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Trig and Tripp |
The relationship with Jones, which occasionally included Rex Butler as well, lasted until December of last year. (That would be December 2009.)
I wrote this passage back in July 2010. I go on to say that after awhile I became convinced that Tank was not being honest with me about what he was doing for Levi, and that I began to believe that he and Rex were purposefully mismanaging his "career."
All of that is absolutely true. However early on it seemed that Tank was not focused on making money off of Levi, in fact he really seemed to want to help him, and was providing me with very interesting and completely unknown information. Much of this information I was able to verify independently, though in some cases it took years, but there was one very explosive piece that I have never been able to verify.
Back in May of 2009, Tank asked me to meet him at the Glacier Brewhouse near his office, because he had something BIG to tell me.
He was late as usual, but once we sat down, and we had ordered, he shared some information and related to me an incident that he had witnessed when he had driven Levi out to the Palin house sometime in March.
According to Tank, Levi entered the house and later emerged with a young boy that he estimated to be about a year old. As Levi put the boy into his car seat he kept referring to the child as "Tripp."
Now remember this was in March of 2009, when Tripp would have been no more than three months old. According to Tank he then drove them to a house, NOT his mom's house, and dropped them off.
I was of course skeptical and I confronted Tank on his version of events, while telling him that it was impossible for a one year old child to be the same Tripp that had just been born in December, but Tank was adamant that he was telling me just exactly what he saw. I then accused Tank of not knowing enough about babies to be able to judge the age by looking at them. Once again Tank assured me that since he had a son of his own, and had spent a substantial amount of time around babies, that he could certainly tell the difference between an infant and a child that was clearly at least a year old.
I asked if he had confronted Levi about this, but Tank said they had a policy about never discussing the child. (Later in May Levi would pose in GQ magazine with a naked baby. When I confronted Tank with these photos he swore that this baby was NOT the same one that he knew to be Tripp.)
Now at this point I am sure most of you are thinking "Poor Gryphen, got taken in by a liar and STILL doesn't realize it." That is a good point, and there have been times that I have almost agreed with it. Except for a couple of things.
First, that conversation did not take place JUST between myself and Tank Jones. There was a third person at that table as well.
Shannyn Moore.
I had brought Shannyn along to be a witness to this big story that Tank was going to divulge. And she was sitting right there, mouth hanging wide open, as Tank revealed that the baby that he knew as Tripp was at least a year old, NOT five months old as reported by the Palin family. What's more he claimed Bristol's pregnancy was "not as it appeared" during the RNC.
Which of course should not shock anybody with two good eyes.
Or even ONE for that matter.
Tank went on to explain that Trig WAS indeed Sarah Palin's child. When I asked him if she had given birth to him, he said "I did not say that. I said that he was her child." He went on to say that we would never be able to prove otherwise, because any paperwork to the contrary would be impossible to access. Essentially he said that she had covered her tracks very well, and it was unlikely that anybody could PROVE she was not his birth mother. (In a separate conversation Rex would describe the hospital scene that Levi witnessed as a "show' which Sarah put on for the benefit of certain people.)
Shannyn and I left the restaurant and went down the street for a beer. We found ourselves giggling and shaking our heads at this new bombshell, but neither of us knew what to do with it.
As you know Shannyn simply kept it to herself. And until now, so did I.
However it changed my perspective completely on who might be Trig's actual birth mother. Up until then, like most of us, I had assumed it was probably Bristol. But after that conversation I realized that was impossible.
I changed my focus and started looking for more clues to explain this other child. That is when the picture of the "ruffled ear baby" made its appearance.
"There," I thought, "now things are starting to make sense." So I arranged another conversation with Tank, only this time I invited another knowledgeable person to participate.
I invited my friend Audrey, of Palin's Deceptions.
We arranged a three way call on July 30th. During the call Tank once again told his story about the other, older, Tripp. However when asked specifically about any ear deformities, Tank claimed that the child he had seen had perfectly normal ears. Dammit! Another dead end.
Here is the e-mail that Audrey sent me right after our conversation:
Jesse, I don't know what to make of Tank's story any more.
He seems absolutely credible and believable to me that the baby he saw last winter was much larger than newborn AND that Levi introduced him as Tripp. Last winter (March, say) Tripp should have been barely three months old. That's still a tiny baby. The baby he described was a toddler or nearly so.
But then when we ask him if the "big Tripp" had a messed up ear, he says no. When we asked him point blank if "Tripp is Trig" he was emphatic: no. How many babies are there? And are we to think that they were hiding another Tripp in the house for months and NO ONE noticed? That "old Tripp" was still there when "new Tripp" was brought home? I have wondered for a long time if there are twins somehow but can't put it together.
He is also emphatic that the pregnancy during the campaign is not as reported, but won't tell us why.
Very frustrated at this point.
And of course she was not alone. It would take me another seven months to finally write my Two Babies post, after extensive research and my finally becoming comfortable with the fact that it could withstand the scrutiny that I was sure would be coming after it was posted. (How's THAT for an understatement?)
However up until now I have never known what to do with this information. I had hoped that Levi would write about it in his book (I even found him an author, who was eventually rejected, back in December of 2009), but of course now we all know that he not only did not mention it, we know that he stayed fairly close to the Palin version of events.
So we are left with the question as to whether to believe Tank Jones concerning this information or not. Would he really lie to two different bloggers with access to large audiences, and a radio host with ties to the national media?
That seems unnecessarily risky. And besides what would be the point of doing so?
Oh wait I left something else out.
Tank Jones was NOT just a guy that I was using as a source for the blog. He in fact worked for me.
The above is my receipt from the deposit I put down to hire Tank Jones Investigations Group.
In other words when Tank relayed the information about the larger child that Levi referred to as "Tripp," he was doing so as a private investigator relaying information to the client who hired him. Me.
Tank is a licensed PI, to purposefully relay false information would immediately put his license in jeopardy. He also was not relaying information gleaned from an anonymous source, he was reporting his own eyewitness account.
Before Tank and I had our falling out over Levi's first book deal with my author friend, I asked him about this a couple of times. He ALWAYS said "Jesse I did not lie to you."
The last time I saw Tank face to face was a year ago when Rachel Maddow was up here.
Tank wanted to know why we don't talk anymore, and when I brought up that I thought he had been less than truthful with me in the past, he again said "I have never lied to you. Never!"
Now that statement is NOT completely true. But what IS true is that the information which Tank provided me while working as my PI, and that I was able to verify, always checked out as truthful.
So at this point you might be wondering what all of this has to do with Levi's book, since I sort of promoted this post as part of a review of "Deer in the Headlights." Well I'm glad you asked.
Levi's book actually has some rather startling and potentially damaging (to the Palin brand at least) pieces of information within its pages. Such as:
- Levi again points out that Todd and Sarah are in a loveless marriage, and NEVER sleep together.
- That Palin quit being governor simply to make money, and that while she WAS still governor came home midday everyday and complained about how much she hated her job.
- That Bristol got pregnant on purpose.
- That Bristol had numerous cosmetic surgery procedures while still in her teens.
- That Bristol admitted that Todd and Sarah were not married when Track was conceived.
- That Sarah "had it set up for Bristol to receive her high school diploma" whether she submitted her school work or not. (I KNEW she did not earn that degree!)
However we have heard very little from the Palin-bots, or the Palins themselves, attacking his book. Which, to be honest, seems kind of odd.
As a matter of fact compared to how aggressively they went after Joe's book, NONE of the other books, not Bailey's, not Dunn's, nor Levi's, have received quite the same vitriol and aggressive attempts to block efforts to publicize it, that The Rogue has suffered. One cannot help but wonder why that would be?
What the other books seem to have in common is that they either barely mention the questions surrounding Palin's pregnancy, or they go out of their way to refute them. Which is EXACTLY what is found in Levi's book.
On pg.87, Levi even seems to go that extra mile to dispute the "rumors:"
It was Christmas Day 2008. Bristol was huge; a photo of that belly would have cut off at the knees the Trig truthers who insisted she was his mom.
There are other parts of the book that seem written for the sole purpose of putting the controversy to rest as well. Which beggars the question, why did Levi put so much emphasis on bolstering the official version of Trig's birth? Especially since, according to Tank, Levi must know full well that the "Trig truthers" are absolutely correct?
And what is it that Levi supposedly knows about Sarah Palin that could be considered "bigger than Watergate," or that would have concerned Palin so much that she had twenty pages removed from her "Going Rogue" manuscript before it went to the publishers? (Before publication the National Enquirer had reported that Palin slammed Levi in the book, but when it came out there was hardly a mention.)
Because whatever that is, it certainly does not show up in Levi's book. Neither does any mention of this mystery baby that Tank has repeatedly claimed exists. (Though as we have already observed, Levi seems to have significant difficulty keeping the dates of Tripp's conception and due date consistent.)
So does this new information clear things up, or only create more confusion? Well dear reader I leave that up to you to decide.
I will say this however. I think that many of us have been right all along in believing that the scandal which Sarah Palin is the most desperate to keep quiet has nothing to do with politics, her marriage, or even her religious beliefs. But it has everything to do with the births of two little boys.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, what ever happened to Ruffles?
You better get in all of the paid speeches that you can now, because the fundies aren't going to be hiring you to speak once they learn the TRUE story about Tri-G's birth.
Just sayin'.
WOW ! That is all I can think of right now is, WOW!!
ReplyDeleteKA-BOOM!!! Can't wait to see what everyone says. This is totally crazy - I think we ALL wonder how many babies ARE there up there?!??!!?
ReplyDeletethis makes perfect sense if you consider the comments that used to be all over the internet from 'Sue'. She stated that Bristol was in her 3rd trimester the beginning of summer 2008.
ReplyDeleteI've always said that she was not pregnant at the RNC. It was in SP's best interests to make it appear that way.
IMO the Tripp we know is much older than stated, at least 6 months older, but maybe even more - as much as a year.
As Tank noted, SP covered her tracks well with concealed SS# records, etc.
Nobody knows when either boy was really born. Heck, SP has even lied about her children's birthdates, never mind her grandchildren.
