Monday, October 06, 2014

And now some unsolicited advice to our President concerning conflict overseas from a woman who does not even know how to stop her family from attacking the neighbors.

Resplendent in her best pleather jacket, Palin decides to tell the President exactly what he is doing wrong in dealing with ISIS and how she would have handled things much worse better.

I have had two cups of coffee and a Dramamine so let's see if I can get through this transcript without losing my breakfast or throwing my computer through the wall.

Here goes:

"President Obama is leading from behind again."

Goddamn bitch! How dare yo....I'm gonna....You don't know sh....Okay, okay I have control again.

Deep breaths Gryphen, she is talking to her supporters so of course she is going to throw them some partially digested red meat. Okay let's try again.

"ISIS, that death cult, it's beheading Americans and persecuting Christians on a massive scale. And killing our allies in the Middle East. Yet, the President's aides actually told the New York Times that, quote 'We don't want this to look like an American war,' unquote. (Which, by the way, exactly reflects the attitude of the American people.)

And how are they going to do that? by pulling the same tricks he pulled in Libya. By arming jihadists. By launching very limited air strikes. And by hoping all that just turns out better than it did before. But we all remember Libya (Cue the Benghazi picture.) where our so called allies? They turned on us soon after they got what they wanted from the US. Where they killed our brave diplomats, where they filmed themselves jumping into our ambassador's swimming pool recently. (Or in Palin-speak "concrete pond.") Woo hoo! Partying it up, celebrating, after chasing America out of the country. 

Now Libya is in a state of near anarchy. (Sounds like any weekend at the Palin compound.) Offering safe haven now for jihadists all across the region. They're a mess. That's the strategy we want for ISIS? To defeat ISIS? The President told America that he wants to destroy the group, now that they are beheading Americans. Even though said earlier he he suggested that they weren't much to worry about. You know they're JV squad. Well now he says 'Okay we'll destroy'em.' But the President's already backing away from that promise. 

On Meet the Press his Chief of Staff gave a definition of success that is far far from destroying ISIS. 

(This, by the way, was the White House Chief of Staff McDonough's statement on MTP concerning success against ISIS or ISIL.  ""Success looks like an ISIL that no longer threatens our friends, can't accumulate followers and threaten Muslims in Syria, Iraq, or otherwise," McDonough told NBC "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd. "And that's exactly what success looks like." To me that sort of sounds like it would be the end of ISIS and their ability to do any real damage in the Middle East. But I guess if every single one of them is not hunted down and shot in the face that will it not satisfy certain people. )

Their definition of success? I don't believe it would be your definition of success America. Even worse, okay here's a problem, what we hear now from Obama, though granted they're changing their plans, and red lines that they draw, it seems like daily. Very inconsistent. They dither around with foreign policy.
(Yes responding to new data and to changing dynamics in the regions must really confuse those who see the world in black and white.) 

But even worse, what Obama's planning to do, it sounds like, is to arm Syrian rebels. (The same plan that John McCain has been pushing since 2012.) We don't know if we can trust Syrian rebels. These Syrian rebels. they may have sold one of our journalists to ISIS. So the President's planning to arm rebels who have already handed over weapons to ISIS? And who allegedly just reached a ceasefire agreement with ISIS? The Syrian rebel group who's palling around with even more dangerous terrorists? (Well THERE'S an oldie but a goodie from 2008.)These rebels, these jihadists, they're not our friends. Um but the President wants to arm them anyway and thinks that they can be trusted. 

No, we need facts in order to...uh...I guess, prod the President in making the right decisions on where this country needs to go when America's interest is being adversely affected by this group ISIS that is hell bent on destroying those in the Middle East and coming on over and destroying us too. (Did Sarah Palin actually say we need "facts?" I must have heard that wrong.) Right now the President wants it both ways, what's new? He wants to look like he is doing something, buuut he really doesn't want to get too involved.  (Once again reflecting the mood of the American people.) We all know that we're not going to be able to defeat ISIS with just air strikes. But Obama knows how unpopular sending combat troops would be. Especially under HIS command. (And why would it be just "his" command? Where the hell is Congress? They have left this President high and dry, while they run off to take yet another vacation from the job that they have failed to do for the last six years.) But if not us on the ground defeating ISIS then..then who? The truth is we have no idea how to sort out the moderate forces from the radical forces. And President Obama's buffaloing you if he's leading you to believe that HE knows how to sort out moderate Muslims from radical Muslims in an areas that for..for the most part is letting us know know, they're not our friends. (Is she actually about to quote a bumper sticker and suggest that we "Kill them all and let Allah sort them out?") 

We can't trust the rebels in Syria. Some think that we can get the Sunnis in Iraq..well like maybe, we'll switch sides again and fight with us against ISIS.  Good luck with that. We can count on the Kurds of course to help us out, and ally with us, but they're only going to fight for their own area. So where does that leave us? 

(Okay you know how when you are driving there will be a sign that warns you that there is a sharp turn ahead? Yeah well Palin is about to do a 360 that just might cause you to get a little nauseous.)

Well I've said this before that I don't want to see us going back to Iraq either, but I'm a realist. (Wait, what?) Is ISIS a direct threat to our own national security or not? That's the first question we have to ask.  (Okay did this woman NOT just spend over half of an hour screaming about how the only way to defeat ISIS is to send American troops back into Iraq as well as into Syria and kill them all? And NOW she is asking whether or not they present a legitimate threat to America?) And I agree that it's a question for legitimate debate. If we do decide that ISIS is a direct threat to our security then of course we must go in, we must defeat them over there. But we have to be in it, to win it. (Okay let me see if I can make sense of this. We need to put boots on the ground, and engage ISIS now, while we are deciding whether or not we should be engaging ISIS st all?)

Please Mr. President listen to America on this. It means we go in with overwhelming United States of America force, the red, white, and blue, we punch hard. (Like Bristol punches hard?) We defeat them, and then we get out. Only this time let's listen to those on the ground, top brass of military, the experts, who are we do need a residual force staying there to make sure this doesn't happen again. (So we need to pull out, but not all the way out. Isn't that how daughters get knocked up?) For now the tragedy is that our President just doesn't get it. For more than six years he's appeased jihadists.  (Yes by killing hundreds of them.) And now the Middle East is in flames. He's been weak, our President is weak, and again and again he shows this. 

Thirteen years after 9/11, the jihadists are stronger than they’ve ever been. No Mr. President you didn't tell America the truth when you suggested that all these terrorists, you had them on the run. Specifically you said you had Al Qaeda on the run. Yeah, running right towards us, as I've said before. Sir enough is enough. If we're in this we need to be in it, to win it. No half measures. NO more leading from behind.

