Friday, July 19, 2013

"Trayvon Martin could have been me." President Obama speaks out on Zimmerman verdict.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

 The President sent his thoughts and prayers to Trayvon Martin’s family, and praised them for the “incredible grace and dignity with which they’ve dealt with the entire situation.” 

But he quickly got into the heart of the matter, explaining that “When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.” 

He discussed the shared ways in which the black community senses racial suspicion. “There are, frankly, very few African-American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street, and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars,” he said. “That happened to me, at least before I was a senator. There are very few African-Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often. And I don’t want to exaggerate this, but those sets of experiences inform how the African-American community interprets what happened one night in Florida.” 

The President also addressed the “history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws,” while also pointing out that “African-American young men are disproportionately involved in criminal justice system, that they’re disproportionately both victims and perpetrators of violence,” adding that “It’s not to make excuses for that fact, although black folks do interpret the reasons for that in a historical context. They understand that some of the violence that takes place in poor black neighborhoods around the country is born out of a very violent past in this country, and that the poverty and dysfunction that we see in those communities can be traced to a very difficult history.” 

President Obama said that the missing context in discussions about the criminal justice system “contributes, I think, to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that from top to bottom both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.” 

He then outlined a series of broad goals, including training law enforcement to be conscious of racial bias, examining laws such as “Stand Your Ground,” and supporting young African-American boys. 

The President also talked about starting a conversation about race, but may have surprised some by saying “You know, there has been talk about should we convene a conversation on race? I haven’t seen that be particularly productive. When politicians try to organize conversations, they end up being stilted and politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they already have.” 

Instead, he urged citizens to look to each other, and inwardly, to ask “Am I bringing as much bias out of myself as I can? Am I judging people not based on the color of their skin but the content of their character?”

This is why the election of President Obama has been immeasurably important to the closing the racial divide and educating people as to why we still see each other, and judge each other, based on the color of our skin.

I thought this was a very important speech, and one that should inspire all of us to take a moment for self reflection.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Oh, the pee pond is having a FIELD DAY with this! In between bible passages, of course....

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      countdown to drunken tweet from "The Idiot" aka sarah palin...4,3,2,1....

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I finally listened to POTUS and it is more a commentary than a speech. It was from a opin of a AA and rather poignant. I don't see how they can find fault but they will.
      Since the election of POTUS every fucking racist has crawled out of his hole. And POTUS knows it. His speech was really sad b/c of those who have fought for civil rights only to have assholes like Palin & RW tear it all down. Sucks. Sarah Was/Is the pied piper of HATE and RACISM! Very sad state of affairs in the USA,USA today...
      And before the stupid troll gets here...Fuck off troll. We don't like, want or tolerate racism here.

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Thinking people, regardless of their personal politics, will listen to his words and reflect upon the series of events that resulted in this tragedy as well as the environment in which it occurred.

    Unfortunately, there is a segment of the people who react with anger and a polarized opinion of everything the President speaks about. Thankfully, he ignores the hate-speak of those loud, obnoxious hateful few, and continues to work to bring the country together.

    Cue the racist, redneck crowd who will use his speaking out on the matter as an excuse to smear him, and then the ignorant talking heads who thrive on hate of Obama will appear indignant and shocked that the President dared to speak out on an issue of the day that has overwhelmed the media for months now.

    Thank you Mr President for being the adult in the room, and for always displaying the class and dignity of the position and yourself personally. I do not always agree nor support your policies, but I have no doubt that you are doing what you feel is right for all of the American people. I wish I could say the same of your political opponents, and that there would be more discussions of merit on public policies, not contrived nonsense that diverts attention from the important issues.

    1. Right on cue: Every right wing pundit, in flaming denial --

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Tammy bruce on fox? Who knew? Why not RAM?
      All the predickable idiots DanReil, BreiTfart idiots etc.
      Fuck them.

