Tuesday, November 18, 2014

For the first time ever a Muslim conducted a prayer service at the National Cathedral and it went off without a hitch. Just kidding, some crazy Christian lady totally lost her shit over it.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

The woman who disrupted the first ever Muslim prayer service conducted at the National Cathedral claims she was sent to protest the ceremony by God after reading about it on the Drudge Report. 

In an interview with World Net Daily, Christine Weick, 50, said she read about the event on Drudge and became enraged, saying, “My blood began to boil as I read the comments of how this is to be such a wonderful event and how religious tolerance can, for the first time, be shown in our nation’s capital.” 

Friday’s prayer service was just beginning when Weick stood up and began walking towards the front of the cathedral shouting. 

“Jesus Christ died on that cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior,” she said. “We have built …allowed you your mosques in this country. Why don’t you worship in your mosques and leave our churches alone? We are a country founded on Christian principles.”

In other words, "My god is better than your god."

According to Weick she expected to get arrested but everybody treated her with respect, which is more than you can say for how she treated the folks attending this service.

Weick went on to explain that God not only gave her a sign that what she was doing was right, but that he helped her get through security, and briefly made her invisible.

Which is an indication right there of how completely sane she is.

However not everybody sees things that way. Her family for instance: 

After being ejected, Weick said she got into her SUV and began the 400-mile trip back to Tennessee where she says she lives in her car after being disowned by her family because she took a stand against same-sex marriage and other “moral issues.” According to Weick, her husband divorced her last year “over a spiritual conflict.”

Clearly the woman is mentally unbalanced, and much like that stenographer who interrupted a Congressional vote, she has used religion as a vehicle for her psychosis.

My question is does religious faith encourage breaks from reality, or does it cause them?


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The woman is the same crackpot that says MONSTER energy drinks are of the devil... remember her?

    - KAO

    1. Olivia10:15 AM

      Yep, and she is only a couple of Youtube appearances away from developing a following and starting her own congregation.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      OT: Kenny Pick show on and Palin on the end of the show... :)

  2. You ask: does religious faith encourage breaks from reality, or does it cause them?

    I'd say religious faith requires magical thinking, faith in something without evidence, a suspension of rational thinking, so the break in reality is there. How is got there is anyone's guess, for most it's cultural, familial, social conditioning...literal programming. It's sustained, imo, by the need to feel significant, "special", chosen, whatever..ego's usual agenda.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Agreed. Once a person makes that leap from rational thinking to talking to imaginary beings anything is possible. Religion is a slippery slope.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    It is very lucky that her "god" didn't tell her to attack anyone at the service. The Tennessee authorities should put her where she can do no harm to herself or others.
    In any event, the National Cathedral is an Episcopal church. There's no doubt in my mind that the woman is not an Episcopalian. So what's her beef? She was as out-of-place as any other non-Episcopalians. The Church can invite anyone it wants to celebrate in its space.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:33 AM

    Yup, KAO, that IS her, though most of the PR for the Monster video event calls her an "author" and doesn't mention the car-as-living-space bit. I think she's vying with Victoria Jackson, Michelle Bachmann and you-know-who in the bat shit crazy conservative bitch department. She's desperate and wants to make a media splash in the name of Jaybus.

    BTW, the Xtians I know live in their own alternate reality, kind of like a four-year-old who has no concept of the world around them. Which is why I no longer have anything to do with my nutso stepmother who used to claim that God and the J-man spoke exclusively to HER, thereby justifying anything she did.

  5. Maple9:53 AM

    It's unfortunate for those who actually try to follow the teachings of Jesus that these idiots get all the attention. And you're right; the underlying theme with them is always "My god is better than your god", which was the argument I always had with my father and our minister. When I concluded that everyone's "god" was of their very own making, I said "Religion is nuts; I'm done with it".

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Off topic but this whole story is full of rwnj win. Randy (former Palin foreign policy adviser) Scheunemann and a white supremacist in a private ski club with name calling.


    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I thought that name sounded familiar. I wish this was a sign the RWNJ were imploding, but sadly, it's just Tuesday instead.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Not imploding- just behaving like spoiled little sh*ts.

      PS which one would Sarah pick if it came to picking sides? Go ahead Sarah- throw Scheunemann under the bus!

  7. Caroll Thompson10:05 AM

    I would say a kook is a kook and religion is just a tool used to express herself. If it was not religion, it would be something else.

    What I fail to understand is why these so-called Christians, nutty or not, fail to follow the tenants of the New Testament. You know, the live and let live, do not judge others, take the log out of your own eye and never mind the speck in your brother's eye, feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, etc.... Basically, the New Testament calls for people to mind their own business and help the poor, the sick and those in prison.

    1. Anonymous1:39 AM

      Thanks for speaking apologetically re the red words of Christ.


  8. Anonymous10:20 AM

    About the invisible thing. I noticed when I turned 50 that there were times that I might as well have been invisible. That happens to women of a certain age. Now that I'm 65+ I have learned that wearing a hat that matches my attitude goes a long way getting where it need to go and what I need to get. Could it be that is why the Pope and his compadres wear that wild and crazy head gear. Etc, etc, etc, on the hats.

    It's cold. Most of the nuts have fallen from the trees. But, the religious nuts are out in force. Better not put the Hard Hat away. Damn, it's nuts out there. Ear muffs, stocking cap, then the hard hat.

    Towels, tin foil, Stetsons, coon skin, yamakas, baseball, baseball backwards, all manor of pointy hats, wigs, and bumpits, also, too.