Well it appears that unlike virtually ALL of the politicians in this country, Sarah Palin would like to commit a large number of troops to the eradication of ISIS. But not if they do not in fact present a danger to America, which we can debate while we are eradicating ISIS.

Does she have an editor for these videos, or is she just assuming that the people who are stupid enough to send her $9.95 a month are too stupid to actually listen to the words coming out of her mouth, and attempt to understand them?

Gee no wonder she is threatening to sue Bob Cesca for allowing the world to see these unpolished turds of wisdom.

Well she better add Wonkette to that list as well, becasue that is who made this video available.

Their take on it can be seen here.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    People constantly deride Mrs. Palin for not having any foreign policy experience and then she posts a video that proves it. Thanks Mrs. Palin for confirming what we all know.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Hi Sarah

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM


      Perhaps you should read the comment a little slower...I was deriding Mrs. Palin, NOT lauding her.

    3. Leland10:01 AM

      I SERIOUSLY doubt that SP would write a response that knocks her foreign policy "expertise!

      How in the world did you get that idea?!

    4. Anonymous10:18 AM

      "ISIS, that death cult, it's beheading Americans and persecuting Christians "
      How does she know EVERYONE who gets "behdeaded" is christian?
      And A Saudi prince has been photographed flying a bomber, bombing ISIS and POTUS is trying to let the Middle Eastern Folks deal and what ever happened to "Let Allah sort it out"? Why is this dumbassed IDIOT opining on ANYTHING???WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? SHE CAN'T EVEN KEEP HER TERRORIST FAMILY FROM FIGHTING FROM CRAPS SAKE!?

    5. Anonymous10:30 AM

      "Palin's first shot at Obama" 8/29/2008
      Before anyone gets upset about the muzzle and or trigger finger ... this rifle is a SIMULATOR. Note the muzzle and the trailing wires that are dangling down from the rifle.
      Palin clinging to a gun while visiting Soldiers of 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry Regiment, Alaska National Guard in Kuwait
      Targets she could hit.'s+Crosshairs.jpg

    6. Anonymous1:48 PM

      I do not in ANY respect approve of ISIS (or whatever its name is today). But could someone PLEASE explain to me how people who are beheaded are actually more dead than people who are killed by other military means? And could that same person PLEASE explain to me how beheading individual people (what is their total number now: dozens?) somehow more barbaric than wholesale carpet bombing (for perhaps years on end) of entire villages, whose victims are mostly women and children? Again, I am not defending ISIS (or any radical form of Islam) in the least – not even an iota. I merely want to understand who is the pot, and who is the kettle, whose hands are clean, and whose hands are dirty.

    7. Anonymous1:59 PM

      >>But could someone PLEASE explain to me how people who are beheaded are actually more dead than people who are killed by other military means?

      Yeah, me too. I've been having the same thought about this. The way that people die in explosions, starve to death, gassed to death, shot to's all TO DEATH. In fact, a beheading is swift and painless, so why are people so worked up. I can imagine it's the 'shock value' of the act, but you're right, they aren't any more dead than any other way that used to take a life, and even though it is perceived as barbaric, it actually is relatively humane if you really think about it. Suffering for years in a prison, living in solitary confinement, being tortured....these are way more distressing and disturbing in the end than a head being chopped off. ISIS is a scourge, no question, but all this hysteria of beheadings is just playing into the hands of these extremists.

    8. Balzafiar5:03 PM

      Soldiers go in with the knowledge that it could well be them who doesn't come home. When the victim is a non-combatant then it becomes an act of barbarism.

    9. Anonymous6:15 PM

      EVERY FEKKIN TIME THAT ILLITERATE IDIOT OPENS HER MOUTH it is like finding a cockroach under the sink. she is a lying scab on the face of humanity. and wtf is this "we" talk you failure?
      "If we do decide that ISIS is a direct threat to our security then of course we must go in, we must defeat them over there."

      GET THIS STRAIGHT AZZHOLE-no one, AND I MEAN NO ONE is ever going to consult you about anything that has to do with this country. NO ONE is going to offer you a position in their cabinet and NO ONE is going to get you elected to any office ever. you may now slink back into your meth den of iniquity and try to self medicate your hateful ass into not believing you are the face of EVIL.
      suck on that idiot.

    10. Anonymous6:24 PM

      oh and also too you fekkin azzhole from hell, only 59 comments on this gem you posted on your WEBSITE and btw-have you even heard of proofing your copy idiot? from the "skankityskankchannel":

      "President Obama is leading form behind again"

    11. Anonymous11:04 PM

      well gees why don't you start with the ones you all killed in Alaska and the lower 48 if you Sarah are going to speak in bore me...

  2. Caroll Thompson9:28 AM

    I hardly think a terrorist group of maybe 20,000 men is a threat to our national security. But Sarah is at heart a coward, as bullies often are.

    So, hide in your room Sarah and read your gossip rags. But if you really want to help, you should fly over to the Middle East and meet with the leaders of ISIS and talk some sense into them.

    1. Oh my, what a delicious idea! Should we start a fund? LOL

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      "you should fly over to the Middle East and meet with the leaders of ISIS and talk some sense into them. '
      That would be considered torture under the Geneva convention.

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Great idea CT. If someone gets a GoFundMe going for her airfare I will gladly contribute. Will also chip in a little extra if she needs a tent and a thermos jug.

    4. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Sarah would get what she wants in the Middle East if she wears her Belmonts. Also, too, in case she gets in hand-to-hand combat, she should probably wear a thong.

    5. Anonymous1:53 PM

      And while you are hiding under the bed and being very 'skeered' of ISIS, Sarah, please know that your treason and treachery are open and obvious to all: you encourage ISIS, support your tea party friends who wish to shut down and defund the government, and continue with your secessionist and libertarian ideology that tells all of us, "who needs a stinkin' government, anyhow?" I don't have the words to describe you, Sarah Palin, and if I did, they would not be pretty.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I think, what the US tries to do is all about democracy. Not war. That beeo koch is nothing, still living in an alternate reality that she matters. Excuse me, she has freedom to speak or throw her word salad. The President has true powers and we like him to do as we voted him in, 2, TWO times, 8 EIGHT YEARS!!!! While she sat in her own alternate reality prison of which she is someone. hahaha

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      And, President Obama's ratings have gone up which I'm sure pisses her off! The idiot knows nothing about foreign affairs! Our POTUS has all the facts, not Sarah Palin!

