Monday, July 13, 2015

The publisher of Sarah Palin's newest book was once sued by five of its authors because they "structured their business essentially as a scam."

"I got another book deal."
Okay so I was reading through this Salon piece on Ted Cruz's new book, explaining how the New York Times essentially outed publishing houses for using bulk sales to drive up the numbers in order to get on best seller lists. When I came across this:  

At some point the New York Times figured this out and began to list such alleged best-sellers with a “dagger” next to them denoting bulk sales, which sort of takes the fun, if not the profit out of it. And it wasn’t long ago that some authors got wind of another layer of the scam at their own expense. They sued their publisher, the right-wing Regnery Publishing for selling what would otherwise be boring, remainder bin books to various affiliated organizations at a steeply reduced price and even for free as promotional items. The authors did not receive royalties for such sales and they weren’t happy about it, one of them even complaining, “they’ve structured their business essentially as a scam and are defrauding their writers.” Imagine that. (Here is a link to that 2007 New York Times article.)

The name of the publisher, Regnery Publishing, seemed awfully familiar to me. Now where had I heard that name before?

And then it hit me:

Sarah Palin has a new book coming out, with a new publisher. 

Regnery Publishing, a conservative press based in Washington, D.C., announced Tuesday that it was planning a November release for Palin's Sweet Freedom: A Devotional.


So it appears that Palin's newest publishing house is really just a scam operation that rips off its authors in order to drive up its own profits.  Interesting, no?

Of course Palin is not known for being exactly honest concerning book sales herself, since in the past she has used SarahPAC to purchase bulk orders of her own books in order to artificially drive up the numbers and increase her own profit margin as well.

So the question now remaining is, who will rip off whom?

Will Regnery rip Palin off, and use her waning celebrity to sell bulk orders of her books to conservative markets as giveaways, thereby depriving her of royalties?

Or will Palin herself buy up bulk orders using SarahPAC money, and then give them away to the six people who still want to read a book by her ghostwriter and pocket the money herself?

Well considering the most recent quarterly filings from SarahAPC that last scenario seems increasingly less likely.

However this IS Sarah Palin, who, I think we can all agree, was born to grift. So when it comes to being devious and ripping off her own fans, I would not count her out quite yet.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Are the most recent July Filings out yet?

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Yes, has anyone seen them? Update, pls.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      No. At least, they're not posted on the FEC site. The filing deadline is Wednesday.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      I'm sure they're scrambling trying to find receipts for "postage". :)

    4. Caroll Thompson12:06 PM

      I just checked and no filing yet. The FEC website is just a tad complicated, but I believe the report is due on July 31,2016.

    5. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Carol Thompson - Thanks for setting us straight on the report due date. It is 7/31.

    6. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I believe the FEC filing deadline is July 1 with a two week extension, if requested. So that brings the big day to Weds, July 15.

      A good day for IMers - lol

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I read that too and made the same correlation. What publishers are doing now, and what it looks like Cruz did, is hire a company called Results Source to hire individuals to buy the book, thus skirting around the bulk sale. It's the same tactic as hiring people to "like" products, be followers, comment on blogs and make tweets. Forbes has an interesting article on how Results Source has gone dark since being discovered.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Devious rip offs, indeed, and she won't stop until she's sucked every last penny out of the gullible. "Christian" devotional......snort!

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Well, the French couple had better check THIS out ASAP, before they lose all their profits (IF there are any to be made) Grifters gotta grift, even from each other, doncha know? I doubt $carah will be in any shape to do a book tour, don't you?

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Not when she's running for President!

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      The ONLY thing she will make a run for are the HILLS, with the feds on her heels. One media outlet reported she spent $63,0000 of her Pac money to buy her books. Bet she wishes she had that cash now, instead of all those damn books. How do her followers feel about all their money being wasted that way?

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Ahhhh, 10:44 AM, they all, at least the peesters, took the "Sarah Palin Pledge." Til death do they part, she is their Esther. It doesn't matter what she does.