Years ago, I decided that SP is a professional liar and she gets paid well for it.
One more thing - Kristen Cole's baby.....when was she/he born? Does she have ear defects?
ReplyDeleteFrankenstein couldn't have done any better. Or maybe it was Frankenstein, and not Chuck and Sally Heath, who created the walking, talking, blinking, winking, grinning, snarling, hair-tossing Rocky Horror Show of a creature that was unleashed three years ago as a prospective leader of the Western world.
ReplyDeleteYou could almost see the plastic wrapping. Here she was, this Executive Barbie, in her heels, and her glasses that weren't really glasses, and her chic little suit. Here she was, her hair in a style that made you think of all those films where the secretary suddenly takes out her hairpins and whips off her glasses and her boss whispers that he never realized she was so beautiful. Here she was in the kind of make-up you learn to do when you've won the local beauty pageant, and when you want to make sure that the glasses which say "serious" don't trump the eyeliner that says "hot".
She was so cute, this Vice President Barbie who spent $150,000 on hairstyles and clothes in her first month of campaigning, so darn flirty and folksy and foxy that at first no one really noticed what she was saying. Americans did, and a lot of them seemed to like it. For the rest of us, it was a bit like watching The Wire. You could see the eyes glint, and teeth gleam, and great mascaraed eyelashes like spiders' legs, but you couldn't really make out the words.
When the subtitles came, it didn't really help. It wasn't just the down-home hokey, the donchas and betchas and how's-that-workin'-out-for-yas, or the words that sounded like words, but weren't. It wasn't the cozy references to a God who also wrote himself notes on his hand, or the through-the-looking-glass logic that turned healthcare for poor people into "death panels." It wasn't even the pro-guns, pro-life anti-science of a former Miss Congeniality whose idea of an energy policy was "drill, baby, drill." It was the fact that even when you'd seen the words written down, and translated into a language that bore some resemblance to English, they didn't seem to make any sense.
It was, of course, a little bit alarming to hear that the woman who wanted to become the second most powerful person in the world, but who didn't have a passport until 2006, thought she could see Russia from Alaska, and that Afghanistan was next to the US, and that North Korea was an ally, and that America was fighting a war in Iran. It was a little bit worrying that the only piece of Supreme Court legislation she could name was Roe vs Wade. And it was really quite worrying that a woman who wanted to shape policy that would affect the lives of millions said, when she was asked which newspapers she read, "all of 'em that have been in front of me," but couldn't name a single one.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for some facts, not rumors and maybe this, maybe that...
ReplyDeleteEver hear the story about the little boy who cried wolf? You're starting to sound like him.
OMG. I don't think I have any words right now. My brain is befuddled.
ReplyDeleteHow on earth do you manage to keep all of this in yours (brain that is)? I've got a headache now from trying to understand this twisted thing.
Thank you for pursuing this, despite all odds.
Peace and calm to you sir.
Damn, I can see that I will get nothing done today.
ReplyDeleteSo big Tripp must have been born during the summer of '08...before the RNC. It would be worth it to go back and check those emails again.
Wow. Just, wow. Was Tank violating any laws when he worked for both you and Levi? It is definitely seems unethical, so it seems he might be willing to work for Sarah on the side too. I feel bad for Levi, poor kid, and I still feel sorry for Bristol as well. They are still caught up in Sarah's machinations. And yes *sigh* trolls, I shouldn't feel sorry for Bristol but she's blunt and the unicorns fart rainbows in Juneau, as another poster said, blah blah.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Gryphen. That was worth the wait. :)
Would like to wish our Canadian readers a Happy Thanksgiving Day!! or as we call it in our house: Happy Gobble Day!!
ReplyDeleteI personally think Levi's book was ignored by most of the country because Levi is a joke who has proven himself to be an untrustworthy famewhore.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't remember this in the book: That Bristol admitted that Todd and Sarah were not married when Track was conceived.
But that's not exactly rocket science and isn't exactly denied or condemned by anyone.
People criticize Joe's book because it contains outright, hateful lies. That simple.
Gryphen, Can you make a timeline short and sweet? It boggles the mind.
ReplyDeleteSomebody will spill, eventually.
ReplyDeleteSo if Tank/Rex were purposefully mismanaging Levi's career, were they also in the employ of SP?
Who paid to defend Levi's Mom?
Is the house to which Levi delivered the 1-yr-old Tripp relevant?
The May 6 2009 GMA Tripp has always looked too old -- is this that same older Tripp?
G-man, pls stay safe.
How much are the Palins paying Levi to keep quite, are any of the babies Levi's?
ReplyDeleteOK, OK, OK. This is getting to be the kind of mystery where I just want to skip to the last page and see whodunnit. How about outlining a few possible explanations? All the parts of my brain that did their best to follow the story now feel as if they've been hit by a videogame ball and have fallen out.
ReplyDeleteWOW. Good job, Gryphen!! Hiring Tank so long ago was a great move, especially since he inevitably would have Levi info. I'm not sure what to make of this latest development, but will definitely spend the day pondering and eagerly reading the theories in the comments. I think Bristol has had at least two babies (maybe a third DWTS child) and have always believed Sarah is too selfish to take on a child that wasn't related to her (not like she cared for her actual kids, but still).
ReplyDeleteTripp has never appeared to be his claimed age, so a spring 2008 birth would answer a lot of questions (e.g. Bristol not looking pregnant in the blue sweatshirt at the zoo, obviously padded RNC appearance, hauling ass across an icy sidewalk while allegedly 9 months pregnant...) I've questioned the twins hypothesis, but may have to rethink that one today...
stay safe everyone!!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter if there are two Tripps or three Tripps or four Tripps, they are all loved by Bristol and Aunt Willow and all of Bristol's unicorn and rainbow friends in the magical world of Juneau.
Bristol is blunt and loves life and loves babies and Levi is a liar who's only famous because of his connection to Sarah Palin and because he had a baby. If he wasn't connected to Sarah Palin and had a baby, who would want to put him in a magazine or interview him on a talk show? Who would consider giving him a reality tv show or offer him a contract for a book?
Why would a high school dropout from Wasilla, AK with no skills be offered any of those things if she wasn't connected to Sarah Palin?
You're just being immature and spreading false rumors and slandering the Palins. Everybody loves the Palins. Everybody. I talked to the head of Sarah's reunion committee and she said that Sarah was shy and unpopular until she was a senior and she started having sex with BMOC Todd. And Sarah wasn't even religious, so it's stupid to think that religious kids ruled Wasilla High school.
So, stop talking about people you don't know and stop judging people you don't know and stop listening to people you don't know because they are liars and just out to make a living off of Sarah Palin.
Bristol loves life and has Tripp who is wonderfully happy little boy who loves life and loves to talk when he doesn't have a pacifier in his mouth. And he loves seeing his family from time to time, just like Trig. Trig loves to spend time with his family, too, when he has the chance.
The Palins have a great extended family due to all the step moms and dads and kids and all the babies Sarah and Bristol have had and they all love to laugh and spend time together and love life and you should leave them all alone and stop asking these inconvenient questions now that Sarah and Bristol have stepped out of the spotlight (except for the reality tv shows and other paid appearances).
Oh, and Levi is a liar. Bristol never had a real relationship with him. She just had a lot of sex with him. Bristol actually reminds me of me when I was her age. I had a lot of sex with guys who weren't really my boyfriend too. Just ask my hot shot choreographer brother.
Jesse, is the baby Tank knew as Tripp the same blonde boy we all think of as Tripp? Is the Tripp we all think we know actually much older than stated or is there another boy entirely? You are my hero for steadfastly pursuing this story and for being so judicial about what you release and how you release it.
ReplyDeleteI also wonder what the retail price is for keeping Sarah's secrets from curious bloggers.
ReplyDeleteJesse, I think that Sarah outbid you, plain and simple.
Reckon that Tank declared the $3500 cash as income on this tax return for 2009? Maybe the exposure of a money laundering scheme and a tax-evasion case will finally bring the truth to light.
So Tripp was Trig before he was Tripp
ReplyDeleteWow, just wow. I don't know what to think right now, beyond the fact that I'm convinced there's something deeply fishy and possibly criminal going on. If Trig isn't Bristol's, then Sarah acquired him strictly for political purposes. How revolting!
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if pressure needs to be put on Levi. It would be interesting to investigate his finances. That would tell us something about whether or not he's been paid off by the Palins.
My take - I think Sarah's fake pregnancy has everything to do with politics. Levi and Bristol refused to allow Sarah to adopt the first Tripp who was probably born on December 27, 2007. Around rolls 2008 and the courting of SP from the Christian right - John McCain clinches and the freaks tell Sarah she's a contender - presto, instant pregnancy to parade her pro-life cred and squelch the stories about abortions in her past (wite-out preemptive strike in Going Rogue). I think Frank Bailey put a clue in his book about this - that Sarah asked him if he thought a sitting Governor having a baby would give her an upper hand on the national level - I can't remember the exact details of this but I know it was long before there was a scarf pregnancy. Therefore, Trig was just acquired and is no relation to the Palins. That's why nobody in that family cares about him now - he served his purpose. Fucking creepy. Meanwhile, the court documents that claim a "December 27th birth" are partially correct, and so is Levi when he says Sarah wanted to adopt Tripp. Only it's not the Tripp we think we know. (BTW, the Matt Lauer interview shows a much older baby that proclaimed, and the current "pacifier" pictures are an attempt to deceive.) Nice post I can't wait to read what others gather from this info.
ReplyDeleteUgh. You are so freaking crazy, as in INSANE!
ReplyDeleteIt's just a ball of confusion. At this point I'm less concerned about all these goofy kids and more concerned about when the Feds are going to go after this grifting, white collar criminal and send her to the big house.
ReplyDeleteOn a sad note, it appears that Regina at Palingates is taking an indeterminate break, or at least a slowdown with open threads only, from her blog. Hopefully just a temporary condition.
Thank you for this, Jesse.
ReplyDeleteYou know as well as anyone that the nightmare of $P isn't over just because she says she's not running for POTUS.
I am among many (for sure) who very much appreciate your determination to get to the truth of these matters.
