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"Don't you know who I am?" |
Of course like many of the others this witness does not want their name used, but they did offer some new information that up to this point has not been reported.
According to the witness the Palins were actually at the party for quite awhile before anything happened. But when it did it was all about Track.
According to this witness the main party was being held inside of a hangar on Korey Klingenmeyer’s property. It was there that this witness first heard that something was happening with the Palins.
Essentially a young man came in and told his dad that Tack Palin, a guy the boy says he had really never met before, was trying to start a fight with him.
Then essentially they both went out to the yard, and that is when the young man (Identified in other reports as Connor Cleary), was essentially jumped by Track Palin.
As reported before when Connor's father tried to separate the two that is when Todd jumped in to the fray. Only according to this witness Todd not only put the dad in a headlock but also started punching him, only to let go after getting hit in the face himself and receiving a bloody nose.
Once again according to this witness Track was out of control and they felt that he was not simply drunk but that he was undoubtedly on something much stronger. The witness also said that Track was literally uninjured after the brawl, and was walking around shirtless as the family started to leave and yes he was flipping the bird to the whole party and yelling obscenities. (P.S. The witness also heard about the fight in the bar later where Track really did get his ass handed to him, and from that he received the injuries that the Palin version of events attributed to the brawl.)
Now here is where it gets interesting.
According to the source Sarah also really tried to get into the scrum, only to be physically held back by a number of women, and yes she was shouting "Do you know who I am?"
Now as for the Bristol part of the fight, there are more details here as well.
In this witnesses version of events, Bristol was actually inside the house when the shit went down.
When she saw what was happening she, and apparently Willow, made a beeline straight for the free for all.
That is when the homeowner (Klingenmeyer) stepped in her way, and told her she needed to stay out of it.
She responded with "Who the hell are you?"
He replied that he was the owner of the house and told her that he wanted her and her family to leave his property. THAT was when Bristol started whaling on him, only in this version she accompanied those blows with a barrage of obscenities. Then as reported the homeowner knocked her ass to the ground.
Apparently it was only after someone announced loudly that "The police have been called" that the Palins, now this is in the witnesses' own words, "scattered like rats."
There are a few more details about the host as well in this report.
According to the witness Klingenmeyer has obtained a lawyer, and there is still the possibility that he might indeed press charges. If he does, according to the witness, he intends to charge Track, Todd, and Bristol.
This actually falls in line with what Eric Thompson reported earlier, saying that “Originally, I was asked to give a statement to the police along with 10 other people,” he added. “[The alleged victim] didn’t want it misconstrued that he was assaulting her.”
Now I have no idea if there are negotiations behind the scenes, or whether the homeowner has even been in touch with the Palins since they ruined his party. But if not then his hesitancy would be due simply to his concern about retribution if he moves forward.
Okay so that is the report from the witness who is friends with my source. Here is what my source added on their own.
Track is a nut, and has been one since WAY before he left to join the military. So what happened at the party is completely within expectations for his behavior.
This fight really comes as no surprise because they have happened with some frequency inside the Palin household. The source witnessed more than one physical altercation, which included hair pulling, shouted obscenities, and even punching and grabbing at Todd's groin. (And not by his wife.)
According to my source, who has expressed an interest in coming out of the shadows, this is only the tip of the (Dare I say it?) iceberg, and there is much more to come that will absolutely blow our minds.
My prediction is that October is going to be a GREAT month.
What great role models the adult Palins are for children: Piper, Trig and Tripp.
Indeed, Beaglemom.
DeleteBut as I asked down thread -
Why wasn't Tripp with Trig? Safe away from the drunken antics of their family?
You'll notice that Piper wasn't included in her father's special birthday party. Babysitting Trig?
DeleteFUM--I think Bristol uses Tripp as a prop much like her mother uses her kids. Like mother like daughter. Someone mentioned that she might be reluctant to leave Tripp with a babysitter who is an "outsider" for fear of what Tripp may say.
Delete"My prediction is that October is going to be a GREAT month. "
Fellow Oct Bday IM'rs and ALL IM'rs!!!
Stock up on Party supplies! :)
WooHoo! Happy Birthday to US
smh to trollie.
Does anyone know if the witness reports to the police are subject to FOI requests once the police (presumably) say they are dismissing the event?
ReplyDeletePolice reports are public record - supposedly, no FOIA needed. Unless you're in Alaska, dealing with the Palin's - then, things tend to happen a wee bit differently...
DeleteWhy would ANY child be placed around a drinking, drug-using Track?
DeleteMaybe the Anchorage police will charge an outrageous amount of money for the police reports, like the Ferguson police are doing. The 911 calls are also public record. Those would be interesting because they describe what is happening at the moment.
DeleteResponse to Katie Annie Oakley: you said it, sister: BINGO! And even IF produced, they would be almost completely redacted with a black Sharpie marker.
DeleteI hope the report is forthcoming and CHARGES AGAINST all of them would be AWESOME along with a civil suit for a MIL each violation or punch by Barstool. Gloat on that Troll smh!
Delete"DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM"?~Sarah (stupid)Heath
Deleteanother timeless ditty ; " does it kick daddy ? "
The pathetic thing about this story of the brawl is that I can see each of the Palins mentioned doing their horrible deeds of nastiness!
ReplyDeleteThey truly are a horrible family who have taught their children nothing about kindness as to thoughts, words and deeds! And, they are the furthest away from living their 'supposed' Christian values!
We ALL knew this was far from the "isolated incident" they made it out to be. Gutter rats.
DeleteTrash, pure trash. 3 generations( I know the youngest had no choice, but what kind of people think drinking and do drugs around a young child is okay?) out boozing and drugging?