    4. Anonymous11:12 AM


    5. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Anonymous10:44 AM

      One media outlet reported she spent $63,0000 of her Pac money to buy her books.
      She is STILL giving them out! Recently also,too! Donate $$ and get 'merica by heart! LOL Yep I bet she wishes she still had the money but she will find a way to write them off somehow...are PACs ppl????
      Can she write off losses on a PAC?

  5. Or will Palin herself buy up bulk orders using SarahPAC money

    Will there be enough money left in SarahPAC to buy a book?

  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "her waning celebrity"


    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I know, right? Her celebrity waned in 2009 when she quit her job as governor of our state :-)

      Bitch has been on a serious downhill slide since then. Been fun watching the drug addiction, the anorexia and the loss of her husband but really, even though it is delicious to bash the barely alive Mrs. Palin I think that horse is so dead now that our mocking constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.


  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Fuc_ Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Not even with Donald T-Rumps member!

      Earthymama / Chicago

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      LOL I just got an image of something that looks like a vienna sausage with a mini windswept orange toupee and those eyes one gets at craft stores.
      Excuse me while I find some eyebleach and a barf bag.

  8. Anonymous10:14 AM

    All these years Sarah and Bristol has conned people it's their turn to be conned.

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I just noticed $arah has the same pouty lip mouth as the Donald. Ewwwwww.....

  10. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I hope she foes do dignings at Cheistian book stores. Ill be watching. Hace yime to go to them. I buy a book and get her to sign it and tell her to her fucking face we know she didn't birth Tri- G. Will purse carrier Toad be there to orotect her lolol?

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Wtf dis you just say?

      Earthymama / Chicago

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Fingers not on the home keys I guess.

    3. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Spell check is not their friend

    4. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Well hey, I understood 10:30 perfectly!

      I'd be careful if you go to her signings though, just in case Todd IS there. But if he is, it won't be to protect her lolol, he hasn't seen that in years.


    5. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Be nice. Im at lunch break at work on a small phone. Use your imaginations .

    6. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Anonymous1:24 PM

      Well hey, I understood 10:30 perfectly!

      Me too. Its the spelling police. :(

    7. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I wasn't trying to be the spelling nazi, I SERIOUSLY couldn't understand/read it...which is why I asked wtf did you just say. I got most of it, now....but earlier I wasn't getting it.

      sorry/didn't mean to step on toes

      Earthymama / Chicago

    8. Anonymous9:41 PM


  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Well, this scam seems to explain the willingness of a publisher to offer book deals to specific people to capture their 15 minutes of fame or book subject du jour. It's opportunistic of them to quickly capitalize on a media character or media news issue frenzy before they go stale and end up in the dustbins. I'm sure this is especially true knowing the author and/ or their written stories are questionable or fabricated.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Maybe it will fall flat like her "Fitness" book? WTF is that at? LOLOLOL
      "How to have energy, do meth" by Sarah Payme

  12. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sarah Palin has gotten exactly the publisher she deserves. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I couldn't be happier for her.

  13. angela10:53 AM

    So Rupert (HarperCollins) is no longer publishing Palin's crap and killing trees for nothing--huh?

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      This type of book is in the dollar bin! I have one someone gave me, like meditations from the AABluebook or in her case the NA book.
      So I open it and it says:
      "The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things." ~Henry Ward Beecher

      Hmmm maybe the griftin' french's have jumped shark or about to be fired.
      sarah payme can just google shit off the interwebs.
      Who the fuck is going to buy a "inspirational book" by that hateful harpy?
      I hope she doesn't lift my inspirational quote from here? This is FOR IM'ERS only!!!!

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Amazon: 'No evidence' of bulk sales for Ted Cruz book

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Good for Amazon. Since they're the ONLY supplier of books for sale on the New York Times Best Seller's list, I'm glad no one can call it "east coast dlibrul elitist bias" on the New York Times part.
      No way can someone load the exact amount on pre paid cards, then hand them out to evildoers, who in turn, go buy them as incognito anonymous people. File under "postage", write off the expense on your taxes, everyone's happy.