I still don't see how you can judge the veracity of anything based on the type of response it receives.
ReplyDeleteLook at the source of info. Levi is an immature boy needing to make a buck. Dunn repeatedly campaign lies that were refuted. Joe quotes people obviously lying about young Sarah Heath (that's quite possibly the saddest part, how people alter the past of someone just to join the bandwagon)
People here are desperate to believe Bristol actually wastes time posting here, as well as Sarah. I take it back. THAT may be the saddest thing about all this.
People are writing their own tales about people they do not know to satisfy their personal curiosities.
Investigative journalism my arse. You can't even tell a good source from a poor one.
Thank you Jesse, this is wonderful--for many reasons.
ReplyDeleteFirst, it's obviously necessary to hack away at this tree from many sides. We've known for a while that the Tripp story was as untrue as the Trig story. You have been doing amazing work on this. We each play different parts in this life. I believe your post is a true contribution to our democracy and to the liberation of investigative journalism.
Secondly, clearly, other Alaskan bloggers have been aware of this hoax for a while. I knew they were too smart to fall for it, but they were not prepared to own what they knew. Oh well, different strokes for different folks - no judgement.
So now we are up to 4 babies. Tripp, Tripp duplicate, Trig, Trig duplicate. This hurts my head. Will it be possible to ever get the truth? Oh yea, when Track or Willow writes the Mommy Dearest expose. Sorry, I don't hold out hope for Fred's book and I think I am about tired of all the Palins and cronies including Levi.
ReplyDeleteSo tell me, where exactly does this mysterious child reside?
ReplyDeleteQuite frankly, I've never heard a more contrived, fictitious tale.
Sorry Gryphen, I think you were taken.
I am not sure how this fits in, but one of the stories that pops up every now and then and then disappears just as quickly is about prostitution rings that provide a variety of hookers to politicians and others in high places.
ReplyDeleteI won't mention past stories, but it has happened several times in the past twenty years or so.
The "bomb" is this in relation to Alaska. It's just speculation. Bill Allen was proven to have a penchant for younger girls, especially when he was on the north slope. I know this is crazy, but as Shailey Tripp mentioned that Todd helped provide hookers to some folks, would the "extra" baby be a product of some of those activities and one of the Palins. I will not speculate on any one of them, it's too outrageous and nasty a thought as it stands.
This is a bazaar story and is purely speculation. You may not even want to post this, but Palin's grab for power has always been weird. Her job "laziness" must have been apparent early on to many, so why was she able to move ahead. Or was she promoted and rewarded from behind the scenes for a much longer time than believed.
I am familiar with the drug (cocaine for white color folks) scene from the 80s on. It was way to loose and has been shown to have been promoted by certain factions in our government. The ups, and the downs, are outrageous. You either leave it or it drives you crazy.
Also, Joe McGinnis book kind of shows' Palins (both Todd and Sarah)promiscuity throughout their marriage. Why stay together this long, unless something else is keeping them together. Wife can't testify against husband and vice versa? Or basic rejection complex. I have seen this before.
Well, so much for speculation. I'm thinking along the lines of Elmer Gantry for Sarah and Todd. The true god in their relationship is money.
I won't mind if you don't publish this one. I know it's way out in left field, but if one or any of the kids for shucked out to an older man for fame and money, it would probably bring sympathy, wouldn't it?
I haven't yet finished reading, but after reading that Tripp was actually about one year old in March 2009, it occurs to me that the Palins are parading Tripp around in a stroller with a pacifier in his mouth on purpose. And that purpose is to make him appear younger than he actually is.
ReplyDeleteBack to reading....
The first thing that hits me is the story about her SSA account being sealed. That's where the whole truth lies. If it were only about privacy it would be one thing but it may also prove insurance fraud as well as subsequent fraud with the Alaska fund. It sounds like Levi is now too deeply involved as an accessory to come clean. The recent inquiry of the insurance matters at another blog must have spooked them royally. Palin might have gotten a pass for one out/wedlock grandchild but two in a row would have set her bots' teeth on edge.
ReplyDeleteIs the grand total two babies for Bristol and two for Levi or 2 and 1? Would seem he's probably father to both based on the Tank sighting and his later role with the little blond Tripp that we see so much. Wherever the truth lies it's certainly qualifies as that old enigma wrapped in a conundrum.
I trust you won't be on S Moore's Christmas card list anytime soon. lol
I took Levi's book as a way to try to explain things he thinks he saw from the random and sparse sightings of "pregnant" Sarah.
ReplyDeleteThis must be mentioned, that his ghosts basically plagiarized blog posts and other authors' works to create that monstrosity know as DITH. You'd be stupid not to pick up on that.
There's much that "Levi" misremembers about the last 3-5 years. He even weirdly says Bristol bought her condo in 2009. He changes his relationship with the Palin family.
I don't see how you could possibly discern anything from that book in all honesty.
Either Tank was lying to you or he wasn't.
ReplyDeleteIf he was lying to you, what would his motive have been? Perhaps the hope was to get you (and maybe Shannyn too) to report this on your blog, then claim that it's a ridiculous story and use it to discredit you and all "Trig truthers".
If he was telling the truth, what does it mean?
Perhaps the "twin" theory was the correct one all along? Maybe Tripp and Trig are fraternal twins that were born premature, one with DS. Perhaps Trig's survival (and maybe Tripp's, too) was questionable at first. Perhaps the original plan was to either adopt out the boys or to hide them till the VP choice was made, but when little Trig was born with DS, Sarah decided to "make lemons into lemonade" and use poor little Trig by faking a pregnancy.
But when I watch Bristol in that FEb 2009 interview with GVS, and see the baby presented as Tripp there, and see how she hold and interacts with him, my gut says, that was her child, and to my eyes he looked close to 2-3 months old.
I don't know what to believe, but I feel it's more likely that you (Gryph) were lied to by Tank, maybe he was getting paid more by Sarah to try to discredit you. But I can't say anything for sure except that the "official" story of Trig is not true.
PS, did you ever ask Sherry or Mercede about the little boy described by Tank?
Well, that is a lot to digest & I have no idea what to make of it.
ReplyDeleteSo would this mean that Levi is the father of 2 babies (Trig and Tripp), but why would he not have Tripp that time? Bristol definitely is NOT the mother of Trig?
Unless they lied when they were doing the custody thing then Levi has to be the father of Tripp for sure and Bristol is the mother.
Confusing as hell.
Thanks for all of your hard work. One day this has to get solved.
Wow, Gryphen, wow!
ReplyDeleteAlso too, Gryph. Great story. Just wish there were more facts involved.
ReplyDeleteWIth Ruffles, I will say this ONE MORE TIME.
Another thing. jaundice is developed just post birth and lasts from a couple days to a couple weeks. In the April 18th picture, that baby had obvious jaundice.
Oh my... Way to not disappoint! I'm gonna have to chew on this for a while.
ReplyDeleteS. Moore was smart because she knows Tank is a guy not ever to be trusted.
ReplyDeleteDoes $arah just pick up the phone and order a 'prop' baby from CBJ?
ReplyDeleteWas $arah busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest covering for Todd's baby-momma AND AT THE SAME TIME pregnant, un-wed Bri$tol?
Were $arah's 4 kids duped regarding Todd's indescretion(s) the way the rest of America was hoaxed?
Methinks the SSA records were locked to keep the hoaxed from discovering REAL birth dates.
This 'theory' tidies it all up for me; but, it doesn't make me feel sorry for $arah.
Gryphen, you REALLY think they are hiding a third baby??? Be realistic. REALLY???????
ReplyDeleteWouldn't said baby be spotted out and about? You can't hide a child from frequent visitors. Bristol takes Tripp on playdates a lot. Where's the alleged other baby?
My first response is that the picture that emerged with a tan Levi is a green (?) shirt and curly, highlighted hair is most likely from this older Tripp's birth and their was no pregnancy in the fall of '08. According to Palinlore, Trig is 8+ months older than Tripp but your headline photo doesn't reinforce that, rather it reinforces Tank's "Tripp was born first" observation.
ReplyDeleteOh, and before anybody asks, I DID ask both Sherry and Sadie about this other Tripp. They have no idea what Tank was talking about.
ReplyDeleteHowever I once asked Sadie if it was possible that Levi would hide something this big from she and her mother, and she replied, without hesitation, yes. Especially when it came to Bristol.
Wait. What?
ReplyDelete*scratches head*
I'm even more confused now than I have been
I'm hoping MeAgain has contacted you by now and maybe can shed some light on all this baby switching...
HOLY SHIT! Gryphen's Feedjit stream is going bonkers. People from all over the country are showing up faster than I can keep up with. Check it out!
"She stated that Bristol was in her 3rd trimester the beginning of summer 2008."
ReplyDeleteThen please explain the Bristol/Sadie prom pic, the peoplemag pics from June 08, the picture in Blind Allegiance.
Use your head to put ALL that together.
Things about their stories make not make much sense, but ALL these ponderings and comments added to actual pictures and facts make even less sense.
I retain a lot of information. For me, it's incredibly simple to weed out the ridiculous theories.
Sounds like Levi is a baby carrier.Does his mom and mercedes know about this. As a PI Tank should know the house he dropped off Levi. Nothing is beyond these sick people, the Palins.
ReplyDeleteWhat Kristen Cole baby? She has grandchildren (child?) yes.
ReplyDeleteDo you realize just how many pictures exist of baby Tripp during the entire year of 09?
Isn't Tank with him 24/7? Why did he see the older baby only once?
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that makes sense about this is that Levi never mentions being at work, just playing house with Bristol living at the Palin house. He didn't get that job until Sept 2008 - Jan 2009.
It would also make Bristol's assertion that she couldn't go to prom because she was pregnant make sense now in that timeline.
I just don't see why they would need a second Tripp, unless they have two children together.
I thought you said you just got something new. You've known this from Tank for years.
What's the new stuff that made the Fred book change?
