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Click anywhere to start video, but watch the precariously perched roadkill wig. |
However apparently out of fear that the dipshit will say something truly stupid again Fox only had her on for a grand total of about five minutes, with plenty of video interspersed throughout to cut down on her ranting time. (The Palin word salad begins at the 3:00 mark)
Hannity starts off asking Palin whether or not we should hold the President accountable for his old promises (You know the ones the GOP keep blocking him from keeping) before believing in his new ones.
Batshit -crazy Barbie:
(Starts off barely audibly) "Well we do. And those repeated promises, and then as you are suggesting, a whole host of new promises..um really is a slap in the face of the electorate. There's an estimation of an unintelligent voting block out there I think that...uh...President Obama is assuming will continue to want to get free STUFF, despite free stuff will replace freedom. And he's just assuming that that voting block will be large enough to get him back in there, but I just pray that Americans will open their eyes between now and November when they know that they'll have to make that choice between free stuff and freedom, you can't have both."
So in a nutshell the woman who charged the state of Alaska a per diem to stay in her own house, and often demands bendy straws, free airfare, and hotel accommodations for family members before agreeing to give a speech, is accusing Obama supporters of wanting "free stuff?"
Okay I was either just overcome with irony, or the home studio lights reflecting off that cheap gaudy Star of David just blinded me. Hang on.
Okay I feel better now let's move on to Hannity accusing the Democrats of putting on, and these are HIS words, a "boring," "stale," and "uninspiring" convention. (Sorry it took me awhile to finally stop laughing out loud at that. Hey Hannity have you HEARD Jennifer Granholm?) And then asking Palin which "adjectives" SHE would use.
Blank stare Barbie:
"Uhhhh, well last night it was very painful to watch ("Painful" THAT'S an adjective, right?) the President's speech. (That's cause it was full of all those big wig elite words and such!) And..and..not just because we knew he was not telling Americans the truth, with his suggestions of how well things were going and how well things will go if we gave him four more years of these repeated felled (sic) policies. But you're right there was a lack of enthusiasm, and a lack of passion for this country. A lack of sincerity when it came to, for instance, his claims of supporting our troops and yet many of us look back just a number of months ago and remember a specific about the troops, for instance, where he was ready and willing to throw our troops under the bus if he didn't get his way on budgets and debt ceiling increases, he was going to withhold, or was willing to, the troops paychecks! So as he talked about the support that he has for, again for instance, the troops, all you have to do is go back in time to the very recent past and realize that he contradicts himself he really is...uh the antithesis of consistency that you would hope would be in a President."
Okay first off all of that is bullshit! The reason that the debt ceiling almost did not get raised was due to obstructionism from the Teabagggers that SHE helped to get elected. But what can one expect from a woman who set the very standard for avoiding the truth that the current GOP seems to have adopted as their most important political platform?
What is more telling here is that Palin and Hannity are clearly doing their level best to deny the reality of how well the Democratic convention came off as compared to the steaming pile of political malfeasance and crazed elderly antics that represented THEIR convention.
They are essentially urinating all over the President's parade, but the fact is he, and the rest of the Democratic party, won't even bother to take notice as they march toward certain victory in November, leaving a fuming Sean Hannity, and soon to be unemployed Sarah Palin, choking on their dust.
Hey I have an idea. Maybe if Palin plopped an even LARGER fright wig on her pointy noggin, while wearing an even MORE obnoxious religious symbol against her bony anorexic clavicle, somebody might actually pay attention to her bullshit.
Hey, it's worth a try! After all, what ELSE does she have to offer?
Sarah's got that jutting her clueless face out thing again. I wonder if one day Insannity will gag on having to lick Mama Grisly all over her unwashed stupid parts. They are a comedy team that just gets dumber and dumber each day. Poor Grisly Sarah, its hard to love and obsess over a man who thinks you are insane crap (as the President probably thinks she is when he remembers her name.)
ReplyDeleteThese post about Sarah just get sadder and sadder as she gets crazier.
Lies & Distortions? I thought YOU Gryphen photoshopped that on the pic, but no, there it is, right on fox news Sarah and Assclown face "lies & distortion" show!
DeleteAnd what the fuck? Is she doing a Jan brewer? Drunk? And Sean (assface) saying they moved inside but the weather was perfectly clear???? IT FUCKING RAINED YOU ASSCLOWN!
Only in your alternate world assface!
Boy, I'm sure glad I'm not part of their hateful, GAWD alternate reality, FUCKTHAT AND FUCK YOU SARAH PALIN AND SEAN "ASSFACE" HANNITY!
Oh Baldy all the plastic surgery in the world won't save your deteriorating face and body and fake tits bolted on that skeletal breastbone.
Fuck you!!
Your bad history... gone. a Joke like Clint eastwood you dumb bitch!
PS USA is a SECULAR nation so sick your flippin "GAWD" up your ass where the Sun (God) don't shine you flipping ass fools!
If there was a "Like" button here, you would have my vote. They are a "comedy team" that just doesn't seem to realize how dumb they appear to most others, or how dumb they make their viewers look. But, I think we can say with almost certainty, Sarah's day's are numbered, and I think she knows. She is starting to appear more depressed as each days go by lacking the enthusiasm she once exhibited during her interviews. It's really sad to watch, but we all knew this day would come, but probably because of her narcissistic personality she never realized where she stood with the Republican party, or that this day would finally come. Her cult like supporters encouraged her and pushed her to falsely believe this day would never come, but now that it's here, it must be very hard for her to accept.
DeleteCan a person, such as Sarah, overdose on meth? Are we seeing early signs of Sarah with Alzheimer's disease? Are there any professionals out there with experience diagnosing addictions?
DeleteAh yes, the political herpes flare-up that is Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Yes, Palin is the virus that keeps coming back and spewing pus.
Deleteyeah, tired and boring, flat and uninspiring, little miss sarah.
ReplyDeleteNOW, take a look at REALITY, you fool.
Dear Sarah,
ReplyDeleteYou don't matter any more.
The Thinking World
I'd say she NEVER seriously mattered. The "thinking world" rejected her farcical political presence and outright stupidity in 2008, and certainly no majority of people were clamoring for her to run, for ANYTHING, in 2010 or 2012.
DeleteThe ONLY reason John McCain keeps defending her is because without the idiot-level, ultra-right-wing, teabagging voters in AZ, he would not be re-elected, so he has to keep pandering to them. To my knowledge, McCain has never indicated that he plans to ever retire from the Senate, so he will never publicly admit that it was a mistake to unleash this highly deficient moron on the nation.
Yogi Berra had an endearing, beffudled malapropy way of talking. It was cute and embraced.
ReplyDeleteThe way she talks, sounds like her brain was frozen, cracked and shaken and put back together and her through streams are so discordant. It is painful to hear her rationalize and try to elucidate her gutteral, superficial and trite analysis on anything.
thought streams, sorry.
DeleteTry Sarah, try and discuss one of these famous felled policies you know so much about. Or are we to trust our uneducated electorate (your base) to decipher you unfounded edicts.
