Calm and cozy at home.

    And need I mention BOOKS on the shelves? Or tasteful decorating?

  56. Anonymous3:23 PM

    She never apologizes for them. She encourages and celebrates it!

  57. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Sarah Palin Urges America To Stand With Her 'North Korean Allies' and condemns President Obama for holding a Styrofoam cup, go figure.

    America who is the true United States of America patriot, President Obama or commie lover Sarah Palin?

  58. Anonymous3:48 PM

    1:56, well, see it's like this, she has a mentally unstable, drug addled son who once drove some higher rank fellows around in a war zone. Consequently that fact makes this dumb bitch think she can address our armed forces. She acts like trick/track whatever the eff his name is comparable to Pat Tillman & he of course sprung from her loins...

  59. Anonymous3:48 PM

    People greeting her are well dressed and she shows up in a t-shirt?

    1. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Which one does not belong? Maybe in her mind she looks "special"?

  60. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Mrs. Palin, who said she would like to baptize with the word of Jesus Christ, any Muslim suspected terrorist at the same time she is waterboarding/torturing them.....criticizes the CIC of the USA for having a cup of tea in his hand while departing from an aircraft. Jeez if we could only have another correspondence dinner joke like the one where Obama said that he would have stayed up all night worrying about firing Gary Busey because the steak wasn't cooked right. Well, he cooked Trump's goose forever after.

  61. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Oh, Palin probably burned all the books in her own house long ago, just in case there was an idea in one of them.

  62. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "U.S. Armed Forces, our apologies."
    Who in the hell does this woman think she is ?

  63. This reminds me of 08 when gop/sarahy made a big deal of stupid flag pins.

  64. The higher the rank, the more careless the salute.

  65. Anonymous11:47 PM

    more prouder?
    where did you attend school?

  66. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Wonder what impeachable offenses Alaska could have IMPEACHED missy palin? Hmmmmm? and so missy should always receive the proper salute with a very large, huge middle finger at every opportunity.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.