Jeb Bush is planning to issue a full-throttle attack Tuesday night on the Obama administration’s handling of Iraq and terrorism issues, asserting that Hillary Rodham Clinton “stood by” as secretary of state when the situation in Iraq deteriorated, creating the conditions that led to the rise of the Islamic State as the Obama administration reduced its troop level in Iraq.
In a foreign policy speech Mr. Bush plans to give at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., he will join other Republicans in attacking the administration’s Middle East policies and lay blame for the state of persistent violence now engulfing Iraq and Syria at Mrs. Clinton’s feet.
“Where was Secretary of State Clinton in all of this?” Mr. Bush asks, according to excerpts from the speech provided by his campaign. Referring to the rise of the Islamic State, he says: “Like the president himself, she had opposed the surge, then joined in claiming credit for its success, then stood by as that hard won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away.”
Okay is it possible that Jebbie's advisers are all secretly double agents for Hillary Clinton?
I mean how else to explain handing her this gift?
For the record let's remind everybody that Jeb has stated that his brother's response to 9-11 was "admirable," and further claimed that he was the only Republican in office during George W's presidency who "never disagreed with him."
It should also be brought up that President Obama had no choice but to remove troops from Iraq based on a deal that Jeb's brother made before leaving office.
I'm sorry Hillary can knock this thing back at Bush with both hands ties behind her back.
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"Dear Jeb, let me know when you are finished stepping on your own dick." |
And don't forget, Hillary was there on the grassy knoll.
ReplyDeleteI LOL'd at your Hillary photo caption! I mentally added, "That is, if you can find it."
ReplyDeleteGreat cutline!
ReplyDeleteyes, yes it is...hahahahha, thanks for that
DeleteJeb! will have a hell of a time dancing around Iraq, hoping that clueless American voters will have forgotten what his brother did to this country. What a conniver his father was. How his grandfather supported Planned Parenthood.
ReplyDeleteThere's a point at which, one hopes, our citizenry will say "Enough with the Bushes."
Plus, if he's the smart one, I despair.
Compared to W maybe. The Bush family seems to set that bar low, don;t they?
DeleteDon't forget that Jeb???! was a signatory of the PNAC. You know, the plan to invade and destroy Iraq first followed by the other Middle Eastern countries.
DeleteWhat I don't get is that progressive publications, pundits and talk show hosts NEVER mention Jeb???!'s role in the PNAC destruction plan.
I get that the "liberal" media will never bring up Jeb???! up, but why won't progressive media?
Dunce is what comes to mind. Smart one? Debatable.
ReplyDeleteI know!! Smart one my ass!
DeleteLove the caption, Gryph!!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile.....Red State is crying about being slammed by Bristol Palin
Why would they respond to Nancy French? What a joke.
DeleteThe best part of the article:
Delete...It shows just a tremendous amount of class on Bristol Palin’s part that in spite of being one of the last pundits on the face of the earth to defend Sarah Palin’s electability and value to the Republican party, she turns and deliberately smears Erick for no other obvious reason than that doing so will get her in the news.
Apparently when it comes to the Palins, no good deed truly goes unpunished, especially if the punishment advances even the most trivial thing they want.
Guess Red State, who love the ladies, will be taking the gloves off when it come to Bristol!!
Anon at 7:15 pm. What a stretch of the imagination in that article - calling Bristol Palin a "pundit"! She probably has no idea what the word means.
Brava, Hillary! And Bravo, Grypen! Love the caption.
ReplyDeleteSeems like Jeb Exclamation Point is getting closer to using the name "Bush" again, which is an improvement. What a shame the concept of "Cause and Effect" are lost on Jeb when it comes to what President Obama had to clean up and turn around after the President GW Bush/ Cheyney regime of vendetta, lies, and profit on the blood and lives of our soldiers and innocent people who had nothing to do with Al Quida.
Poor Jebbie is desperate and has crappy advisors if he thinks that will help hi
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Jeb was a Crackhead before this...
ReplyDeleteHard to tell if he's the smart one, he's definitely swimming in a gene pool of idiots...