ReplyDeleteFolks were as optimistic as the sunny day as they left Strawbery Banke Museum after President Barack Obama’s remarks to a crowd of an estimated 6,000 people.
ReplyDelete“You really got the feeling that this was about you,” said Jude Flynn of Kittery, Maine. …. “He needs to finish the job he began on turning around the economy,” he said. “I also agree on his principles of allowing people to make choices on marriage and other things. I feel safe with him. The other side is scary to me.”
“We definitely need to go forward with the president’s plans,” said Pat Dunnell of Manchester, who was accompanied by her husband, Bud. “I don’t want Medicare vouchers,” she said.
….. “I’m also for women’s choice,” Corinne Baker of Hampton said. “If you’re a woman, you have to vote for him.”
Lilly Ramos-Spooner of Manchester was with two friends and her 9-year-old granddaughter, Sophia Victoria Spooner. “I am so motivated right now,” she said. “There were a lot of young people surrounding us and they all said they were signing up to vote after today.”
Five hours before the presidential entourage was scheduled to appear at Strawbery Banke Museum, supporters were already lined up at a makeshift federal checkpoint, prepared to wait it out. At the front of the line, at Court and Washington streets, was University of New Hampshire English instructor Meaghan Elliott. She brought books and coffee for sustenance and pointed to a nearby portable toilet as it completed her list of needs. Elliott and fellow university instructor Brad Dittrich drove from Dover for the historic campaign stop and said they'd take what they heard back to their classrooms.
ReplyDeleteThey said they teach "political rhetoric," and analyze political speeches with their students. They arrived in Portsmouth shortly after 7 a.m. On their way, the pair picked up an 18-year-old UNH student who said he'll be able to vote for the first time in November and Friday's speech could influence his vote.
Behind them, Zelita Morgan and her 8-year-old daughter, Luisa, played Scattergories on a sidewalk to pass the time. It will be the second time Luisa sees President Obama, said her father, Tom Morgan, who brought her to Pease four years ago to meet the commander in chief.
Yes, somebody did.
Look at this pile of talking shit! Even the shirt she's wearing looks like the color of poo!
ReplyDeleteBaldy ain't even trying anymore! The best part of this interview...reading the comments at the Asylum! The nuts were getting comfortable in the Dayroom and ready to watch Baldy spew her usual shit and then....POOF...the interview was over!
FAKE News is TIRED of the bald fella and ain't afraid to show it! You almost feel sorry for the Tranny man.....NOT! LOL!!
Gina, have you noticed the recent drop in the number of comments posted on Sea4Pee. Also, the subject of their comments seem to be more around politics in general and not so much about Palin. Today at 5:00 EDT is only about 322. Today's numbers could partially be down because it's Saturday, but the number of comment during the end of this week were also down significantly. Are we starting to see a trend here? I know you pay attention to what's going on at the asylum and thought I would get your opinion.
DeleteDurham....YES...I have noticed that some of the patients have gone over the wall and escaped from the Asylum! I think when the nuts finally saw that the RNC was not going to let Baldy anywhere near the Convention and then FAKE News booted her ass off the airwaves on Lyin Ryan's day...light bulbs finally went on in their puny heads that BALDY IS PERSON NON GRATA...and it will not change!
DeleteDoesn't matter how many emails they send...or petitions they post...or billboards they waste money on....the crazy lady from Wasilla is the tramp that the RNC kinda...sorta...wanted to marry...back in 08...but 4 years later...the "Lady is still a Tramp" and not just any old regular tramp...but a tramp that has aged and probably smells too! LOL!!!
Now the comments have taken a serious nose dive...matter of fact that ZH100 person comments have gotten more and more desperate with all those ridiculous links to a bunch of Baldy's "Record of Lies"! I will admit that I love reading the comments and laughing at the insanity...but lately...the anger and desperation of the commenters sound disturbing.
One idiot was on there trying to rally the stragglers by telling them it's time to look at Baldy running in 2016! The fool was shouted down by the other patients and I haven't seen the idiot since!
Right now I picture what's left of Baldy's "supporters"...standing around in the Dayroom wearing their patient gowns(wrinkled asses hanging out of course!) waiting for the PA system to make an announcement...what that announcement is suppose to be...nobody knows...but that doesn't stop them from waiting around! LOL!!!
I hope those pathetic idiots spent their entire life savings on SarahPAC. They're dumber than the numbnuts who sent their money to the guy who predicted the end of the world TWICE last year.
DeleteOh one more thing....just read the review written by the crazy teacher Adrienne Ross about the Creepy's book about Baldy coming out this month! It's the most ridiculous thing I've read over there...and I've read some stupid shit! Apparently the Creepy's have plans to do a book tour! LOL!! WhoTF is going to go see the creepy father and creepy brother of a FAILED politician??
DeleteI've finally figured out what is wrong with Baldy...Beefy and the patients at the Asylum...they are ALL stuck in a time warp! They ALL believe it's still 2008 and everyday all these idiots are attempting to re-write Baldy's history! Check out this comment on the Creepy's book review post...
"TeflonWarrior Today 04:01 PM
You know, I find myself thinking back many times on what a difference that could have been made, had a tuned in John McCain actually been the head of his campaign. Working with Sarah, not letting Dummy 1 and 2 (LMK if you can guess who I'm refering to!) run the show into the ground. This could have been a much different 4 years, where gas prices would have dropped to historic lows, UBL would have been killed/captured sooner, where our credit rating wouldn't have dropped but gotten stronger. Where the Special Needs community would have seen an outpouring of support from the administration, and there would have been a barrier erected to keep out lobbyists and so many more things. As I look at where we are and where we seem to be going (either party) I wonder which it is most apporpriate for me to do, to cry or laugh. There's much to be done, can't unring that bell, so I'll just keep focusing on the truth and supporting the best of the voices of reason I hear, from a town way up north...
Let me hear your best Momma Grizzly ROAR!!!!!"
See what I mean....time warp!
You know, Skanky Pay-me is a multi-millionaire, and there is absolutely nothing to stop her from donating money to special needs groups. The fact that she hasn't speaks volumes.
DeleteGina,it seems like the patients are practicing writing fan fiction over there. It needs more work.
DeleteKids, just say no to drugs. Case in point...
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama's Speech Gets More Online Views Than The Entire RNC Convention
DNC Video Biography of First Lady Michelle Obama
Watch Michelle Obama Speak to the Democratic National Convention
Anne rMoney's speech written for retards!
"One week after Ann Romney set a record for delivering a speech written at the lowest grade level in convention history by the wives of presidential nominees, Michelle Obama delivers a speech written at the highest ever grade level.
A Smart Politics review of prepared remarks delivered by the spouses of presidential nominees at national political conventions finds that Michelle Obama's 2012 speech to the DNC was written at seven grade levels above Ann Romney's as measured by the Flesch-Kincaid readability test."
I think a large mole on Sarah's face would add gravitas to her visage!!!