ReplyDeleteAll those adult children either have mental health issues along with the booze and drugs or they had a very abusive home life growing up. Nasty, just a nasty family. And as Sarah's income declines I think more and more stories will come out. Because the ONLY reason she has any power over people is her money, when that is gone I doubt very much she will have any real friends left.
Yep! We know how she acts in desperation.
DeleteI guess all that "postage" was actually hush money.
Delete9:11 "...the ONLY reason she has any power over people is her money, when that is gone I doubt very much she will have any real friends left."
DeleteI don't think she has any real friends now. Even with all the money she's got (or had).
The Palins BUY their friends. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. It's always been that way. That includes Track, Bristol & Willow who have also been taught they can get away with anything. Don't you know who they ARE!!??
DeleteConcord, Massachusetts is known for, "the shot heard around the world." and now
ReplyDeleteWasilla, Alaska is known for, "the brawl heard around the world."
9:16 AM The Palin Brawl actually occurred in a home in Anchorage, not Wasilla!
DeleteOh, no worries.
DeleteWasilla is still known as the "Meth" capital of Alaska!
"Suh-prise suh-prise suh-prise." -- Gomer Pyle
ReplyDeleteGryphen, can you be more specific about what your source meant when calling Track a "nut". Jerry Lewis was nutty, but beloved. Is there a more precise word/phrase that explains what your source knows?
Also too- what about the nickname Cain't Get Right?
DeleteWho dat?!
Also too- about the nickname Cain't Get Right. Who dat?!
Delete*Actually*, while he is beloved, Jerry Lewis is an incredibly nasty man.
DeleteIt is difficult, but we need to learn to separate our love for a person's talents from love for the person.
10:28 You're right of course. I meant his bumbling character (which I always found insulting). My point stands though, "nut" is kind of benign.
As interesting as I found the post, I didn't care much for the word "nut." Are there indications of genuine mental illness, predating any supposed PTSD? Or is this a case of personality defects resulting from a deeply flawed upbringing? They are two different things.
DeleteTrack has been an angry young man all his life. That is an indicator that he has suffered abuse, likely sexual, at the hands of family or close friends. He doesn't know how to deal with it, or cannot for some reason, thus acts out.
DeleteAm I surprised? No, not at all; it fits the Palin syndrome.
Balza - I am betting you are probably correct. I wish the "kid" would seek some help and get away from the bad environment.
DeleteAnonymous11:01 AM
DeleteAs interesting as I found the post, I didn't care much for the word "nut." Are there indications of genuine mental illness, predating any supposed PTSD?
ummm since we know Track was Cutting brake lines BEFORE he went in to the Military I would take it as "loose cannon" "psycho" "Drug user(oxy)"
And wouldn't you be disturbed if your real father was killed by the stepdad? Duh?
I'd suggest not splitting hairs over this word. I take it to mean that Track was never 'normal' and the speaker didn't want to try to diagnose. We all know people like that. We don't know what their problem is, but the sure as heck aren't normal.
DeleteI think if someone crashed your party insulted your guests started fighting with them and then ripped off their shirt and gave everyone the finger. ...
DeleteYou would probably call that person NUTS, too.
Everybody knows that doing meth tends to turn one into a "nut". Also I'm pretty sure Track being involved in cutting the brake lines on childrens' school buses had nothing to do with PTSD. He needs REHAB intervention.
DeleteToday may be a good one to try out my new DJI Phantom FC40 drone- with 720p camera.
ReplyDeleteFly it over the house to see if I can get pictures of Sarah mowing yard with Trig on her back.
Look for all the Belmonts too!
DeleteBu now, she probably has Trig riding the mower alone, don't you think? In his diaper and unsupervised.
DeleteCome on now. I'm sure Mrs.Todd Palin was simply shouting "Do you snow on my yams?" or "Does it show on my gams?" Or something equally innocent like that.
ReplyDeleteGryphen - If you're looking for a special day in October to lower the boom, the 9th is Moldy Cheese Day, the 11th is Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day, the 17th is Wear Something Gaudy Day (Hell, that's everyday for Sarah) and (maybe the one you ought to aim for) the 22nd is National Nut Day. But of course, Track know all about these.
A Fan From Chicago
"Do you snow on my yams?"
DeleteLOLx10 OMG! Help me up!!!
Thanks for making me spew my coffee - too funny!
DeleteHe's a vet, you bet.
DeleteYou can't hide your lyin' eyes
ReplyDeleteAnd your smile is a thin disguise
Thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes.
The Eagles
But keep on trying palin pack of wild Dingos.
IF Klingenmeyer does press charges you can bet it will all be settled out of court, with non-disclosure clauses, and with an amount of $ given to him without the public ever knowing any details.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, hedgewytch.
DeleteSince 70+ people witnessed the brawl, a non-disclosure has little chance of working. Doesn't it make sense that each of the 70 or so people who were there each told at least one other person? Sarah has a problem on her hands: she'll be trying to stop a tsunami with a tiny fish net -- no way to stop the leaks. (Grinning from ear to ear!)
DeleteProbably true - BUT!
DeleteAny out of court settlement would indicate the Palins paid to hush up the host.
Win - win for us!
Civil suits can be settled out of court with whatever restrictions the parties agree to.
DeleteCriminal charges are different.
If criminal charges are filed, the resolution are generally public.
An accused could plead guilty to avoid all the damaging details that would come out in a trial. However, the guilty pleas would be public, as would the plea deal detailing the sentencing arrangements.
They could plead not guilty and go to trial. Again, the jury verdict and sentencing (if guilty) would be public.
There could be behind the scenes hanky-panky that could lead to a prosecutor dropping charges.
However, in that case, any agreements that one of the parties would keep quiet would be ethically tricky to deal with if it involved coercing someone to be silent regarding criminal activities to prevent someone else from being tried for those criminal activities. Not sure any lawyer/prosecutor would be agreeable to signing their name to such a document.