  15. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Good, I hope Palin gets taken for a ride by Regnery Publishing. A really BIG ride! ;-)

  16. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I'm happy the NYT is finding out every angle these slimy conservative "authors" use to get on the bestseller list. They all use the bulk sales method and are now trying to sneak their way in through the back door. Fuck cruz and the rest of the scum that do this. Real authors who spend hundreds of hours writing their own books and selling them individually should be the only ones on the list. Not some ghost written crap that ends up in the 99 cent bin a month after being released because real people don't buy them.

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM

    No big surprise here. I never bought that these so-called "books" legitimately make a bestseller list without tons of bulk sales. I figure W probably brought about a million of his own. All you have to do is go to any local thrift shop and look at their book section -- chock full o' Palin, Hannity, Beck, W, etc. You can run the same test on CDs, also. There are an AWFUL lot of Mariah Carey's down there. Not to mention Madonna, and anyone from American Idol with the exception of Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson. Most still shrinkwrapped, too.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      I have a pretty valid question. In this day of iPhones, iPads, Kindles and other digital reading devices who exactly is still purchasing books made of paper? I think I can help these publishers out and tell them that perhaps less than 10% of their readers are purchasing old style clunky paper books. Seems that the publishing world has its head in the sand regarding how we read these days.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Anon at 2:09. I prefer hard copy books.

      Actually, small press runs using new technology and Print on Demand programs make it a very good time to be a niche writer or publisher. Or to do both yourself.

      You no longer have to sell tens of thousands of books to make a profit and with Amazon and B&, etc. you now can cut out a lot of middle men.

      And, if you do it right, thanks to Google search (and the others, but mostly Google) your audience can now find you and your book.

      That means you don't need to depend on whether or not a person goes to the bookstore, your "subject geeks" will search you out.

      That also means, brick and mortar bookstores are really having a bad go of it. Which is why I ALWAYS hit the B&N and Tidal Wave Books whenever I'm in Anchorage.

      Anyone else have fond memories of the Book Caches they used to have all over Anchorage?

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      I do buy both electronic and real bound books, both hardcover and paperback. Some genres, eg cookbooks, the classics, and collections from favorite authors, I feel nothing beats the real book experience. I like to gift real books for kids, so they learn the nuances of reading AND the illustrations are much better.
      A friend of ours publishes her own books, but they're not my "Taste" (mostly romance novels, but apparently there's a demand for them). She's an avid user of Scribd, and found resources and advice from other authors and readers at the site.
      Comic Books and Graphic Novels don't translate well to kindle.

  18. Anonymous11:20 AM

    O/T but awesome!

    With a moving letter and video, President Obama commutes the drug sentences of 46 men and women

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      So, great that President Obama is doing this. But we should have a lot more pardons from him and from future presidents.

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Thanks! I enjoyed that. Another example of President Obama's great intelligence and humanity.

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Only 46? That's a tiny drop in the bucket. It's great for these few, but a huge slap in the face to the thousands of others in the same situation and who didn't get pardoned. Symbolism is cruel when applied to real human beings.

    4. Anonymous1:35 PM

      12:51, they have to start somewhere.

    5. Anonymous1:56 PM

      ‘Asked & Answered: Conner’s Recovery Story’

    6. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Let's just hope that these people don't get freed from prison and commit more crimes. I'm a little worried about him tarnishing his image by letting these people free.

    7. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Anonymous12:02 PM

      Thanks! I enjoyed that. Another example of President Obama's great intelligence and humanity.
      Ooooh its been a bad month for Rethugs....they will probably blame it on Ramadan which ends in a few days....
      The sky is falling, the sky is falling.... ~Chicken little aka sarah payme trump

    8. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

      He's a good man, Obama Diary (on the links list at left) has the whole story. I'm amazed at how much he packs into each day, and his humility and humanity are genuine. The letter he responded to was so moving.

  19. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I agree with 11:08 a.m. The people who write these books are not “authors” in any sense. It is typical of republican values that money is king to these promoters. Finally, truth in advertising is bringing this practice to light. However these grifters believe they are above honest behavior continues to amaze me.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      They are using their "Run" for potus to huck their crappy ass POS "books". And to get Facetime on the news and act like they are "relevant". I thought old Reince was going to not let "non serious" candidate run? The clown car is "The little yellow school bus" or is that the yellow "scuby" bus?