The only GQ picture I can see that shows "Tripp"'s face looks to match the kid *we think* we know as Tripp. So, Levi doesn't have to pay child support to that kid or take Bristol to court over anything concerning that "Tripp" because...That kid is a prop(?) and not Levi's son. Levi has custody of his actual son and lives in a house with him somewhere. Explains why Levi is so distant from Sherry and Mercede these days. Can't exactly construct a story to fool them. They have to keep believing the blonde kid is the real Tripp or they would tell the press.
ReplyDeleteWas Sarah just a pawn for the Republican party? THAT would be way bigger than Watergate.
ReplyDeleteWas THIS that huge bombshell you were referencing back then?
ReplyDeleteI did see a pic over from Radaronline: This one and thought "wow, that's a really big kid Bristol's holding for a 2+ year old. He looks more like he's 3? 3+?
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, how many babies ARE there in that fortress in Wasilla?? Will we ever find out? Is the overflow of tots somehow related to Tawd's little "side business" that Shailey was talking about?? Did Bristol have two kids in rapid succession, with "Big Tripp" not being the DS child "needed" for SP's Sainted Mother cred--so they had a choice of two infants to prop out, with "Ruffles" being one?
ReplyDeleteNice work, Gryphen! Thanks for all your hard work, all the $$ spent and your great writing style. You have me riveted. The truth will out.
Now I need an Excedrin. Or a fifth of Skyy with a bendy straw.
What is clear from all of this is that the stories of Trig and Tripp are not simple. *Something* is not adding up but whether the answer lies in theory 1, theory 2, or some other theory we just do not know. The closet answer may come from DNA analysis. I would be very surprised if no one has considered this and not already collected samples from hotel rooms, etc. Even to satisfy their own personal curiosity. Eventually we will learn the truth.
ReplyDeleteUhhhhhh, what?
ReplyDeleteWhere was this baby during 2008?
Trig is definitely a political baby. No doubt. Not that he's not cherished and loved, but let's be real.
Do you truly expect us to believe a now toddler aged child is being hidden from view. EVEN WHEN we know that Bristol has many friends, goes on many playdates, doesn't shy away from the outside world.
Again, what???
I'm thinking Levi learned how to lie and exaggerate from Tank.
Sarah has access to people that could provide a down child for adoption ... Franklin Graham and many others.
ReplyDeleteTrig has made MILLIONS of dollars for Sarah.
This is a video of Levi, with his mother's sentencing. There's a photo of Trip in the middle of it.
OOH! Bots are up good and early today and they are on it! We can all judge the importance of a story by the 37 bots who just *POUNCE* on it.
ReplyDeleteInteresting stuff, Gryphen. We will be unraveling pieces 'til the moose, er, cows come home.
Was Sarah just a pawn for the Republican party? THAT would be way bigger than Watergate.
All presidential and vp candidates are pawns.The Dems played the black card, the GOP played the gender card.
Nothing new there.
Hmm. Remember the wiki-leaked picture from Sarah's email that had Willow holding a blue-eyed baby in plane? And remember that Bristol testified that it was her son, and we all thought...how can that be...Tripp hadn't been born yet? We all thought she was clearly talking about Trig, but the picture didn't look like Trig.
ReplyDeleteAre you saying these boys are twins, Gryphen? And that Sarah "adopted" one of them?
OK, a thought. Bristol's reference to her "baby brother" in the photo leaked b/c of Kernall, that child did not look he had DS to me. Was that Tripp?
Palin's Peyton Place was investigating Trig & Ruffles as twins. Wonderful website, esp. for ears.
Perhaps Ruffles is Trig, or at least the original Trig, and the other fraternal twin was Tripp, who stayed with Bristol in WA state or somewhere.
Now, if Shannyn has any decency or smarts, she will verify your story. Why wouldn't she? If she states for the record that she heard this story, she wouldn't be saying she believes it. She would simply be verifying that she was actually present, and heard Tank.
ReplyDeleteIf she denies this, it will be very telling.
Did Shannyn believe Tank? If she did, why call Trig Truthers " tin foil hat wearers." Why call us that at all.
If she believed Tank, wouldn't she share this with her friend Jeanne? Maybe, maybe not? Or is she wanting to make money off this tidbit herself?
There are still so many questions, but not answers.
For example, did "Tripp" who Levi brought to the car have DS? You were not clear about this. Was this Tripp the blonde boy or a third child???
I was hoping you would have real answers.
I hope Freds book has answers and not just more questions. The Palins and Levi don't want anyone to know the truth obviously, and why would she reveal it now.
The only thing that makes sense about this is that Levi never mentions being at work, just playing house with Bristol living at the Palin house. He didn't get that job until Sept 2008 - Jan 2009.
ReplyDelete- - - - -
He also fails to mention all his other girlfriends (esp during 2007). Levi never worked seriously before late 08. He had to create a better past for himself for his son. Sad actually. Future Tripp isn't going to care that his father was a typically, funlovin teen. He will care that his father lied though.
And the "playin house" spiel was my favorite fantasy in the book. I still LMAO at that.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?
ReplyDeleteBristol and Sarah would never waste their time posting here. Bristol is too busy riding mechanical bulls and tweaking her extensive facial reconstructive jaw surgery. And Sarah is too busy doing something. I mean, really, if they are too busy going to church, do you really think they spend all their time refreshing this page over and over and over again?
Stop satisfying your curiosity and stop discussing private citizens who you don't know. Just because they had multiple reality tv shows and magazine interviews and talk show interviews and invited you into their homes and discussed their most personal details in their books and love to talk about their families, that doesn't mean you have a right to discuss them or be curious about them.
Levi is a liar and so is everybody else who says any bad things at all about Sarah or Bristol. The Palins are a beloved family with lots of friends who love them and love hanging out with them. And Trig loves hanging out with them, as well, when the opportunity arises.
Stop reading this blog. Stop believing all the stuff that Gryphen and McGinnis and Dunn say about Sarah and Bristol. Stop it right now!
Strange that this website link has recently shown up on the other IM thread in the last couple days:
Someone is going through a lot of effort to create and plant phony evidence here to undermine IM. Why?
I have read your post. Wow.
ReplyDeleteIt is a beautiful fall day.Thanks to Steve Jobs I will be taking this post to the park. I look forward to the comments.
What I'd really like to know is what is the stick that is being used on Levi to obtain his cooperation?
I think it's safe to say that with the Palins, things are not always what they appear to be.
ReplyDeleteBy the same token, again with all things Palin, it is always all about money. Surely it is easier said than done, but I am convinced that following the money trail will provide the answers to the many unanswered questions.
I still believe twins were involved in this whole fiasco and that Levi is joined at the hip with the Palin deceptions. They all decided to garner cash from their disfunctional lifestyles by a free-for-all hoax.
ReplyDeleteSadly their egos are leaving behind children who will someday need ongoing therapy to undo the damage these idiots have caused them.
Yeah okay. But there is zero chance a baby in Alaska could ever be hidden for longer than even a day.
ReplyDeleteWe know Sarah, Todd, Willow, Piper and Trig were in Juneau around that March event with Tank and Levi. We also know Bristol joined them.
But - if Levi didn't take that baby to his home, where'd he take it? He didn't have his own residence. Tank is seriously disturbing yet again. Sadie and Sherry showed intelligence when they stepped away from the Tank train.
And it was Tank who set up the USweekly engagement thingy AND mentioned a Vegas wedding. That dude lives for JUST himself.
As a side note, you might want to find out (or keep an eye out) if there is any court activity re: the Bristol-Levi custody matter (is it a closed case or is it still open? Were the records sealed? I forget). Did the parties misrepresent to the court who Tripp is? Or do the court records show the real birthdate for the real Tripp? Does Tripp have a guardian ad litem?There could be consequences for lying to the court (well, at least in non-Palin land there is). I wonder if any of the lawyers find out about your post and is/are sweating. No lawyer wants to find out his client has lied to him and the court . Oh, that's right, Van Flea doesn't work in Alaska anymore? Anyway, wondering if one of the small circles in the 3 ring circus is going to pop up in that family law case sometime in the future. Sarah, don't you know that at some point your lies will catch up with you?
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the present "Tripp" is older than the child called "Trig" in recent photos of them together.
ReplyDeleteIt was widely-rumored that Bristol was pregnant in 2007.
It makes a kind of sense. Esp since there seems to be an active effort on Bristol's part to make Tripp seem younger than he is--the pacifier, the stroller, etc.
And of course the proof that there is truth buried here is the influx of the "nothing-to-see-here-folks" troll(s).
That gives it away every time. :)
Bistol has Tripp. Tripp is taken away. Bristol gets pregnant again, has a fas baby, 'Ruffles'.
ReplyDelete$carah had planned on adopting 2nd baby. Ruffles dies. $carah adopts DS baby.
Bristol fake's 'Tripp' pregnancy to cover $carah and to get her first child bk.
Then there is the DWTS's 'godson'.
Keep it simple. Levi's hands have been tied behind him for fricking years. Tripp is closer to 4 than any other age. Poor kid. Poor Ruffles.
Not even slightly surprised. .....and Jesse, you do good work. I still believe the media should go down with Sarah Palin and the world should realize that people like you are the ones who can be trusted. Someday...if there is justice in this world.
ReplyDeleteWill you just look at how old that little boy looks now. I think the reason for the pacifier is very evident. Keep the poor child from talking and make him look like a baby. These are very sick people.
Trig has been kept out of sight from everyone so that no one 'unfamiliar' can get DNA from him. Sarah's has easily enough been gotten--c/o our friendly neighborhood waiters & waitresses multiple times.
ReplyDeleteNo,except for carefully staged photo ops in the future Trig won't be let near anyone that can get hair or slobber samples.
But then again we never know who's rooting for The Truth Team do we, and getting DNA is very easy to do.
I have to laugh at how desperately she must be trying to control the situation--and wish Trig a long and fruitful life, despite his "mother".
Anon 7:02: Fuck Off! What lies does Joes book contain?? Prove it bitch because we are sick of YOUR lies and/also the Palins lies!!
ReplyDeleteI think Bristol is a spoiled, nasty brat. But I still feel sorry for her. Any mother who would manipulate her child like this ( I'm talking about Sarah) is a monster and a child abuser.
Bristol, if you are reading, tell your friend to stop posting here. She is hurting your family, not helping you.