An actual lawyer's insight on scenarios involving criminal charges and well-connected accused persons would be very interesting.
Interesting thoughts re: criminal versus civil charges. I'm pretty sure that it's a matter of public record, once there is a criminal arrest. A well-connected individual might catch more breaks with their deals. For example it's widely believed that GWBs DUI arrest resulted from a plea bargain that swept more serious charges (cocaine use) under the rug. But even the Bush family couldn't keep the arrest and conviction under wraps.
DeleteAll just too entertaining, as ever. Likely Klingemeyer isn't talking to avoid tainting whatever he may wish to use in a legal sense.
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of Palin above, with her flappy arms and liver spots on her chest, arms, & ugly wrinkly hands....lol
ReplyDeleteThat can't be right...I mean $carah says there's no such thing as melting ice...
9:29 AM I think you are correct. The Palins will do everything they can to stay out of Court! They are already known for paying folks off! Eventually they are going to run out of money and it can't happen soon enough!
ReplyDeleteThey are truly despicable people.
DeleteIt's time for someone from the family to do something - Heather, it looks like this job will fall to you since no one else seems morally up for the task (and while your Mom knows Sarah and Clan are out of control, there is no way she is going to stand up to either Sarah or run the risk of getting Chuck riled). Chuck Jr is satiated on his sister's Kool-Aid, and Molly is busy working and trying to be a good mom to Heath and McKinley. Heather - you have a conscience. It's time for you to act on it. It's time for you to stage an intervention. Just let Sarah know it's over. The facade is over. Show's over. You all - by your silence these past six+ years - have been complicit in her deception. You need to stand up to her. I know (as does anyone who lives in AK and esp the Valley) that behind closed doors SP is at nervous-breakdown-stage. And if she would either come clean or quietly fade into the background, fine. But so long as she hops on any flight out of this state to march around and parade values for which she positively didn't stand or govern (smaller govt, fiscal responsibility, etc) then she still poses a risk. Someone in her extended circle needs to come clean since she won't. Heather, if you really cared for your sister, you would speak up. She'll never get the help everyone knows she and her family need until someone close pulls the chord on the curtain of deceit. She'll thank you later and we'll (everyone who loves the truth) will thank you now.
ReplyDeleteIt's no use. IF there's an intervention they will ALL stop getting their FREE STUFF.
DeleteSince the Sept. 6th brawl, Sarah has made at least two public statements threatening violence. The first with Track's t-shirt about 2nd Amendment Rights and the second calling Bristol a straight shooter. And, of course, who can forget the firing of Eric Thompson.
DeleteThe dangers of Sarah Palin are not just that she pretends to stand for family values or small government, she's dangerous because she's publicly posting dog-whistles threatening people. With each person leaking one story after another, Sarah's got to be getting the message that "it's over", people are coming out of the shadows to tell what they know or have witnessed. Hopefully enough people will speak up before another tragedy happens. It can't come out soon enough.
I thought the same thing, 10:10 AM, it was definitely a threat.
DeleteNot sure if you're legit, but I've always thought that the silence from Sarah's sisters spoke volumes.
If they cared enough about the children to take them in at one point in their lives b/c they knew the children needed protection, then this is another junction where they need to step in for the sake of the GRAND children.
That is pretty frightening 10:00! The more I think about it, you are absolutely correct. Really Sarah is openly telling people to keep quiet or else. They are obvious threats to stay quiet. This would make a good blog post itself.
Delete@10:10 As if to poke Gabby Giffords again, Sarah repeated, "Don't retreat, reload.....with the truth." This was followed by her famous insult that truth was in short supply at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sarah's life is such a fake that for her to tell people to reload with the truth is a joke. After blood libel, she loves to use that reload-language.
DeleteAnonymous11:05 AM
DeleteThat is pretty frightening 10:00! The more I think about it, you are absolutely correct. Really Sarah is openly telling people to keep quiet or else
The Turkey video was a message to Alaskans to keep quiet or else.
Remember that was when Sherry was Set up.
It's Clear $CARAH is asking people to take "Second Amendment Remedies" She did it when Griffords got shot. And then she plays the victim by saying "who me?"
DeleteTh Palin/Heath family are nothing but low life THUGS!
DeleteDidnt she also just say something about Obama not being as dangerous or scary as the people who voted for him? Setting her stage for after Obama...
DeleteHappy Halloween, Palin family!
ReplyDeleteAnother slow, never arriving iceberg? Call me when something actually happens.
ReplyDeleteGenerally have to agree... ' a friend of a witness'.... says it all. This thing has already moved beyond national press, even if some charges are filed it just isn't going to be a big deal.
DeleteIf files are charged it WILL be a big deal. Or perhaps you don't believe that assault charges filed against the children and husband of a former (albeit half-term) governor and former VPOTUS candidate wouldn't make headlines, especially considering how much fun everyone had with the initial brawl reports.
Delete10:14... it will be a big deal only to you and other IMers still not accepting the fact that nobody really cares about Palin anymore..... in a national sense. Most of the world will just shrug, maybe make a snark or two, because it is kind of expected. But that is about it.
DeleteFeel free to move along, little doggies.
DeleteDid you happen to pay Gryphen for this? Or you just bitching about someone else's work, which you contribute nothing but snark and nastiness?
10:28 You poked YOUR nose in here, why?
Delete@10:28 - That's the goal. Do try to keep up. Nobody's expecting jail time over this. President Obama's not going to denounce her in a Prime Time Address and declare her Enemy of the State. We just want the bitch to stop being invited and PAID to muck around and mess with our politics in the the lower 48. Sheesh.