ReplyDeleteLeft cheek, right side of chin, right earlobe, even right on the end of her nose! As it would be fake, she wouldn't have to decide, she could have any of 'em all of 'em.
They are a sign of beauty and health. Just like running!
How cute, is she still trying her hand at this?
ReplyDeletePoor hateful and negative Sarah has lost her spin-appeal. She represents and stands for cancer as Chris Rock pointed out, "If you're voting against Obama because he can't get stuff done it's kind of like saying, "This guy can't cure cancer. I'm gonna vote for the cancer."
ReplyDelete"There's both good news and bad news for fans of the celebrity-boot-camp reality show Stars Earn Stripes.
First, the bad news: It comes to an end tonight on Canadian TV. Now the good news: It comes to an end tonight on Canadian TV.
Anyone strong-willed enough to still be watching Stars Earn Stripes after Stephen Colbert's acid parody last month on The Colbert Report deserves the reward of a finale, if not closure exactly.
Watching the thinly disguised clarion call for U.S. patriotic values from this side of the border was akin to an out-of-body experience, like watching Here Comes Honey Boo Boo or Breaking Amish and thinking, what the -?. . . "
Read more: http://www.timescolonist.com/Stars+earn+stripes+with+scars+gripes/7211918/story.html#ixzz25uQWlxuc
Ouch. And dead on.
DeleteLet me remind Palin of all the “free stuff” she got.
ReplyDeleteFrom The New York Times:
Ms. Palin received a “per diem” expense allowance for 312 nights she spent at her home in Wasilla, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
The $60-a-day allowance is available for state employees when traveling on official state business to cover meals and other sundry expenses. Ms. Palin’s per diems, which included some charges for partial days, totaled $17,059, from Dec. 4, 2006, when she took office, through June 30, 2008, the most recent data available, according to Sharon Leighow, a spokeswoman for the governor’s office. Ms. Palin’s salary is $125,000 a year.
She was ordered to pay back taxes on that free stuff.
She took her unruly brood everywhere on Alaska’s dime. From CNN:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will repay her state for travel expenses for nine trips with her children as part of a settlement of a 2008 ethics claim, the attorney who investigated the matter said Tuesday.
Anchorage lawyer Timothy Petumenos said Palin’s office is still adding up the costs, but “I’m told it’s running about $7,000.” Palin acknowledged no wrongdoing as part of the settlement, and her attorney said she has been “fully exonerated” by the investigation.
Complaints that Palin improperly took her children on state-paid trips emerged during the 2008 presidential campaign, when Palin was the Republican nominee for vice president. The state Personnel Board hired Petumenos to investigate that claim and others filed during Palin’s time on the GOP ticket.
From Politico:
The Republican National Committee has spent more than $150,000 to clothe and accessorize vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family since her surprise pick by John McCain in late August.
According to financial disclosure records, the accessorizing began in early September and included bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York for a combined $49,425.74.
The records also document a couple of big-time shopping trips to Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, including one $75,062.63 spree in early September.
The RNC also spent $4,716.49 on hair and makeup through September after reporting no such costs in August.
Courtesy of Eonline:
“They were like locusts,” says one vendor at the suite, regarding Palin and her large group of hangers-on. “She showed up with like 20 people, and they immediately swarmed the place taking everything!”
…We’re told Palin was quite the prima donna and that she insisted the suite be opened two hours early so she could come when no looky-loos would be around.
“They told us last minute to get here superearly for [Palin],” says our rightfully annoyed source. “Then, she wouldn’t let anyone take her picture or do any interviews.”
For those of you who think that’s a standard request—uh, it’s not, especiallywhen you’re getting thousands of dollars worth of free goods. Some of the products Palin picked up included Bloom facial products, which she told the vendor she needed for her under-eye area.
“She said she always needed to look her best because she’s always in the press,” says a Bloom spokesperson.
But don’t think Sarah stopped there.
Palin grabbed some oversize sweatshirts and tie-dyed “jeggings” for Bristol, got a blowout by colorist Erick Orellana from the Chris McMillan Salon, along with snatching up jewelry from Pascal Mouawad, Skagen Watches, Lash Food and 40 pairs of Aiaiai headphones.
Oh, and we can’t forget her Super PAC – where she gets all that free money.
Fucking amazing! The woman makes me absolutely sick to my stomach!!!
DeleteDon't forget the "Free" illegal campaign ad that her and rMoney cooked up when he was head of the RGA , at the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage in 2006!
DeleteFree Stuff huh sarah stupid?
Now that she has the implants, lower cut neckline - check. Ginormous Star of David -- check. Road kill wig - check.
ReplyDeleteMan-as she starts speaking for each segment she slurs her speech. The meds must be wearing off or the booze is kicking in.
Hey guys, if you missed any of the DNC speeches, these are awesome sources for them:
ReplyDeleteDon't miss any of them, including the videos detailing the accomplishments of this administration, they are so uplifting, inspiring, classy, professional, top-notch and full of important facts and figures to keep in mind.
These are what Sarah and Sean would call unenthusiastic.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin
Former Alaska Governor
Lies and Distortions
('nuff said)
Damn, she needs a new set of dentures again.
ReplyDeleteHer mandible and maxilla atrophy before our eyes.
Funny and clever!
When Hannity asked her the adjectives question...you could see the look of panic in her eyes.
ReplyDeleteKind of O/T
ReplyDeleteI was watching CurrentTV and they had on a documentary called "Koch Brothers Exposes". It was excellent and scary at the same time. I knew that the kochsuckers were deeply involved with the TeaParty but it was really revealing just how much they are involved in brainwashing our society. I have no doubt they are the ones pulling Sarah's puppet strings and she is bought and paid for by them.
Here is a link to the video's you can watch and hopefully pass along to some people that may be still undecided and/or uninformed.
I have two aunts that live in Florida and vote republican. I sent it to them and I hope it changes their minds!
Papa Koch was heavily involved in The John Birch Society. The teabaggers are a descendant of the old John Birchers.
DeleteReally she is the one to say unintelligiant base of voters wanting the free stuff will vote "OUR PRESIDENT" for anonther 4 years. WOW Sarah and Sean are so delusional and shall we say the correct word un-educated. Does she not realize that she is the stupidest wannabe politico out there. O" and not to mention the one who wants free stuff and the freedom to speak her BS
ReplyDeleteFunny, hubs and I will vote for Obama, card carrying Mensa members - actually, the whole family is. So will most of our colleagues - you know, the folks with real college degrees, and graduate degrees, who are published writers for peer reviewed journals, writing about subjects quite a bit more difficult than "Me, Myself and I." And we all actually do our own writing.
DeleteYou want unintelligent - go look at the Teabaggers who are voting themselves lower wages, no education for their kids and no care for grandmaw - while holding out their hands for another gubmint mediscooter 'cause they're too fat to get off the couch to change the channel. .
Video: Crazy Right-Wing Bigot/Theocrat Pat Robertson on Stage with Willard in Virginia Beach
And a not very large crowd.
DeleteI have said once before and I will say it again-
ReplyDeleteDamn, Rafalca has aged badly since the Olympics.