Second, I hope you realize how used and mistreated you have been. I hope you can someday face this, and admit it. Get help for yourself and do this for your kids now, before it's too late. Why are you loyal to your mom after what she had done? Nothing she had done has been for you regardless of what she says. You have a right to be furious and I hope and pray you see this one day and come to terms with it. Also, Levi loved you. Stop making him the villain when your parents are the villains. Want to really be free??? Then make millions telling the truth and screw your mom. I feel for you but you have lost support by being nasty to the wrong people! And your idiot " friend" posting here is not helping.
i'm still trying to put it together in my brain......
ReplyDeletebut there STILL seems to be no explanation for bristle or whomever, naming a baby after shailey!?
Thanks Gryphen !
ReplyDeleteOn the how come the other books didn't get trashed as much, Joe lived next door to her so there was already a sense that he had an agenda and Dunn strangely never did a book tour so there wasn't much publicity at all. And Levi didn't have a huge book tour. Those books were much more under the radar.
On the feedlot: is the "visitor from United States Sarah checking in on her blackberry in Korea?
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:02AM - why aren't you at the post office mailing money to
Sharon TN
Remember when Levi kissed the top of Trig's head at at the RNC. A teenage boy just doesn't do that to another persons baby. It was his. this makes sense now
ReplyDeleteAny possibility Tank lied to justify his fee?
ReplyDeleteAlas, the easiest explanation is Occam's Razor...
ReplyDeleteTank was either lying or mistaken.
So if this is simply a case of hiding the much earlier arrival of Tripp, so he is at least 6-12 mos older than they say...was it just to cover up the fact that Sarah Palin had an unwed daughter/young mother? And then where did Trig come from and why does he look exactly like a Palin and/or a Johnston?
ReplyDeleteYeesh. This is so freaking confusing. I think many of us will be so relieved to have the true story finally told, because it's exhausting to deal with so much conflicting information.
I love how the trolls have arrived. Like you said, some completely hostile to our efforts, and some purportedly on "our side" but probably are anything but.
I am thrilled Shannyn is a part of this. Going to see if she acknowledges your post today. I have never been a great fan of hers, but I do think she, as well as you, are known public figures up there and so that's double the credibility!
Way to go, Gryph!!!
If there was an older Tripp, then possibly Bristol would have been underage: Levi, legally an adult? If so, no wonder he is silent on the issue.
ReplyDeleteMore things that make you go hmmmmm. Thanks for coming out with this Gryphen. Did you hold back for so long in order to protect Levi's family? Are you still holding back, or is this all of it?
ReplyDeleteSo much for Sarah becoming boring. She's going to be exposed one of these fine days.
Well, yeah, that does kind of confuse the issue, doesn't it. I'm trying to figure out if it's possible that Tank and anon432 are both telling the truth.
ReplyDeleteanon432 says Trig was born in 2/08, premature and with significant abnormalities, not at MatSu, and Tripp was born in 1/09. She did not state that Trig was born to Bristol. There are strong indications that the 2/08 baby is Ruffles, although we don't know this for sure.
Both stories work if:
1) The baby Tank saw is the 2/08 baby, or
2) The baby Tank saw was born around 2/08, but is not Ruffles, so one of these babies was not born to Bristol.
3) Another baby appeared on the scene on 1/09.
My head hurts.
1) Did Tank comment on whether the baby he saw looks like the boy now known as Tripp? His looks are pretty distinctive.
2) Whose house did Levi and this baby go to, if not his mother's?
3) Gryphen, I'm now thinking back to that baby born to "Levi and Amber" on 4/18, who did bear some resemblance to Tripp. Are you positive that this baby has nothing to do with babygate? (Could Levi possibly have fathered a baby with a different girl?)
What was happening during March 09?
ReplyDeleteAll the Palins were in Juneau a lot of that time, and Bristol joined them eventually. Bristol joined them at that snow event in April (I think) and she had Tripp.
The whole family was at some sporting event not too long after (Todd had Trig on the sidelines and all the girl and Tripp were seated in the stands)
We often saw a baby who resembled present Tripp that whole summer.
My honest opinion, I think Tank was high or playing you. Would you put it past him?
Trig looks very native Alaskan.
ahem, that's a good one.
ReplyDeleteconscious at last - you are less judgmental than I. If Shannyn Moore had good evidence that Palin perpetrated a hoax and aggressively quashed the story all this time, she is no journalist. I'm disgusted.
If you think there are a lot of "bot" comments on this thread, you should see how many I am rejecting.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap!
Anyhow I am also rejecting any incest comments. Sorry folks there is NO evidence that Willow could be the mom, and Keith has nothing to do with this whole thing, so let's just stay focused on what we have to work with, and NOT go way the hell out into left field.
Thanks Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteI've thought Tripp is older than presented. The pacifier and stroller is to make him look younger. He not only is big and very tall for his age, but he has much more agility than someone his age would have.
I've always thought too, just gut instinct here, in the picture of Bristol and Mercede when Mercede is going to prom, that Bristol looks like she recently gave birth. Just something about the way her face looks, and that certain kind of flushing to the cheeks. She did say on Leno that she couldn't go to prom because she was pregnant.
I have wondered about a DNA test as well. It would be so easy to get strands of those beautiful boys' hair, and see what's what. Particularly re: Bristol and Levi.
ReplyDeleteThe only solace is seeing how sweet these kids are, for the time being. Why were they born into such a drama-filled clan?
7:23am said: "But when I watch Bristol in that FEb 2009 interview with GVS, and see the baby presented as Tripp there, and see how she hold and interacts with him, my gut says, that was her child, and to my eyes he looked close to 2-3 months old."
ReplyDeleteWhat I see is Sarah flying in frantic that Bristol was giving an interview and it turns out Bristol had found a baby to borrow and "Everything was cool, Mom. See, I can play this game, too." And Bristol was off grifting, just like her mom. Eventually she started showing the real Tripp, the blond who has always seemed big for his age.
Years ago, it was much simpler to manipulate babies' birthdates, ages and birth parents. I'm sure many children were passed off as siblings of their actual birth parents when unexpected pregnancies happened in large families, especially in more rural areas.
ReplyDeleteThese days, however, there are so many legal documents that must be completed accurately, with supporting materials, I don't understand how they can have all these babies with fuzzy ages and parentage without running afoul of the federal government.
I can certainly believe that Palin faked her pregnancy and adopted Trig, and has managed to keep the details of that secret, since the legal process of adoption is designed to provide a level of privacy. However, all these assorted babies of assorted ages and parentage MUST have SS numbers, official birth certificates, etc.
I suppose it's fortunate for them that they live in Alaska because the lax laws regarding home schooling can help hide a lot of discrepancies.
I can't keep the dates straight. I'd love someone to draw a timeline. Maybe a few different timelines - one timeline would have so many different threads I'd still be dizzy.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm understanding this story correctly, Levi knows something so devastating that SP pulls 20 pages from her book about Levi, but not so devastating that she doesn't go after Levi for support, doesn't allow Levi to see the child, and he doesn't do anything.
It's still not making sense. Either Levi has something on SP, or SP has something on Levi. If they each had something on the other, hmmm - sounds like a game of chicken then.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm unless he is seeing the child, but the child isn't the one that is flying to Arizona, and then Arizona, etc.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. But he complains about not seeing the child. Hmm. maybe not. Sadie complains about her brother not seeing the child. Maybe Levi has been pretty mum on the subject.
Hypoethesis: Levi is seeing his son, Bristol and Levi agree on child support payments, and we don't know who or where that child is. Perhaps in Alaska so Levi does have access which explains not going to court. Perhaps also that factors in to his keeping his mother and sister at a distance. He doesn't want to reveal too much or have them ask too many questions. Levi & Bristol are pretending that the adorable child in the picture with Trig#2 is Trip#1. He's actually someone else/Tripp#2, not Levi's.
So -
Where is Tripp#1
Who is Tripp#2
Is this important - this is about Bristol, not SP, and even if I don't think highly of BP, she is young, and she did grow up with SP, and much of this happened while she was still a child.
How does the DWTS pregnancy fit it?
was it a ruse to confuse and explain an extra baby eventually?
who thinks up a ruse to gain weight while on DWTS? except it worked-or else she really did gain weight.
I'm dizzy
Gryphen.. will Sherri confirm the photo date of the baby she is holding in the hospital?
ReplyDeleteTank's story cast doubt on what she said.
So this is all stuff you learned in 09, 2 years ago.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the info you recently learned?
This piece of info actually could explain lots of questions people have had over the years and make the fake pregnancy become fake pregnancies, which is far more damning.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol has Tripp in Feb 2008 can explain why
1) Sarah want to adopt Tripp, which does not make sense if she just "gave birth" to Trig. But if Tripp was born earlier, it will make perfect sense why doing so can avoid a teen pregnancy scandal.
2). Bristol was so upset about Sarah's announcement of pregnancy in March 2008. She probably thought she would try to get Tripp by force even they have repeatedly told her No. Look, Levi insisted that B was upset, but the reason he gave was just too much of a stretch.
3). Sarah gave up on Tripp and came up with a better plan of getting a Don baby and made a great show of it. At this point, we don't know how many family members and close relatives know the truth.
4). Then to cover up for Trig (being VP is now more important than covering up a teen pregnancy) and allow Tripp to eventually see the daylight, they made B fake the late 2008 pregnancy. That can explain all the strange accounts surrounding that one, including B skipping along the icy pathway to the church days before ”giving birth”. As you know, the most convincing lies are the one mixed with some truth. But Levi messed up that one with several inconsistent timeline. But I bet lots of what he said are the true circumstances about Tripp’s birth with one year change.
5). Finally it solves the riddle that I forgot where I first heard it that "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig", meaning Tripp was Sarah's original target before she was forced to switch to poor Trig, who can be a rent baby initially, which explained the multi-baby question.
Sure, Bristol wouldn't ever read or post on this blog. We all know that. Hogwash! (doesn't that sound like a phrase Sarah would use). Personally, I say Bullshit!
ReplyDeleteTime after time the trolls have come on and they are so obviously a member of the Palin family. We heard that other people on the set of her unreality show complained about the time she spends reading and posting on blogs.