DeleteThose saying that nobody cares about the Palins may be right because she's lost a tremendous amount of support around the country. The VVS voting is an indication that nobody respects her. But there's something more important at stake here: John McCain's and the GOP's selling the nation on Sarah Palin to begin with. Huge, gigantic, unexcusable, unforgiveable fraud! If the GOP (Koch's, Rove, neo-cons) do it once, they'll do it again...and again. That is why it's important to expose the fraud that Sarah Palin, her "He's Still My Guy" First Dude and all the Palin kids are. (Except the little innocent kids).
DeleteKeep on talking witnesses or friends of witnesses. Keep on working on this, Gryphen.
9:39: True. This post just sounds like a regurgitation of the original story that was put out by this site. It's a whole lot of nothing.
DeleteFriend of a witness? Please. There's a police report that was supposed to come out a week ago, so we were told here, sounds like a desperate ploy to keep hanging on to this.
Yep, "move along, nothing to see here" Granny Palin says at 9:39, 10:02, 11:16.
Delete"You poked YOUR nose in here, why?"
DeleteGeneral amusement I guess, and maybe to try to help bring a little reality to your lives. The IM community, much like the C4P community, wants so bad to prop up Palin as the legend (that she really isn't), albeit for different reasons. She will keep getting invited to far right quasi religious fringe speaking engagements and fringe events (10:48), and she will not have any effect on future mainstream GOP politics (10:57). Everone residing in the real world has long ago accepted that she is not to be taken seriously.
Absolutely 10:57! No one cares about Palin but a few mentally ill fans. She needs to stay in the news with all her blathering and lies to keep the focus on John McCain and the rest of the traitorous GOP.
Yeah--long-time IMer here and I have noticed we are suddenly getting this "no one cares about the Palins" meme, especially since the Brawl. I wonder if the Palins are attempting to down-play the news-worthiness of the story in hopes everyone will forget. Nothing to see here, folks--move along.
DeleteI love hearing more about the brawl because it means Alaskans are finally starting to talk, finally refusing to cover-up for or shut up abnout the Palins. And I hope it drives Sarah wild imaging who is going to talk next.
The brawl was a big deal in that it made national (and even to an extent, international) news. The tabloids and even the "main stream media" were talking about it. Every chink in the Palin armor makes it more likely she will FINALLY sit down and shut up.
DeleteYes, now the "bitchy" troll has decided to do the whole "I'm amused and trying to help you understand how deluded you guys are to make her into a legend blah blah" routine. This troll, like the others, is so above it all, you see. She's amused by our concern over Palin and wants to whine about it to us endlessly. If she wasn't a big deal to you (and she is only a source of "amusement" and disgust to me, so quit preaching at people and judging people you don't know, amused little troll) you wouldn't be here 20 times a week trying to deflect from her idiocy. So go find something to do besides try to disguise that you're a Palin-lover, if it's nothing to you either way.
DeleteAnonymous9:39 AM
DeleteAnother slow, never arriving iceberg? Call me when something actually happens.
Something DID happen another witness TALKED!!!
better keep checkin' here hourly brissie to see when you get charged!
Blah blah blah blah 12:51 (1st), oh looky you think you win the internets using the word 'troll' just like the C4Pers- you're so awesome!
DeleteAnd 12:51 (2nd).... You might want to decipher between Gryph's headline and his post.... He didn't talk to a witness, he talked to the supposed friend of a supposed witness. Sorry Gryphen, I just don't see any of this as being a big deal (it is funny that they got involved in this melee- admittedly), but likely it doesn't change anything. Your followers are becoming cult like, and I am a long time IMer.
And the poor ol' Pees who are left behind at the funny farm still can't face the fact that they're being hornswaggled by what's basically a cardboard cutout of a family, eh?
ReplyDeleteAnd I was wondering where the trolls were...
ReplyDeleteIt's not noon yet, you really don't expect any Palin's to be up and sober yet do you?
Delete"Anonymous10:47 AM
DeleteIt's not noon yet, you really don't expect any Palin's to be up and sober yet do you?"
Well, it's never appeared that sobriety was a requirement for troll posting.
DeleteWell, it's never appeared that sobriety was a requirement for troll posting.
Well ya know a few snorts under their belt reloading their noses...you might say as well as their flasks!
Something worth considering....
ReplyDeleteMaybe Corey K got a lawyer to help prolong the investigation. As long as an investigation is ongoing, the police won't release any information. Or photos. Of bitemarks.
Maybe McBristol can audition for the new PoPo PR Campaign:
Make a Crime out of Bite
That's quite a stupid statement. A photo or video would have got out already regardless of what the police are doing. It's been a month already. How many people were there? 25-50? All of them would've had a smart phone.
DeleteThe police took the photos of the bitemarks on Corey's back. Let me speak slowly to help you understand Anon 11:21. These photos were taken as evidence and are part of the 'ongoing' investigation whether you like it or not, Bristol.
Whatever, 11:21 AM - Keep telling yourself that. Everyone knows it happened, the Palin camp basically admitted it. So it's a fact, video or no.
DeleteAnonymous11:21 AM
DeleteThat's quite a stupid statement. A photo or video would have got out already regardless of what the police are doing
Poor little barstool not so smug are ya today? Bite marks...have you had your rabies shot this year Bitch?
Well isn't that why Track has the nickname, "Can't Get Right?" Most likely hard core drug abuse. Meth or Steroids...with a lot of alcohol mixed in, who knows?
ReplyDeleteBristol bringing Tripp to a late night party is negligent. Why can't she leave him with Piper? She's old enough to babysit. Or, if she plans to go out and party, leave him with his Dad and Step-Mum for the weekend... Trailer Trash all of them!!
Who was it that said something about the kids running around and tearing up the Governors Mansion when they first moved in??
Bristol bringing Tripp to a late night party is negligent.