      Would love to see her appear on one of the Sunday shows where specific questions are asked of her and the moderator doesn't let her get away w/her constant word salad and bullshit! She's been spewing it for eons and she's not improved!

      The majority know she is an idiot, badly needing to be put on a mountain top in Alaska never to be seen or heard from again!

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    grifter girl needs a Real job.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      The woman would NEVER get a REAL job. Neither she nor her KKKALN have the work ethic...or ANY ethic

    2. Too bad her only job skill is posting mean girl rants on facebook.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Is Track Palin still Sarah Palin's military adviser? He was in Iraq and knows all about the Middle East. The Palin's put family first and are all about protecting their family.

    In an unrelated episode, a 25-year-old man was arrested last Sunday on charges of stalking Bristol Palin after allegedly sending her approximately 1,000 Facebook messages and then appearing in her driveway — an incident the Palin source described as “scary.”

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      That Track field, still under his mommie's skirt.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Bristol SAID he sent 1000 e-mails.. Bristol lies. I'll wait for evidence before condemning this 'stalker'. For all we know, he's one of the baby daddies.

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      In an unrelated episode, a 25-year-old man was arrested last Sunday on charges of stalking Bristol
      That was weeks ago and unless he has been released I DON't CARE! Those two sluts send noxious vile sexts out and then wonder why they have "admirers".
      Unless a stalker shoots one of them with a gun or beheads one, I don't care.

    4. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Easy. Just limit FB postings to "friends".

    5. Anonymous8:00 AM

      No one cares about the Palins or their kids, they are the most nidorous soured rot gut excuses for celebrity that one could come across. That frowzy floozy they call mama bear is deleterious.

      I will be glad when they are all behind bars or six feet under.

      I do care about all the political prisoners in Alaska.

  6. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I got motion sickness reading that transcript, and I'm just sitting here at my desk.

    1. You should try typing it out.

      My head is still swimming.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Gryphen11:29 AM

      You should try typing it out.

      My head is still swimming.
      oh "Good golly molly" as Gina would say! We do feel for you G man!

      It will be a HUGE online PARTEE when the Bitch goes down for GOOD!
      Holy cow we be celebrating, Good times!
      I hope she will go to Kocksucker hell along with the rest of them all.

  7. Anonymous9:46 AM

    She probably thinks she's talking about Darrell Issa...

    1. Actually I might support putting boots on the ground to deal with the threat of Darrell Issa.

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM


  8. "But we all remember Libya"
    No. No, they don't remember Libya. If they are fans of Princess Blenderbrain, they are morons and they remember Benghazi, which for all they know is either a town in Shariastan or a ride at Disneyland.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      AND, they've been watching too much FOX!

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Princess Blenderbrain ROFL! I am so stealing that! :o)

  9. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Sarah Palin is Immoral Minority's BITCH!

    We made fun of her roaring fire and now she doesn't have one in her video.

    We made fun of Sarah's American flag in the background of her previous videos and now that's gone.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Oh, it's there! The rider on the horse is carrying one, small, but there! She's the clever one to deceive us! I had to squint to see it!

  10. Anonymous10:02 AM

    cross eyed hunch backed white trash skank ..

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This brainless shrew needs to tend to her own family before offering advice to others. Her family defines dysfunctional and ignorant.

    1. Leland10:07 AM

      Don't forget STUPID!

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      that too, I did forget shiftless as well....

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Funny comment from Wonkette:
    Just send Bristol over there.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      They should send Todd, Track, Sarah and Bristol over there to fight, since they know so much about it! (NOT)

      Remember, the Palins love to fight (i.e. Anchorage brawl of a few weeks ago)!

    2. cckids11:25 AM

      My favorite comment there:

      Sarah says "we punch hard"

      "It's a war, Sarah, not a birthday party".

      Love it!

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    AGGGG! That voice, those inflections drive me stick a fork in my eye! God she needs a voice coach. Stupid, the word is pronounced 'scale', not 'skell'.

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I don't mean to change the subject, where's the Anchorage Police Dept report of the Palin Family Melee?

    How come the APD hasn't cuffed and taken away Bristol Palin for repeatedly assaulting the non-combatant in his face?

    What about arresting Track who looked like he was under the influence of drugs at the Palin brawl?

    What's taking so long Alaska?

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      They don't want ugly-stinky people in their jails..evne they are too low for the normal criminals.

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      It's Alaska, Jake.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Why aren't the news organization pressing the police on this issue. This is arguably the most famous family in Alaska and there's no follow-up by the press?

    4. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Appearances count. Therefore the Palins OWN the police dept.

      It's no wonder that the Palins never did time for their crimes.

    5. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Track is more violent and dangerous than this latest alleged stalker. Bristol may be worse than either Track or Ferroro.

      Instead of handling another Palin-internet-stalker arrest situation like pros, the law will have Peter Ferroro looking like another political prisoner. To date, how many political prisoners has the Palin machine arrested?

      This guy will disappear into the darkness and we will be told how insane and dangerous he is. He will die young, natural causes of course.

    6. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Anonymous2:18 PM

      Why aren't the news organization pressing the police on this issue. This is arguably the most famous family in Alaska and there's no follow-up by the press?
      Alaska deserters what ever it gets. The crappist govs, the crappist Sens, the crappist reps.
      But they get their PDF you betcha!
      Today I have a issue, I call my reps they get on it.
      In Alaska a simple police report can't be produced....
      Blame it on Alaskans.
      They don't give a crap until it has to do with PFD/oil.

    7. Anonymous5:23 PM

      To date, how many political prisoners has the Palin machine arrested?
      And I bet the c*nts bring it on themselves.
      Well one good thing. Christy has a phonographic memory.
      So he can corroborate all the evidence that the FEDS have on the phone that they have :)
      And when he is able to sue, I'm sure he will.
      Maybe they call all get together and get a class action suit against her?
      Hell...maybe we all can! Haven't we all suffered ear damage and PTSD from listening to nonstop word salad?
      The insane screeches that make no sense even to "Farknocker"?
      Lets all make a class action suit against granny "The screech" grifter!
      Any lawyers out there?
      Just think of the money to be made?

  15. "It means we go in with overwhelming United States of America force, the red, white, and blue, we punch hard."
    No one who had the slightest concept of what war is would ever make such an incredibly asinine, cruel, clueless, breathtakingly stupid statement.

