Saturday, February 07, 2015

Is Brian Williams career still twitching? Well Sarah Palin is ready to finally put him out of her misery, and the rest of the mainstream media with him.

Courtesy of Media Watchdog Palin's Facebook page:

Friends, this is a very important post I respectfully ask you to read through. Forgive its length. May it help you nail the coffin that's given shelter to a corrupt press that would stop at nothing in their fight against right. 

(Do you hear that folks? THIS post is important and must be read. The others were shit, but this one is TOTALLY important.)

Reports today claimed Tom Brokaw was calling on his former network to fire Brian Williams for lying for years about being hit by enemy fire in Iraq. Brokaw apparently denies the reports. (Personally, I hope Williams keeps his job as the face of network news to remind America how this all works, and to justify our complete turning away from his ilk in mainstream media.) It appears that some at NBC did know that Williams was lying for over a decade but never said a thing about it. Keep in mind that Williams repeated his bogus story many times on air, yukked it up with David Letterman over the made up drama, and even accepted praise as a "war hero." 

(This is where Palin links to a Breitbart article claiming that Brokaw is calling for the head of Williams. Problem with that is that it is untrue: Tom Brokaw, who held the anchor chair before Mr. Williams, said in an email that he “neither suggested nor demanded Brian be fired,” refuting news reports that he had done so.)

Let’s consider the herd mentality these journalists use to empower and cover for each other. It’s precisely the way a corrupt organization works, like a crime syndicate. (Network news is like a crime syndicate?) Remember the “JournoList” scandal where hundreds of prominent members of the media were finally exposed for operating a secret internet chat group to strategize on how they would cover (read: spin) the news of the day to fit their leftwing agenda, regardless of truth? I haven't forgotten. They would stop at nothing. I was aware of their collective unethical character not only because my college degree was earned using the complete opposite journalism tactics of JournoList's (Wait, what?), but also because I lived it first hand as they began their relentless BS about my family, my hometown, and my record when I was asked to come on the national scene in 2008. 

(Of course by "BS" Palin means multiple truthful stories that the media uncovered with a few that did not quite past the smell test. She also links to the Daily Caller coverage of those Journolist e-mails where Trig's parentage was discussed and the decision not to pursue that story was rendered.) 

My parents just reminded me that right after my acceptance speech at the RNC in 2008, Brian Williams repeated on national television a completely false story that I banned books while I served in office. (Not false.) He did so by reading on air a completely false op-ed by another unethical character who's never clarified nor apologized for including that outrageous censorship lie, among many others. (Thanks, Joe Klein, hope you're keeping it classy.) Those lies – proclaimed on air as if Williams was merely reporting "the news" – were heard by many that night. Lies like that were like a gut punch to my parents that knocked down the foundation of trust they've lived their good lives upon, for they realized, defenselessly, the power of a corrupt press. (To reveal a pattern of lies and coverups that had served Palin well in Alaska.) The media lies rung a bell that can never be “un-rung.” In the minds of millions of Americans, I was tainted as an anti-First Amendment book banning wacko. Brian Williams lied about me in order to affect the way I would be perceived by Americans during the 2008 election. He lies. There is no other way around it. But what’s especially disgusting is the way his corrupt colleagues covered for him. I have never and will never let the shroud of victimization cover me (Seriously? Did she just say that?)– God's given me way too many undeserved blessings to dishonor His goodness by wasting time crying "victim" – but I'm happy to recall the hundreds of Palin-centric false reports if it helps America understand you must never trust JournoList-types. (Well, not exactly "happy" to do it, but willing – all the whilst throwing up a little bit in my mouth, believing the reason the harshness perpetuates may be for others' edification.) 

(So to be clear she does not WANT to play the victim, but will do so in order to help the American people realize how she was victimized. Got it.)

Don't be lulled into thinking this is only an NBC problem. It's all the major networks. Look, for example, at the outrageous media bias at CNN at the same time Williams was making up stories about his “war valor.” 

(Yeah don't think this is just an NBC problem, ALL media who ever reported anything negative about Palin should be blamed. Which essentially is ALL media.)

There is a serious problem with the liberal media’s herd mentality. It's too late for their mea culpa because they've already lost America’s trust (As opposed to Fox News who earns it every day. IF you don't fact check their reporting that is.), and that is a dangerous thing. But while they're still on our airwaves, they need to clean up their act as the rest of us turn to new media that will be held accountable. A free press is a cornerstone of our democracy. They have the tools to be our watchdogs, not liars and lapdogs for the powers that be. 

Thanks for hearing me out. And, *sigh*, for the umpteenth time – for the benefit of the most unprofessional among the herd who will never clarify nor apologize – yes, I am my son's mother. - (Which son is she talking about? If she means Trig, then adopted mother maybe, not birth mother.)

Sarah Palin

Hang on I need an anti-venom shot before continuing.

You know besides the media bashing did anybody else catch the reoccurring theme that ran through this rant?

It was frustration about the supposed "lies" told about her and her family, specifically about Trig's parentage.

It seems that Matt Lewis was right that the thing which is driving her around the bend is the constant searching for answers concerning the babygate story.

So, I guess I know exactly what I need to focus on for the next couple of weeks.

Thanks Sarah. I had been kind of putting that off.


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Well there are lots of lies written about her. That is true. And a lot that is grossly exaggerated that otherwise would be boring shit. My coworkers aunt worked for her. She has no bad things to say and is still in contact

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Your co-worker's aunt must be a little slow. How can she not criticize a woman that boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and bypassing neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to supposedly be induced to give birth in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins by a doctor not qualified for high risk and who rarely attends births.

      How can that aunt of your co-worker not have something bad to say about a woman that is proud of so badly risking a baby that is nearly attempted murder.

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM


    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Sure...this is true...cause when have you ever lied to us? Have you noticed this coworkers aunt has a lot of extra money. Is she in monthly contact with her former employer because she rescue gets a monthly "postage" check to make sure she "has no bad things to say"? When are you ever going to realize that we see through your constant attempts to pretend you know this family of grifters and liars?

    4. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Oh bullshit. She calls it lies when the media reports word for word what she says. She's a vile victim, a lame little crybaby with the thinnest skin in town. She lied about her pregnancy, and she's STILL revisiting the scene of the crime to try and convince people otherwise. She 'doth protest too much' because she's a pathological, sociopathic lying scumbag. There is NOTHING she doesn't lie about, even the smallest things. She is sick. Mentally ill. Vicious. Retarded. Vile. Horrific. Apparently your co-worker's aunt is just as fucked in the head.

    5. Anonymous9:12 AM


    6. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Well, my co-workers great aunt, twice removed has a relative who used to work for her also, too. Word is that $carah is a lazy, unwashed, lying skank.

    7. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Comment #1 from a troll. Gryphen you must have someone very worried.

    8. Anonymous10:49 AM

      And I know some people who worked for her, doing all the work while lazy Sarah was glad to take the credit. They also saw Sarah weeks before she was supposed to deliver Trig and they claimed that she did not look pregnant. She returned to work 3 days later, and again, having seen plenty of post partum women, they couldn't believe that Sarah just had Trig. She might have had him delivered to her at MatSu but that doesn't mean that she gave birth to him. Someone else did.