Off subject just a tad, but I think Mittens has aged during this particular election process - primary to today.
DeleteHis lies are wearing on him - much as they have w/Palin! She doesn't look anything like she did say four years ago. Mittens has lost weight, hair is getting whiter (already) and he appears to have lost weight. Plus, he is so stiff w/his body movement when walking across a platform. President Obama has much quicker eagerness in his movement to a podium.
President Obama has aged too though - having been in office for four years and undergoing so, so much pressure as to the duties of the job - and the obstruction (constant) from the horrible Republicans! It shows in his hair color.
There is no comparison between the two men...we so need President Obama and VP Joe Biden reelected!!! Vote folks!!!
Please, stop insulting the equine species.
DeleteObvious to me that the idiot from Wasilla and Hannity didn't watch the same Democratic Convention that I did!
ReplyDeleteThey are going to be two very pissed people when President Obama and VP Joe Biden are reelected. And, hopefully, sister Sarah will no longer have a contract w/FOX that allows her to continue spewing her bullshit!
She will hopefully then learn that the ONLY influence she had on the rest of us was to make sure the Republicans did NOT get to the White House. Remember, the Republicans wouldn't even allow the bitch entrance to their Convention in Tampa! And, she'd didn't even appear in the city for which she had made and paid for reservations months prior to the convention. Loved it, loved it - she was literally shut out by her own party!
It will be so exicting to be fully rid of this sorry excuse for a woman!! She has been proven to be nothing more than a liar, fraud and unethical human being! And, she certainly doesn't live the 'christian' principles I was taught - nor does her family!
An oath is a promise. Sarah Hollywood broke the biggest one ever so she has no basis whatsoever for her accusations. No wonder Americans respect Tina Fey more.
ReplyDeleteThe Obama Record in Pictures
Thanks for posting the link for Obama Record in Pictures!
DeleteMitt needs a game changer. He should dump Ryan and put Sarah on ticket as VP.
ReplyDeleteObama wins every state ...
"Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from Alaska," Kerry said on Thursday. "Mitt Romney talks like he's only seen Russia by watching Rocky IV."
DNC 2012: Did Obama’s Speech Work? Well Lookey Here…
I think the word you are looking for in paragraph 10 is obstructionism, not obfuscation
ReplyDeleteAre We Better Off Than 4 Years Ago? Let's Go To The Charts!....
Thanks for the link. I love charts, in fact it's my nickname at work, LOL.
And then there's this, also2:
And then to learn how hard the Republicans in the current House of Representatives worked to stimulate the economny (not) go to: www.republicanjobcreation.com. Lots of talk and legislation offered addressing issues of interest to women but not a minute spent on job creation.
DeleteThat is quite the list and done with humor too. I hope I can convince some people to vote for PBO with that. Thanks for the link.
Clinton Speech Dominates Swing State Newspapers
Yesterday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Obama said that he received a suggestion that Bill Clinton should be named “secretary of explaining stuff.” He said the same thing in Iowa City later in the day, getting laughs every time.
ReplyDeleteThis morning in St. Petersburg, however, Obama jokingly admitted that he’d censored the recommendation. The original suggestion included much more colorful language, likely of the four letter variety.
“Although, I have to admit, it didn’t really say 'stuff'," Obama told a crowd of 11,000 in Florida. "I cleaned that up a little bit.”
Well, we know she's racist, but she really shows it here with her veiled reference to black voters. But Gryph, the hilarious part is Hannity and she mangling Biblical references to Peter denying his Lord. What the heck was the reference to the LA mayor? It sure baffled the clearly drunk/high Palin.
ReplyDeleteAgree on the coded unintelligent and wanting free stuff remark. I have never hated anyone on my life but I truly hate this bitch. Karma is coming for her!
DeleteI know what you mean. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted to clobber Sarah with a rolled up newspaper.
DeleteSuch a mean, awful hateful waste of space, a cancer on the body politic of the USA.
M from MD
Hannity didnt ask Sarah of she cried when gabby giffords did the pledg of allegiance, and not one time has any journalist or anybody from fox asked her about the free healthcare her family enjoys because Todd is native American. And who is the queen of free stuff!
ReplyDeleteAnd wait a second, don't all Alaskans get like a yearly freebie in the thousands? So does that mean all Alaskans are peopel wanting "free stuff instead of (well in $carah's case) freeDUMB?"
DeleteAnd then there are all those federal dollars that go to states like Alaska and the southern states that are always threatening secession. All of my hard-working life I have never felt that federal money should not go to the places that need it the most but when people like Sarah Palin complain about everybody else and doesn't admit to the federal largess to Alaska or Rick Perry threaten to have his state secede, that really annoys me.
DeleteStupid little man. It was her's to lose and she lost it. Lets talk ketamine shall we?
ReplyDeleteThe Fox logo for "Lies and Distortions" with Obama's campaign insignia where the "o"s are supposed to be
ReplyDeleteis the final proof, if any were ever needed, that Fox is not, repeat NOT, a news station, but just a jumble of opinions, often unintelligible, like Sarah Palins, or just plain lies, like much of the rest of their broadcasts.
They shouldn't be let into news conferences, since their goal is not to convey news, but to twist it and contort it to their own uses.
I thought "Lies and Distortions" was describing Palin and that is why it was on the screen when she was being interviewed.
DeleteYep, me too same as anon 2:58 pm.
DeleteSarah's lies & distortions!
Another Faux joke, ya know like when Brit hume called her a "zealot"! Bwhahahahaaaa!
Fox is tired of her stupid shit also!
No shoulders scarah looks like she's auditioning for the wizard of oz....either the witch with her shoulder pad tufts ... Or the scarecrow. New monikers for ms. wigged-out lunatic...scarah scarecrow?? Reverend muthee's broomstick?? But wait! I've left out perhaps her best character...the brainless strawman. "if I only had a brain" is the palin grifter family theme song.
ReplyDeleteThen when this dimwit demagogue begins throwing her typical moronic fire bombs she will ignite herself leaving a pile of odiferous ashy sulphur behind.
Hannity is a pathetic little fear mongering tool. I wish him nothing but the worst.
ReplyDeleteMy, how the $ervant Heart has fallen. The ruff-n-tuff ankle biter now has been downgraded to a fart flea. That little spec of visibility that stinks when stepped on. Out of sight, out of mind.
ReplyDeleteOh $arah darling, did you shed a tear of joy during Gabby's appearance or did you tear thru your BlackBerry to update the gun-sights on your map of hate? Did you get riled up during Lilly Ledbetter's speech about the never ending quest for equal pay for equal work, or did you just sit on your fat ass and expect others to do it for you? Did you commend Sandra Fluke for not sitting down and STFU or did you carry the big boys water hoping that they will let you join their woman-hating club? So many public causes are out ther to improve safety, peace, equality, health and prosperity for Americans and you just sit on your ass to bitch and moan because there's a blah man who is our President.
