Monday, August 08, 2011

Palin e-mail "hacker" transferred to halfway house, will finish his sentence on November 23rd.

Courtesy of PC World:

David Kernell left a fenceless minimum-security federal prison in Ashland, Kentucky, where inmates are put to work on landscaping and building maintenance for between 12 and 40 cents per hour for the halfway house, according to a Tennessee television station. 

Kernell was convicted last year of breaking into to Palin's Yahoo e-mail account during the 2008 presidential election. He outsmarted Yahoo's password reset system by correctly answering questions using information about Palin that was easily available on the Internet -- a technique that criminals continue to use to break into those accounts. 

Apparently it took Kernell minutes to look up her birth date, ZIP code, and where she met her husband Todd (Wasilla High School). When they don't make any money from the crime, it's unusual for first-time hackers with no criminal records to get a prison sentence, but Kernell's case wasn't exactly typical. Palin and her eldest daughter Bristol testified during the trial, and prosecutors argued that a stiff sentence would deter further hacking during presidential elections.

This is, of course, a complete travesty of justice. And just another example of how the Palins leave a path of destruction wherever they go.

The ONLY reason that this kid, who by the way did not "hack" anything, was given such a stiff sentence was because Sarah and Bristol perjured themselves when asked what kind of impact the guessing of the password to the Yahoo account had on their lives.

The simple truth would have been that Sarah was freaked out that the world had discovered what an imbecile she was to use private Yahoo accounts to conduct state business, but THAT was glossed over in the testimony.

As I said back in April of 2010, Palin was extremely lucky that the person who guessed her password information was just some harmless college kid pulling a prank and NOT some political operative or foreign spy looking to find some damaging information on Palin that they could have used to REALLY hurt her, and potentially the people of Alaska.

Personally I hope that once David Kernell finishes his sentence that he gives a couple of interviews and tells people his side of the story, and how aggressively Sarah Palin worked to destroy his life in retribution for daring to reveal her ignorance.


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Why don't we establish a post legal defense fund?Nothing would make Sarah more crazy(as though...) than to see David profit from this unfortunate episode. Money talks. Free speech and all.

  2. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I'd like to know why ole quitty pants isn't all over murdochs hackers, since it is SUCH a devastating thing to have your email hacked.

    What say you Scarah? Double standard?

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I have always wondered why no one pursued the perjury aspect of this case. Did he have the same loser lawyers as Levi? When Bristol cried her crocodile tears about poor little her all the way out in the wilderness and so scared of that nasty hacker..why didn't his lawyer bring up Google Map photos of their compound and how there is a motel right near well as that infamous house where Joe lived? Why didn't he ask her about their damned crackberries that are glued to their hands? This kid really got a raw deal.

  4. I wonder if he has any grounds on which to bring a civil suit against Sarah? I would love to think so...

  5. The Palins and their sycophants have effectively destroyed any credibility that Kernell had with they have painted him as a nut job and a potential "stalker" threat. Just like Levi Johnson, they have successfully introduced enough "doubt" about the person that anything they may say in the future will be questioned.

  6. Anonymous7:54 AM

    she needs to be in jail for hacking into the computer of a colleague before she was the gov. what a travesty.

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    While I don't rejoice in preventable deaths, or any death, I'm not losing sleep over this scumbag's passing. He lived a full and destructive life.

  8. Anonymous8:00 AM

    This is one of the most shameful episodes of a shameful career for Sarah Palin.

    I cannot believe the defense was so inept that it did not consider challenging Sarah and Bristol's testimony. Both of these women have betrayed their religious beliefs by bearing false witness through their exaggerations and outright lies.

    Even if there weren't more things to despise about their behaviors, this is enough for me to have soured on them.

    It is not only sad, but also shameful for Sarah's followers to not call her out for her false testimony during this trial.

    We don't even have to go into the illegality of the yahoo accounts for government business or Todd's illegal involvement in his wife's administration. Disgusting anyway you look at it.

    I like 7:35's suggestion that a post legal defense fund be established for this young man - perhaps a scholarship fund as well. I might not have much money, but I would donate to that just to spite Sarah.

  9. Anonymous8:00 AM

    SO GLAD you have not forgotten David Kernell! And SP's perjury. Thank you.