Makes you wonder why Tripp wasn't staying with Trig, doesn't it?
So...where was Trig?
Somewhere far, far away. (Thankfully).
None of these stupid fuckers will EVER "Get Right" so I'm wondering why that name is reserved for Track alone. If anything good comes of this I hope at least little Tripp can get the fuck out of that shithole and go be with a SANE family with his dad, stepmom, and sister. He deserves to be cared for by people who see him as a little boy deserving of love and guidance, instead of a source for fattening their own bank accounts and "Hollywood Cred."
DeleteTrack's nickname is not "Can't Get Right", it is "Caint Get Right". That's uneducated Palin Wasilla Hillbillies word salad talk.
DeleteI am guessing that Tripp is already so out-of-control that he can't be trusted to stay alone with TRiG for an evening, even with Piper present to babysit, and that Piper can't be trusted to properly babysit both of them (boy friends on the prowl and/or in the house, and perhaps a little dope going on, for example – assuming she is following in the family footsteps?). Just a guess.
DeleteI would hope that Piper would not be required to baby-sit Tri-G for any length of time. The task of changing the diaper of a child 6 1/2 years old isn't something a teenager should have to do. But then, I don't believe that Tri-G resides in the home of gad-about "family values politician"Sarah Palin...maybe Piper doesn't either.
DeleteThis is so sad. We want an iceberg. They NEED one.
ReplyDeleteGetting any and all Palins out of the political future would be a step in the right direction for us all.
I"m curious, is anyone commenting from Wasilla? I can only imagine how the Trash Palins are being shunned as they should be. They were big fish in a small pond at one time and now... well maybe Wasilla is not such a great place for them anymore since they trashed the towns reputation and theirs through their uncontrollable nasty kids and themselves, as someone who has never been to Alaska let alone Wasilla this bunch of hicks do no favors to the people that live there, they are leaving people with a bad impression of what i have heard is a beautiful state. Maybe if Alaska is lucky they will move out.
ReplyDeleteI doubt they'll ever move out because that's the only place where they have power and control over the police and others. They may be shunned by the majority of residents but that's their base of power and corruption. The family has been getting away with crap for a long time. Until more and more people come out to expose this lawless family they'll just keep getting away with their shit.
DeleteI've been through Wasilla a couple of times on the way to places more scenic and it was just like the part of my hometown with strip malls, big box stores and fast food.
DeleteOh my goodness! The foreplay is intense!
ReplyDeleteNibbling on my ear, down my neck...
You tease! :)
Very interesting. I understand why this source doesn't want to reveal his name. But the problem is until more people go "on the record" openly and honestly to the media, then the Palin's will NEVER be held accountable. So I wish a few more people, other than Thompson would tell all. As a group, there is strength!! There also might be money available to pay you (just a guess) or together write a book about how the Palin's are the Wasilla mafia. If Sarah can get a ghostwriter to release a book, so can you.
ReplyDeleteMost importantly do this because it's the right thing to do. There are too many people being hurt. The Palin kids have no hope for a great life without psychiatric treatment. And then there is Trig and Tripp. Do it for the kids and do it for all the people who have been hurt/destroyed or threatened by Sarah and Todd Palin. They are the ones at fault. Track and the others need help. It's sad as hell. And screw the police for not bring child protective services in if Tripp was there. And if they don't file charges, they are a corrupt and negligent. If this is true and 10 witnesses told the police, there is NO reason for them not to file charges. It's all sick and sad.
Oh goody, it's gonna be fun watching the troll try to shut this thread down with her nonsensical shit-talking and getting slapped down over and over and over...and over...lol! I've never said this before but it's definitely popcorn time right now :)
Tripp is already like them.
Deleteanon, i hope you're wrong but watching him on bristol's reality show makes one wonder. levi really should be paying attention and alerting his attorney and the court. i wouldn't be playing nice with bristol at this point.
DeleteOnce again according to this witness Track was out of control and they felt that he was not simply drunk but that he was undoubtedly on something much stronger.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't Sarah Palin's Anchorage Police Department get a sample of Track's blood?
You know why.
DeleteThe same reason they ignored Willow's underage drunkenness.
DeleteThey all know about the Palin children's bad behavior. You don't get to be Governor of a state without the police knowing whether or not your children are little shits.
DeleteAnd those STUPID fruit flies! Trying to "learn" us about genetics and disorders like, TRI-G.
ReplyDeletePfft! Who needs it? Am I right?
----- Sarah Palin
It is kind of funny that WIllow and Connor have been facebook friends for long before last month.
ReplyDeleteWhich has nothing to do with anything, you moronic dipshit.
DeleteThey ain't friends anymore, are they, stupid ass.
DeleteSo what. Who cares.
DeleteAnon 10:30--all you know about the Palins you got from stalking their facebook pages...
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHA, friends? Do you mean that Conner was a Trial Daddy for Willow's baby?
DeleteFB stalker troll
ReplyDeleteIt's now been three days since you announced you had big news on the horizon. This is not big news but is simply another unsubstantiated report.
Any idea when you'll have some real new news as you promised? We'll be waiting and counting the days.
Yeah, Palins. Knock yourselves out.
DeleteYou sound like the bitchy troll. RAM???
DeleteYeah. Palins.
DeleteKnock your selves out.
Get a life and let Gryphen do his thing.
Delete10:30 AM We? You have a mouse in your pocket?
DeleteSomehow I see the two older Palin girls consigned to permanent old maid-hood. What will they do when they are old and poor?
DeleteReally, you don't have to wait. You could just go away and forget about it. But I don't think you will.
DeleteHold your breath while you're waiting.
Note to this source and others: The only way the Palin's will lose the ability to do harm to you and others is if enough of you come forward to discredit them in the eyes of the public at large.