I love this. $arah palin you were not good enough for America and you never will be good enough for America. The only h8 I have is I would h8 to be U.
Palin lamented about John Kerry referencing her name during his speech at the DNC. Palin referred to herself as "little people like me-me, representing the average American.”
ReplyDeleteWell Palin, I don't know any average American who stuffs a square pillow up her shirt and declares that she is pregnant.
I don't know any average American who, after her water has broken during a high-risk pregnancy, hops onto - not one, but TWO plane flights, then drives almost an hour after that, in order to "give birth" at a hospital not equipped to handle high-risk pregnancies.
I don't know any average American whose husband is a pimp.
But one thing you do have right Palin - you are indeed little, extremely little, because all that you ever do is belittle.
In 2008 Sarah Palin was arguably the best known woman in the world. She attracted massive crowds of admirers. She earned $100,000 per speech. She solicited millions of dollars from supporters. Even though her ticket lost the election, she still was in a position to parlay her fame into a promising political career. But instead of following the advice of experienced politicians to go back to AK and study and learn, she threw it all away. Instead of working hard to take advantage of the platform she had been given, Sarah took the easy way out for a quick pay-off. And now, four years later, she is about to lose the last paycheck she has left. She, along with her entire family, is reduced to a punchline.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin: The Face of Failure
Don't miss this fabulous blogger!
“I’m not an American, so why, when I’ve finished listening to this speech, do I have such an urge to cry?”
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama Speech At DNC Goes Viral In China
But it wasn't just Americans who were captivated by Tuesday night's address: The speech is spreading rapidly -- and was well received -- in China.
The Daily Dot reports the speech was shared more than 20,000 times on China's Twitter Sina Weibo. The social network also saw more than 1,000 comments on the speech, the Atlantic notes.
Tea Leaf Nation, an e-magazine, broke down some of the reactions in China, noting the speech received "a particularly warm reception." Among the Chinese comments, the speech was called inspiring, divine and moving.
Sarah must be really pleased with all the weight she has lost. She can now rummage through Piper's closet for some "new" clothes.
ReplyDeleteUh...I don't think so. Have you seen Piper lately?? She's put on the weight that Sarah has lost..
DeleteSarah is looking like a bobble-head doll that you see on the dash boards of some cars. Big huge round head on a stick body - all bouncy and bobbley. Ain't she just the cutest!
ReplyDeleteSarah looks like she has something really nasty in her mouth. And I think I know what it is: her words!
ReplyDeleteThere are surgeons who perform delicate life-saving surgeries that make less than Sarah in a year. I can't believe she gets paid $1 million to say absolutely nothing. She doesn't make a point. She just dishes out criticisms, like it's bunk, it's an affront to the electorate, Obama is lying, blah blah blah. Does she enjoy doing absolute ZERO for a career? She doesn't give back, advise, contribute, create, serve, she just takes and takes and takes. Oh, well, yes, she dresses up to sit and disparage POTUS. That's part of her job, but she LOVES to do that. I think even Sarah would do that for free.
ReplyDeleteWhat is she good for? Absolute nothing.
Sarah doesn't get paid to WORK at FAUX. It's more like an athletes contract for a sponsor.
DeleteAnonymous1:19 PM
DeleteJust shows how skewed our system is when a Dr. who is doing Good things for people saving lives, makes less than a "shit spewing shrew"!
She would say Capitalism, but she is the perfect example of why "capitalism" is in the toilet!
I just saw a tweet that sums up the Repig & her(party):
"It becomes important to keep God on coins when money is your religion"
Democrats are galvanized by the best convention in modern history—by Bill Clinton’s fiery appeal and by Barack Obama’s finely tuned and targeted acceptance address.
ReplyDeleteThis wasn’t just a series of disconnected speeches. The Democrats were unfolding a narrative masterwork that connected Obama the person to the differences between him and Romney, while believably claiming that we are better off than four years ago—precisely because they didn’t overclaim. It was a message that would run through the entire convention, reinforced by the non-politicians who graced the stage—from workers who were victims of Bain to a mother whose daughter, born with a congenital heart defect, no longer faces the threat that her treatment will be cut off since Obamacare outlaws lifetime limits on insurance coverage. Women and reproductive rights—and LGBT Americans and gay rights—weren’t an afterthought, a half-hidden “interest group,” but in the platform and on the platform.
...For the Democrats, Wednesday night was indelible, and will be remembered and treasured for many conventions to come. When the big dog took and held the big stage, it was less a speech than a happening—spontaneous, mesmerizing, and as GOP strategist Alex Castellanos observed, “a moment that likely reelected Obama.” Bill Clinton explained the economy, health reform, the coming of the 2008 crash, tax fairness, regulation, the role of government—well, he seemed to explain nearly everything. And every step of the way, he talked about the president, this president—and not just himself. So did every other speaker; there was no reprise of the Romney-phobia that afflicted the GOP stars like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Indeed Romney’s name was heard more often in Charlotte than in Tampa.
I watched the RNC, I saw the self serving "I built it all" speeches from people who gotten Thousands in gov $$, the simpering idiotic speech written for retards by AnnrMoney never once mentioning her horse and 77K dressage, the phony rose story, for the most part it was boring, self serving, lying and a snoozefest! We saw the same cut up video of POTUS supposedly saying "you didn't build that" and that was the main talking point of their whole snoozefest of all white people, they had more (hired)color on the stage than in the stands...oh and the music...
DeleteTaylor hicks? Vs.
Foo fighters, james Taylor, Mary Blige etc.
Now the DNC started out with a bang with Michele Obama, Lilly Ledbetter and a slew of others the first night. It was a Ass kicker!
The Rainbow Tribe was there, and all I saw were tweets about the diversity in Harmony in Charlotte, at the DNC.
I doubt many repugs saw the whole thing only clipped snippets allowed on faux news which had High rating I must add. (I'm sure the clips were edited greatly)
I think Jons Stewart's clip says it all about how phony republicans are, shallow & stupid, especially the part about Celebs!
That clips never gets old.
Shows the republicans in their truest, phony, lyin' darkness....
Hey Sarah, Imelda Marcos called... she wants her shoulder ruffle thingies back and the ladies from the B-52s don't appreciate you jonesin' on their beehive schtick also too
ReplyDeleteWhy does she wear that huge Star of David? She's not Jewish. She hasn't converted to the Hebrew faith. In fact, according to her dominionist evangelic teachings, Jews must turn from their religion and embrace the Christ in the end times. What do real Jews feel about this obvious display of religious self-superiority?
ReplyDeleteWhy does she always look so, so constipated lately? She always looks like she needs to take a big dump every time I see her mug on tv.
ReplyDeleteSARAH PALIN IS NOT JEWISH! She claims to be a Christian, yet she insults Christians by not wearing a cross, and she insults Jews by wearing a symbol of their religion. SARAH PALIN IS NOT JEWISH! The Jewish high holidays do not begin until sundown on Sunday, September 16. Sarah must be looking at an old calendar.
ReplyDeleteI think you may be wrong. Why else would she so proudly display a symbol of the Jewish faith on her chest? Obviously she is Jewish.