  20. Always gratifying to see con artists conning other con artists.

  21. Anonymous12:22 PM

    What da hell? How come Sarah Palin hasn't jumped into the presidential race yet? Can't use the excuse Bristol Palin is single and pregnant again and Sarah needs to watch over her and help her determine who's the baby's daddy. That girl is old enough to worry about herself. Time to let Bristol suffer the consequences of sleeping around. Maybe then and only then Bristol will keep her panties up?

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Does Barstool even have panties? Taking them off is just such a time consuming effort.
      Besides didn't Chuckie Sr say that kids shouldn't sleep in panties and that the "kids" are always losing them anyway.
      Lord, what a family (if you can call them a family)/

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      12:22 PM:
      No guys actually want to marry Bristol, so having kids makes up for the rejection.

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      243 well it would be believeable but the guys keep running the opposite direction...sooooo

  22. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Oh my! Is there no honor among thieves?

  23. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Regnery Publishing is the leading publisher of conservative books. Bestselling authors include Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza ...and now, the quitter gov. joins their ranks! We will be printing this inspired work on two-ply Charmin using our innovative 'roll' design.

  24. Anonymous12:38 PM

    OMG say it aint so Sarah "Now Fox and Breitbart are now disparaging her as a fraud and a rotten pig by reporting on this story."

    The Sarah Palin Phenomenon: A Fraud and a Rotten Pig

    ....The really funny thing is that it was Fox News that aired the take-down of Sarah Palin. Fox News is the network that gave her a media platform and featured her insanity for six years. Fox was not looking to her for insight or factual information, but instead simply sensationalism. Now Breitbart News is doubling down on the assault of Palin by reporting on the Fox News report indicating that both Trump and Palin are pigs, and frauds. Breitbart reported.

    As Palin falls from grace,and becomes irrelevant, Fox News and Breitbart still hope to capitalize on the name Sarah Palin. Previously they promoted her as an “astute” political analyst.

    Now Fox and Breitbart are now disparaging her as a fraud and a rotten pig by reporting on this story. Their motivations a transparent. They have no respect for Sarah Palin. They have used her for publicity and nothing more. The sad thing is that either Palin wasn’t smart enough to figure this out,or she just didn’t care.

  25. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Given the poor sales for her last book, at a time when Palin was much more visible and not quite as widely ridiculed as she is now, and the dwindling dollars in her PAC, I do not understand how either Regnery or Palin expect to make any money out of this deal. Palin's market has totally bottomed out. She'd do better to self-publish with Amazon's platforms for on-demand hardcopy and ebooks.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Well we know that Sarah lives in constant denial and mythology, trying to convince herself that she is her 'brand', so she's got herself convinced that this latest ghostwritten garbage that she is peddling will be her 'comeback' best seller that will reinvigorate her media presence.

      Regnery most likely holds the biggest hand of cards on this deal. I suspect Sarah had to bend over and take it in the backside on this deal.

      Sarah is desperate. Desperate for attention, for acknowledgement, for money...a nightmare scenario for a full blown narcissist. I mean it's akin to torture for Sarah when she isn't in the spotlight on a daily basis.

      And the more desperate she gets, the more she will pimp herself to the lowest common denominator. For her, she will pretty much do whatever it takes to sustain her addiction to attention. And I mean ANYTHING.

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Excellent post Anonymous 2:05. It's been interesting over the years to observe Sarah. Just when we think Palin can't can't deteriorate any further in her actions, she always manages to "surprise" us with a new low.

    3. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Panhandling at Target

  26. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I love when evangelical Christians fuck other evangelicals like this!!

  27. Anonymous2:22 PM

    On Fox News Channel’s “MediaBuzz,” Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a “rotten pig,” a “fraud,” and a “Sarah Palin phenomenon.”

    “I love writing about him. Yeah, the man is a rotten pig but good for our business, and yes, it is a guilty pleasure,” Milbank said.

    “This is a perfectly legitimate story for media to be covering,” he added. “It’s justified by the polls and what is this man doing but holding up a mirror to our political system? He knows how to work the media. He knows how to work the Republican primary electorate. I covered this guy 16 years ago and he was soft on immigration, going after Pat Buchanan as a racist, completely flip. He’s a complete fraud but he’s smart.”