ReplyDeleteAll it will take is a few people to come out and more will follow. Even better if the party host presses charges. If the Palins go after him, they will soon find out they aren't as beloved as they pretend to be.
DeleteI agree with you 100%.
DeleteThe guy who popped Todd in the nose and caused it to bleed should have preserved Todd's DNA and then somehow get a sample of Track's DNA to see if they are related. Oh well I'm sure there will be another party, another Palin melee and another chance to collect DNA samples of the Palins.
ReplyDeleteTodd would not have left any blood DNA at the party. He would have put his blood into his condom and wrapped the condom with one of Sarah's facecloth and took it with him. Isn't that what Todd did with his used condom when he fucked his prostitute girlfriend Shailey Tripp? He didn't want to leave any DNA with Shailey?
DeleteNo, once Toddie boy saw the blood, he and the rest of the Palin klan beat feet and got out of there. The last thing they want to do is leave any of their blood samples around the premises or on others!
DeletePeople have talked about getting blood (or saliva) samples from Todd, Sarah, Track and the youngest boy who is suppose to live in their home - for DNA testing.
Remember that next time there is a brawl - make sure Todd and Track are punched in their faces as well as Sarah for that matter!
As to the youngest one - schools, caretakers and teachers can get saliva samples for his DNA testing.
It is our Alaskan duty folks! We know the Palin family is built on nothing but lies and it's way past time to prove them!
DeleteThese suggestions to collect Palin DNA are too dumb for words. What is it about "nobody is EVER going to do this" don't you people understand?
DeleteCollecting DNA samples from the Palins sounds doable to me! Think it a good idea! Time to prove the lies the assholes have been spewing for years!
DeleteGo for it, 1:18. Let us know how easy it was.
DeleteI agree ... it's doable. When the Trig hoax is revealed it's over for the Palin/Heath crime family.
The Palin is NOT a politician. She doesn't hold an office - has not run for one in eons - and tried to become an 'entertainer' which she also flunked at!
ReplyDeleteNo one (even the Teabaggers!) would ask her to run for POTUS - they'd select Ted Cruz way before her!
She has mental problems, booze problems, drug problems, family problems, marriage problems and on and on and on!
Oh what fun to be a Palin!!! I jest!
I feel so bad for Track. He must have been hurting for a long time now and I don't even want to think about what happened to him to make him so sad and angry.
ReplyDeleteAll the kids act out from anger, where does the anger come from?
You would be angry too if you were a child in the Palin household and depended on Levi Johnston to bring you fast-food so you would have something eat.
DeleteSomebody needs to call the Alaska Children's Protective Services and get Trig out of there. We don't want an angry teenage Trig who hasn't eaten solid food yet running around Wasilla.
DeleteMaybe it comes from emotional and physical neglect, but you're right, they are all angry, maybe Willow less so (she just seems generally vacant).
DeleteIt sounds like Track has been angry and out of control for a very long time. By all accounts, he spent more time in penalty boxes (or in the locker room after getting kicked out) than in any hockey game. When did Track start having questions about his parentage?
DeleteSnort! Save your sympathy. Truck is just another willfully ignorant Palin asshole, arrogant, entitled and mean as a snake.
DeleteNo sympathy for assholes like Track.
DeleteBristol, Track and Willow are all adults and all act abominably. I'd consign them to the fires of hell, except that they are already living in the Palin household . . .
DeleteUncle Gryph the title of your post includes the word "homedown". Then you proceeded to write:
ReplyDelete"THAT was when Bristol started wailing on him, only in this version she accompanied those blows with a barrage of obscenities. Then as reported the homeowner knocked her ass to the ground."
Was that a coincidence? Using the word "hoedown" and mentioning that the homeowner of the party knocked Bristol's ass to the ground?
Sorry, "homedown" should be "hoedown".
DeleteSarah is and has been way too cheap to run out of money.
ReplyDeleteShe will always have some hidden scheckels.However, her income will continue to wane and eventually dry up. The force that makes her tick is screaming adoration from the masses. She only pushes aside the crunch wrap papers and falls of bed for that reason.
Being pushed into a corner with vanishing income and importance, she will go off the nut ... "not with a whimper, but a bang." -T.S. Eliot
Couldn't happen to a shittier humanoid.
"Apparently it was only after someone announced loudly that 'The police have been called' that the Palins, now this is in the witnesses' own words, 'scattered like rats.' "
ReplyDeleteThanks for that visual, Gryph! That's just how I imagined that it went down--the Palins booking when they heard the cops were coming.
I visualized it like someone turned on the lights and those Palin cockroaches scattered.
DeleteI think cockroaches scattering is on the Palin-Heath family crest.
Delete12:11 PM
DeleteThat's a good one, "Palin-Heath family crest"...Haha!
I am not a lawyer, but I love watching those "Peoples Court" type shows on TV. There is always someone suing another person for injuries suffered during a bar room brawl. Sometimes the damages also include damage to a car if the fight involved kicking the door, cracking the windshield, those fights really do get ugly.
ReplyDeleteThe people are suing for money to for their injuries. If someone insults you, blows and exchanged, and the bruises heal, there is nothing to sue for. You don't get money for people acting badly.
It doesn't look as if anyone was hurt badly enough to be taken right away to the hospital or we would have heard the reports of the ambulances pulling up as the Hummer drove off. Waiting until the next day to either go to the hospital or see a doctor means that it wasn't that bad. The police were not present as witnesses. Unless there was damage to public property, then it was a ugly event that happened on private property. I don't mean to be a spoiler. It's just hard to imagine the Anchorage Police filing charges against anyone.
As for suing for personal injury and/or damage to property, that's what the lawyer is for. Behind the scenes, the lawyer is probably telling the Palins that a settlement is the best way to keep this private. Just pay for the damages, and you won't be subject to a public trial. It's not the Palins. It goes on all the time. The court calendars are crowded, and the Palins won't want it to be part of a public record.