DeleteWhy do you think she talks about Israel all the time? It's because she is Jewish.
Why would you even question her Jewishness, what with her putting the Star of David right there on top of her Belmonts?
I don't think anyone has seen her in a church in years. Sarah Palin is obviously Jewish.
She started wearing that Star of David necklace after her 'blood libel' speech. She made that comment after the tragedy in Arizona where innocent people were killed and Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. But her blood libel commment pissed off many Jewish people and of course, her attitude was that the media tried to connect her campaign tactic of using bulls-eye targets over candidates' faces and the shooting. It so happened that Palin had placed a bulls-eye target over Gifford's face. Coincidence???
DeleteAnyway, she's been trying to let the Jews know she 'stands with them in support' ever since that incident.
It's quite transparent, however.
Thanks for the transcript and commentary of this mostly maddening interview.
ReplyDeleteYou gave Sarah a bit more credit than she deserves and missed a comedic highlight.
The word 'contradicts' isn"t in Sarah's vocabulary.
The word should be CONDERDICKS. It's slightly less funny than when she said 'conderdictoring' on Greta's show last Sept. but it still gave me giggles.
I was also amused by her display of New Testament ignorance, sending everyone to look up a nonexistent story. But the best, is the way she accessorized with the star of David, knowing they'd be discussing God and Jerusalem. Sometimes she's the middle school mean girl, sometimes she's just the 4-year old.
Conderdicks and Kochsuckers, that's what Sarah likes.
DeleteThe 4-year old would explain the childish ruffles on her shoulders usually found on baby clothes.
DeleteAd War Update: The Romney Avalanche
ReplyDeleteObama's Message Breaks Through In Swing State Newspapers
Now it's time to talk about "free stuff." There's no free stuff out there. People have paid taxes one way or another-- sales taxes when they buy something, real estate taxes whether they own their home or rent. Part of the money that they pay when they buy things allow the store owner to pay his real estate taxes.
ReplyDeleteWhat "free stuff" is Sarah going on about? Jesus fed the hungry by multiplying loaves and fishes. I thought that Sarah called herself a Christian and followed the teachings of Christ. He healed the sick and feed those who were hungry-- talk about giving out "free stuff." People who do get "free food" or "free medical care" have paid for it when they paid into the tax system, one way or another.
What would happen if every government-- federal, state, local-- cut out the free stuff? There would be an increase in crime as people became increasingly more desperate to feed themselves and their families. No health care? More spread of disease. The reason that everyone is encouraged to get a flu shot is to prevent an epidemic. Surely Sarah is not complaining about the funding that almost paid for a Bridge to Nowhere.
Sarah ought to look at her own family when it comes to that "free stuff." Maybe she should ask her mother and father to give up their Medicare.
There are a few Christian admonishments that Sarah Palin needs to learn: 1) do unto others as you would have them do unto you, 2) there but for the grace of God go I, and 3) each of the Beatitudes or all of them.
I'm sure $arah was talking about the free stuff regarding the gov't subsidies that the Oil companies continue to receive even though they are experiencing record breaking profits. You betcha that on her next faux outing, she'll stir up all the righteous indignation and tell the public how the gov't is forcing those subsidies down the oil companies' throats. It's just stifles their Free Enterprising..
DeleteTo think about the number of people who only listen to Hannity and do not read (elitist behavior average Joe's hate!) is frightening.
ReplyDeleteIs Hannity and Palin really that biased in how they view things, or are they simply lying to misinform or appease their viewers. It's really hard for me to envision them being one way or the other, but when they spoke about "no enthusiasm" at the Democratic Convention, I really have hard time not believing they're just simply lying to their viewers, especially in comparison to what they just saw at the Republican convention.
ReplyDeleteI understand when Glenn Beck was on Fox that other on air personal expressed their displeasure on what Beck said on the air and on how he was lowering the standards of Fox. I believe even Murdoch's children voiced their opinion on how Beck gave the network a bad image. But how can they possibly ignore what these two say when they spoke out about Beck. We do know that some of Fox personalities such as O'Rielly seem to avoid having Palin come on their shows, and the last time Palin was on O'Rielly's show he really mocked her and didn't allow her to bullshit her way through like Hannity and Van Susteren allow her to.
I'm surprised she didn't say "a punch in the throat," which is usual violent imagery.
ReplyDeleteShe was saying what more and more people are thinking. Obama is ALL facade and NO substance. One cannot win a re-election on HOPE.
ReplyDeleteHe isn't going to win on hope - you are absolutely right. He IS winning it on values though. Get a brain and then try using it.
DeleteHope and a solid plan. Romney has neither (or if he does, he will only talk about it in quiet rooms, not with you people).
DeleteMore and more people? That isn't what the polls say. Sadly for you, the selfish party is losing. Also you must not be capable of higher level processing if you think President Obama and the Democrats are winning based only on hope.
DeleteInstead of spending time here, you might want to educate yourself on the facts and issues. I highly doubt you are capable based on your comments but hey, it doesn't hurt to try.
PS if anyone is lacking in substance, it's anorexic bobble head Sarah and her robotic retarded fan club.
Sorry Baldybot at 2:06 PM...Baldy doesn't need your defense of her babblings...she needs your MONEY!
DeleteSo I suggest you get yourself on over to BaldyPac and get to donating...and from the looks of Baldy in this interview...she needs some new "teefus" so donate A LOT! LOL!!!
fuck off sarah.
DeleteThe president has NOT offered promises of a better future. Personally, I have a great life BECAUSE I worked for what I've achieved MYSELF and did NOT rely on govt. I did this WHILE caring for my grandmother and supporting a little brother.
Yup..that's us Democrats...we all just want charity from the gov't. Lol.Sorry, but you just don't get it. Keep watching Fox and you never will. Damn low thinkers.
DeleteDear 2:08 - I call your bluff. If you had such "a great life," you wouldn't be trolling on this board each and every minute of the day. Your verbal tells are so obvious. Everyone knows it's you. You should take a playwriting class so you can learn to write in different voices. Because as of now, your sock puppet skills are quite limited.
DeleteHuh?? What point are you trying to make here. Your post makes no sense. I'm a Democrat and I've worked since I was 14. Do you think Democrats all don't work? Do you think we don't pay taxes that pay for government services. Who do you think pays for your schools, roads, police, etc. this isn't " free stuff" moron. Even with health insurance employees pay premiums and Medicare/SS. And employers pay premiums.
DeleteYou must be talking about the very poor. What kind of a Christian are you? Just because you didn't need help and someone else did? Wh
You really are stupid and obviously missed the point of the agenda at the DNC. This is what happens when you cut education or don't utilize it. If only you could understand how uninformed you sound.
You don't use roads? Your car flies over rivers? You don't need hospitals, courts, snow removal, 911, police, fire, traffic control? You're lucky.
DeleteWell goody, goody gumdrop for you. And like most of these wh suffer from the delusion that they are "self-made" you likely forget everything that you and your family "got" in support and how much sheer luck, and some sort of privilege figured in.