    Yes, you criminally stupid bitch, that's what war is, waving the red, white, and blue and punching hard, because one rill 'Murkin soldier can take out a whole mess of those browns, right? Oh, so glamorous and then home to the non-stop ticker tape parades to live happily ever after with the endless worship from your fellow citizens of your flawless warrior body .
    Tell me, you fucking dunce, why didn't Dubya do that on the first go-around? Gosh, why were we in Iraq for so long? Why are we still in Afghanistan? After all, war is just so easy-peasy in your stunted pea-sized brain.

    You dreadful, horrible, terrible excuse for a human being.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      You go Nefer.

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Does Sarah even have an idea why Osama bin Laden was so mad at us in the first place, mad enough to hijack some airplanes and fly them into buildings?

      The reason the Osama was so mad at us is because we had American troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, near holy Muslim sites of worship. Women were not dressed modestly. Men acted badly. Osama saw that as an insult to Islam. Waving the red, white and blue is not going to make things better over there.

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      When we stepped on their precious soil, we polluted it with our Christianity....

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Anonymous12:29 PM

      Does Sarah even have an idea why Osama bin Laden was so mad at us in the first place, mad enough to hijack some airplanes and fly them into buildings?
      good try but no cigar. OBL was a ex CIA trained agent. I'm sure old Gramps McCain knew him well.
      I'm sure your comment 12:29 was snark...

  16. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Sarah Palin looks like one of those bobble head dolls. Sarah has a giant head on top of her small shoulder.

  17. Anonymous10:18 AM

    OMG!! who is she asking these questions to? Her other personality.
    All I understood and my head is still spinning, is her plan would be to send troops wearing red, white and blue, great camouflage for the desert, to punch hard. Maybe not, still not sure what she just said. But remember Benghazi!!!

    Ms. Palin should stick with Russian foreign policy since she can see it from her porch. She has no clue about the Middle East other than bashing President Obama and it is somewhere in the east.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Darrell Isis invented the Benghazi scandal... That's confusing for simple Sarah.

    2. Anonymous11:01 PM

      lol...personality disorder...that would expalin alot...

  18. Anonymous10:19 AM

    10:11 AM Contact the Anchorage Police Department with your thoughts! They are not listening to Alaskans!!!

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    o/t Paul Revere R.I.P.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Wait...who's gonna do all that ridin' through town, ringin' those bells warnin' the British that they're not gonna take our guns....... Sarah, Sarah?

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      He military adviser, Track, look that one up for her.

  20. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The plather jacket is ugly as her ugly face & heart...not to mention her stupidness.

  21. Anonymous10:27 AM

    If Sarah wants to make serious political comments, then she should drop that mean girl, cute girl, semi-comedian act and just speak like a normal person. That might be asking too much. All that Sarah has are those mean girl digs, her so-called jokes and jabs, and a strange inflection which still spells "Not Ready For Prime Time." Not now, not ever. Sarah sounds like a wannabe celebrity in painful search for her next reality show.

  22. "Please Mr. President listen to America on this."
    What part of the President of the United States of America is too busy stopping the republicans from destroying this country to read the facebook rants of a demented washed up traitorous harpy doesn't this slobbering goon get?

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      "...listen to America on this."

      Not to mention, "America" elected Obama to handle this for the country twice.

      But, in her narcissistic mind, only Palin herself is "America".

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Her being 'retarded' is an understatement! Obviously, she has no clue that Americans want what President Obama is doing!! Plus, his ratings have gone up!

    3. Anonymous11:33 AM

      " I don't think about Sarah Palin." -- Barack Obama 2008

    4. Anonymous2:27 PM

      'Mur'ca' = a land of 35 countries...

      Palin - whachu' talkin' 'bout Willis?

  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hey, Sarah, how's the Sarah Palin Channel thing working out for you? You wouldn't be making these videos public if that was a successful enterprise. Nobody can notice you if they have to pay a subscriber's fee. The way to reach the most people is not from an exclusive for-members-only format.

  24. Anonymous10:29 AM

    she opened her plather $53 a bit it more than the website & pulled it down to show her fake boobs...what a piece of old stinky trash...

  25. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Good find! It comes in brown, olive and yellow. Sarah is shopping the sales on line. It's not even leather. Does Sarah think that "faux" is one of those animals with the long bush tails that lives in the forest/

  26. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I used to only want Palin's huge, explosive destruction.

    Now, I see her long, slow, decline into drug-addled, botoxed, has-been, punchline as pretty cool too!

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      It's not bad as slow declines go. And the thing is she always comes through for us. She's a guaranteed shameless idiot every single time she opens her mouth, or even if she just sits with her mouth closed, which never seems to happen. She is probably an idiot even in her sleep and she definitely dreams in idiocy. But it's fine with me if she wants to keep making sure we know she's an idiot by putting herself on these videos.

  27. Anonymous10:34 AM

    ISIS forces take over town of Kobani ...

    Will someone ask Sarah if I will still be able to buy my favorite yogurt.

  28. Anonymous10:37 AM

    When Iraq invaded Kuwait during the presidency of George H.W. Bush, the first one, he invaded Iraq only after he had assembled a coalition of nations, including the Middle East Arab nations. He also had to promise them not to invade Baghdad. GWB, the second, went into Iraq pretty much on his own to finish what he thought was his father's unfinished business. Iraq had not attacked anyone, and we all know that it was a big lie with few willing partners. (Thanks, Tony Blair).

    What Sarah doesn't understand is that diplomacy and agreements go on behind the scenes, and the discussions are not made public. No one emails Sarah security briefings. What we have is the same mean girl who lost to Obama in 2008 and she still can't get over it. Obama needs the cooperation and support of others in the Middle East who are also affected by ISIS. The most delicate relations are with Syria, both friend and foe. It's like walking on a tightrope. Sarah has no plan, just venom.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      H.W, Bush pulled the troops out before arriving in Baghdad because he didn't want to lose and get bogged down in a longer war.

      Georgie bombed Iraq because Saddam said something mean about his daddy.

  29. Anonymous10:39 AM

    It must be nice to be the half term quitter governor of Alaska.

    One of Sarah Palin's benefits is that her hooligan family can break laws and cause all kinds of ruckus in our state and no one is ever arrested.

    Sex trafficking, breaking and entering, child abuse, disturbing the peace and unlawful fighting to name a few.

    Clean up our state by locking up that family-gang. We want to be safe and secure at our peaceful parties in our cities and state.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      not to mention gambling and drugs.

  30. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Only this time let's listen to those on the ground, top brass of military, the experts, who are we do need a residual force staying there to make sure this doesn't happen again.

    Excuse me, but do we have top brass military on the ground in Iraq and Syria?