LOL at the pseudo troll at 7:12..you covered about all the talking points well. You didn't get the plug for Applebee's in though (there goes your free meal). Also, you didn't mention the thousands of pictures of the happy family that somehow none of the rest of us ever saw. Just today I read that there are some huge number of pictures of Tripp. Sure there are (this is said with a great deal of sarcasm).
I agree, every time they post a picture of Tripp I compare him to my own grandchildren..he is WAY too big for the age they pretend he is. I think that the pacifier is stuck in his mouth to shut him up, as his talking would give him away. I also suspect that, like all kids, he is prone to repeating the foul words his mother, auntie and grandma use.
Nothing about this family is honest. And how do you know I don't know them personally if you aren't one of them yourself.
Keep up the good work Gryphen! The more trolls, the closer you obviously are to the truth.
I'm still thinking Todd is the father of Trig with another women..to keep the other women quiet Sarah and Todd took him and are paying the other women off. Todd having a child by another women would have been found out and would have ruined Sarah's VP chances. She faked the belly to make it look like she had him. That is why Sarah treats him as a prop and Todd seems to really love him. I think if Bristol was really pregnant with Trig, Sarah would have just had someone (family member) pretend to adopt a DS child and would have paid for his care or had the church adopt him out..no one would have questioned it. Bristol and this other women may have been pregnant at the same time, can't fake 2 pregnancies...I do believe Tripp is older than he appears but maybe not a 1 yr older.
ReplyDeleteThe only solace is seeing how sweet these kids are, for the time being. Why were they born into such a drama-filled clan?
Life is ripe with drama. This family is no different and by far not the most drama filled. I don't see how continually point this out is supposed to impact things.
Reject away, Gryphen, that's fine.
ReplyDeleteI think we may end up having to think outside the box, however, because I am not sure it's possible for Bristol to have had ALL of these babies herself, though I do think she may be continually pregnant, which is very sad. Has she never heard of birth control?
Side note, she certainly is no longer being used as an active Candie's spokesperson, is she?
Some others have to be involved as father or mother, very possibly.
You may even end up being amazed, Gryph, you never know.
It's one thing for Sarah to fake a pregnancy in hopes that it may enhance her chances at the VP nomination.
ReplyDeleteIt's another altogether for the Republican party to orchestrate the pregnancy/birth of downs baby in an attempt to win the election.
That kind of manipulation is far more reaching that simply putting a woman or a black man on the ticket.
If the Republican party knowingly took part in any of this they would face prosecution.
I've always thought too, just gut instinct here, in the picture of Bristol and Mercede when Mercede is going to prom, that Bristol looks like she recently gave birth. Just something about the way her face looks, and that certain kind of flushing to the cheeks. She did say on Leno that she couldn't go to prom because she was pregnant
Except Bristol was in public beginning in Jan and pretty regularly seen. She even commented in Feb that her mother might be pregnant. That is all true.
I've always thought too, just gut instinct here, in the picture of Bristol and Mercede when Mercede is going to prom, that Bristol looks like she recently gave birth. Just something about the way her face looks, and that certain kind of flushing to the cheeks. She did say on Leno that she couldn't go to prom because she was pregnant
Except Bristol was in public beginning in Jan and pretty regularly seen. She even commented in Feb that her mother might be pregnant. That is all true.
ReplyDelete6). Oh, it also explains why Tripp seems much larger for his age and B stupidly keeps him using pacifier to appear younger (overdid it, girl).
You are rejecting incest rumors. You don't know Alaska very well do you?
ReplyDeleteThis pic: Little Boy Blue from Laura's blog
ReplyDeleteDoes that little boy look like Tripp?Tripp Johnston from Yahoo's media site
They kinda look the same to me...
And the point of this post was?
ReplyDeleteI"m pretty sure that most people have learned just to ignore Levi and he will go away. What I find entertaining is that Bristol used his book as a target at a gun range just before she left LA about 3 weeks ago. That is telling.
ReplyDeleteBristol wishes she were not permanently connected to Levi. Understandable. I have a feeling she's felt this from about Nov 08 on. Just hunch but a somewhat educated hunch.
Where in all this does the picture of Levi with two babies fit? Anyone have a link? Levi was holding one baby, and another baby's arm was visible, as though he were holding that one too. Mercedes said the arm was from a cousin or something, but I wonder now.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBistol has Tripp. Tripp is taken away. Bristol gets pregnant again, has a fas baby, 'Ruffles'.
$carah had planned on adopting 2nd baby. Ruffles dies. $carah adopts DS baby.
Bristol fake's 'Tripp' pregnancy to cover $carah and to get her first child bk.
Then there is the DWTS's 'godson'.
Keep it simple. Levi's hands have been tied behind him for fricking years. Tripp is closer to 4 than any other age. Poor kid. Poor Ruffles.
7:56 AM
I think you're very close. Tripp in LA does appear to be about 4 years old; which means a 2007 birthdate, and isn't that when bristol 'disappeared' from school with 'mono'?
There are a ton of bots, huh? Hey, your queen could put an end to ALL of the speculation...but she won't...because she can't. How's that for keeping it simple?
ReplyDeleteThanks, G. Looking forward to Ms. Moore's reaction if there is one.
This is so interesting.
ReplyDeleteSo Tripp is actually older than what we are all led to believe.
I'll buy that.
Does anybody know if Pay-lin actually got on a plane to South Korea to spread vitriol about our President? Disrespectful, traitorous twit.
So where was this baby when Bristol and Levi broke up just after she moved to Anch in early 08? Where was he when they were chillin, watching Sadie ready herself for prom. Where was he when they family were in Juneau later that summer?
ReplyDeleteAgain, here's a theory that makes no logical sense.
Maybe Fred is Shannyn Moore?
ReplyDeleteSo the Palin troll has stopped using "immature" and now "playdate" is the word of the day. Check!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what to think of this new information but I hope that Sarah thinks about it a lot before giving her speech.
"But it has everything to do with the births of two little boys."
ReplyDeleteWell, or maybe three? Four?
Aii yai yai.
Older Tripp jibes with our observations about the size of that kid during the interviews.
The mind reels......
As my long-time partner, Bruce Macaulay, used to say when confronted by a situation such as this, "My pretty little head is in a twirl."
ReplyDeleteI don't see any bot comments so far. I think they've tired of this blog.
ReplyDeleteJesse, do you consider anyone who questions you a bot? Because that's the way it appears.
ReplyDeleteGryphen said...
ReplyDeleteIf you think there are a lot of "bot" comments on this thread, you should see how many I am rejecting.
Holy crap!
Which means you are on to something here !
Keep up the great work and keep watching your back; you never know what this bunch might be capable of if their 'secret' is exposed.
They appear to be running scared already.
The pics of Tripp on People in May 2009 and then US 2010 seem like the same Tripp we see now, and they seem to be consistent with the Dec 2008 birthdate.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:27AM - "Bristol takes Tripp
ReplyDeleteon playdates a lot..." Bristol hides out in LA a lot. How would you know if, or how many visiters
there are at anybody's home???
You a PI, are ya? Or just a bot?
Sharon TN
According to John Ziegler, the Palins told him that Bristol's due date was early January:
ReplyDelete"Our meeting was set for January 5, which meant only one possible obstacle stood in my way: the due date of Sarah’s pregnant teenage daughter, Bristol."
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/06/12/the-sarah-palin-i-know/#ixzz1aOgcDqa5
I found it beyond belief in Levi's book that he said that Bristol had never cashed his child support checks. Now, perhaps there is a new context to consider.
ReplyDeleteAm going to need to ponder on this information for a while. It just doesn't fit well with anything that I thought had been established as fact.
I think that the Tripp who we see today is the child that Tank saw as a one-year-old (ish) back in 3/09. He is a large child for (supposedly) 2 1/2 year-old. I believe that a baby was borrowed from a friend (probably a friend of Bristol's, given how teen pregnancy is so common in Wasilla) to pose as the infant Tripp for any interviews that Bristol did back in 2009, such as the Matt Lauer interview.
ReplyDeleteI think that Trig was acquired to be SP's ultimate prop and that Bristol's teen pregnancy is what planted the seed of a fake pregnancy in SP's sick mind. I believe that this email from Sean Parnell to SP is key to how Trig was acquired:
As I said, someone will spill, eventually.
Hello John McCain!
ReplyDeleteYou sir, are a Traitor!
The fact is that You offered a Thoruoghly UN-Vested candidate for the 2nd highest office in this land! Just because of your blind ambition for the presidency!
Jesse has done a better job of vetting her than you EVER did! Or did the vetting you performed discover this and you went ahead anyway? Shame on you, Traitor!
Ps John, you do realize that IF you had been elected, you wouldn't have lived long enough to be reading this today...
I remember thinking that something seemed off about Levi in some of those pictures. He looked younger. Think about that pic where he's holding up a baby and he's wearing a hospital bracelet. The pics with Tripp and Keith. That one with the other baby arm in it. Oh, and the one at the hospital where he's supposedly holding Trig. He just looks younger in some of these. They all lie, and when your head starts to spin YOU GIVE UP. That's what they want you to do. This SO reminds me of the 9-11 truth effort. Disinfo, obfuscation, fake insiders. To keep the real truth from coming out they like the water very muddy. Look what Joe is going through, there is some big time effort going on behind the scenes. Gryph warned us, and seeing the lengths they are going to to keep this out of the public conciousness, I doubt we will ever know for sure. There is a reason they are protecting Sarah, and the real story might chill you to the bone.
ReplyDeleteDisgusted at 6:51 - "As Tank noted, Sarah covered her tracks well with concealed SS# record..."
ReplyDeleteHow do you know? Where did Tank "note" that? Is that based on a personal conversation between you and Tank? Could you be more specific about that for readers?
This is a puzzle worthy of a John Le Carre novel..if only you could hire George Smiley to handle the "Case of the Prop Babies".
ReplyDeleteI think the answer lies in the "locked" SSA files; but a DNA test for everyone in the family would be sufficient to sink her ship. (I bet Granny never eats in a restaurant again without wiping off her glass and utensils afterward.)