    9. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Most of the legislature was laughing at her behind her back due to her sudden scarf-wearing and the wearing of jackets indoors. She hosted a luncheon at the Governor's mansion while she was supposedly 6 months pregnant and there was an actual pregnant woman there at the luncheon and there were whispered jokes and titters regarding her slim frame, oh, and her long coat and scarves while inside. There are some photos of this event online, but I can't find them now. Suffice it to say, then Governor Palin was the butt of a lot of jokes in Juneau, she just never seemed to fit in.

    10. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Oh Bullshit. It is Alicia posting again. You can always tell because she is too stupid to end her statements with a period.

    11. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Is everyone lying about her born-again-virgin daughter who travels with baby-daddies, gets pregnant, and shacks up with them...uhh...the woman was clearly pregnant in Arizona, the woman did take pictures in hotels, the woman did travel with junker and gino, etc... how can she say others are lying when she herself posted photos!

    12. Anonymous4:56 PM

      $arah Palin (or, her ghostwriter) writes a lot of lies about people on her Facebook page.

    13. Anonymous6:37 PM

      It's Alicia. You can always tell because there is a bizarre element to her sentence structure and word choices.

      I doubt Alicia even has a job and she certainly doesn't know anyone personally (that is, not from Facebook) whose Aunt worked for Sarah Palin.

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    "son's mother"

    No, Sarah Palin, you are supposed to be claiming that you are the mother of ___TWO___ sons. To express that in written form, the correct placement of the apostrophe is AFTER the plural noun as in "sons' mother"

    Journalism major? HAH.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      I've never seen her have grammar issues. Besides you know she was referring to trig

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      No one ever questioned if she was his 'mother'. Now being his BIRTH MOTHER is a whole other story. See how she dodged that?

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM

      8:59 "I've never seen her have grammar issues."

      lol. What planet are you on?

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM


      You have more than grammar issues.

    5. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Oh my fuc-ing have "never seen her have grammar issues"? That has to be the stupidest thing you have ever typed!

    6. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Todd Palin is not the father of Track, but Sarah is the mother. Sarah is not the mother of Trig, but Todd is the father. No wonder she (Sarah Palin) cannot keep her stories straight!

      Gryphen, way past time to go after her regarding her not being the mother of Trig! The bitch needs some reckoning pronto!

    7. Anonymous11:16 AM

      What's that? You say she has grandma issues?

    8. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Using the verb "rung" without an auxiliary verb is incorrect. That is a grammar error on a very basic level, typically committed by beginning or young writers.

    9. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Sarah : you may play Tri-G's mother on tv, but he did not come out of your body via birth on 4/28/08.
      We know.

    10. Anonymous5:00 PM

      8:59 AM:,

      O.M.G. $arah Palin can't even SPEAK proper grammar!

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    But she doesn't play victim. A victim wouldn't be as courageous in voicing opinions. A victim would buckle under blogger lies.

    Think about it. Bloggers continuously slander her kids when they live private lives (just because you stalk personal pages that aren't advertised to construe lies doesn't make them attention seeking. It just makes you a stalker and distorter)

    Give it up. You're adults. You've got to learn eventually that just because you want to believe strangers are lazy with no jobs, it doesn't erase facts that they have jobs and are independent.

    You are all victimizers. Fact

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Fuck off

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Give it up. You are not an adult. Your logic is middle school level.

      Sarah Palin did not give birth to a 6lb+ baby in April 2008. It's not physically possible. Fact.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Run along 8:44. You are ill.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM are crazy. Fact.

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      How does Bristles constantly butting in on news reports mean "living privately"? With her wealth of political experience (yeah, right) Bristles (Nancy French) writes blogs on every matter the President faces. Bristles should blog about what she KNOWS, like bar hopping, one night stands, illigitimate babies, trial husbands, fame whoring. Just like her mother, she is a FAKE, pretend intellectual. Have her go on TV and discuss ANY of the subjects she claims to have knowledge of. Bristles has the personality of a wrung out dishrag.

    6. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Oh lookie, the troll has descended upon us with their stupid ass comments. The troll doesn't seem to understand the definition of 'fact' and just uses it willy nilly as if it's somehow going to bolster their already lame argument.

      There is no bigger victim than the whining Sarah Palin. She has been whinging and whining and pissing and moaning as long as I can remember. She does it in Facebook posts, she does it in emails, she does it on Twitter, she does it in her speeches...oh woe is poor Sarah, everyone lies about her, everyone is out to get her...she's a victim through and through and ANYONE with a functioning intellect can see if for exactly what it is.

      She reminds me of a bleating toddler, whining for attention and stamping their feet and holding their breath when they don't get it. She is stunted in her emotional growth due to her early childhood sexual abuse and she demonstrates it regularly for all to see.

      Her Sarahwannabe daughter, the Barstool, does the exact same thing. They are a grifting family, through and through, and the world sees them for exactly who they are. Cheaters, liars, schemers and criminals. FACT.

    7. Anonymous9:37 AM

      You whine almost as much as she does.

    8. Anonymous9:46 AM

      I agree....FUCK YOU!!

    9. Anonymous10:47 AM


    10. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Dear 10:47 --- Clearly this troll is so intellectually challenged that even though we've told it at least 100 times that slander and libel are two different things, it continues to misuse the words.
      I'd say we just let the troll show its ignorance every time it posts. It is too thick-skulled to ever learn anything new.

    11. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Sarah voices her opinions (ignorant and hateful as they may be) and she's courageous? But when we voice our opinions about her stupid opinions, we're big meanies and "victimizers"? Fuck you, idiot.

    12. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Maybe barstool should stop victimizing others & mind her own business instead of dictating birth control, marriage, sex etc...who the fuck does she think she is. She victimizes others but wants others to praise her for being a liar, a drunk and a slut...I mean a virgin. hahahahahaha

    13. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Give it up. You're probably a 12 year-old trapped in an adult's body. You're not going to change any minds here.

      There is nothing"courageous" about $arah Palin hiding behind Facebook, and Faux News to voice her dumb "opinions."

      $arah "blood libel" Palin believes she is the biggest "victim" in the world! All she does is BITCH about every fucking slight! Palin already
      buckled!" She buckles, then she bitches, she buckles, then she bitches! Rinse, repeat! She can't handle it! $arah Palin is a fucking liar!

      Lol! $arah Palin's damn kids don't lead "private lives." Palins does nothing but slander her enemies! If Palin's kids are really being slandered, then she should fucking sue!

      "Independent." Lol. The Palins are lazy, and have no jobs! $arah Palin wouldn't even show up to work when she a governor, then the lazy skank quit! Fact.

      "You are all victimizers. Fact."

      Gryphen has you worried about something. Fact.

    14. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Alicia from Florida

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Well, Gryphen, Sarah's 51st birthday is this week on Wednesday. How about a great big present to her from IM? What a celebration that would be... we could make it even better than Todd's birthday brawl.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Are her supporters planning a "money bomb"? THAT is the only present $carah wants - $$$$$.

