Sunday, June 21, 2015

Days after Charleston shooting Ted Cruz is making gun control jokes.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) dropped a few gun control jokes during his latest swing through Iowa, days after the shooting deaths of nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina, church. 

"You know the great thing about the state of Iowa is, I'm pretty sure you all define gun control the same way we do in Texas -- hitting what you aim at," Cruz said at a town hall meeting Friday in Red Oak. 

Before a crowd of nearly 70 people, Cruz recalled a recent excursion to a gun range in New Hampshire that had fully automatic machine guns. 

"My wife, Heidi, who is a petite, 5'2 California blonde, she was standing at the tripod unloading the full machine gun with a pink baseball cap that said 'armed and fabulous,'" he said.

Oh yeah, so funny making jokes about guns while people are mourning the loss of  their loved ones due to gun violence.

But if you think Cruz stopped there you are sadly mistaken.

"It's sad to see the Democrats take a horrific crime and try to use it as an excuse, not to go after people with serious mental illness or people who are repeat felons or criminals, but instead try to use it as an excuse to take away Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens," he told a group of reporters.

Do you know what's even sadder to see?

People taking this asshole seriously as a candidate for President of the United States. 

The President is a man who has to feel a nation's pain, and accept responsibility for trying to alleviate that pain.

Ted Cruz could never be that man.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Ted Cruz could never be A man. Period.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Ted Cruz is not even a human.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I thought GW made my skin crawl. Turns out, it was just warming up for the full on reaction to creepy Cruz.
    If Palin runs, please, please let it be with Cruz!

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    He is a special case of foul.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Show us your birth certificate, Teddy.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Exactly. And his mom's birth certificate as he claims to be an American citizen by virtue of his mother being born in the United States.

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      I want to know if his mom gave up her citizenship and exactly when and for long she was living in Canada before she hatched this creature.

  5. Anonymous2:37 PM

    All his weasly dog whistle words -- "blonde," "pink" -- in case we didn't already know that he was talking about white folks shooting blacks.
    The man is despised by his fellow Senators. He'll be wiped out in Iowa and then try to make a million selling "his" autobiography. And his little Goldman Sachs wife will go back to bringing home the bacon for the Cruz family. Luckily for her, he'll be in Washington most of the week, so she won't have to look at that face too often.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      How could his wife even enter his bed? The man repulses me!

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Boasting about his blonde little "California wife" may not fly too well with a large part of the Hispanic vote (dark haired women, for example) he assumes he deserves....

      Wild Tortoise

  6. Veronica in Houston2:58 PM

    Ted Cruz proves just how stupid, insensitive & unfit (for any office) he is every single time he opens his mouth.

  7. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Heidi, How can you stand him? If he's this awful, then you must be too.

  8. The same man with Biden jokes the weekend Beau was being buried. We're surprised?

  9. This guy is a certified ass hole.

  10. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Smarmy cocksucker.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Well said. He is gross.

  11. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I don't understand how anyone could believe this man deserving of any public office. He is a despicable human being, in thought and deed.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I'll bet palin's endorsement helped him win. Sad but true back then. Just another reason to hate that bitch from hell. No offense to the Libber but cruz still reminds me of Liberace.

  12. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The guy's face and personality give me friggin' nightmares! Thank God, he'll never be POTUS!

    Texans need to demote the guy and get him out of the United States Congress!

  13. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "The President is a man..." ...Sorry G, I'm a regular reader who appreciates how progressive you are, but I'm hoping that the way you phrased that becomes outdated with the next Administration.

    1. Okay I see your point.

      However until the phrase actually becomes outdated it is still accurate.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      (Same poster as @ 3:33pm) Thanks Gryphen -- both for posting my note and for your reply.

  14. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Let's see, McCain gave us $arah, she gave us cruz, what could possibly go wrong?

  15. Anonymous3:39 PM

    R-Texas. Nothing more need be said.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      It stands for Reptile-Texas.

  16. Anonymous3:48 PM

    O/T I read on HP Israeli official's wife insulted President Obama, thanks boehner.

    1. Anonymous4:44 AM

      She is the wife of the Israeli Minister of the Interior and her subsequent comment was the usual "I-was-just-joking." The blame-it-all-on-the-listener excuse that Republicans use all the time.

  17. Anonymous3:50 PM

    So we're supposed to "go after" people with serious mental illnesses?

    So they're not suffering fellow humans who deserve our compassion and help?

    Oh wait, what was I thinking. Ted Cruz has certainly set me straight (fortuitous play on words there, huh? Since the GOP does think gays have a serious mental illness, too!)

    Ted Cruz disgusts me absolutely beyond belief.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      We do need better treatment for and a complete attitude adjustment toward people with serious mental illnesses, as this asshole's own phrasing indicates (thanks for pointing it out!).

      I have posted this before: I have bipolar disorder and was under-employed for several years. Until the ACA passed, I had to pay out of pocket for my medication and any therapy I needed. It would have cost me more money, required more paperwork, and necessitated jumping through more hoops for me to see a qualified psychiatrist than to buy a gun. That's profoundly fucked up from all angles.