DeleteDid grandma have home she (and you) were able to continue living in - thank social security.
Maybe she had the home because grandpa had a good paying job-it was easier for grandpa to get that job because laws at the time forbid blacks or women form holding them buy allowing discrimination and thus eliminating a large part of grandpa's competent competition.
Was your little brother in school? That was "freebie."
And you knew that if grandma got really ill, there would be Medicare and Medicaid to take care of her - so that gave you a lot of peace of mind and ability to plan for yourself.
You are a disgusting piece of delusional trash. Take your despicable self-made self lie and blow it out your ear.
Anonymous2:08 PM
DeleteOh look...another Baldybot has shown up with some made up shit! Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit! You wouldn't be writing this shit on the INTERNET without the "govt" you uneducated fool or as I like to call you...Baldy's Base!
BWAHAHAHA, 2:08 is an IDIOT who knows nothing about 'RILL' life.
DeleteAnon at 2:08 pm. Well, I guess you never needed a doctor, a hospital, an emergency room, you never drove on a highway or stopped at a red light, you never drank water, breathed the air or took medication, you never attended school. Government is essential for all of those things. Hopefully you never needed help from a policeman or a fire fighter or an ambulance attendant. Hospitals and their programs rely heavily on money from the government, highways and road systems are built and maintained by governments, our water, air and medications are made safer by government programs, and our educational system has its underpinnings in the government. Police and fire fighters are under the aegis of local governments.
DeleteIn my entire Democratic life, I have never begrudged the payment of taxes whether local, state or federal. I believe firmly that we, the people, are a community and in a community we take care of one another. That's the role of government - to make our lives safer, healthier, and therefore happier. I doubt very much, Anon at 2:08 pm, that you did it all on your own. Did your brother attend school? Did your grandmother receive Medicare benefits or Social Security benefits?
No worries its just Krusty....who is mostly on disability b/c god knows she sure all hell doesn't "Work" at a Ril job trolling 4 palin!
DeleteSo what is the going rate? I had assumed it was .25 a comment/tweet but during the RNC it was revealed to me, .10 a comment/tweet? Geeze no wonder your like mooseshit all over the place! Got to earn that "paycheck" 'eh krusty?
We got "Hope" you got "Dope" keep filling that addled brain with fauxnew bullshit and your brain will be mush like sister sarah's.
Bless your troll heart...
I'm a millionaire, well actually if you count all my assets I am probably worth a billion or two and no one gave it to me.
DeleteBut since I am a sympathetic, empathetic, and a compassionate person, ( I try to model myself after an old dead guy named Yeshua--most people get his mane wrong and call him Jesus).
And I realize that we will always need a safety net, for people like Paul Ryan and my hubbys white bagger relatives.
But I also know, that many can rise up with a little education and help.
Hi Sarah. Bored? Did you find those bugs fox planted yet?
Delete“I can see how these Marines can look at what Republican leaders are saying as justification for what they did,” says a gay member of the Army’s Special Operations force.
11,000 Show Up for Obama in Florida While Romney Draws Hundreds in Virginia
ReplyDeleteAs 11,000 enthusiastic supporters crammed into St. Petersburg to hear President Obama, Mitt Romney spoke to gathering of several hundred Republicans in an aircraft hanger in Virginia Beach.
The Washington Post reported, “Hoping to blunt any momentum his rival has picked up in Florida since the GOP convention, Obama opened his bus trip in the Interstate 4 corridor, which cuts through the center of the the state from the Gulf Coast to the Atlantic, with a rally for 11,000 in St. Petersburg, not far from Tampa. Obama’s 30-minute speech closely tracked his nomination acceptance speech Thursday in Charlotte.”
The Virginian-Pilot had this to say about attendance at Mitt Romney’s rally, “He spoke to several hundred people who had gathered hours earlier in an aircraft hangar to hear the Republican presidential nominee.”
See the difference for yourself.
Pretty soon Fox will be rolling her out there like Jambi from the Pee Wee Herman show. Just a big hideous head in a clear plastic box talking shit. God I hate that "woman".
ReplyDeletePalin diminishes herself when she mentions Obama.
ReplyDeleteAnd how on earth did she know his name?
You betcha.
Hey, hey Palin!
ReplyDeleteSeeing as half of you appears to have disappeared over the past four years, can we expect that you will disappear altogether when Obama wipes his ass for a second term with your self-indulgent tripe?
You're so boring and stupid it defies description.
Sarah who? I have a picture of Michelle Obama as my screen saver.
ReplyDeleteQueen Ann is pissed and pointing her finger like a rude asshole.
ReplyDeleteAnn Romney became very angry in an interview with anchor David Nelson of KWQC Iowa when Nelson asked her for details on the above mentioned women's issues and Angry Ann flat out refused to answer any questions --- seems Angry Ann was looking for a soap box to spew her rhetoric and not really looking to be interviewed.
That is another ugly bitch. Who poisoned the GOP gene pool?
DeleteI think that every time Ann Romney opens her mouth another 1000 women decide that they could never vote for her husband.
Anon @ 4:22
DeleteBlame it on the Pilsbury doughboy!
White, white, white!
She is ugly inside & out like Baldy Palin. Snotty also too, acting like having MS and that claiming she needed her horse to heal? 77K dressage?
Who here would love to have a horse to heal ourselves? I sure would. But horses cost BIG $$.
I have a doggy instead. #YouPeople have to have dogs, cats,birds instead of Privileged white bitch AnnrMoney who had a costly horse with all the dressage 77K in fact to help her through her MS...
And where is that horse now? You or I would still have that beloved horse...it probably ended up as a Frenchman's steak!
Didn't Mitt have to beg Ann to take him back while he was on his 'MISSION' in France? Apparently Ann took up with Mitt's friend.
DeleteCompare her to Gabby Gifford, there's a woman of substance. Ann's just an entitled whiner.
Thousands of people have medical challenges, and somehow manage to work through the pain, go out and make their mark on the world every day.
the quitter isn't wearing her cleavage makeup today - maybe after the white triangle FAIL she decided to quit trying, lol.
ReplyDeleteyeah the queen of grifting sure has balls to talk about "other people" wanting free stuff. major hypocrite.
Nor her tan makeup.
Deletelol, I noticed that. now just a caved in boney chest with cantoloupes bolted on...
DeleteWould someone please tell this fool that blond-striped, highlighted hair went out of fashion at least five years ago? Maybe white trash women in Alaska are still wearing that "look." What a pathetic, sex-pot wannabe.
ReplyDeleteWhat fucking convention were these two idiots watching???
ReplyDeleteMust have been a rerun of the Tampa convention.
DeleteYeah, OK, it's an improvement over the last interview but she is still a putrid skank of a nitwit cow.
ReplyDeleteImprovement? she can't a line straight without stuttering.
DeleteHustler magazine publisher, Larry Flynt, is offering $1 million for "documented evidence concerning Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's unreleased tax returns and/or details of his offshore assets, bank accounts and business partnerships,"
ReplyDeleteGotta love Flynt for this stuff!!!