  10. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Anon @ 7:34 - she'd see this as making a profit off of all her hard ass work. She'd scream to RAM, "but don't I get a cut of this cause it's my trademarked name?!"

    Again, never fully appreciating what it is exactly, what the VP does, what the First Amendment is for, and how trademarks work.

  11. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I was already convinced of her ignorance, but this trial showed a total lack of compassion (Bristol a sweet girl??- No!) for a kid who guessed right. I imagine Sarah was rather embarrassed that this was a libruhl's kid that broke through her "high" security measures. But the conviction to their over-the-top, "eye for both eyes' retaliation told me everything I needed to know about them. I watched the footage as Sarah soaked up the media attention with her winky-cheeky smarm, totally celebrating after she metaphorically stomped her 4" heel into the genitals of this dorky college kid. She's a complete mess!

  12. It is not a surprise this man was treated so unfairly and unusually. I too, have been treated with bias, by the police. I want to know why , when Sarah Palin or Todd Palin's name is used, people's constitutional rights can be violated and everyone is seemingly okay with this. This college student aka "hacker" who was a good person, citizen, and had no behaviorial problems to date, was treated unnessarily harsh with the law. The punishment by the law that he was given, did not match the crime. In most college student cases, I believe a temp expulsion or suspension would have been the course of action. Not legal litigation. In my opinion, Sarah Palin owes this young man a his life back. I wonder if any lawyer out there would take on a civil action law suit with all the people's lives she has tried to destroy or harm. Can you imagine the length of the list? Ted Stevens and Mike Wooten would be at the top!

  13. Anonymous8:10 AM


    Track's a father:

    Track and Britta Palin became parents of a baby girl, Kyla Grace Palin Sunday night.

    I believe the due date was Aug 29th according to Target's store registration. In true Palin pregnancy fashion -- due dates are BS.

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    No, they didn't name her "Pur" or "Field":

  15. Beldar Otto Conehead8:11 AM

    Is this really a surprise given this miserable family's official motto: "To Air (sic) Is Human, Revenge Is Divine"?

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Sarah and Bristol have a huge amount of Karmic debt to pay.

  17. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Sarah Palin’s son Track and his new wife Britta became the proud parents of a baby girl, Kyla Grace Palin, last night.

    I don’t yet know when Sarah will sell the first pictures to PEOPLE.

  18. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I'd contribute. Don't know how to set up such a site, but I'd send money to help him start anew.

  19. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Breaking News I just posted that Track's kid was born on Sunday night I find out came from a post on McGinniss' site.

    I was advised through an email from a friend who read it on Joe's site.

  20. Dis Gusted8:20 AM

    what the Palins did to this boy and to the Christy boy is a crying shame.

    Palin was guilty of hiring an IT person to hack a state employee's computer in 2004. Nothing.

    Palin (or her girls) were having phone sex. The boy is charged - Palin's = nothing.

    Palins breaking and entering - nothing.

    Palins vandalism of school buses - nothing.

    There is a pattern with all things Palin.

  21. Nancy In New York8:21 AM

    So it's okay for her to use her connections to get her own kids off when it comes to 'youthful indiscetions' but she's more than willing to play the professional victim when it's someone else's kid who needs a little compassion thrown their way. (ie: no jail time for non injurious crime)

    She's a despicable human being inside and out.

  22. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Did ya see that Palin is a GRANDMA yet again?

  23. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Bristol and sarah perjured themselves like two horny girls scorned. Kernell rejected sarah when she threw herself at his feet. To make matters worse, he laughed in her face when sarah swallowed her vanity and said she´d forgive him if he married Bristol.

    If they can´t have him, by God, then no one can.

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    A travesty is what happened to Caylee and the absence of justice.

    This kid got what he deserved. Can you imagine if someone discovered Obamas private email and hacked it. Shit would fly. (you KNOW he has his secret communications. youd be naive to think he doesnt, or others don't)

    Bush had some of his emails FOIA'ed. Lets do the same with this admin. Considering how shadier this one is, obamas emails are probably GOLD. You know, the ones he hasn't ordered be deleted.

  25. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Man you're a drama queen.

    They did not perjure themselves.

    The boy committed a crime and had malicious intent. Things couldve been worse. Precedents need to be set. It sucks but thats life.