  5. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Its easier to deny it than to accept it as true. She didn't actually censor books, but she attempted to have them censored. I don't see a difference. "Taylor Griffin, a spokesman for the McCain campaign, said Thursday that Palin asked the head librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, on three occasions how she would react to attempts at banning books." "Palin notified Emmons she would be fired in January 1997 because the mayor didn't feel she had the librarian's "full support." Emmons was reinstated the next day after public outcry, according to newspaper reports at the time." Three occasions! What! The first time wasn't enough!? She also started a whisper campaign in Wasilla calling the former mayor Jewish and saying she would be the first Christian mayor. That doesn't sound very Christian to me.

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    – yes, I am my son's mother. 
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah the question is not if you are Track's mother.

    The question is who is Track's father?

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Sarah may be Trig's mother, but that does not mean that she gave birth to him.

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Is it really rare for public people tk change stories? Obama has told differet stories as to how he and Michelle met. In a speech he said during college. The officially story is he was her intern. (At a job she famously did nothing )

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Fuck off

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Cool story bro.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      And what is the story about how Sarah and Todd met? I am sure that is a real love story (probably involves cocaine and/or a 12 pack and the bed of a truck).
      How do you the first clue about Michelle Obama's work record?

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Michelle Obama KNOWS what it is like to EARN a college degree, and also WORK for a living. PayMe had a father who was a temp. schoolteacher. Did he have the same kind of degree $carah has - non existant? $carah and her spawn want to live the high life (in many ways) on other people's donations. If Bristles has a job, why did she claim an income of ZERO on her tax return when suing Levi for more money? How can someone with zero income afford "fucking $300 sunglasses"? Also, too Lois Vuitton purses?

    5. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Why don't trolls know that their choice of words as well as usage identifies them?

    6. Anonymous10:09 AM

      How could President Obama have given a speech during college about how he met his future wife? He had not met her yet! He was under her at the law firm in Chicago they both worked at. He was not an intern. He was a hired lawyer and she was already working there.

    7. You can practically lay odds that some Palinbot troll will ring in President Obama's name in ANY discussion about the many lies of Sarah Palin.

      Like there's some kind of equivalency there. There isn't. None. Nada.

    8. Anonymous10:37 AM

      And I know for a fact that young lawyers at big city law firms work extremely hard and they work many hours a week. None of the Palins could stand the pressure or the stress of being a young lawyer at a big firm. Goodness, no Palin could handle what it takes to get the education for the job!

    9. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Troll, honey? Michelle Obama does more before 9 AM every day then that drunken bitch Sarah Palin does all month. FACT.

    10. Anonymous5:33 PM

      8:58 AM:

      That's a false equivalency, and you know it.

      $arah Palin has famously done NO WORK for the last 6+ years, and she quit her job! Michelle Obama worked her ass off to get where she is, today. Michelle Obama never quit her job so she could be a full-time con-artist, like $arah Palin did!

      Fuck off!

    11. Anonymous8:06 PM

      For once and for all: BRISTOL PALIN DID NOT CLAIM AN INCOME OF ZERO. Zero is the amount of her income that she owed Levi for child support - or SOMETHING to do with their custody battle. I don't recall the exact deets but I do recall that LEVI is the one who put her down for zero.

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    In her previous Facebook post, Palin said the media could "alter history" with their reporting.

    That's what's behind her venom. She thinks she would be VP if media hadn't written about her.

    Palin is just trying to discredit media to cover her lies or make people question whether she lied. Hope she keeps it up. She keeps revealing her crazy & people bring up her lies--& she brings them up as well. Idiot to everyone but the rwnj

  9. Anonymous9:09 AM

    no need to post thsi but should the header of this post say "his" misery" instead of "her " misery"?

    1. Nope, that was on purpose.

    2. fromthediagonal9:36 AM

      Gryphen, I grinned at your header, because I have advised my offspring that, should I outlive my capacities to reason to "just shoot me and put me out of your misery"... not mine, theirs!

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      OK - just read again and itmakes sense. It is HER misery.

  10. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Gryphen, Alicia the troll ruins your comments section. Why don't you just ban her like others do. She is nuts and you may get more clicks but who cares. Enough already with her repetitive delusional nonsense.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I agree. This troll shits all over every thread with it's idiotic hit-and-run posts. It's getting super annoying.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      The troll is an attention whore just like Mrs. Palin. Ignore her, don't respond, nothing would piss her off more.

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      The whole point of a troll is to be disruptive, and annoying. Personally, I like having the trolls here, because I like fucking with them.

  11. Anonymous9:14 AM
    The above is a link to info about fox's battle to deliberately mislead viewers about news events. they went all the way to the Supreme Court and sadly won. This is when I stopped watching anything on fox (X-Files excepted ).
    ot- has anyone publicly asked Nicole Wallace about shp's medical records? Did anyone involved with the campaign ever see valid medical records?

    1. @Anon 9:14 AM

      Sarah said, many times..."I showed Trig's birth certificate." Now, we know Sarah's tells a lot of lies but, if you pay attention, every once-in-a-while, you will catch her telling the truth.

      One good example is when she told the ADN she spoke with Dr. CBJ at 4:00 AM on Thursday, April 17, 2008. I found this to be true when Dr. CBJ was interviewed by the ADN and confirmed it. Sarah's a liar but I don't think Dr. CBJ is.

      Personally, I think Sarah showed Steve Schmidt Trig's real birth certificate that confirmed everything she told the Anchorage Daily News. When asked by reporters if Sarah had shown McCain's team the birth certificate, Schmidt said..."NO!"

      Shucks, they were battling Troopergate, all her baggage from being Governor, she showed up with her whole family that they had to dress, plus others. At the last minute, they had to rent buses to haul them around in and get extra hotel rooms. It was only two months before the election. The word "chaos" probably doesn't do justice to what McCain's team had to endure.

      So, after all this, plus I think they had negotiated with Sarah prior to selecting her, that Bristol had to be five-months pregnant to stop the Babygate rumors, what else could Steve Schmidt do?


      This opinion is based on the e-mail from the S.O.A., Benefits Div., dated May 21, 2008, addressed to..."~Gov. Palin"...asking for her new child's birth certificate. They needed it before they could pay claims they were holding.

      Someone had to put all the medical records in Sarah's name if the e-mail was sent to her. And, that would have enabled her to use her state insurance to pay for Trig's birth and all the bills.

      And, they call Sarah..."stupid!"

  12. Anonymous9:15 AM

    >>>Lies like that were like a gut punch to my parents that knocked down the foundation of trust they've lived their good lives upon.