Jeb must have a few screws loose.
ReplyDeleteFirst he blamed the economic collapse on Obama, pretty good trick since he wasn't elected yet.
Now he is blaming the mess in Iraq on Obama and Clinton.
Yeah those Iraqis were all gun hoe on protecting their country as long as the US was giving them money- how much did they steal and doing all the fighting.
The US leaves and they practically hand over all of the military hardware we left behind to ISIS.
I think McCain and the rethugs wanted to lose the election, that is why he picked the witch of the north. McCain was in over his head with the economy and I am sure the military knew Iraq would become unstable once we left- who better to blame it all on but President Obama, the black guy.
I agree, I think President Obama was "set up" also, too. Thhe gop does not like little lumpy Johnny. One even stated "He does not have the disposition to be president" Then, they made it their mission to try to make him fail. In spite of all their efforts, President Obama has shown them what TRUE CLASS is. Chunky Jebbles is as clueless as his bro'. He would just be the figurehead, with the warmomgers he has in his cabinet running the show once more. The gop stick to the same losers every cycle. No new ideas, DEFINITELY no ideas about a peaceful world. If GHW dies in the next year, Jebbles will coast in on sympathy.
DeleteWhat he is blaming Hilary for losing the war, but, but George W. told us we won.
ReplyDeleteDidn't George W. get dressed up in a flight suit with helmet (from branch of military in which he never served, but that's ok cuz he was on vacation the whole time he was in the National Guard) aboard a ship a sign Mission Accomplished.
Gosh Jeb you seem to have "misspoken" yet again, still.
Somebody sells a doodad factory. Before he hands over the keys to the new owner, he burns the factory down, turns off all the power and water surrounding to the factory, sets up concrete barriers on all roads leading to the factory, and flattens the tires and drains the gas tanks on all the firetrucks in the town. He burns down the lumberyard and steals the trucks from the concrete supplier.
ReplyDeleteThen he blames the new owner for not having the factory up and running the next day, breaking contracts for all the doodads that were supposed to be shipped to the customers, and putting all the employees out of work.
Kinda like blaming President Obama for the mess this country was in on January 20, 2009.
Exactly. Not only that, but Jeb! has already told the losing team of Wolfowitz and that group of warmongers that they will be his advisors!! They were SO great telling Dumya what to do. Jeb! is not the "smart one" I Think Babs must be, she at least tried to get him to back off the WH.
DeleteGreat analogy!
DeleteHey Jeb! The elephant in the room is your brother's war of convenience. It failed, and this is the mess in the room. You can't help but step in it.
ReplyDeleteBlack lives matter barred from Clinton event! Lol.
ReplyDeleteBLM is the Democrat tea party of 2016 hahahahaaaa...
Good luck having them not ruin your 2016!
Hmm. That is really unfortunate because Hillary Clinton has spoken out forcefully on the subject of police violence against minorities, something that Bernie Sanders has waffled on or at least given the appearance of waffling on. And we know that the Republicans have never said anything at all. What the BLM movement can do in the next election is give it to the GOP which will destroy any good thing done for minorities in this country in the last 8 years. Unfortunately for everyone, it could prove to be the equivalent of the Ralph Nader movement of 2000 and 2004. Americans need to think and learn from the past.
Unfortunately many Americans have already forgotten George W. Bush's perfidy and will believe any lies that any Republican candidate tells about Hillary Clinton - in part because the national media (other than IM) will never call them out for lying. We know that Fox News won't and MSNBC and CNN won't and the New York Times seems to waging a kind of personal vendetta against Clinton. No one ever demands facts and truth from a Republican candidate.
And everybody said brother Georgie was the moron... seems like the whole gaggle of them are idiots.
ReplyDeleteLet's just bully and bomb our way to the love, respect, and obedience of other nations.
ReplyDeleteNot long ago, Sarah Palin made it easy to draw lines of demarcation between smart and stupid, right and wrong. Now real politicians hold sway, which makes Gryphen's job a lot harder. We feel his pain, eh?