    RJ in BBistan

  9. WA Skeptic10:31 AM

    You're right, Caroll; the only problem with them following the actual teachings of the mythical Jesus Dude is that then they wouldn't be able to feel superior to everyone else.

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Christians in America are so damned self righteous - even if this woman was batty as hell!

    Even the sane ones are jerks and holier than thou! The Christians I know in America typically don't practice the teachings they supposedly learned or are continuing to learn. I have viewed them having marital affairs, to be foul mouthed, divorced or divorces, don't care for their children well and on and on.

    I should say that I'm not one of them, am agnostic, white, elderly and not as tolerant as once I was!

    1. fromthediagonal11:52 AM

      Hmmm Anon @ 10:41: Don't know your age, but after having journeyed through this life for almost three-quarter of a century, I echo your sentiment of "not as tolerant as once I was"... and as a Humanist I shall leave it at that. All the best!

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Marital Affairs are ripping the fabric of our society?

  11. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Most religious fanatics are insane.

  12. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Im shocked Gryphens' not religious since according to you all, people who are rreligious are jerks. He'd fit right in.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Wow, you're really proving your point, aren't you?

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Wow, let me get out my red pen. That sentence is atrocious. It looks like a sentence my 3rd grader would have to scan for errors on a homework assignment. Are you drunk or something?

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Hey, 11:14am

      Gotta break it to ya, religious people are jerks. They come to my door, uninvited, ignoring no soliciting and no trespassing signs. They come to my door uninvited to tell me fairy tales and try to get me to be as stupid as they are. The last two that showed up at my door met my pit bull and he's a sweet, nice guy, but hates liars as much as I do. I've never seen an old lady in a skirt run so fast :-)

      I think she set a land speed record for retards.

    4. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Im shocked Gryphens' not religious since according to you all, people who are rreligious are jerks.

      Anonymous 11:14 has just failed the first week of Logic 101. The premise "all people who are rreligious[sic] are jerks" does not support the conclusion, "all jerks are religious"—let alone any particular jerk. Gryphen is of course neither religious nor a jerk, and so is not a suitable test case. I wouldn't want to name names, but I can think of several jerks who are not religious. I'm sure most readers here can too.

    5. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

      Thanks. I haven't laughed this hard at someone in a long time, It's not the unadulterated ignorance, but the pride in putting it down for the world to see. Someday, when you grow up, you'll understand and can join in on all the laughter.

  13. electicsandra11:20 AM

    It was interesting that an Episcopal cleric removed her from the room.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      The Cathedral is an Episcopal church. It welcomed this Muslim service, but, clearly, the event was ecumenical in spirit.
      The "Episcopal cleric" worked for the Cathedral and was responsible for escorting out any person or persons who were disrupting a religious service.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

      I'd have liked it better had a Muslim escorted her out and showed her what happens when inertia meets gravity.

      What if some random girl in a thong dress, 300 buck glasses and shoes shot up out of her seat proclaiming her psychotic break "we allowed"......"you have mosques...." Would that make it any better or worse?

      This is how it's done. "You're in MY HOUSE"


  14. Boscoe11:58 AM

    Good thing christianity is all about forgiveness, and turning the other cheek, and loving thine enemy, and walking a mile in your neighbor's shoes and everything, 'cause just think how intolerant they'd be otherwise! ;P

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      When was the last time a Christian lopped the head off another in the name of Jesus Christ? Idiot.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      You obviously have ignored the Crusades. Lotta lopped heads, lot of dead Muslims and others who didn't believe the myth of the "son of god".

      Also too you must have skipped Hitler in your World History classes. He did a lot of harm in the name of your "not really dead and then ran away" son of your god. More proof that christian homeschooling leaves one ignorant of history.

      Thanks for playing though.

    3. Boscoe2:27 PM

      Gotta love the way pointing out any hipocrisy in people who pretend to follow the teachings of The Christ immediately turns into an attack on Muslims.

      The point is SIMPLE, 12:54, raging against and judging and condemning others ain't what Jesus preached, so you FAIL.

      Enjoy getting rejected by Heaven's doorman, idiot. I'll be the guy down in the flaming pit laughing at the surprised look on your face as you join me.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      LOL!!!! "Christianity is all about forgiveness" So a twisted woman who thinks she was wronged and has acted like a revengeful child her entire life in no way can be christian? You hear that Sarah!!!

    5. Anita Winecooler4:36 PM

      If I didn't know better and have enjoyed reading your comments over the years, I'd have though you were Beldar (if that's his REAL name) still incognito in his haloween costume!

      Well played, Boscoe!!

  15. Anonymous1:40 PM

    This sort of indoctrination begins early. There are videos called "Veggie Tales". Innocent children are put in front of the TV and their minds are warped by vegetables talking about religion. Soon, these innocent children and vegetables themselves, brainwashed by people who are supposed to love them. I've known a few christians in my day and I can't sit quietly by and watch them break their children's minds with this cult of ignorance.

  16. Anita Winecooler4:31 PM

    I have a feeling Big Dude in the Sky is having an emergency meeting with Quality Control. So he used the "Drudge Report" to communicate with the crazy lady? Seriously? Where's the outrage? Liz Hasslebeck had a huge tumor removed from her stomach, and none of her holy rollers wished her well, offered prayers etc. Yet rump roast mentions liberal bias on her and Nancy with a "y"'s blog. Finds the most obscure "miracle" you tube clips, and squeals "I red this and found it awesome, you should reed it two!"
    What a shame no one's cured "stupid" yet, but the lady in the clip is totally crazy and needs professional help.


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