I would like nothing better than to see the Palins held accountable for their bad behavior, but the past tells us what will happen. Track was involved in vandalizing school buses but all that happened is that he was shipped out of state "to play hockey" (because, what, they don't have any hockey in Alaska?). When he returned home because of injuries, he was shipped off to the military. Willow broke into an empty house and held a party were there was underage drinking. No consequences for the girls, just the boys. Sarah faced serious ethics violations and found it easier to quit. She had already rigged Troopergate by holding her own "investigation" which said that she was exonerated. (No she wasn't. She abused her office as governor and Todd committed perjury. Punishment? Are you kidding?)
We can tell by Sarah's "in your face" language that she has one big chip on her shoulder. She, Todd and Bristol really got in the face of that school teacher in Homer, Alaska who dared to express her first amendment rights. (Worst Governor Ever banner). The Palin style is confrontational. The thought of Sarah in public office where people have to negotiate, give and take is laughable. Sarah's style is "My Way or the Highway." Todd is the enforcer and a bully.
If the people of Alaska are tired of being treated this way, then they can do something about it. If there were 200 people at the party-- or even if there were only 75 or 100 people there-- all they have to do is speak up and describe what happened. The guy who does have a good law suit is Eric Thompson. He is the one who should be seeing a good lawyer.
What about Todd's alleged prostitution ring and sex trafficking.
Delete11:12, one can most certainly sue for assault, and battery and probably some other things. Even if the injuries are minor. If the conduct is outrageous or reckless, one can even sue for punitive damages, which are designed to punish the wrongdoer, not compensate the victim.
DeleteFor those mentioning or wondering about Tripp.
ReplyDeleteWe have not seen anything to indicate he is with Bristol. It is possible that he has been removed from her and is now with his father safe and sound. Which is where he should be.
If he was removed from Bristol by a new amended custody arrangement the judge would have required silence, so we wouldn't hear about it.
We can always hope. And I'll tell you, if Levi and his lawyer haven't gotten Tripp away from Bristol after this, I will never again think well of the man.
He has been given too many chances to do the right thing to protect his child. If he failed him again during this biggest, most public example of Bristol's dangerous parenting, then I would have to say he is in bed with the Palins and doesn't care enough about his son to act on his behalf.
Let's hope Levi and his lawyer got Tripp away from the Palins.
I doubt this happened. And I hope it did not. Tripp should not suddenly be "removed" from one home for another. He should be safe and happy in both homes, and if the judge has concerns about that, the judge would assign social workers and first try to improve the home situation, not jerk the child around. Yes, the Palins are the shits but Bristol is his mother and I'm sure he loves her.
DeleteIndeedy. The court records do show a settlement was reached. And that is probably all we will ever know about that for a long time.
DeleteBUT- let's just say that Bristol violent public display and lack of parenting could not have come at a better time for Levi - and most importantly - Tripp.
Would it be too much to hope that the custody arrangement was amended to the point where Bristol has to pay child support?
Just because she loves him, doesn't mean he should live with her. I agree, he shouldn't be "removed," but this is a good argument for Levi having primary custody. Although I would love for a social worker to take a look at the Palin family. Wouldn't that be one for the ages?
Delete09/23/2014 Order Case Motion #13: Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Bristol Palin Should Not Be Held In Contempt And Sanctioned And Motion For The Return of Child To Alaska, Case Motion #14: Motion for Interim Custody Schedule, Case Motion #16: Motion for Entry of Judgment for Collection of Respondent's Past Due Child Support Payments and for Statement of Respondent's Current Interim Child Support Obligation
DeleteJust to clarify. I meant "removed" from her household, not necessarily for Tripp to never see her again.
DeleteSince he is happy and familiar with his father's home, I don't see that taking him out of the Palin household would be a huge shock.
He would likely immediately begin to sleep and eat better, which is a big help toward recovery and putting his little life back on an even keel. Eating and sleeping well also has a direct major impact on his schooling and ability learn and interact with others.
From what we've seen Tripp is not "safe" in Bristol's custody. Tripp's physical safety must be the first concern. And I am concerned.
I hope Bristol does not get access to him without appropriate supervision until she shows some maturity and shows that she can keep him safe and put Tripp's best interest first.
Is this like when Gryphen said Bristol sent out wedding invitations and the wedding was in 6 weeks, AFTER they broke up for the final time??
ReplyDeleteThere are millions of those weird statements from him.
Or when "people" implicated Willow as a partythrower in Dec 09, when the TRUTH was that 3 boys who are known to throw parties threw that dec 09 party that 100s attended. Willow for 5 minutes.
stfu brissy.
DeleteWow, you are such a loser. Still sniffing the Palin panties after all these years? Get a job, get a life, make your parents proud for once.
DeleteTry again, spin-meister...
DeleteGame Change is 100 percent true.
DeleteEspecially the scene with Palin curled up on the floor.
Anonymous 1:10 PM
DeleteI believe you! The book, Game Change told of Sarah being clad only in a towel, answering the door to two male McCain staffers. That wasn't in the movie but since it was in the book, I believe it too. I would love to know who the male staffers were...???
11:17 "Is this like when Gryphen said Bristol sent out wedding invitations and the wedding was in 6 weeks.."
DeleteThat's no worse than Sarah saying Bristol and Levi would have a White House wedding when the VP doesn't normally have that kind of access to the WH.
And definitely no worse than Sarah saying there would be a HUGE wedding extravaganza at Alyeska during the winter to commemorate the hasty Track-Britta nuptials.
Alaska will it be 6 months before the Anchorage Police Department releases their Palin melee report? Do they have to be careful what's in their report because the world is watching and the APD doesn't want to make those hooligan Palins look like criminals?