The third route is the emails "MeAgain" says will reveal key information.
A fourth way would be if someone in the know just decided they were sick of the lies and stepped up.
Eventually, the truth will be told.
My heart just sinks to think how many people (John McCain) were willing to put aside urging of their conscience to enable this amoral, manipulative woman to con the American people.
I have a feeling Tank is NOT Fred, or is he?
ReplyDeleteTrig's real mother..someone in Dillingham
Father ...Todd
Count 8/9 months back from Trigs birth = Todd's fishing business in Dillingham. Someone is being paid off and Todd owes Sarah for adopting Trig.
Seems there are 4 anon 7:02's -
ReplyDeletereally confusing. Three were
normal & the 4th is a bot & that's who my reply was meant for. Can't we all have a made-up screen name?
Sharon TN
Anon @ 7:58:
ReplyDeleteI am the oldest daughter of a mom who, well...wasn't the best mom. And my dad was SURELY not the best dad. They both put themselves, their own egos and desires, before the needs of their children. It has taken awhile to realize that my mom is messed up, and you guessed it: it's mostly a result of her messed up, controlling father and weak, controlled mother.
It's amazing that me and my siblings have done as well as we have as adults. We've had our share of bad behavior and stupid mistakes along the way, but despite our less-than-stellar parents, we are all "okay". Luckily, we weren't doing it all under a national spotlight.
Coming from this, I can tell you that I would have a very hard time ever publicly speaking out against my mom. While my siblings and some close friends and I all openly discuss my mom's (and dad's) problems and bad parenting, that is different from publicly lashing out. It's not easy, even when your mom sucked and kind of screwed up your life, to a degree. She's still your mom.
I think that what Track has done, trying to distance himself from the insanity while not speaking out publicly, is about the best you can hope for from kids raised by such awful parents.
Please consider that however awful Sarah Palin is, as a human and as a mother, to these kids, she is still MOM: the woman they've grown up with, whose love and affection they've always strived for, and who knows just how to push their buttons. It may take years for them to begin to fully understand how much their parents scarred them. Especially for the oldest, it's a huge burden to bear the responsibility of trying to protect the younger ones and still cover the asses of those who SHOULD be responsible. And it's not a responsibility that is easy to let go, no matter what you know to be true.
Sharon is MY personal favorite moron.
ReplyDeleteThere are no licensing requirements for Private Investigators in alaska. AnYONE can start a PI firm. So, you are wrong about that. Check your facts.
ReplyDeleteSo Brisket had a baby at LEAST a year earlier ( I do believe she has had multiple pregnancies--looking for someone to love her in a loveless household). Hard to get past giving birth at 15...huh Sarah.
ReplyDeleteI DO believ that at some point Tripp was tarded out with the older Tripp.
I would still like to know why a bitter Brisket named one of her children after Grandpa Tawd's hooker.
But, unlike Tank, I don't believe secrets can be kept forever. As Palin's popularity and hold over certain people rapidly drops....more and more will talk, once that floodgate is open everything, every dirty lil secret will be exposed. And I do believe that Franklin Graham is the "source" of the extra babies.
Oh the tangled web we weave.......
ReplyDeleteReally what kind of crazy place is Wasilla???
People here are desperate to believe Bristol actually wastes time posting here, as well as Sarah. I take it back. THAT may be the saddest thing about all this.
ReplyDelete7:17 AM
You're right troll it is sad that they choose to post comments here. We agree there Sarah/Bristol/Sally. How pathetic they must be to anonymously troll an anti-Palin blog. I mean they can't even do that properly. It's so obvious who they are from their comments. They're unmistakable incoherent illogical Palin word salad. The best part though is when Sarah responds by changing her appearance because of comments we make here. She's like our puppet. LOL.
Looks to me like Tripp's boots are on the wrong feet.
Cute kids, though, no matter who the parents might be.
I read with glee before my first cup of coffee... re read with my first cup.... and am reading yet again with my 2nd...(I know I don't comprehend well until at least 1 cup and maybe 2 !!) I slept with one eye open watching the clock all night waiting for this!! all I can say is Thank you it was worth losing a nights sleep over!
ReplyDeleteNow let's all send Jessie some LOVE ($$$)
The post doesn't say whether the child in the car with Levi may have been who we know as Trig. I also think Tank may not have noticed a ruffled ear, depending on the angle he saw of the child and depending on the child's haircut and whether he wore a hat. Tank may have been thinking of a more severe ear abnormality. I realize Tank wasn't working for you when the incident occurred in March '09, but it seems an experienced PI would remember the house where he dropped off Levi and the child. It also seems like Levi would have seen the child again.
ReplyDeleteWhy did it take Tank several weeks after being hired to remember the March '09 incident?
It's almost 2 years since you and Tank parted ways. I think it's time to hire a new PI--one without a seemingly unethical conflict of interest.
G, you're totally messing with my head! Four babies is hard to comprehend. Is it as simple as two babies and a loaner? What if Bristol delivered twins early in January or February of 2008, Trig and Tripp? Could Ruffles just be a prop baby that they borrowed to show off a newborn after the wild ride? But then did Bristol deliver another Tripp in December 2008, January 2009? Was this faked? I can't keep all this straight. Please do a photo timeline.
Oh and great, now I'm craving potato chips.
Anon 8:26 (a), it's pretty trollish to suggest that Gryph thinks everyone who disagrees with him is a bot. People disagree with him all the time. Heck, I disagreed with him on this very thread, up above. Unlike the Palinista sites, he lets thru most everything -- and I applaud him stopping the incest posts. If it's true, then that is sadder than any of us can imagine and the truth will out eventually.
ReplyDeleteBottom line is, it's Gryph's blog. Don't like it? Don't visit.
Trig does NOT look Native. He looks like a DS kid. I get tired of seeing this pop up repeatedly. Please stop saying he looks Native, because you don't know what you are talking about.
ReplyDelete8:23 AM said:
ReplyDeleteBristol used his (Levi's) book as a target at a gun range just before she left LA about 3 weeks ago. That is telling.
That's scary. If she's capable of shooting at a book because she hates the subject so much, she is also capable of doing the real thing.
Tank took you for a ride.
ReplyDeleteWhere'd you get $3,500 to hire him anyway?
What if that is why the second house was built next to the first one? Maybe, for the mother to live with her child and be supported by the palins?
ReplyDeleteWhat if the reason bristol had that stroller was because the baby was being held by someone, so it appeared if was for Tripp?
I often wonder about Track, and his obvious disdain for his mother. Could Trig be Track and Britta's?
ReplyDeleteJul said...
ReplyDeleteWas Sarah just a pawn for the Republican party? THAT would be way bigger than Watergate.
7:36 AM
With or without babies Sarah as been a "prop" for the GOP, they needed a pretty white younger than Hillary woman to go up on the ticket opposite of Hillary ( but those darned nasty liburals {like me}) did not select Hillary, we selected then Senator Obama.
I have a friend fairly high up in the democratic party machine that told me quite clearly that the GOP had personal info on Bill Clinton that would have hurt Hillary's run.
I think the GOP wanted a "pretend contender" of a female candidate on their side. Sarah was the perfect pig to throw the lipstick on. Alaska is a small state, most of their governor's have very little notariity in the lower 48. Yep, Sarah was the perfect pig, except for that pregnant 14 or 15 yr old daughter. Get a few "prop babies" problem solved. Except for one thing......Sarah herself....a mentally ill pig can't not smear that lipstick.
Anyone notice that during her speech yesterday, she had to look down and read the date of Track's birthday? Who forgets such things, except someone with 20 different birthdays, real and otherwise, to keep "track" of?
ReplyDeleteSo now Sarah has to incorporate into her screech today something about how Tripp has always seemed big for his age....
ReplyDeleteOk then I will now officially vote for airplane baby being Tripp.
Brisket is worth quite a bit of money on the open livestock market...any rancher will tell you a heifer is worth more if they are a proven breeder.
ReplyDeleteGryphen: I am most definitely a fan of your site. But you're supposed to under-promise and over-deliver, not the other way around. Until you can produce a birth mother or a birth certificate, it's just a cup of weak tea.
ReplyDelete"Where'd you get $3,500 to hire him anyway?"
ReplyDeleteHow is that your business? Does Gryphen owe you an accounting of how he earns or spends his money?
@ Anonymous 8:18 AM ~
ReplyDeleteYou and i are in what seems to be a tiny club of "Todd Truthers" who believe that Todd is Trig's daddy, but i think we're on to something.
It occurred to me that this was the case when i witnessed the almost-exact same thing happen to one of my friends when her husband knocked up one of the choir girls at their church.
The web of deceit grows bigger and tighter. How can rational people expect others to believe verifiable untruths? I await breathlessly.
ReplyDeleteNo the older child was not Trig.
ReplyDeleteI did not think I needed to explain that part.
Thing is, I don't agree that Tripp looks older than the age they claim. He's not that big. I have a nephew who is off the charts (>99th percentile) and even he looks bigger than Tripp.
ReplyDeleteNot to say Tripp wasn't born earlier, but I don't think the size thing is that glaring a clue.
For me he may be maybe 6 mos older than they say, but not much more.
The timings are all off, though, that is for sure!!!!
You know, there are worse things in life than that. Why don't you just stop the charade? You'd be so much happier and healthier. Get ahead of this and come clean.
Wow, whoever posted the feedjit link, thanks! Holy! Take a look-see, not only is Wasilla and Anchorage in the house, but just about every country including some I haven't even heard of ("Fgura"?) Iceland, Copenhagen, Auckland, and Tuscon, Mesa and D.C., plus just about everywhere in between.
Gryphen, whyntcha' go off and slink back to your defunct blog now?
Thank all that is good and right that Mr. Obama is president and this circus is nowhere near the White House.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, about those "bot" comments.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I am sick and tired of them, all of them. I do not think that they add anything to the subject at all. I also think the "bot" comments are the Palin/Heath family members and those paid by Sarahpac to spout nonsense and hate to you.
It is just like the dwts votes for Bristol, those were manipulated and posted from the same people using multiple devices because they were family or paid bots.