    OH SHUT THE FUCK UP you lying asswipe. Your parent have colluded with the lies and coverups that have been going on for DECADES in Wasilla. They are shameful, twisted, pedophiles that have wreaked damage throughout the valley with their criminality and retribution. You can call them anything you want, but as far as I'm concerned there is NOTHING that is honorable or trustworthy about the incest and abuse that your sick father perpetrating with your MOTHER'S BLESSING. You should ROT IN HELL, as should your parent, for the horrors that you have inflicted on your children and this country.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM


    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      The lies offended Sally and Chuck? They built their lives on trust? They scooted across the Canadian border to get free medical care that wasn't available to them in Alaska, where they were residents. Chuck took a teaching job in Alaska because they did not require a degree like most states did. Trust? The principal where Chuck taught covered up a child molesting teacher's activities. The school board took action, but Chuck stood by his friend, the principal, even issuing public threats against members of the school board, publishing their addresses and encouraging people to "take action against them." Some honorable trustworthy guy.

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Sarah Palin is only important in the cesspool of her disturbed mind. What interests me is the fact the John McCain campaign and the GOP deliberately tried to put a mentally unbalanced woman just one sick old man's heartbeat from the world's most powerful political office. It was treason. I wanted it documented and the people responsible exposed so that it can't happen again.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      She made the cesspool very clear with this one. I really like how she used "whilst." Must be practicing for Cambridge, where I hope gets a verbal beat-down like we have never seen.

    2. Good observation, Anonymous @ 9:55 AM. I got a laugh out of this link when I Googled "whilst vs. while":

    3. fromthediagonal1:44 PM

      Anon@9:55and KaJo... I was tempted to comment on the "whilst" earlier but let it go, though I wonder who actually posted the above.

    4. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Amen to that!

    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Yes, yes, yes, 9:23!

  14. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Wow. She sure has death on her mind today. Must be hearing the death knell of those bells ringin, coffin nails bangin and shrouds coverin. If she wants people to forget things she should stop bringing them up. What a dumbass. Please proceed Ms Palin.

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Ha! Sarah is a fraud and has been her entire life.

  16. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Palin asked if she could ban a particular book at the Wasilla Library but was told she couldn’t. So, essentially here she is splitting hairs in an effort to avoid responsibility for a very unethical act. The only thing that saved her ass is the librarian said “No”. Then she attempted to fire the librarian and she was shamed for that act. Sheesh. We need to keep the pressure on this absurd lie-producing self-serving and desperate woman to stop her lies. Please go away Sarah Palin. Move to Arizona.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.,8599,1837918,00.html

  17. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Not to mention their being members of the AIP with Sally proudly having her photo taken with the heavily armed members. Did Chuckles Sr. EVER hold a full time job? He was a substitute teacher, wasn't he?

  18. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Shocking that she's not curled up in some corner after her last speech -- and universal condemnation of it.

    Oh wait ... I think her beefy daughter liked it.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Sarah has no self awareness. If one person person applauded, Sarah thinks that she was a hit. She never looks at the videos of her speeches to realize how stupid she sounds.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      When one personality is on the skids, another is waiting to jump an understudy. This one believes it birthed a Tri-G and is infallible to boot.

  19. Anonymous9:48 AM

    The press and media have not need of lies with respect to Sarah Palin. She is a goldmine of idiocy. For example:

    Sept. 2008
    As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right next to, they are right next to our state.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Even in September 2008, the more sentient members of the media must have noticed her bizarre phrasing. Imagine diagramming the sentence that begins "[i] is from Alaska . . . next to our state." And she's only gotten worse since then.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      "diagramming the sentence"

      Even those fierce nuns that kept me at the blackboard for endless hours diagramming could not diagram that whopper. Throw some spaghetti at the wall, that would be the diagram.

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

  20. hedgewytch9:54 AM

    As this clearly points out, Sarah does not do self-reflection.

  21. "all the whilst throwing up a little bit in my mouth, "
    "Whilst"? That screeching harpy of uneducated, unintelligent, illiterate caterwauling used the term "whilst"?

    Didn't happen. She didn't write a word of this latest rant. She raged and fumed, and a soulless viper with just as much bottled up rage as Palin wrote it.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      the "Whilst" is part of Gryphen's commentary.

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      As a moderately good writer (certainly not a journalism major) I know that whilst is used as a conjunction, as in Nero fiddled whilst Rome burned. No one says "all the whilst"

    3. Just so everybody know the "whilst" is Palin, not me.

      My comments are not italicized.

    4. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Someone told Sarah that the Brits like to say "whilst." She's practicing for her Cambridge appearance.

    5. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Gryphen -- could you use brackets instead of parentheses? The italics don't come through when I read your comments, and sometimes I have to go back to see where Sarah is writing -- could she really have said she was throwing up in her mouth? --- and when you're making your astute observations.
      Just a suggestion.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Only posh people say whilst! She will immediately be known as a buffoon!

    7. Anonymous7:28 PM

      OH. So she admits she's bulimic.

  22. "yes, I am my son's mother."
    What strange phrasing. Had she given birth to Trig, she would simply say she was the proud mother of two fine sons or some such normal phrasing. This is a strangely parsed and circular phrasing.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      And, as his adoptive mother, she has the right to say that she is his mother. The other issue is that since she used the singular, we might wonder if she's simply stating that she's the mother of one son, Track. At least she looked pregnant before he was born.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      An adoptive mother is a mother.

      But Sarah has written and spoken about how she herself was pregnant with Trig and gave birth to him. That is a different kind of mother, and that's what we are saying -- Sarah you were never pregnant and your wild ride story is preposterous.
      In fact, you LIED.

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      ...and one hell of a mother, isn't she? Yeah, America wants you as president, $arah, you've set such a fine example. hahahahaha

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Exactly. She's a mother in name only in SO many ways for ALL of her children.

  23. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Funny. I thought you had two sons. If so, that would be sons’ Ms. Palin. You are grammatically challenged, get over your false indignation. You know how poorly you write. I used to try mend your copy.

  24. Anonymous10:01 AM

    In Alaska anyone with a high school education can substitute teach. I understand some school districts are attempting to fix this problem, but until then the state essentially allows anybody with a high school diploma access to our children. Scary, huh?

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I've always felt that was one reason Creepy Chuckie moved the family from Idaho to Alaska in the '60s. In addition to the wide open spaces and hunting, he could probably teach with a very meager education and no licensing requirements.
      From what I've seen of C.C., I wouldn't send my child into a classroom with him. Since my child would probably already be smarter and better educated than Professor Palin.

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      It isn't only in Alaska. Some schools in TX allow HS graduates with not a day of college to substitute teach. Pathetic!

  25. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Bring it on Gryphen! I know Sarah Palin is a liar. Just talk to anyone who has worked for her. She is frighteningly unable to access reality.

  26. Anonymous10:10 AM

    When is she going to attack the police department for releasing the brawl tapes?

  27. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Fucking coward can't even say the words, "I am my son's biological mother. Both sons." I bet CBJ told the bitch that if she ever says outright that she is Trig's biological mother, CBJ will come forward and reveal the con.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      She has said ad infinitum in speeches that she gave birth to him. That is the same as saying bio mother.
      CBJ can rot in hell like Sarah.

    2. Hell, which does not exist, is way too good for "Doctor" CBJ. What a contemptible person.

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      CBJ supposedly told Sarah it was fine for her to fly home to Alaska when she was in preterm labor and leaking amniotic fluid. Based on that, alone, CBJ should have her license revoked. I can't believe nobody up there in Alaska questioned this so-called doctor for giving such awful, dangerous advice. I also can't believe nobody questioned the hospital for allowing Sarah Palin (the sitting Governor, for heaven's sake!) to give birth in their completely unequipped hospital.