  26. Anonymous8:34 AM

    If the hacker was Track the school bus destroyer or Willow the breaking and entering gang leader or Todd the pimp or Piper "I don't go to school" Palin or Bristol the false accuser or Sarah the scam artist.... the hacker would of never seen the insides of a court house. Instead the hacker got Palin Justice from the professional victims!

  27. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Just like Levi Johnson, they have successfully introduced enough "doubt" about the person that anything they may say in the future will be questioned.


    Levi has threatened his credibility with his own words. Sadie even more so.

  28. Anonymous8:36 AM

    So another Palin female is born. I guess in about 14 years there will be another Palin girl taking cramp pills and washing it down with wine coolers.

    How can Britta just deliver? Didn't she just get married!

  29. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol and sarah perjured themselves like two horny girls scorned. Kernell rejected sarah when she threw herself at his feet. To make matters worse, he laughed in her face when sarah swallowed her vanity and said she´d forgive him if he married Bristol.

    If they can´t have him, by God, then no one can.

    8:25 AM

    What do you expect from Bristol "I got date raped" Palin?

  30. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Dis Gusted said...
    what the Palins did to this boy and to the Christy boy is a crying shame.

    Palin was guilty of hiring an IT person to hack a state employee's computer in 2004. Nothing.

    Palin (or her girls) were having phone sex. The boy is charged - Palin's = nothing.

    Palins breaking and entering - nothing.

    Palins vandalism of school buses - nothing.

    There is a pattern with all things Palin.

    8:20 AM

    What about Todd soliciting prostitutes or running a prostitution ring?

    No big deal to the Anchorage Police Dept, that family is as crooked as Sarah's old decrepit fingers.

  31. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Hey Anon 8:30

    Hey BaggerBitch - go suck eggs. Choke and die.

    Now that would be my treat for the day.

  32. angela8:47 AM

    Anon 8:30

    Really? STFU. . . .

  33. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Um, obviously our court system is screwy as Casey anthony was justifiably innocent.

    However, this arrogant boy committed a crime and didn't exactly show himself to be worthy of sympathy. It sucks he had to be the precedent but precedents have to be set.

    It is not healthy to go around supporting everyone who ends up on the opposing side of sarah palin. That paints you as a crazyzn delusional moron.

    Since you enjoy comparisons, imagine if someone hacked anotheer prominent persons email. Ie obama, hillary, bill. Actually, at least one death would probaly have occurred.

    This boy got off easy because it was Sarah.

    Imagine being up against the famous Chicago thuggery, a team that makes wasilla look like mayberry.

  34. Anonymous8:53 AM

    @ 8:30 AM What does Obama's emails have to do with GRANNY GRIFTER'S HACKING CASE? Sarah is a vengeful BITCH and we all know it. How will she spin this "SO SOON AFTER THE HASTY WEDDING NEW GRAND DAUGHTER"?
    what else is new? FAMILY VALUES, HAHAHA.

  35. Anonymous8:56 AM

    You know, when I randomly came across Bristols email address,I steeled myself and sent her an email.

    Her first response, obviously was "hi. Who is this?"

    My answer: a friend from afar

    I then forwarded her that chain thing that's been going around saying how congress doesn't deserve different pension, retirement, and HC options than we do. I also sent her a picture of her and her mom that I snapped when I saw them on a flight we were both on.

    I warned her that people aer devious and the most nosy try any means necessary to get to her and invade her privacy.

    She said "oh. And Thanks for the beautiful picture."

    She couldve been mean and angrily asked how I got her email. All I'm saying.

  36. Anonymous8:58 AM

    So you all can endlessly pit obama and palin against each other but I can't say "what if this other politician..."

    Why are you allso defensive? Are you afraid that publicizing obamas emails will kill your dream and arguments!

  37. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Dude. If you paid attention to what the Christys write, you'd realize they are a danger to society. Nothing they write makes sense and one statement vastly contradicts another.

    Why are people so defensive today? Chill out. I know you must be suffering from obama-letdown but life is beautiful. Go hug a tree and cuddle a baby.

  38. Anonymous9:08 AM


    Good idea! LetÅ› hack into President Obama´s ¨secret¨ Yahoo account. Of course we know Yahoo is maximum secure. We´ll have to enlist and harness the power of every cryptographic code-breaking computer in the world.

    But it´ll be worth it.