ReplyDeleteHi Gryphen! Yes, October IS going to be a great month! I can't wait to see a picture of She-bitch and Pimp Toad with the long-awaited caption - BUSTED!! Hopefully, that will be a great birthday present!
ReplyDeleteGreat scoop, Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteOkay, all you IMers who've passed eighth grade!
ReplyDeleteOver the past two months, "Sally's Word of the Day," which might be called "Sally's Word When Someone Gets Around to Posting One," has included some of these very, very interesting
dictionary doozies.
Do you think she's sending us a secret message, in code? If only we had the Enigma Machine!
See if you can figure out what message she's sending from her hidey-hole at the PalinChannel:
-- obstreperous
-- ennoble
-- potentate
-- equivocate
-- venality
-- sybarite
-- truculent
-- chary
-- circuitous
-- perfunctory
-- pell mell.
Extra credit on today's quiz: use at least four of these vocabulary words in a description of the Palins at the throw down at the hoedown.
Ten extra points for each additional word.
The winner gets protected witness status for any future testimony about the past decade's events in Wasilla, Anchorage, and Juneau.
Sybarite Bristol Palin's closest friends enoble her bad habit of consuming a chary with every Pell Mell she smokes before her weekly perfunctory Brawl. Against her obstreperous's recommendations, of course.
There are a dozen "word a day" sites on the internet. Before that, there was the word-a-day calendar. The reason that "Sally" has a word of the day is POSTAGE. Sarah's PAC used to pay Sally $3,000. for "postage." What did she do? Run over to the post office and get some stamps and had to be paid back for her purchase? No. Direct mail from the PAC comes out of the PAC headquarters in Virginia where they would use a bulk mail company. And, Chuckie complained that his father was getting letters from the IRS. Maybe Sally forgot that getting a check for $3,000. is called "income" even if it is labelled "postage," and they forgot to declare it. Maybe "postage" got to be a hassle for the Heaths, so instead, Sally will be a check for her daily contribution to Sarah's TV channel, or for vocabulary-contributions. Maybe Sally is an "editor" on that blog. In any case, count of Sally, Chuck, Bristol and Track will get paid for appearing on Sarah's blog. It's always about the $$$$$$$.
DeleteOh please, Gryph never knows when hes being used. The "source" gets him to post a little teaser and the Palin's cough up more money. Happened way to many times before. When it comes time for the crap to hit the fan, the source will have a convenient excuse for not coming forward, making it all hearsay and gossip. The Palin's aren't dumb and neither are the people who squeeze them.
ReplyDeleteRemember that Gryphen is the type who lets the most malicious, most dishonest, nastiest comments through here yet censors polite decent ones.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous12:19 PM
DeleteYou mean Palin, right? not Gryphen. ON top of it, Palin is getting money of her "most malicious, most dishonest, nastiest comments while she censors polite decent ones."
And she does it in every media type she can. Gryphen does not have that kind of access.
Oh, and don't forget nasty old Brisket...
~A Flaky girl
Barstool does it though her FB & other media, which she also uses to judge others, including the Obama girls. She spews hate and enom and sensors anyone who doesn't agree with her.
Delete$carah gets people killed by putting "crosshairs' & urging her followers to take "second admendement remedies." can anyone top that Anonymous12:19 PM?
Deleteanon @12:19, you vinnyf?
Delete*that was venom not enom...i got too excited while typing...lol
DeleteAnonymous12:19 PM
DeleteOld Chukie....take a look at your sister's & your little FB, along with the rest of the KKKLAN and then you can criticize... you're a liar just like your sister.
DeleteThat is true. Gryphen believes in Free Speech.
That's why he posts the nasty comments from Sarah, Todd, Bristol and Willow.
And why does $CARAH and KKKLAN do it. And why the lies! Oh I forgot, they GET PAID!!!!
DeleteI see we hit a nerve when the truth comes out. Too bad we're not cashing in like $carah cashes-in with all the vile lies and venom she spews.
DeleteOn second thought. We are decent moral people. Unlike the Palin/Heath Thugs.
Well, well well.
ReplyDeleteThis is not surprising to anyone who hears and sees these Palins talk and operate. All they do is divide, show anger, have huge egos, never apologize and demand attention and money. There's nothing noble about this bunch.
It's tragic, but, they are masters of their own fate and are facing the consequences of Todd and Sarah's corrupt schemes and poor parenting.
"Do you know who I WAS?"
ReplyDeleteYou know...After all this traveling,shacking-up, lovie-dobie & baby-daddy-trials...I wonder if Junker WILL marry Barstool & if he will recognize the junker arizona baby. hmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteBrisket, anything on that? or have you been stood up again...schucks! poor poor Bristol, aka "THE CHIN."
I saw her in Arizona with the pregnancy & she posted her pregnannt photos at Disneylad....i wonder what they do with the abstinance babies. ITS CREEPY!
Bring it on brother G!
Hey Sarah, who the fuck are you?!? A dumb fucking backwoods hick, that's who.
ReplyDeleteFrom the article: … when Bristol started wailing on him …
ReplyDeleteFWIW, whaling = thrashing, beating. From whale: lash, thrash (whale a boy for lying); to strike or hit vigorously (whale the ball for a home run); to defeat soundly (whaled their rivals 20 to 0); to perform an action with great vigor, esp to make a vigorous attack on a person or thing; ...
wailing: making a mournful outcry, lamenting, weeping, expressing dissatisfaction plaintively.
I respectfully suggest that in the current context "whaling" rather than "wailing" has more … punch.
Comment from sarah's latest sucking off the jews post.
ReplyDeleteTommy Smith How did anyone as uneducated as you end up in politics?
about an hour ago · 1