    As for a residual force remaining in Iraq, it was George W. Bush who signed to order for them to leave, not Obama.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Yes, Palin herself has direct access to the thoughts of the country's top military brass and experts. So she knows what they're saying and that Obama isn't listening to her delusional waking dreams!

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      You really think Palin has access to the top military brass? Don't kid yourself!

      She is no longer a politician, does not hold office, is not on state, national or federal committees or boards.

      Plus, the Republicans cannot stand her. Remember how they closed her out of the convention when Romney was running? And, Alaska Republicans think she is nuttier than a fruitcake!

  31. Anonymous10:41 AM

    "We must go in". Ok Palin, 'go in' where??? ISIS appears to pop up in just about every vulnerable spot in the Middle East without much advance notice. Guess their logistics folks aren't as savvy as the Palin machine. Maybe she thinks, that like snowmachiners, these guys run around with their 'ISIS' logo patches proudly stitched to their overalls alongside their various 'corporate' sponsors. Easy to spot and blow away.

    I recall hearing of Tokyo Rose in my youth and how all the grown-ups despised her for the dangerous propaganda she spreading for a paycheck. I now know just how they felt. Palin is a scourge to decency. If any of the terrorist types around the world begin thinking that a dunce like Palin has a valid say in the military intentions of this Nation her threats and cajoling will serve only to validate their goal of bringing their terrorist attacks here. As she has only been schooled in the backwoods Hatfield & McCoy style of feuding I don't expect her to ever grasp the concept, danger and impact of global war.

    Her work for the diabolical Koch Bros and assorted other cabal members will not be done til she's torn this country into shreds in order to rebuild it in 'their' despotic likeness. She probably doesn't know she'll be enslaved and victimized right along with the rest of us worker bees, also too. They don't mingle with the 'help'.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      What happened to Tokyo Rose? How did she die? When did she die? I remember hearing about her. Sarah Palin sounds very, very similar! Evil, nasty, racist, war monger, etc.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Sarah Palin and her gang of half-wits wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes up against anyone like the Hatfields and McCoys. Palin's family are losers no matter who or what they take on.

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      "I recall hearing of Tokyo Rose in my youth and how all the grown-ups despised her for the dangerous propaganda she spreading for a paycheck. I now know just how they felt. Palin is a scourge to decency."

      If that is not the truth!! I can't stomach all the ongoing Palin propaganda for the military, war, using the troops and all she does for her dirty money.

      Thanks for the info on TR

    4. Anonymous3:58 PM

      @11:11 Tokyo Rose died some time ago. She eventually ended up in Chicago, running a Japanese Gift shop. People shopped there just to get a look at her.

  32. Anonymous10:41 AM

    just like a middle-schooler, gets some new article of clothing she likes and wears it day after day...

  33. Anonymous10:42 AM

    No Justice No Peace In Alaska

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      When voting for the judges in Alaska, be sure and check the internet to see which ones were appointed by Palin or Parnell!

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM


    3. Anonymous10:57 PM

      yeah they got nervous when the reason Palin resigned was 'courted' to be a magistrate in a remote village...but when a social worker found out and passed it onto Palin and went to work for South-central foundation...Dave Parker to the rescue? He wormed his way to be on the board to hire judges...saying it was to keep a 'fox out of the hen-house' house of cards Sarah...fall down...

  34. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Was Trig in charge of drawing on her eyebrows for this video?

  35. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Conservatives Who Want Christianity Taught in Schools Go Berserk Over History Class That Mentions Islam (Screenshots)

  36. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Bring in the FBI to investigate the APD and the Palin gang of thugs who are roaming our streets, punching and choking our citizens.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      FBI/Anchorage and APD bought and paid for by the Palin thugs! They supposedly used Todd's prostitutes!

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Party crashers.

      No telling what the gang was plotting in the Humvee with young Tripp taking it all in.

      Drugs are great to get the hooligan buddies all worked up. But drugs are only a part of the criminal activity and why the APD suppressed the evidence for the family.

  37. Gee, add that to her supreme grifting ways, she could easily be mistaken for Bernie Madoff's international financial advisor.

  38. Anonymous11:01 AM

    wonder when sperm burpin' bristol and chuck_tard jr are gonna wakeup from their drunken stupor to include their scintillating, highly educated rebuttal to this thread ?

    waiting, waiting .....

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      They're waiting for their SarahPAC checks to clear.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Mrs. Sandusky Sally hasn't heard from whoever helps her find a word. As soon as she does she will plug in the coffee pot and get her brood up.

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      a couple of freakin' rocket scientist's those two

    4. Anonymous1:14 PM

      i do see the sandusky's are reaping from the

    5. Anonymous1:17 PM

      I thought Jerry Sandusky was supposed to be in jail, yet he's posing for $carah's website! SMH

    6. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Maybe someone finally staged an intervention.

  39. Beldar J Conehead, Registered Troll (ret.)11:13 AM

    Gryphen, as you know, I'm extremely disappointed with your extreme lack of compassion for this woman who each day awakens with a desperate urge to vomit up inadequate bundles of unwanted and unhelpful gibberish in a futile effort to regain some of the imaginary relevance she once mistakenly thought she had. I'm beginning to understand why her trolls are so hostile you and your librul blog buddies for your total lack of empathy.


    And money, also too.

    Love and money.

    But, yeah, mostly money.

    To help begin the healing process, let's read some shit trolls say together, shall we?

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, traitors, malcontents, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, inept ones, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, knownothings, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, nosy little shits, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, read false negative stuff into beauty, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, have juvenile mentalities, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She who must not be named
    - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, intaelujant, living vibrantly, happy...

    In Non-Opposite World, she
    - is divisive, mean-spirited, washed-up, 'fodder for mirth', irrational, vitriolic, thin-skinned, pugnacious, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, totally twitastic and insanely facebookeriffic, repulsive, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, bitter, mercenary, unstable, self-absorbed, classless, unhinged, reckless, garish, foolish, inarticulate, embarrrassing, shameless, cynical, obsessed, shallow, skanky, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, vulgar, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, malignant narcissist, unprepared, sour, counterproductive, an idiot

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, sad little man, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    IM blog
    - is a cesspool, a meaningless void, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still racked up 24.6 million page views)

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    *** * * * * ****** * * * * ** ** *** *
    * * * * * ************** * * * * * *

    Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept NO Substitute!

    Need Professional Online or Offline Trollery?
    Rely On Beldar!

    BDIB: Beldar Does It Blissfully!

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Thanks Beldar. It looks like you've put the real trolls out of business. I don't smell any around here today.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Aww... Beldar tonight you made me laugh almost as much as PCE over at Malia's!