  39. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Like Ripley in Aliens, "Get away from her, you bitch" - is no doubt a thought every parent of those young adults think when their kid gets involved with a Palin.

    Each Palin should be court ordered to have a warning on their person. Like, "Please involve yourself at your own risk".

  40. Anonymous9:19 AM

    @8:58 Obama is not worried about PALIN, she has her hands full with BACHMANN'S popularity and having a new GRANDCHILD which was conceived out of WEDLOCK. Why is the GRIFTER so quiet about the new birth? Everyone knew back in MAY that BRITTA was PREGNANT. GRANNY GRIFTER tried to cover that up with a wedding farce.
    Why so quiet, GRANNY? Aren't you proud to have so many Grandchildren?

  41. Dis Gusted9:53 AM

    to the morons that keep harping on Obama's accounts - his accounts were hacked, more than once. It didn't make media news because Obama is not a professional victim like $carah.

    Then again, he doesn't conduct official business on various private accounts to avoid being seen.

    Did this woman ever work?

  42. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Wishing the best to David, may he have a great life and may $arah Paylin and Brisdull Paylin both rot in hell.

  43. Anonymous11:06 AM

    8:30 am -
    8:33 am
    8:35 am
    8:51 am
    8:56 am
    8:58 am

    Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin, Chuckles Heath, Willer Palin

    Get out of here, you were not invited because we do not associate with trash. Take care of all your babies, your grandbabies or just go pick up trash around your home and road. You are trashy despicable uneducated idiots who fart on TV shows and stink up everything with your foul odor.

  44. WakeUpAmerica11:24 AM

    What price did the Tundra Turd pay for her hacking endeavors while on the energy commission? Nothing. Can we spell "hypocrite?"

  45. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Let's hope that David writes a book about this and it outsells anything the Paylins have (ghost) produced.

    One of the dictionary definitions of "hacking" is "to gain access to a computer illegally". As he never gained access to $tupid's computer (just a freebie email account on the web by guessing and researching the password and answers), he is not a hacker. SHE is the criminal for conducting state business via freebie email accounts, and bypassing the state servers.

    The entire trial was staged right from the beginning, including the LIES (perjury) told on the stand, under oath, by both of the grifters.

  46. Anonymous said...
    This boy got off easy because it was Sarah.

    Imagine being up against the famous Chicago thuggery, a team that makes wasilla look like mayberry.
    8:51 AM
    It's obvious that you are the delusional moron to think that Kernell (who never appeared "arrogant" to a rational person) got off easy, and that it was due to Palin!

    And your yammerings about Chicago "thuggery"? Your racism is showing. You are scum.

  47. Well, the "dude" troll is back, using similar language (defensive) in repeated postings.

    Dude, we are not being defensive. We are discussing PALIN's vendetta against Kernell, and HER email issues. Start a thread about the President's emails on your own blog if you would like to discuss them.

    And do you know why we haven't seen his emails? It's because unlike idiot Palin, he undoubtedly has the sense to have an effective password.

    Oh, by the way, I'm not having a "let-down" regarding our President. I'm very relieved that we have someone like President Obama that could keep the Republicans from destroying the economy despite their best attempts.

  48. emrysa2:19 PM

    8:33 am sez:

    "They did not perjure themselves."

    oh yes they did. LIED and said they didn't have a landline, when there have been pictures published of their land line on their kitchen counter. their phone number was also publicly listed on the internet - full name and address. THEY LIED. brisdull told the judge she was scared because she "lived in the middle of nowhere and didn't have a phone to contact anyone." lying bitch.

  49. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Brisket lied through her fucking teeth on the stand and then bragged about how she and her granny mother got this kid jailed in her trashy book.

    Her book which, by the way, cannot be GIVEN away. My local bookstore has dropped the price to $14.99 and it still isn't moving. I predict it will be on the dollar table by October 1st. For a dollar she and her family could buy them up and stop wiping with pages from old Sears catalogues.

    Do they even wipe?

  50. Anonymous3:31 AM

    8:30 am -
    8:33 am
    8:35 am
    8:51 am
    8:56 am
    8:58 am

    Hi "Dude".

    Quick Question.

    What ever hasppened to Ruffles?

    (Sorry Gryphen couldn't let this one go.)

  51. ibwilliamsi10:09 PM

    It will be interesting to see how THIS hacker is treated compared to Sarah's Hacker.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.