'''Gotta love Flynt for this stuff!!!'''
DeleteExactly. Ooo, I wish I knew something.
Yeah Larry Flynt! I wonder what happened with those guys that said they stole his tax returns from PWC? They wanted a million, maybe that's why Flynt came out with his offer?
DeleteShe looks sick. Is she ill? She should check into a hospital and get help or she won't make it much longer!
ReplyDeleteWE can only HOPE.
DeleteNO its the weight of her wig.
DeleteOMG, she looks just like Giuliani in a wig.
DeleteThe Queen of Grifting talking about "free stuff?"
ReplyDeleteHer upper chest/neck area is beginning to remind me of the Holocaust.
ReplyDeleteHey, where did the fake boobies go? I thought they were permanent. Now they're gone. Wow!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is this grifter aka Lego Hair complaining about freebies?
Without them, she’d be living in a tent!
They are the Baghdad Bob and Baghdad Bobette of the Tea Party Republicans: the ministers of misinformation!
ReplyDeleteIs it me, or is Mrs. Wholesome America looking more and more like a wax figure of Miss Gulch from The Wizard of Oz?
ReplyDelete"So what’s a Republican politician to do? Palin’s path is one option: simply don’t concede the need to have any idea what you’re talking about at all. Policy knowledge is per se elitist and therefore suspect."
I always want to slap the face of that smug, lying, smirking harpy. I would like to think I am better than that. But the feeling bubbles up when I see her. She brings out the worst in me.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the truth! and she calls it up in everyone...the difference being that some see it as God working in her...yipes!
DeleteI suspect Sheldon is supporting SarahPAC thus the ever present Star of David. Everything she does is for money. She'd sell ad space on her bony chest if she had an offer.
ReplyDeleteAddleson was my first thought too. Yup, she is just like a NASCAR jacket.
DeleteMy god the woman is delusional. Gryphen, give it up! She is bat shit crazy beyond all reason and nobody cares about the poo she spews. I find her (as does everyone I know in Alaska) a total nut job who has given nothing of value to the state.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does she look like Dick Nixon with that smirk on her face?
ReplyDeleteIs the $500 million dollars her buddies at TransCanada are getting from the State of Alaska (i.e. Alaskans) for the pipeline to nowhere that will never be built a freebie? How are we defining freebie?
ReplyDeleteHey scraggy looking lady of lake lucille: you don't get to talk about anybody's freebies with your ugly sketchy house that Wasilla tax payers & Fox built, sarahpac paying for your plastic surgery, and the financial hole that you left Wasilla and Alaska in.
What I want to know do the Palin's qualify for a
Seems that they do not qualify and one should check these qualifiers:
In addition I would suspect the Palin family to qualify for resident status for Hunting and Fishing licenses, commercial or sport!
Okay let's start by taking away the Palin family's FREE healthcare!
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised in the least that bat-shit crazy Klondike Kardashian lied, because that's what she usually does. I'm not surprised that she made up things to accuse the president of doing that he really didn't do, because that's what she usually does. I'm not surprised FOX aired these lies, because that's what they usually do.
ReplyDeleteGryph, there is no reason for you to cover her or the BS she spews anymore. There is nothing newsworthy about it, and it would be best to let her and FOX die their deaths from lack of ratings.
snowdrift snookie's checklist:
ReplyDelete•star of david necklace ✓
•mention troops ✓
•accuse democrats of being lazy god hating welfare rats ✓
•insult the president ✓
•incoherent drivel ✓✓✓✓
This is a must read @ Daily Kos how Fox News used video and audio technology to distort the perception and manipulate speakers of the DNC.
ReplyDeleteThis is how Romney pulls one over lying the convention was "uninspiring" etc. Fox lies and distorts then manipulates video to fit. This is mind control.
I can't post the link from my phone. I appreciate if someone else can.
It is rather amazing to think back to where she was four years ago and compare it to where she is today; from RNC convention star to RNC convention nothing. Boy, her true self really did her in, and I couldn't be happier for her.
ReplyDeleteI would say that that a hideous big head of an old aging lady was poorly photo shopped on to a small anorexic elderly fragile lady's body but I can't say that.
ReplyDeleteAs odd as it may look, we all know that's a true picture of Sarah Pay Me Palin.
we need to get rid of political joke like this palin,who have already made america a laughing stock around the world.sonna bitch aint ev en alaskan
ReplyDeleteLook at the above smug picture of Sarah Palin's big head smug look and compare to Bristol Palin's big head smug look long face picture from her first 2012 DWTS ALL Star interview picture. They both are very ugly and pathetic looking. How come their heads looks so big and freakish on their bodies?
ReplyDeleteI sure hope they can fuck because if I were their husbands I wouldn't be able to listen to their voices or look at their big bobble heads.
DeleteYeah, once again we hear from Miss Informed
ReplyDeletefrom here on out I will refer to her as the "granny-tranny" instead of my original label of "inarticulate harridan"...
ReplyDeleteAfter shopping for my little one year old niece, Palin's shoulder ruffles look exactly like ruffles found on a baby's shorts or dress. I'm talking about little toddler or barely walking kind of clothes. Weird.
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest a complete and total ban on the subject of all things palin.
ReplyDeleteIf we never talk about any of them EVER AGAIN... they will disappear from all conscientiousness forever...
SO SHUT UP already....
It seems clear to me that Hannity assumed the Foxophiles watching their network live in a cave and didn't see any of the DNC and none of their friends did either, so they could get away with calling it "boring" and "lame". The fools would never know how enthusiastic the Dems had been. That's bad strategy, from what I can tell, because it lulls the sheep into complacency, thinking POB doesn't have a chance. That seems more likely to keep the elders home on election day. Given that analysis, I'll say, "hell, yes, that Democratic Convention was a total yawn!"
ReplyDeleteLook at that face of Sarah Palin posted above. Now imagine if you were a child and had to walk past the Palin house and having that face stare at you from behind her curtains?
ReplyDeleteThat would be some scary shit!
Bristol, God gave you, Willow, Piper and your mother giant big ass heads. Have you ever figured out why he did it since he never filled them?
ReplyDeleteThe Palins needed big empty cylinders for their big ass foreheads.
DeleteGod does everything for a reason. Where else could he put their big bulbous foreheads?
Now we know why Todd went on Stars Earn Stripes and was in love with Shailey Tripp. Todd rather be beaten by those lovelies than to have to look at old Sarah Palin and her boyish figure.
ReplyDeleteWith that manly chin of Sarah Palin's sticking out like that, her picture looks 3D'ish
ReplyDeleteI knew she was bitter about the Obamas, but she takes her venom to a whole other level, a company name "Skimlinks" showed her in an unflattering way, not really sure what this company does, but now she daring them to do the same thing to Michelle Obama, why drag the Flotus into it, this info is on a website "AGUGRIZZIES" her hatred and bitterness clearly shows, get over it Sarah, nobody cares about you except your zombie followers
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