  40. Anonymous11:14 AM

    oh, is that me, I tend to do that buy something an wear it over and over.....oh gotta stop. :)

  41. Anonymous11:15 AM


  42. Kathi in NJ11:15 AM

    Good Lord. I thought this was an article from The Onion.

  43. While it would be hard on the citizens of Iraq and Syria, I think it is worth considering blaring her demented, braying yowls of rage from loudspeakers everywhere. Maybe hack into radio and tv stations? Drones equipped with sound systems?

    How long until ISIL cut and ran, hands over their bleeding ears?

    Just a thought.

    1. LOL. Someone at Wonkette pointed out that this might be against the Geneva Convention. :-)

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      She wouldn't know what the Geneva Convention is about or what it is, etc.

  44. Anonymous11:21 AM

    hmmm,maybe all this time these are her so called husband's word salad. I mean isn't she Christian? Didn't she denounce feminism?

  45. Anonymous11:29 AM

    From what Sarah seems to be saying is:

    Send troops to Iraq, but it may not be a good idea, so don't send troops to Iraq. Don't support the President because he's weak, but let's demand that the President not do anything too harshly. If he goes all in, he's too confident and self-assured and that makes him look like he's 'all that'. Support the President if he yields all decisions to military so they can kick axe; but if it turns into Armageddon, it's the President's fault.

    Let's not trust the Syrian rebels and the Iraqi insurgents and elements of tribal rogues, because Obama trusted them. However, if he doesn't trust them, let's trust them.

    Let's decide who's moderate and who's radical. Let's decide when Obama's too weak or too aggressive. Let's watch him lead and if he fails, let's blame him, and if he succeeds, we'll still blame him, for not having taken action sooner. Let's blame Obama for starting the whole mess, and if he fails, we win, because now we can enjoy blaming him over and over and over again, and I can go on Hannity and say, "see I told you so" and make money (wink) while doing it.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      I got the impression that the Red, White and Blue was going to bomb the Hell out of that place. Place? Was that Iraq or Syria?

  46. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    Now go and shop for more faux leather goods and let President Obama handle the business of running the USA. Now I know you feel that your previous experience of running a failed car wash gives you executive experience, but it really doesn't dearie.
    As far as the will and desires of the American people that was clearly already decided in the last two presidential elections. While I know it's a hard thing to learn and most are taught earlier in life, I've just got to tell you now, the world is not always going to go your way.
    Now run along and send facebook another email message about how you need your fake likes, or go give Bristol another pregnancy test, or you could even try to get the child you claim is your youngest to therapy. But your retarded ranting isn't going to make people forget about your trashy drunk family assaulting people. Maybe your brother can knock up another woman to take the focus off your families brawl? But, neither President Obama, nor the majority of the American people give a shit about what you have to say.

  47. Anonymous11:34 AM

    what's that cross doing on the fireplace mantle ?
    is the menorah off the back this week ?

    WTF ?

  48. Anonymous11:37 AM

    How about
    Libya (Benghazi), Libya (Benghazi), Libya (Benghazi)
    ???? - Sarah

  49. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Do you think the Sarah Palin Channel has paid usage fees for all the broll in this video? Doubtful Sarah went and shot it herself.
    One cannot legally take other journalists/photographers work. put their own logo on it and CHARGE people to view it.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      @11:38 Good point. I wonder how the 9/11 photo thing is going. She and TAPP must think that if they can see it on the internet or if it's "news" they can just use it. It's the charging money from the copyrighted material that is offensive.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      I looked up the 9/11 photo lawsuit yesterday and could not find any information posted since they changed jurisdiction. Must not have come up on the docket yet.

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Which could be a partial explanation for why she's totally off the rails these days. "How DARE someone tell me I can't steal other people's property and then make money from it! How DARE they!!"

  50. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Sarah would add more troops to this impossible situation and then say she loves the military. If President Obama wants to be absolutely sure that this is necessary, because he does not want to risk losing precious soldier's lives, he's called unpatriotic and un-American and all sorts of things.

    If President Obama takes the time to sort all the intel, which he is given hourly by his commanders, and doesn't give out details or give media anything to speculate on, Sarah and her ilk and the radical right-wing hate the reasoned cautious patient decision-making skills of this president, while calling him impotent, weak, unconcerned, etc.

    They have no concern for their fellow Americans; the full burden is on this one man and his administration and Sarah and friends should be damned thankful that they aren't sitting in a pile of nuclear waste right now. If it had been up to a Republican team (McCain/Palin) today, there may not be an America. With Palin's callous disrespect for anyone, including diplomats, her President, and even, yes, the Pope (her stupid pope joke about bears poping in the woods), she'd have had every evil dictator and religious cult pointing every warhead directly at us.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Sarah would add more troops to this impossible situation and then say she loves the military.
      Why haven't any of her children signed up/reenlisted in the military if she loves it so much?

  51. Dear Sarah,
    When you are unable to raise your children to be productive adults, and aren't even able to teach your disabled child, whom is 6yrs old to eat solid foods...please shut your trap door, you quit, your nothing but a skid mark on the political career of old man McCain.

  52. Anonymous11:52 AM

    This idiot bitch really DOES think President Obama is hanging on her every wharrgarbl, doesn't she? Take your meds, Sarah, you psychotic know-nothing ASSHOLE!

  53. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Sarah needs more troops at her hell house to keep the peace. That video was a subliminal message& of Course has the nerve to blame the president for her OWN failures

  54. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Sally's Word of the Day is "assuage."
    Do you think she can pronounce it?
    Do you think she could teach her eldest daughter what it means?

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      There are a dozen word-a-day sites on the internet. Sall must be getting a lot of postage for finding a new word that she's never heard of before.

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Sally Sandusky is milking it....She is the one who tought $carah how to grift and be a blatant liar.

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Hey Sally, what's up with your husband Jerry...I mean creepo chuck. He looks like a sicko wearing those dirty baggy old pants.

    4. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Isn't assuage an anagram for "sausage?" Is Sally punking Sarah?

    5. Leland1:27 PM


      Here's one for her: TRUTH.

    6. Anonymous2:13 PM

      The whole thing is to try and make us believe that Sally taught her children the value of reading and of education. We all know that's a bunch of crap.

    7. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I figure sally sandusky turned her head & feigned no knowledge of what was going on for many many moons while her brood was growing up. There's a place in hell for mothers like that.

    8. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Maybe she means Julian "assuage." ?

    9. "Whatever"6:28 PM

      2:13 Bingo! That makes sense--in a Palin sort of way.