I know you want to be fair and balanced, but enough of their insanity; they are attempting to take over completely.
If any of this is true, one possibility for Bristol's enormous boobies is that she was padded on top to make her pregnant belly appear smaller than it actually was, which could mean that she was, in fact, more pregnant than public was told, or that she had already given birth by this point. Those boobs are, in my opinion, post birth/nursing stage size.
ReplyDelete"Life is ripe with drama. This family is no different and by far not the most drama filled."
ReplyDeleteNOT TRUE!!! In our family, family does come first and we have the stable family to prove it. One kid is in college doing volunteer work, honor society, sports, pledging, and we have had several open safe sex and substance use talks with him. The other is on her way to being Val for her HS class and, with our support, is preparing for college.
Child neglect is a form of abuse. Defending abusive parents is typical. The kids are told that the abusive behavior is normal when, of course, many can see that it is not. Often times these kids interact with kids with the same values so it's hard for them to be aware of anything different.
when i look at the pictures of those two little boys, trig looks just like levi and tripp looks just like bristol.
ReplyDeleteso maybe trig actually is sarahs, after the "cougar " banged levi ?
likely not, but trig does look so much like levi that he must be his and bristols
Did Tank notice the color of the one year old's hair?
ReplyDeleteDid Tank give you the address of the house the one year old was dropped off at?
Life is ripe with drama. This family is no different and by far not the most drama filled. I don't see how continually point this out is supposed to impact things.
ReplyDelete8:18 AM
Keep telling yourself that Bristol. Whatever helps you get through the day. Here are the facts: The Palin family is the most dysfunctional, disturbed and drama filled family in the history of the world. This is not hyperbole. The Truth hurts I know but it's time to accept it and move on. Your family is fucked up.
@Anon 8:51: I don't think this is the reason Track acts the way he does. IMHO, I think Track is pissed off because his life has been dragged through the mud because of his mother's ambitions. Speculation regarding his parentage, regarding his criminal background (or lack thereof), regarding his military service. Everything this guy has done has been questioned. Even his wedding was exploited. I know, I know....what wedding? That's my point. He apparently has (or had) some problems. Some of these problems seem to be typical of teen-life in Wasilla. What made him different is his mother's apparent ability to white-wash everything. He would have been better off if he did the time for his crime. I seriously doubt he has any say in being shipped out of state, enlisting in the army or in what type of service he did in the army. Everything was engineered by $arah. What I did find funny was his performance in her reality show. Seems to me he made himself as disagreeable as possible. Notice that she pretty much left him alone after that one episode? If that was on purpose - good work Track. Track and Britta seem to be trying to keep their distance, I say leave them out of the speculation. Britta, by all accounts, seems to be a nice person so why go there?
ReplyDeleteBristol is a loser with no friends. She never leaves the house out of fear that "Tripp" will start talking about his brothers. The only playdates she has are with this blog and its anonymous commenters.
ReplyDeletewahhhh...i dont have time to read all the comments today. but my question is who is the baby tripp that sadie and sherry met and held in the hospital? and later had access to?
ReplyDeletethere are now 4 babies.
is it possible bristol had twins, one died, one was hidden, someone esle, maybe sarah, had another one, that baby died too, then bristol had another one.
For the people saying, "But how could they hide a child?".....
ReplyDeleteWell, I just learned that the people who live across the street from me had a baby a few weeks ago. Our houses sit maybe 100 feet apart and I had NO IDEA the wife was even pregnant. And this is in a traditional subdivision, not a private rural compound like the Palins have.
If they wanted to keep things quiet, I'm sure they could easily pull it off. Perhaps Bristol & baby were living in the house Joe McGinniss rented? He said in the book that Todd had done a bunch of remodeling there.
All I know is that so many details just do not add up, especially Bristol's odd appearance at the RNC. I thought then and I still believe that she was nursing at the time. My guess is that blonde Tripp was already born by then.
I"m pretty sure that most people have learned just to ignore Levi and he will go away. What I find entertaining is that Bristol used his book as a target at a gun range just before she left LA about 3 weeks ago. That is telling.
ReplyDeleteBristol wishes she were not permanently connected to Levi. Understandable. I have a feeling she's felt this from about Nov 08 on. Just hunch but a somewhat educated hunch.
8:23 AM
Hi Bristol! You're very busy posting here this morning! Shouldn't you be taking care of your KIDS? I know you think its really super cool that you shot a book at a gun range, but NEWSFLASH: no one cares. No matter how many times your post it, NO ONE CARES! Its getting to be quite pathetic actually. But you're right that it "is telling" though. It tells me you're an uneducated moron who can only express herself through violence. Sad. Hope you get your GED soon. You so obviously need it. LMFAO.
This goes along with Bristol saying that she couldn't go to her prom because she was pregnant. That statement finally makes sense.
ReplyDeletewomanwith...I'm sorry but I was born and raised in Alaska and know that Trig does look like a native child with DS. Why does this bother you so much anyway?
ReplyDeleteMy grandson was tied to his pacifier up to age 4 when my daughter pushed to get him to give it up. Eventually he stopped asking for it. He was almost four when it stopped. So I assume that Tripp could be older (about 4) and they let him have the pacifier to look younger.
ReplyDeleteI brought up the drug history earlier to emphasize that with that in place, nothing would surprise me now. Sarah and Todd would very easily push any dog and pony show to get the money or anything else they want.
Also, I had my daughter before I was married and no one in either family knew about her for almost three years. I learned how to lie, unfortunately. We all lived fairly close together and I did not take my daughter outside the apartment much. She did get exercise and certainly walked about a lot in local park area. So hiding another child is not as difficult as people think.
My ex's family is an old conservative DC family with incredible connections. I have heard too many stories and saw so much hidden by everyone when I was married that I am sure the deceit and fraud here is not dissimilar to others in the political or celebrity arena.
Move on Gryphen. Hopefully, more people will come out of the walls with information for you to expose this deceitful fraud. Send her back to the padded room where she belongs.
I don't see any bot comments so far. I think they've tired of this blog.
ReplyDelete8:25 AM
Yeah it seems you're the only one left Bristol. How sad that you're still here. Can't take a hint like your mom? Enjoy being ridiculed? We know who you are and we're laughing at you. You're a pathetic loser. HAHAHA
well looky here.....
Funny how certain bloggers seem relatively silent.
ReplyDeleteFolks are looking at that blue sweater baby/airplane w/Willow shot vs a pic that was flashed in an ET video on Sherry's sentencing.
Lotsa babies!
Fuck. me.
ReplyDeleteI am so. freaking. confused.
I really can't stand to think of children at the mercy of hateful and nasty adults.
I was worried about the kids when I thought Sarah was their grandmother; now that she may not even be related to one or more? I can't bear to think of it.
Maybe that's why brisdull didn't care that her mom had her baby crawling around in cigarette butts and glass - it wasn't brisdull's kid to care about?
I knew this would be ugly when G said this post would totally make us re-think Everything we thought we knew about Babygate.
No shit!
Ugly as a Palin!
Sunshine 1970 at 8:22. Yes those two look to be the same baby and I think the eyes look so much like the now more grown Tripp.
ReplyDeleteMeg @ 8:16 AM --
ReplyDeleteYou win the prize for best hypothesis!! Thanks for helping to un-addle my poor brain.
Oh, you know she shot at the book, if she did, because she hates herself for being tied to him forever and for having to make this deal with the devil that also ties her to her mother forever. Unless, of course, she gets wise. That is not going to happen. These are all stupid people.
ReplyDeleteRemember the photo with the double stroller taken at the Turkey Trot race on Thanksgiving in Kennewick Washington..does anyone have that photo? That may be interesting to view again.
ReplyDeleteMcGinnis answered some questions earlier about what he found in his house that the Palins had left.
ReplyDeleteIt was baby stuff diapers, and other baby stuff, that "Bristol" had used with Tripp. At least that is what his landlady said, I think. Who knows who was living there temporarily.
The Palins also rented the white house on the other side before they bought and built the second house with studio. So there were plenty of places that someone with a baby could have stayed.
I am wondering why no one with a telephone lens is around Lake Lucille to take pics. I think some very revealing pictures could come out.
ReplyDeleteTank could have told the truth or he could have lied. You need some kind of corroborating evidence. The fact you were paying him $3500 is a problem because it gives him a strong motivation to lie to you. He could have lied either so you feel the $3500 was well spent, or in the hope that you would pay him more for further work.
In your post you say:
"According to Tank he then drove them to a house, NOT his mom's house, and dropped them off."
What house? Surely this would be a critical detail. The people in and around that house would be people you would want to talk to surely? If Tank was being paid by you then surely he would tell you where this house was. If he was lying then he probably wouldn't.
What a hell of a way to live, lying constantly. Do they even know the truth anymore? Imagine having to tell your child a different date for their birthday. Once school starts (unless they plan on contuning the Palin tradition of home schooling that has worked so well (??) for them so far) won't they HAVE to produce a birth certificate for these children? The Palins have turned themselves into a cult.
ReplyDeleteBRISTOL PALIN... are you reading here?
ReplyDeletePlease please read this book.
It practically saved my life.
"Will I Ever Be Good Enough?: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers," by Karyl McBride, Ph.D. (2008).
At least think about it. Seriously.
(It might even be in audiobook version!)
good luck, SunnyVee
Maybe you've already said this and I missed it, but I'm wondering if you said if Levi was aware of Tank working for you and, if so, what the timeline of him knowing and how long Tank was working for both of you.
ReplyDeleteI love that you keep showing Bristol in that grey dress. I remember thinking at the time that it was so "weird" and why did she look like that, even for being pregnant.
Gryphen, would love to see a picture timeline of Bristol.
ReplyDeleteYou have one of her taken by Dennis Zaki in Feb 2008 at the Iron dog where she could be postpartum?
The pic with Merced. A whole timeline from the green sweater up to Dec 2008 when Tripp was supposely born.
Meg@8:16: nice, elegant, simple. I like it. You're right, in many ways, it makes more sense than the other theories that have been floating the last three years.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with an above poster who said that this is significant:
What does it mean?