      Of course, this is all moot because Sarah Palin wasn't in pre-term labor or leaking amniotic fluid and she didn't give birth to Trig there or any where. But that was Sarah's claim and SOMEBODY should have questioned the doctor and the hospital.

      I wonder how CBJ can live with herself.

  28. Anonymous10:12 AM

    She is obviously very scared of people finding out the truth. I think she's saying all this so when proof comes out that she really is not trig's bio mom she can just say "see, there they (lamestream media) go again, spouting lies about my family".

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      That will never ever work. She has sais she birthed him waaaay to many times for cash.

    2. Ferry Fey8:16 PM

      No. Sarah Palin does NOT say she gave birth to him. I don't think I've ever seen her make a statement like that. She always says that she is Trig's mother, and is careful to not say anything that definitively says she physically gave birth to him, other than that he was "delivered." And we know that sometimes we speak of birth as delivery, but other times we use the word to mean something that was dropped off.

  29. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I think she uses a type of dictation machine that she rants into and the software types in her verbiage and she or someone tries to clean it up.

  30. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I wonder why she would even bring up the my son's mother?
    Makes me think shortly someone in that mainstream media just may pick up that old topic and shed some new light on it.
    She is laying the ground work in that post so she can say I told you so when it happens. I'm a victim of the press.
    Something is up!

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Which son is that? The one whose paternity might be a question?? Or little guy? There is no doubt that once Sarah took possession of Trig, she was going to act as his mother. That doesn't mean that she gave birth to him. They are two different things. And, Sarah hasn't been much of a mother to Trig, taking photos of him standing on the dog, letting him learn to say BS when he really needs real speech therapy, and for God's sake, he needs therapy in order to feed himself some solid food. Picking up Cheerios is good for fine motor coordination, eye to hand to mouth control and movement, and they taste good. Some mother.

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I agree, she is using the offense is best defense tactic: bad media always attacking me and my family

      Talk about beating a dead horse, she must have been waiting years to go after Brian Williams for asking about those medical records.

      Seems like her theme since Iowa is "herd mentality" she used the same phase on Hannity.

      I still would like to know when the media when after her family in 2008?
      Just think what would have come out if they really investigated the Palins.

  31. Anonymous10:16 AM

    It appears that one can easily get on Sarah's enemy list (Brian Williams). Then she waits until something happens with that person and goes in for the attack.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Basically how a vulture works.


    2. So true, Mildred.

      Palin also has a related strategy (one which gives her the most gain with the least exposure) in her endorsements. Her endorsements EITHER are endorsing a candidate once they are a sure winner ("But Palin pushed him/her over the top!) OR endorsing a candidate (late in the game) who has NO CHANCE of winning (But look how much better he/she did after Palin endorsed! Should have asked Palin for help sooner!).

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      The only other person as paranoid with an enemies list that comes to mind is Richard "I am not a crook" Nixon.
      A journalist needs to start following the money.

  32. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I heard about the little girl who accidently bumped into palin in the 3rd grade and sarah had her killed. LOL this sick woman never lets go of anything. And her goofy family is just as sick as she is. WOW. WTF went on in that palin home (old grandpa had some fun). YUCK

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Sarah can't remember the hateful speech that she gives at every invitation, but she can remember every insult and perceived slight that she has suffered forever.

  33. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I have not seen one single mainstream media outlet pick up any of Sarah's recent posts.

    Nothing since her disastrous speech in Iowa, no stories about anything she has said since, and no mention of her FB posts. It's like she fell off the face of the earth and the mainstream media has quit covering her since her Iowa speech.

    That's what she's mad about now. She's being ignored.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      She is mad as a hornet and terrified! What is really funny is she refreshes this page continually and believes the IM to be mainstream media! No Sarah, Gryphen is just the fact checker. The mainstream media just isn’t in to you anymore.

  34. Chenagrrl10:30 AM

    Sister sarry needs to STFU. Brian Williams treated her very nicely. She got in all the platitudes she wanted with a delivery that was part Miss Alaska contestant trainee and cheerleader. Brian's problem is similar to her's -- he became blinded by the lights of celebrity. What serious news person doesn't have a fact checker with him/her at all times making sure that he/she looks good. Making a Rachel Maddow like fix quickly as soon as you know is honorable. Post-scandal fact-checking is too little, too late. I suspect that support folk were cowed by Williams hubris and then a perversity took over. He knew what he was doing.

  35. Anonymous10:34 AM

    At the rate that Sarah is going, hating every one in the media, she will be the only person left with a journalism degree capable of reporting the news on her own private channel.

    1. laurensd112:20 PM

      She cannot broadcast to other than her dysfunctional family cause she can't stay sober.
      Sarah does not have a degree. She is bringing that up in answer to many comments made the day before yesterday here on IM.
      Anyone even slightly familiar with academia knows that nine semesters, two junior colleges, five total colleges, besides switching majors twice doth not ever ever ever merit a degree. All the whilst hoping you could buy one!
      Get over it Sarah. You're not all that much really.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Sarah doesn't have a degree. She is also not the biological mother of Trig. That is simply part of the fiction she tries to maintain. She is also dishonest down to the molecular level. It is all make believe and pretend with our Sarah. She is simply trying to play grownup. She fails miserably except to the short busers at sites like c4p. Her family is just the same.

  36. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Palin is not getting ANY coverage in the national media and it is outstandingly wonderful! Her going after Williams is the stupidest thing I've ever seen her do! From the proven liar and fraud that is not the mother of Trig! Fucking unbelievable!

    Go get her Gryphen! Bill Maher took her down last night on his cable show - was a kick in the ass to watch!

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      “It was as if the scales fell from their eyes and they were finally able to admit, the emperor has no clues,” Maher said. They called her speech ‘incoherent,’ ‘a farce,’ ‘unseemly’ — words that might have stung Sarah if she knew what they meant.”

      However, he insisted he was not gloating.

      “We’re just here to say, didn’t that feel good to purge yourself of something that wasn’t sitting well in your gut?” he said. “It’s like when you’re sick and you make yourself throw up — you feel better afterwards. I just have one question: what took you so long? The rest of us have been watching this dog eat grass for seven years.”

  37. Caroll Thompson10:36 AM

    Gee, you would think Sarah would have sued for slander and/or libel for all these terrible things that were reported. Jesse Ventura sued Chris Kyle and got an award for well over a million. Now we all know that Chris Kyle is a liar.

    But of course, Sarah could not sue because most of what was reported was the absolute truth. And the fact that Brian Williams is a bit of story teller is not going to change that.

    I think the Alaska media (not the bloggers) did not do their due diligence with their reporting. When she gave a speech, they would unscramble her word salad. They did not question her many lies and she had an easy time as Governor with the press.

    The national media is not the Alaska media. They are not going to accept at face value the many lies of Sarah Palin or any other politician. Just ask Chris Christie who is toast as a presidential contender because his statements do not stand up to public scrutiny.