      What better way to make the clueless think that the Palin family is full of intellectuals and that Mom instilled the importance of reading. (Take that, Katie Couric!)

    10. "Whatever"6:40 PM

      2:13 Bingo! That makes sense in a Palin sort of way.

      I always wondered why the hard-core Palin fan would be the least bit interested in vocabulary. Especially, multi-syllable words that they would never, ever have a reason to use or read.

      She thinks it makes the Palins look smart.

      Also, too, in her pea brain it probably makes her feel like she does indeed know how to read and how to use big, fancy words--it's "obvious" that words, language and reading are so important in the Palin household because Mom teaches it daily on the Palin Pay-Meee Blog (So, there!, Katie Couric!).

      Same way that being in the presence of "important" people or church type Christians gives her the aura of being one of them. (Graham, Jr.)

      Or being in the same town as someone else who is doing something important that Sarah cannot and would not risk doing herself. I'm thinking the Iowa State Fair during the Caucus and in New Hampshire when Romney announced his run for president.

      I always thought her Pay-Meee website/blog people would be better served by a Joke of the Day. They'd probably enjoy it more.

      And here's the thing, Sarah, no charge for my advice, you'd probably get tons of free exposure as NONE of your subscribers are even looking at Word of the Day, but ALL of them would happily share the Joke of the Day with friends and tell them they got it from your Pay-Meee blog.

  55. Anonymous12:00 PM

    +1 Spot on.

  56. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Maybe we could offer Sarah Palin to ISIS.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Let's send the whole family. Bristol will punch their lights out. Track and Todd are good in a brawl. I wonder if they know who Sarah is.

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      what makes you think they would want her any more than everyone else doesnt want her?

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      It would be fun watching them give her a little bit of her own medicine! She is as evil as are they!

    4. Leland1:28 PM

      They would probably immediately declare war on us! AND charge us with violations of the Geneva Convention!

  57. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I couldn't even get through one minute of her latest screech. Psycho babble.

  58. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Anonymous11:14 AM
    don't worry...that's me, too...but we don't pretend to have:
    1. Class
    2. lie.
    3. make money off innocent stupid people to buy her ugly shit.

  59. Anonymous1:38 PM

    *'s babble
    i get excited and can't

  60. That jacket? Just shows that even Nieman Marcus can have a bad day. One of the ugliest articles of clothing I've seen.

  61. My new rule:

    Anyone wearing a dangling chain at the level of her (or his) nipple is disqualified from speaking on foreign policy.

  62. Anonymous2:03 PM

    From the Sea of Pee:

    TheresaAK • 6 hours ago

    Hello Troll....good to see you back on C4P....we appreciate your likes...letting us know you are gaining an education while liking our posts.
    It's important and we are so happy we can help you.
    Truly, I am sad that you and your "avatar buddies" are so messed up inside. I guess, knowing that you were lied to by obama, the "one" you believed with all your heart and soul as your savior could put you over the edge. You slandered so many decent people for that obama, and now, all you can do is sneak your more about how obama has deceived you, and hope we will welcome you to the fold...

    This sounds like the IM troll, who also uses the word, "slander," incorrectly. 'Slander is spoken. But, shoot, that's the way that Theresa writes, all folksy without much editing. Hmmmmmm

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Except this slander troll speaks in semi-complete sentences, and puts multiple sentences together to form a semi-coherent thought. More than can be said for the IM slander troll.

  63. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Gryphen - I don't know how you did it. I couldn't watch the video past 2 seconds and could barely read the transcript.

    I've transcribed many of her speeches and interviews and know how ridiculously hard it is to transcribe the word salad. It's not even about the pain of listening to her, but her phrasing and cadence is so bizarre I'd have to play portions over and over and over again.

    You have my utmost sympathy and respect.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      I agree with 2:09. Reading the transcript is just like reading some high school drivel. But listening to Palin is truly torture (unless you are so taken with Sarah that you can't see how stupid she is). It's the unusual emphasis on some words, her mean snarl, and the baby doll sexy voice. When Sarah thinks that she has said something clever or funny, she gives one of those "cat ate the canary" smug smiles. Her lame folksy style is not a comedy act. It is the sign of a mentally unstable person whose anger anger has devoured her. She is rotting from the inside, and it's eating away at what's left of her brain.

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      at this point it's her incurable syphilis that's rotting what little brain the crosseyed skank's got left ..

  64. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sarah Palin would like to "volunteer" Track, to head overseas to fight ISIS. Imagine how much mileage she could get if her son was injured or even killed in battle.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Gold star family trumps blue star mother.

  65. Anonymous2:19 PM

    That is a possibility...but this administration claims to have verified the authenticity of the films.

    The first journalist beheaded was James Foley from NH. He'd been rescued once before. Foley was one of a new breed of activist journalists who didn’t so much report on a story as promote an agenda. The agenda was obvious from his Twitter feed.

    Also...Though a Catholic, James Foley had no empathy for the Christians who are driven from their homes, tortured and killed by jihadists in Syria and Iraq. He cheered on the jihadists fighting to ethnically “cleanse” Christians from Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. It is reported that jihadists crucified Christians.

    Foley was a Muslim sympathizer who went to Syria to support the Sunni Islamist “rebels” against the Syrian government.Foley was an advocate of the “rebels”; his Twitter feed was full of urgings to arm the jihadists.

  66. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Fuck Sally.Heath and her word of the day.

    Why did I say that to an elderly woman?

    Because Sally has been a beneficiary of funds from SarahPac that paid for the SarahPAC - Sarah Palin Family Vacation. That makes Sally and any other Palin or Heath that went on that boondoggle just as bad as Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Anonymous2:24 PM
      THANK YOU!! i fee the same let's include elderly sarah...:)

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      @2:24 Are you saying that when Sarah's PAC paid Sally $3,000 for postage, it really wasn't for stamps?

  67. Anonymous2:46 PM

    There were several times when Sarah, as Governor, addressed the troops from Alaska heading to Iraq or Afghanistan or when they returned. The local media noted that Track was not present when Sarah addressed these groups, even though he was supposed to be part of the group.

  68. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Where was Track hiding?

    He spent a lot of time in Wasilla and the states when his troops were deployed in Afghanistan. Btw that was where he was to be.

  69. Anonymous3:11 PM

    That bitch needs to stfu and be sent to prison. She's an inciteful, hateful and lying POS!

  70. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Why does this retard keep showing pictures of President Obama while she pretends to be schooling him? Does she think her followers don't know what he looks like? She's just too damn stupid to breathe.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      I think those photos are copyrighted. Watch out, Sarah. Watch out, TAPP. Don't you guys remember the September 11 photo? What happened to the lawsuit about Sarah and the September 11 photo?

