Sunday, December 23, 2012

The President to John Boehner, "You get nothing."

Apparently when the President and House Speaker John Boehner were attempting to negotiate a deal to avoid the upcoming fiscal cliff Boehner learned the meaning of the phrase "elections have consequences."

This courtesy of Salon:

When Boehner asked Obama if they agree on a deal along the same lines as the one he walked away from during the 2011 talks, according to the paper, Obama retorted: “You missed your opportunity on that.” 

Obama’s frustrations grew, and he told Boehner he would rail publicly against the Republicans in the absence of a reasonable compromise. 

As the Journal reports

Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault. 

At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, “I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?” 

“You get nothing,” the president said. “I get that for free.” 

Also during the talks, as Obama bristled over Boehner’s unwillingness to budge on rates, the paper reports that he snapped: “You’re asking me to accept Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Why would I do that?”

You know all I wanted for Christmas was a President that kicks ass and stands up to the Republican party.

Thanks Santa.

And now John Boehner has not only shown he does not have any ability to negotiate with the President, he also does not have the ability to negotiate with his own party. 2013 is going to be a great year!


  1. AJ Billings6:45 AM

    Now that President Obama does not have to run for re-election again, we may see him be more aggressive on needed reforms, and controversial issues.

    One thing that is really needed is to drop marijuana from being an FDA Schedule 1 drug

    There are proven medical uses for marijuana, and it is beyond stupid to lock people up for something they can grow in the back yard, and enjoy for personal or medical use

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      They'll never do that. Even unenforced, the law is too valuable to them. Keeping it on the books gives them a reason to take an otherwise guiltless person into custody until they can find something bigger to charge them with.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Wouldn't the revenue from taxed marijuana help pay down the deficit and reduce the prison population? It seems so practical to me but of course the congress we have now are looking for anything BUT practical solutions. I really hope 2014 gets rid of these teabaggers and the people get reps who really rep! I just don't understand how people can vote against their own interests! They get these ideas in their head i.e. welfare queens, smaller govt. IDK we all know someone who bases their vote on this propagandized memes.

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    John Boehner aka the Drunk Whiny Oompa Loompa. Caught between TeaPublicans and a President who knows how to play poker.

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The marijuana (!) issue is pretty minor compared to the other issues on President Obama's plate.

    I can hardly wait to hear the State of the Union address. Think we are going to hear from a much tougher president than we are use to. Finally! He needs to knock the hell out of the Republicans and especially the inept House Speaker Boehner.

  4. hedgewytch8:48 AM

    Boehner is going to take us over that "fiscal cliff". While I don't really want to see my own taxes go up - there goes my carefully overpaid taxes to get a nice tax return - but it would absolutely put the nail in the coffin of today's Republican Party.... and maybe the Tea Party too.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    That's an odd picture. Why are all three negotiators sitting on the same side of the table, looking at somebody else? who? Was Reid even in these negotiation discussion - he doesn't look all that engaged (observing alertly, but not participating that much. I thought I heard negotiations were between Obama & Boehner, and Reid wasn't present.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      It's not a picture from these negotiations; it's just a picture.

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I hope that we go over the fiscal cliff.
    President Obama can all start over.
    Higher Tax rate start at $250,000 {Not $400.000}.
    No Social Security cuts not the problem.

  7. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Yay, President Obama! This is great news. PBO did learn that the thugs in the republican party are assholes not to be catered to in any shape or form. I will be sending emails thanking him and my senators for not taking any more crap from them. The people are on your side, PBO!

    Merry Christmas, indeed.

  8. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I love President Obama!

    In a local restaurant today at lunchtime, I overheard a lady complaining about how this country is becoming a "socialist state." She threatened to leave. I wonder where she would go. Just about all industrialized countries have universal healthcare, pretty generous safety nets for people, and very gutsy gun regulations. Then she complained about uniformed voters; I think that she was among them. Probably gets all of her news from Fox!

    We're off in the morning to celebrate with our son and his children. Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Leland4:44 PM

      I am not very well liked around here among certain people, because had it been ME in that situation and I heard someone say that I would have asked them where they would go!

      Then I probably would have laughed when they named a country.

      For some strange reason, all these idiots want to go to Canada to avoid this "socialist state"!


    2. Leland4:45 PM

      Be Safe Beaglemom.

  9. Happy hols to Beaglemom, Gryphen, and the rest of the merry elves of IM!

    And thanks to everyone who voted to return our President to the White House... Yes, we did.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

      Happy Holidays! Mrs TBB! Good to see you! And Happy Holidays to Gryphen, and the IM community!

  10. Now that's the president I thought I elected in 2008.

    I hope if he gets his supermajority back in 2014, he doesn't squander it this time.

  11. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

    Thanks for this post. I was thrilled when I read one article yesterday. If we do go over the speed bump, I have a feeling the State of the Union AND the Inaugural Address will be two defining speeches that put the Democratic Party and the Middle Class in the driver's seat now, and for the next two elections.

    That photo brought back memories for me. My grandfather used to drink his whiskey in a coffee cup, too! But that's where the similarity ends.

  12. Anonymous9:50 PM


    is it wrong that I got *seriously* turned on by reading President Obama smack down Boehner.

    Oh damn, it's glorious.

    "You get nothing. I get that for free".

    Oh. My. God.

    Take control, Mr. President!!!

    1. Okay you might need to take a cold shower.

      He is just doing his job. This is not "50 Shades of Obama."

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      "you get nothing, I get that for free"
      Love that quote. Thank you Mr. prtesident!!


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