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      More and more, this country is being divided into two diametrically different groups. Rather than being a mere red versus blue country (people with differing opinions who vote differently), we have now become the uneducated and miseducated versus the educated – the emoters versus the thinkers, the angry versus the rational. Wish I were kidding.

      Hitler and Pol Pot hated the educated as well – and murdered them en masse after first calling them elitists and stirring up their compatriots against them. Sound familiar?

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Absolutely awesome, is your President, G., and he is trying to 'heal' rather than 'divide'. And the conservative pundits can rationalize all they want and say it's politically motivated, but President Obama cares about people; he didn't have to make a statement about this, but he did despite the heat he'll get by the right; and, he's not running for re-election, so he's doing this for the right reasons.

    Man, the Fox folks are going to be wee=weed up tonight.

    I'm white, but have seen the seedy side of racism since the Zimmerman trial and can see how unrepentant and brainwashed racists are. The commentary on sites against TM and his parents show just how racism has NOT been overcome. If the comments are not racist, then the commenters hate teens who are guilty of "looking" like thugs in the dark. If they rejoice in the killing of a teen, by a vigilante who waves his gun as a banner for their gun worship, then they've got bigger problems. Whoever the haters of TM are that have come out of the closet, they scare the living daylights out of me.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Your choice of words – "rejoicing in killing" – is 'right on'. It is beyond spine chilling that a group of people so hell-bent on erecting the Ten Commandments ("Thou shalt not kill") at taxpayer expense in every public building and park is just beside themselves with joy at the prospect of more and more bloodshed.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Against human or animal...they LOVE to KILL wolves or Moose or deer. They claim they can't eat if they don't?
      They just rejoice in Killing, they have moved from animals to humans and it is spine chilling the obsession with guns.
      Look at dipshit sarah and her "photo-op" shooting a toy gun while riding a horse!
      But they will criticize PBO b/c he had the Audacity to speak from the heart about race relations in the USA-USA!

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Expect the Wee-wee'd One to get RAM to tweet some nasty remark.

  5. betsy s1:04 PM

    What a guy. Thanks, 12:43.

  6. Anonymous1:08 PM

    One of the best comments I've ever read about racism from a poster at Think Progress:

    "The most obvious demonstration of racism is this idea that black people shouldn't be allowed to mention it."

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      So true. So true.

      I appreciate the viewpoints shared by President Obama and by Attorney General Holder on our perceptions. This is a matter that people need to think about carefully. I hope that African Americans know that many of their white co-citizens have also been horrified and depressed by the Trayvon Martin murder and the subsequent acquittal of his murderer. To me, middle class white American woman, Trayvon Martin was the epitome of "teen-aged boydom." When I saw the first photo of him, I thought of our grandson, a gangly seventeen-year old who is as likely as an African American teen to wear a hoodie and to stop at a local convenience store for a soda and a bag of candy for his little brother on the way home.

      Trayvon Martin's loss should be mourned by us all and we should be resolved to improve our justice system so that perpetrators of such crimes cannot go free. "Stand your ground" laws are disgraceful and are a way of enshrining racism and fear and I am ashamed to say that the state I live in has such a law. Michigan's GOP legislature is now a bastion of the ALEC nonsense that will destroy this country.

  7. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Waiting for comment from Palin, and it will be very ugly. 10....9.....8

  8. Too bad President Obama didn't stand up and say racism is over in this country. It'd be a hoot to see the right wing disagreeing with him and saying racism is alive and well. Because we all know if President Obama says the sky is blue they disagree with him.

  9. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Oh GOD I am so sick of this hate for this President every time he fucking speaks...shame on these fucking racists. Do they ever take a day off from the non-stop hate and rage? How do they live like that? At least they are exposing themselves for what they are, the masks are off and their naked race-hatred is finally making itself known to anyone who ever had doubts as to why this amazing person we call our President is so hated by certain elements of this nation. These people love to call black people animals, well I only see ONE race acting like animals and isn't the African-American one.