    2. We are supposed to "go after" people with serious mental illnesses?

      Ted. We're comin' for ya'.

  18. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Ted Cruz is Mr. Haney's evil seed. Green acres is the place to be...

  19. Red Oak, Iowa., huh?
    Figures that would be a receptive place. Joni Ernst was birthed and resides in Red Oak, Iowa.
    Biggest meth county and among the poorest in Iowa.
    Redneck druggies and gun totin' no gubmint farmers are a way of life.
    So is the county good ole boy network. Jes' ask Joni and her grifting subsidized ag family!

    Little kids and manly wigged women castrate, that is, cut nuts off pigs and wear bread bags on their shitkickers. Then they go all weekend warrior for real jobs resulting in pretend combat people while sitting at a desk in war started for oil.

    So yeah, Cruz was in receptive territory for truly tasteless, offensive, horrific comments. And boy, did he deliver.
    In essence, it resembles something Palin would come up with if she could complete a thought or decipher her palm.

    Chicken shits all... bet none of them will be caught dead in church now. (Passive aggressive thought, I admit.)

  20. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Ted Cruz-The Reincarnation Of Joe McCarthy?

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      They even look alike

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      He also has no shame

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Yes, and we must pay attention!

  21. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Debate rages between politicians about flying the controversial banner

    Most GOP Presidential contenders are trying not to be too strong on their beliefs and opinions.

    After Sarah is finished praying for the city she needs to sink her teeth into the protests and her position on the flag. She is big on symbolism.

  22. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I wouldn't let this guy use my toilet....

  23. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Council of Conservative Citizens Website Back Online

    Unfortunately, the Council of Conservative Citizens’ grotesque racist hate site is back online today, after being down throughout the day yesterday.

    By comparing the current comments for their horrible post about the Charleston shootings to my saved copy, I can see they deleted quite a few comments, but I’m not sure why they bothered — because the newer comments posted today are just as awful as anything they deleted. This website is a center of the racist sickness that has made a huge resurgence on the right in the past decade.

  24. ibwilliamsi5:40 PM

    He drew a "crowd of about 70 people?" I think that might be more better described as "passersby".

  25. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Thanks to Sarah Palin, every mental ill person like Cruz will be running for president.

    How low are the rethugs willing to go before they have had enough?

  26. Luisa6:05 PM

    News flash for Ted & may be armed but you will never be fabulous. Nor POTUS either, you smarmy bastard.

  27. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Ugly egomaniac on the inside and on the outside.

  28. We keep seeing the same pattern: There is a mass shooting (again), and some GOP nut says we should do something about mental illness in this country (again).

    Well, Mr Cruz, you ARE a Senator. You think we should do something about mental illness? Introduce a bill. Nobody is stopping you.

  29. Anonymous6:46 PM

    He is nothing short of crazy. Just like Palin.

  30. Anita Winecooler7:48 PM

    I'm sorry, but you referred to this jackass as a "man", and a REAL man in either party should know better. That congregation met in the crime scene today and showed the world REAL MEN and WOMEN. Cruz and his lovely wife Heidie are prime examples of the root of the gun fetishist/NRA lobby problem.
    The content of your character is laid bare for the world to see. Insensitive, inhumane, crass, heartless buffoon and poor excuse for a human being. Pandering to the least common denominator for political points. .

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      You said that well. I can only add his inappropriate jokes are on the level of Palin sharing she bought a weapon for Todd after the school children were murdered. Their message is no one and nothing is going to stop us to their base. It is good they reveal themselves as not caring about lives nor lunatic murderers.

  31. Anonymous8:07 PM

    He's a sociopath, full stop.

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Agreed. Nothing Canadian about him or even compassionate Texan about him. As their are some compassionate Texans whom are living and who've past on.

      Ted Cruz is a sociopath.

    2. Anonymous11:47 PM

      Put that in caps. Eduardo Cruz is dangerous. McCarthy in drag. Please help us.

    3. Anonymous12:55 AM


  32. Anonymous9:27 PM

    In spite of the blood oath that all rightwingers have signed, promising to fully support any and all who say they are Republicans (even if they are being dragged off to jail)---

    ---I have a feeling that only the really really batshit crazy ones, feel they need to back THIS nitwit.

    (But I do notice that of the righties who show up on my Facebook page, they fully and equally support each and every one of the rest of the clowns who have tossed their rubber noses into the ring.)

    --and they wonder why we call them idiots (because, of course, there is no difference between Rand Paul and Donald Trump, or even Michele Bachmann.)

    {Oh, wait...after writing that, I just realized there IS very little difference from one to the next: they all hate everyone and everything quite equally.}

  33. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Disgust. That charlatan and his California blonde (?) wife are scum of scum.

  34. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Tez Crud's father is shooting his mouth off again. The whole family is dangerous.

  35. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Man, is he unattractive!!

    Associated Press Addresses Photos Of Pistol Pointed At Ted Cruz's Head


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