    So, the national media has done its job. They exposed Sarah for the fraud that she is. She did try to ban books. She did put the City of Wasilla in the most debt in its history. She did spend $50,000 to redecorate her little office in Wasilla as Mayor with no approval (and hence is not a fiscal conservative). She did start construction on a hockey rink without having title to the land. She did use her position as Governor to settle a personal score with her ex brother in law. She did support the AIP. She did fake the birth of her "fifth" child. Obviously, entire books are filled with her lies, so I won't continue with them here.

    Calling a person out on their lies is what the media is suppose to do. Getting to the truth is the media's job. So, Sarah, since your skin is so thin and you cannot handle being exposed for the fraud that you are, please step off the stage and no one will bother you.

    Sarah is such a coward, she cannot handle being asked a question without having the question in advance. In her next speaking engagement in Odessa, she will only take prescreened questions. The link is below. Is this reporter lying about Sarah 'The Coward' Palin not taking questions that are not pre screened.

    And now the conservative media and the pundits are on to her and are writing the truth about her. Sarah Palin is a political con artist pretending to be what she isn't so she can scam millions from foolish Americans. Conservative now realize that Sarah is hurting their brand, and only helping herself to funds that should be going to actual candidates.

    Yes G, I think the time is right to revisit babygate. Babygate is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people by a VP candidate and deserves to be written about until the truth finally comes out.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Bravo! What a great comment!

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I'm telling you, Caroll, when Liz and you were called yesterday? Methinks you hit the nail squarely.

      You go, girl!

    3. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I think that one of her long-standing gripes about Brian Williams is that he asked specifically about her failure to release her medical records. Bad enough the way that John McCain handled the release of his records, but at least they were available to reporters for a few hours of limited review. But, Sarah produced nothing until during the evening of the eve of the election she released an oddly-cobbled "letter" from her physician, a letter that raised lots of questions but by the next morning those questions were irrelevant to the media. I agree, Caroll, it's time for the truth about "babygate." Look at her outrage, over six years later, at Brian Williams for having asked a simple question. Sarah is still worried about it.

  38. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hmm, so her handlers had this ghostwritten for her, did they? But why? Why now, why are they having her dance right up to the dangerous lies that she's been telling all these years? To make her look brave? We know she attempted to fire the librarian, it's part of the public record. We know that she never showed us Trig's birth certificate or her college records. We know that the Branchflower report found her guilty of ethical missteps in the firing of Walt Monegan yet her handlers are throwing those lies back in our faces and now calling them truth? Just because 6 or more years have passed since some of these lies were first told doesn't mean they are going to suddenly become truths.

    The RWNJ base has always felt that she was mistreated by the media, they sympathize with her, so who is she trying to convince? Moderate Republicans, Democrats? They are desperately trying to polish this turd. Is it because they want to throw her into the ring?

    As all I can say is Mrs. Palin should forever be grateful to that Lamestream Media that she so loves to bash because they kept her lies a secret, even though she's been bashing them for 6 years they've never spilled guts with what we know some of them know. Will that change if she runs? Will they, for some reason, keep on protecting her? It's like she's running in circles around a hungry lion with a steak in her hand and daring it to bite her, and given what a bunch of pussies the media has been regarding outing this beast and her lies, they'll probably continue to keep quiet.

    If she does decide to enter the political arena my money is on Karl Rove and other powerful political puppet masters to be the ones to take her down a notch since the media doesn't seem to do their job.

  39. slipstream11:20 AM

    Hey, this reminds me:

    How's that "fire David Letterman" thing working out for you, Sarah?

  40. Boscoe11:26 AM

    Hey Gryph, maybe a really great way to kick off the babygate revival would be a simple bullet list of links to all the various elements that have been covered. I would love to have a simple, one-stop hub that I could send people to that would let them see a quick, easy list of all the evidence and then let them click on each item to see the relevant detail.

    Otherwise I fear it ends up being such a massive swamp of text, pictures, video and data that it gets confusing and details get lost.

  41. Anonymous11:29 AM

    It's the Republicans that discredited her, the Karl Rove thing doesn't jive at all! Don't believe anyone is going to put her out there to run for any office. Too, too much baggage that can be proven and has already.

    10:39 comment is well written and appears to be trying to cloud the issues of recent onslaught of negative commentary written regarding Palin.

  42. Anonymous11:37 AM

    She's right about the slacker, lying, shit media. NOW maybe they will redeem themselves and investigate the birthgate lie like they should have 7 years ago. Bitch is finally right.

  43. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Didn't the reporters in the Jornolist group collectively decide NOT to pursue questions about the circumstances of Trig's birth out of respect for Palin's family's privacy? They did exactly what she wanted them to do: leave her family alone.

  44. Anonymous11:43 AM

    She keeps revisiting the 'scenes of her crimes' because they are festering in her mind. Good!

  45. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Could care less about any book banning Palin might or might not have been involved in and to me that doesn't even begin to make her look wacko. It's the troopergate, dairygate, bridge to nowheregate but mostly it's the HATEGATE and BABYGATE which makes you look Wacko you created yourself, Palin.

    Palin's been a constant victimization whiner. Poor Poor Sarah. You made your bed, now lay in it, bitch.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Hategate...I love that!

  46. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Palin is giving some sort of talk in Odessa, Texas. Generally, there is a q and a afterwards, but Palin has to control everything:

    "Under Thursday’s format, Palin will take audience questions filtered by Canty, so not every query will be answered. Media questions for Palin had to be pre-approved by The Washington Speaker’s Bureau, a UTPB news release said."

    She is such a chicken-shit. She can't even handle an unscripted question. What kind of grizzly mama is she? Ha ha.

  47. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I have not read any comments yet, but I will say this. She promised that she was going to come out and disparage anything and everything because BABY IS MAD that she's been shown to be who she is.

    Look, $arah, we get it's all about you, ad nauseum, except it isn't. How little self-esteem do you have that you keep pointing that finger when there really ARE three back at you and what you live? You are no leader, far from it. That ANYONE who could go to the lengths that you do and claim to be a Christian is beyond me.

    Keep at it. What an incorrigible ignorant bitch you are. Thirty pieces of silver.....ain't you speshul.

    You care about this country? Bullshit, baby, you're all about yourself and padding your wallet.

  48. PalinsHoax11:57 AM

    Anonymous 8:39 AM
    My coworkers aunt worked for her. She has no bad things to say and is still in contact.
    - - -

    What! You mean to tell me your coworker's aunt approved when $arah missed so much work while "governor" that the legislature started wearing "Where's Sarah?" buttons.

    Gee, your coworker's aunt must be a lazy as Ol' Slackard herself.

    Anonymous 8:45 AM
    Well, Gryphen, Sarah's 51st birthday is this week on Wednesday.
    - - -

    Get outta here! She's only 51? Coulda fooled me, cause the Ol' Scarecrow looks over 61. Not only that, she starting to look like she is changing gender, as the recent photos displayed of her (Bill Maher's show) have her looking like a man in drag - and a very ugly one at that!