  71. Anonymous3:39 PM

    What happen to her let Allah sort it out!

  72. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Sarah Palin does not have a degree in Journalism.

  73. Anonymous3:55 PM

    There are only a few photos of Track in uniform, and almost none of him in what could be called "active duty.' He's supposed to be playing ball with some other guys, but that could take place almost anywhere.

  74. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Lead Chaplain Koch, apologized for the other chaplain's actions. What happened?

    What was in the blogs that was disappointing?

  75. Anita Winecooler4:32 PM

    I got an idea, send Bristol "Right hook" Palin-Palin and her half brother, Track to lead the way. That'll send Isis a message they won;t soon forget, right? Sarah talks of "prodding" the President, Great Idea Mrs Fartknocker Foamknockers. Bet you got the perfect strap on picked out already to match the upper frontals. .
    Don't know about anyone else, but someone needs to slap the smirk off the moron's face. Where was she when Saint Ronald Regan armed Iran? THAT she overlooks, the POTUS hasn't armed anyone (yet), and she's ready to kick ass, kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

  76. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anonymous9:37 AM unless all the people beheaded shot, killed tortured are christians it doesn't matter to those simpletons. b/c only "christians" count. They are the "persecuted ones" I have no "civil" words for this gormless plute except shut the fuck up.

  77. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Ooooohhhhh!!! Skank must be going on the CHEAP to buy
    Bristol must be costing her ALOT to cover up the Palin brawl!!! I bet that guy Barstool socked SIX FLIPPIN' times wants a MIL for each sock in the face!!! Plus a PUBLIC apology and I hope all kind of other stuff like FULL POLICE REPORT from the SKANKY ass corrupt Anchorage PD clients of Todd Palin brothel.

  78. Anonymous5:33 PM girl...oh there you are! Come here...calm behave and lay down! Now that I have your attention...might want to stop the BS dear! Ya know when that paperwork makes it way past your 'peoples' it will all come crashing down...ISIS... Syria... why you resigned? the HUGE account you don't think I know about...and all those crimes committed and those stalkers...gosh what would I do without them Sarah?
    Making me feel famous before it comes to pass my dear...
    Ya might want to take a break and realize it will not work like everyone planned...might have worked for half my life...
    Now the second half is mine...and the trust account...the country...the know...what you will never have!
    You still like to crucify those you cannot forget...PEACE...

  79. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Christ, she's stupid.

  80. Anonymous6:35 PM

    It looks as if someone didn't like their copyrighted material being shown without permission. It's editorial content. It's a political statement. However, all of the video of soldiers, ISIS, President Obama and the rest of it, did TAPP pay the copyright fees since they used someone's copyrighted footage to make a profit????

  81. Anonymous7:15 PM

    The propaganda they promoted was massive. So many articles, mostly saying the same thing but getting wide coverage. 10 year old Track was a superman. But didn't show up so who knew where he was or for what/

    Palin's son becomes poster boy for GOP as Bush unveils troop pull-out

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Bush ordered the pullout of 8,000 combat troops from Iraq, signaling a slower pace of withdrawal than previously expected.
    What may be one of his final deployment decisions as commander in chief came as the U.S. military was bracing for an explosion of media interest in Track Palin, the 19-year-old son of Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who is soon to deploy to Iraq and reports for duty in Alaska.

    After fading from the headlines, Iraq is about to become front page news again, now that Track Palin is off to the front.
    John McCain and Joe Biden both have sons in the military, but they rarely discuss their children's military service. Sarah Palin has no such compunction, however
    She has repeatedly pointed to her son's membership in Alaska's National Guard when making the case for McCain to be the next president.

  82. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Please cite your source, 2:19.

    Those are direct quotes from a Daniel Greenfield who is a fellow at the "Freedom Center." Anyone can google him and this center and find out their agenda. Or google what you've quoted here and see the tea-bagger/right-wing nuttery that has reposted Mr. Greenfield's words.

    The Freedom Center has been flagged by the Southern Poverty Law Center as being "far right" and points out their anti-muslim and racist leanings. The ADL is similarly not-to-pleased with The Freedom Center's anti-muslim agenda.

    We are all free to read Foley's twitters and his history and form our own opinions, but I won't let the likes of The Freedom Center do it for me.

  83. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Very interesting "Whatever"
    This is how Sarah Palin treats close family friends in the military. Track's buddy, Bristol's friends brother, Todd's exs' child or nephew and "compassionate reassignment"
    So Palin's son, who may or may not have actually been to Afghanistan, thinks that the "ONE person in the entire world" that he would be "star struck to meet" is a guy made famous for killing 160 people, and then writing a self aggrandizing book about it, in which he refers to the people of Iraq as "sub-human." “savages” and “cowards?"
    7:24 PM

  84. Anonymous7:52 PM

    CORRECTION... 19 year old Track was a superman.

  85. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Is TAPP going to prevent us from discussing their sacred video? Can't we criticize Sarah Palin? Touchy touchy. You'd think that they would be happy that anyone looks at their videos. Their numbers are terrible.

  86. physicsmom9:22 PM

    Hell must have frozen over. I happen to agree with Snowdrift Snooki on one thing: we don't know who are enemies or friends in Syria and we shouldn't be arming anybody. I had been happy that the President has stayed out of Syria this long, so his decision to arm the "moderate rebels" is so unrealistic. I've seen many an editorial cartoon mocking how the US will sort out moderates from everyone else and how we'll know whether they're lying.

    So, I'm amazed that I agree with SWWNBN, although her reasons aren't consistent at all with the rest of her diatribe. The only good news here is that the President is going to ignore her, as he always does.

  87. Anonymous10:16 PM

    What are TAPP and Sarah afraid of? If she has such a powerful message, you would think that she would want every one to carry it, pass it around and quote her. Oh, yeah, I forgot. Sarah is a laughing stock, and TAPP is marketing her as..... exactly what is their point? I guess it's the Todd Palin Philosophy of Everything, What's in it for us? (Or, how can we cash in on this gal?)

  88. Anonymous11:00 PM

    trace the video and the 'contributors' and such and cross-reference...the pattern of the Palins is to fund such things using a different business name or folks...
    did it with Ritcher it's gonna hit her between the eyes in the courts she cannot buy...

  89. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Remember when she was going to make videos to explain her brilliant schemes to inform fools why/how to impeach the President? She got her own fake channel, a website, and dropped the impeach crap.

    What happened? Why another quit Sarah?


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