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      President Obama says he could have been Trayvon 35 years ago; has nobody been paying attention to how our President is treated even in his position as president? I'm sure there are certain segments of our society who are frighten by this man's appearance and are imagining crazy things like how he is a Muslim plant to destroy America.

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      EXACTLY @5:16 AM! And who was the ringleader?
      She opened the door for "You lie!" and the complete and utter disrespect by congress assholes and senate. (R's)
      We should call them out every fucking time but our media is owned by the RW so it doesn't happen. Except for the Bloggers!

  10. Anonymous3:13 PM

    President Barack Obama shared his thoughts on a set of complex issues on Friday, weighing in on Trayvon Martin's death, the recent acquittal of George Zimmerman and the nation's broader history of race and racial bias.

    White conservative male pundits were quick to blast the president's off-the-cuff remarks, suggesting that they were focused on a non-existent issue.

    Below, a collection of conservative white dudes happy to declare that racism is dead:

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      GOP: "It's a non-existant issue. Which is why we rely on it (and fan its flames) almost exclusively in every political campaign we wage."

  11. Evelyn Waugh3:20 PM

    Since President Obama won his second term, it seems as though the rightwing racists are even more vile and apoplectic than they were before. They can't stand the fact that a black man won the presidency twice, and that the cluster of clowns who'll be vying for the Republican nomination are going to hand it to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
    The unbelievable things that are being written under the cloak of anonymity--we might as well be listening in on a KKK rally.
    I'm afraid for our President, and for our country.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Horrifying thought, considering that Boehner is two steps away from the Oval Office in terms of succession.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Boehner, should of been stripped of his office.
      He owns shares in the KXL and vote for it? Conflict of interest.
      Why doesn't anyone DO anything about this stupid fucking congress we have?
      And someone the stupid gets voted in again and again? We have that many retards in this country?

  12. I loved this, and watched it w/my 11 yr old.

    BTW, was reading abt Al Sharpton &Trayvon and stumbled upon this...

    "The same media that attempted to blame a mother of five in Wasilla, Alaska, for a mass shooting in Arizona (because of her use of standard crosshairs on a campaign map) is the same media that repeatedly described the shockingly lawless Occupy Wall Street movement as "mostly peaceful," and is now attempting to persuade America that the anti-Zimmerman protests currently being ginned up by an NBC News anchor (MSNBC's Al Sharpton) are also "mostly peaceful." "

    they call Sarah Palin simply "a mother of 5 in Alaska" ROFL

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Well, that's coming from the Breitbart site. Nothing too intelligent there.

  13. Beldar J Conehead6:25 PM

    And to think, that one time I ALMOST voted for Good Ol' Gramps McCain and his scrawny sidekick The Screechy Wretch(tm) instead of the cool black dude.

    (In the same way that I ALMOST achieved time travel...)

    1. Anonymous1:41 AM

      Beldar J. Conehead, you are forever amazingly entertaining. Thank you for your comments.

  14. eclecticsandra2:49 AM

    The last time Obama addressed this issue with such sincerity and passion was during the 2008 campaign. It seems he was not able to address this before. Until we can find equal treatment in the judicial system we are going to have too many children growing up without fathers and facing a future that seems hopeless. We cannot continue to pretend that race is not a factor in our daily lives. It has to be acknowledged and dealt with by all of us.

  15. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Love President Obama. I don't disagree with his comments in anyway, especially how young Black males need to feel valued and a part of our society, as do gays, as do women, as do people living below the poverty level, as do people who work for the public sector....

    Why are there so many groups of people feeling disenfranchise in America today? And the ones who are yelling the loudest are the people who claim that their rights are being trampled on because everyone else is living by the yelling people's standards.

  16. Anonymous6:57 AM

    If my elderly aunts in Greece need to hide from your beloved Albanian thugs then you should have a little Obama crawling out of your very last bodily crevice. Pollack Bitch Merkel rapes Greece to prevent rail or pipe links with daughter Russia. Crawl back into your mafia fascist brow briser latrine and molest yourself!


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