    "yes, I am my son's mother"

    So Ol' Mother of all Hoaxes, whilst you were on your Wild Ride, were you conniving how to explain "giving birth" to Trig from your shrivelled, barren, TWOBULLed, fetid loins?

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      It wasn't just state legislators that wore the 'Where's Sarah?' buttons. Lots of people did in Juneau and I saw some in Anchorage, too.

      So please stop posting this on ever thread. It isn't accurate.

    2. PalinsHoax2:31 PM

      Thanks Anon 1:29 pm., I'll be sure to add your information to future postings. It is good to know that the citizens as well as the government employees were aware of $arah playing hookey from work!

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      They even had dog poop flags in Juneau that read
      "Where's Sarah".

    4. Anonymous11:20 PM

      8:39 Has no co-workers, Alicia is unemployed.

  49. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Anonymous 8:39 AM said

    Well there are lots of lies written about her. That is true. And a lot that is grossly exaggerated that otherwise would be boring shit. My coworkers aunt worked for her. She has no bad things to say and is still in contact


    Anonymous 8:39 is your coworker's aunt's name Louis Sarah?

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, the resident troll has so many friends, relatives and phantoms who are Palin friends.
      Punctuation was not a part of the Home-School learning syllabus.

  50. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Sarah's dancing pretty close to the flame. honey...we don't care what you think..never have. your goose is cooked. once a liar always a liar. lies beget lies and all that. truth always surfaces just like with this reporter. DNA. good luck keeping those utinsils cups snot rags ect. out of people reach. its gonna happen.

  51. Anonymous12:14 PM

    She is extremely reviled. And Sarah. it is impossible to undo a truth once it becomes part of the record. Just try it.

  52. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Part 1

    The media lies rung a bell that can never be “un-rung.” 
    -Sarah Palin

    BOO HOO I'm a victim too. Daughter like mother.

    SARAH the rape bell can never can be unrung!

    Some day the question will be asked "Daddy did you RAPE my mommy?"

    Alaska Dispatch News
    In her new memoir, Bristol Palin describes her first sexual encounter in terms that sound a lot like date rape to some people -- and like a headline-grabbing way of settling a grudge to others. 

    Bristol lies to her mother, Sarah Palin, telling her she's "going to stay the night at Ema's house," (Pg. 2) but instead goes off on a camping trip in Point MacKenzie with her "ruggedly handsome boyfriend," Levi Johnston. ... Bristol proceeds to down wine cooler after wine cooler, as she "slowly surrendered to their woozy charms." (Pg. 3) Levi keeps replacing her finished wine coolers with new ones, and soon Bristol hits "that awful wall" that takes her from a "happy buzz" into "the dark abyss of drunkenness." (Pg. 3) The last thing she remembers is sitting by the fire and laughing with friends, and doesn't remember waking up in her tent the next morning "with something obviously askew." ...

    Bristol quickly texts her friend to get over to the tent, and she immediately pops over and tells her, "You definitely had sex with Levi." (Pg. 4) Despite being brought up in a Christian household determined to save herself until marriage, Bristol laments the fact that her virginity had been "stolen," and as she surveys the evidence in the tent, soon realizes that "all of my plans, my promises, and my moral standards had disappeared in one awful night in a series of bad decisions."

    OH MY SARAH, does this sound like the same girl that repeatedly snuck into Levi's room so that he can repeatedly rape her?

    ● Personally I have never even heard of a single case where a girl continues to date her rapist for years

    ● Apparently Bristol, the virgin, woke my cousin up several times with all of her .....well let's just say "enthusiasm."  And by the way this was BEFORE that now notorious camping trip!

    ● Enjoying an active and consensual sex life

    ● Actively TRYING to have a baby with this person who supposedly "took advantage of her"

    1. Anonymous11:13 PM

      Was that after Bristol 'hooked up' with Dylan Kolvig on his Daddy's party boat for sex, drugs, and alcohol?

  53. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Part 2

    OH MY SARAH, does this sound like the same girl that repeatedly snuck into Levi's room so that he can repeatedly rape her?

    The World Knows There's Two Sides To Every Story Especially When It Involves Palins

    Mercede Johnston's Blog
    As for that "rape" allegation, I have to wonder if any of the millions of girls out there who truly have been sexually assaulted take offensive at Bristol claiming that her consensual sexual encounter in that tent gives her the right to place herself in their company?  After all it is people like Bristol, girls who claim they were sexually assaulted when in fact they weren't, who give excuses for people to doubt the claims of REAL victims of assault or rape.

    Personally I have never even heard of a single case where a girl continues to date her rapist for years, while enjoying an active and consensual sex life, and then actively TRYING to have a baby with this person who supposedly "took advantage of her". Are we to believe that Bristol was drunk on wine coolers throughout that whole relationship?

    After I read Bristol's account I started thinking back to that summer. My mind was searching for every little thing I could remember, and remember I did..

    One of the things that I remembered was that my much older cousin (he is in his 30's) came up from the lower 48 to stay in our house while working with my father. We made him a bed in our downstairs living room which happened to be very close to my brother's room. Apparently Bristol, the virgin, woke my cousin up several times with all of her .....well let's just say "enthusiasm."  And by the way this was BEFORE that now notorious camping trip!

    The next morning my cousin called my brother aside and had a talk with him. I think Levi was far more embarrassed than Bristol was because the next night she wasn't any quieter.

    Now I don't usually feel comfortable talking about another person's sex life. I never even liked talking about Bristol trying to get pregnant because I feel that's a very personal topic

    However, after she made those hurtful and indefensible statements in her book about my brother, I decided no matter how uncomfortable I feel talking about this that it is something which I must do, because no one deserves to be accused of such a disgusting and horrendous thing. Especially not my brother who, believe it or not, truly loved Bristol with all of his heart.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Thanks for this. Well done, Mercede, you sure did put Bristol in her place. Sarah and Bristol are such toxic and evil people.

  54. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Wow, Sarah's ghostwriter was working overtime with the adjectives and adverbs with this one. Nothing is stated plainly --
    her parents had to have had "good" lives. And, of course, she had to bring her parents into the discussion so she could make it a three-generations-of-victims story: Chuckie and Sally, Sarah, and Trig.
    By Sarah's definition, Fox News, which is mainstream, lies all the time, too.

  55. The Wasilla wendigo must may regret going after Brian Williams. Just read somewhere that Katie Couric is looking to take his place if NBC fires him.
    Now, wouldn't that just chafe her hide?

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Probably not, her grudge against Katie is her #1 standby grudge, the grudge you have when you need a grudge in a hurry.

  56. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Brian Williams being a "liar and a lapdog of the powers that be" in March, 1973 was actually adding fuel to the war-mongering of our just having invaded Iraq on the LIES of the Bush Administration.
    So Sarah -- which is it? Do you now disown the drumbeat for war that the media indulged in for the first years of our Iraqi invasion?

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Of course I meant 2003.

  57. Anonymous1:02 PM

    As usual with these wingnut fests (and Palin whines) the truth will turn out to be vastly different than they claim.