    He added, “It’s a bit of a Sarah Palin phenomenon. We can’t stay away from it. You know deep in your heart that Republicans are not going to nominate this guy. Ultimately they’re not suicidal.”

    You don't have to click the link, the entire article is above. No need to give them any income.

  28. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Sarah's new book is supposed to consist of 260 meditations where Sarah and/or Nancy French try to match a quotation from the Bible to match something in today's politics. I hope that they will include the part about what happens when a woman's husband dies, and his brother marries his brother's widow. Maybe they will also find the quotations that talk about slavery, which was part of the Bible.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Sarah is going to use the Bible to justify her hate. She's a sick woman.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Lol...i had to re read it! I almost thought you said 260 medications...

    3. Cracklin Charlie9:02 PM

      Sarah needs 260 medications!

    4. Anonymous9:46 PM


  29. Anonymous3:01 PM

    If there is any ripping off to be done, Sarah Palin will be the one doing it.

    You can take that to the bank. Just ask the people of Alaska.

    Found a baby daddy for Cletus the Fetus yet, Sarah?

  30. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Sarah should write a book

    Has Anybody Seen Todd?
    Does Anybody Know Who Impregnated My Bristol?
    Does Anybody Know Where Tyrone From Aftadark Is? Tell Him I'm Looking For Him

    1. PalinsHoax4:55 PM

      Bri$$ie, Ya Just Shudda Strapped on My Faux- Pregnancy-Belly

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      4:55 What a great idea. Bristol could get all the attention she wanted, claim she was putting the child up for adoption, and not have any baby hassles.

      Sarah should have thought of that before she dragged poor Trig into a lifetime of sub-par-care.

      She could have gotten all kinds of praise for "choosing life" with a "known" DS child. And then got rid of the Faux-Pregnancy-Belly and sucked up the sympathy of having lost a child that "she so bravely tried in vain to carry to term."

      Sarah should have asked us at IM ahead of time.

      We always have better ideas than she does.

      That's one of the reasons she reads here. To get ideas and to be reminded of family birthdays, special holidays she should acknowledge on her Facebook, etc.

      You're welcome, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Gee if we named each incident she could get rich from her crime sprees! Write a book about them...all of em!

  31. Anonymous3:06 PM

    How does one get celulite on a chin?

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Good Question. I guess it's a talent that takes years of practice, especially when "one" crosses her eyes while practicing. What did Sarah play as the "talent" portion of the Beauty Pageant she didn't win?

  32. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Come out, come out, $arah,
    The biggest clown of them all has yet to enter.
    So what's it going to be, toots?
    You tell people you have all the answers!
    Put up or shut up, coward!

  33. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Hey, $arah, want to have a go Andy now?
    Andy Borowitz
    2 mins ·

    At this point, Sarah Palin would bring much needed dignity to the Republican field.
    Hint: It's not a compliment to you.

  34. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Notice how in all the buzz about the 2016 elections, not a single politician is seeking out $creech's 'endorsement' or wants to be seen with her on stage or in public. What does that tell ya about Granny Grifter's regard by the GOP?

    $arah Paylin has become the pariah of American politics, an outcast, relegated to the bin of late night one liners.

    And who were the 44 candidates the half term half wit was talking about donating to in her recent PAC grift plea?? Any info on that? And who won the hockey stick in the grift before that?

    Can't wait to see the FEC filings and the comments flying on IM. HeeHee

  35. ibwilliamsi7:21 PM

    Is there even glass in those frames? Does she know how difficult she made it for women to choose a pair of eyeglass frames without looking like a moron because they "look like Sarah's"?

  36. Anita Winecooler9:04 PM

    How many "Wild Rides" is this dingbat having? The grifter, in her unending quest to make bank, uses a publisher that takes their authors on a wild ride.... to court.
    I have a feeling she's feeding ram biblical verse fortune cookies and stuffing the pieces of paper in Nancy's French Press Coffee maker, unless she's busy playing the role of an unmarried pregnant abstinence advisor/skin worker with a chip on her shoulder.

    The things some people do for money...... ewwww.



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