    All this he said/she said crap is just getting in the way of the truth coming out because that's the way the wingnuts roll.

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good wingnut story. Give Sarah Palin all the free publicity you can.

  58. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Please, G., if you have anything on her, bring this woman down.

    She is spoiling for a fight, and is almost begging someone to find out HER lies. It's as if she wishes someone, anyone, would expose everything she's lied about. Is it possible Sarah Palin's conscience is provoking these rants? She can't seem to stop provoking media. If she doesn't stop this, media WILL pursue her past associations and activities. Does Sarah WANT to be found out? Keep it up, Sarah, and you will.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      He doesnt

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      5:01 kryptonite/just no/justtine/bristol ass sniffer 4 ever/chels/michelle/lucy in sarah's panties/Alicia the unemployed basement troll, what is 'doesnt'?

  59. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Give it up, Sarah. We know.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      No you dont

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Dear Anonymous,
      All your trolling answers are identifiable because you seem incapable of using an apostrophe when you write a contraction.

      You have no crystal ball to tell what will happen. Who could have predicted that the conservative power structure would have turned like rabid dogs against Palin? She'll step out of line again and they'll put her down again. She has nothing but her own tin voice and repetitious lies. She's a preposterous phony, and will be called out eventually.
      Meanwhile, you might look for that key for the apostrophe so you don't look as dumb as you sound.

    3. Anonymous11:01 PM

      5:00 Wasillabilly Home-Schooled?

  60. Anonymous1:40 PM

    LOVE the "nail the coffin" (Palin speak for nail in the coffin we use on the blogs!) about the March 08 fetusless abdomen lol.
    We so own you bitch!!

  61. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Just a minor point: Although Sarah's post sounds pure Sarah, I'm surprised she would say "whilst" for "while." Does this give evidence of a ghost writer?

  62. Anonymous2:28 PM

    -Sarah Palin

    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin wrote on her Facebook header:
    ● Former Governor of Alaska and GOP Vice-Presidential Nominee

    ● Host of "Amazing America" on the Sportsman Channel

    ● Three-time New York Times Bestselling Author

    ● FOX News Contributor

    ● Executive Editor of the Sarah Palin Channel

    ● Times Magazine's 100 Most Influential People In The World

    As you can see, Sarah Palin has a need to worshipped and idolized.

    Who else do you know who uncontrollably hollers out their name in public?
    (Hmmm, do they holler out their own name during sex?)

    Who else list titles on their Facebook header so that they can admire themselves? So you can admire them?

    While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today

    Does Sarah Palin share the same characteristics of a person considered to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

    ● An overwhelming need for admiration

    ● A complete lack of empathy toward others. 

    ● Believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet. .

    ● Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

    ● Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    ● Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    ● Requires excessive admiration

    ● Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

    ● Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    ● Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    ● Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

    ● Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Why does she crow about being a New York Times best-selling author when they're part of the evil mainstream media cabal?
      Why does she include Time Magazine for exactly the same reason? They're midtown Manhattan elitists! Why promote them on your Facebook page, or accept their honorific?

    2. Anonymous2:00 AM

      I have said for five years that if you go down the list of defining characteristics of NPD and compare them to her it is check check check check...

    3. Anonymous4:43 AM

      4:11 because her multiply personalities don't do a logic check between their rants lol!.

  63. Anonymous2:32 PM

    i posted this over at AMERICANTHINKER....

    it will be so awesome!!! first up, SNL mocking palin, than she can follow up with a half-wit word-salad at CPAC, to follow the crazy train of chew-chew
    Trump.. then off to england, so the brits can have John Cleese paint her for the fool she will be awesome!!!

  64. Anonymous2:36 PM



  65. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Sarah Palin has to kick Brian Williams when he's already down. Well, Sarah, just be prepared for the colossal dose of karma headed your way. I guess your "religion" didn't teach you to turn the other cheek. You have a cruel streak that is so apparent to normal people, and it is that trait which will bring you down.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Karma isn't real and Sarah will be getting away with every dirty lie shes told

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      4:59 PM You aren't real, you are fake, troll.

  66. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah had better fire up her facebook page and write another "I am a victim of the media because they are mean to my family" posting about one more person on her enemy list:

    When Will Fox News Fire Bill O’Reilly For Lying About Combat Duty?

    ....Reports at the time described how “servicemembers asked O’Reilly about his own tour of duty in Kuwait during Desert Storm.” That might have been an interesting story except for the fact that O’Reilly never did a tour of duty in Kuwait during Desert Storm, or anywhere else since he never served in the military at all.

    More recently, O’Reilly told his radio listeners about how he would have coaxed information out of an enemy soldier based on his personal experiences in combat (video below):

    “I tell you what, I’ve been in combat. I’ve seen it. I’ve been close to it. And if my unit is in danger and I got a captured guy and the guy knows where the enemy is and I’m looking him in the eye, the guy better tell me. That’s all I’m gonna tell you. If it’s life or death, he’s going first.”

    As noted above, and contrary to his statement, O’Reilly has never been in combat. Consequently, he has never commanded a unit or had to contemplate how he would deal with an enemy prisoner. His pretend bluster and machismo is all just a bunch of fantasizing of himself as a hero. So how is that any different than the offenses for which Williams is being pilloried?......

  67. Anonymous4:14 PM

    That photo should have Sara Palin's picture.

  68. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I think Palin is quite confidant that you wont be outing her babygate story.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      What the hell is your problem?

    2. Anonymous10:55 PM

      4:58 PM Do you mean confident, Dummy? You Palinbots are some backwoods, uneducated hicks.

    3. Anonymous4:42 AM

      CBJ is her confidant as are McCain, Wallace and Schmidt..
      We are confident they are treasonous assholes who will pay the piper one day.

  69. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The biggest liar of all time, Sarah, never gets publicly called out WHY,

  70. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Oh my, poor scarah, why call out Brian Williams? Are you trying to keep the heat off of yourself? Tsk Tsk, we all know you're lying about a lot of things. It's just a matter of time, the truth will be told. In the meantime, enjoy making a bigger fool of yourself by ridiculing others. We know what you're doing. No mercy will be spared when its your turn!

  71. Anonymous1:54 AM

    It is this kind of behavior from her that makes me feel that when babygate is revealed it should be shoved into her face so hard that she chokes. B*tch.

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      CBj also too for her part. What a disgrace she is to the prestigious UW med school.and the AAFPP who lauded her as FPP physician of the year.

    2. CBJ is the weak link. I don't think she's part of the Palin clan, and I think her lie is weighing on her.

  72. Anonymous9:04 AM

    What a fucking narcissist. Everything EVERYTHING is about ME ME ME ME And what THEY did to ME. *eye roll*

  73. physicsmom3:23 PM

    This post is just written word salad. It falls apart somewhere in the middle, when she starts talking about her parents and how this affects them. (She also used the word "affects" but incorrectly).There's so much rambling and argle-bargle that it's difficult to follow. Since she would have had time to proofread her work or have someone do that, it's ridiculous to see this sophmoric screed in print with the bad spelling incorrect grammar and run-on sentences. And, yes, she's claiming victimization whether she calls it that or not.


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