Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sarah Palin continues that dopey endorsee thingy.

Things are getting down to wire in this election cycle so Palin is clearly trying to make sure that she gets her name out there as often as possible before news outlets shift their focus back to actual news.

So Yesterday Palin once again started beating her worn out drumset on behalf of Pat Roberts, currently fighting to retain his Senate seat in Kansas.

Of course unlike Rob Maness in Louisiana, Roberts actually has a shot here.

Here was her ghostwritten pitch:  

So what do you call an “independent” candidate who has donated thousands to Obama, Reid, and Hillary? An “independent” candidate who is pro-amnesty and supports Obamacare? You call that candidate a liberal Democrat. And that could explain why in Kansas “independent” candidate Greg Orman has won the support of the George Soros family. Greg Orman will attend a high dollar fundraiser not in Kansas, but in New York City hosted by Jonathan Soros who has donated over $3.7 million to liberal causes over the years. 

Kansas knows better – they know Pat Roberts. I travelled to Independence, Kansas, a few weeks ago to support Senator Roberts. In Independence they know a bit about what being independent means, and they know Greg Orman is far from it. He is beholden to liberal special interests and DC politicians like Harry Reid. I’m encouraged to see Senator Roberts rising in the polls as more and more Kansans tune into this race. Kansans, Pat Roberts has fought hard for you; send him back to the Senate to keep up that fight!

Wow! George Soros has spent over 3.7 million on liberal causes over a number of years? I think that the Koch brothers have already spent more than that just in Alaska.  (By the way if you want to learn just how silly it is to compare the spending of the Koch brothers to George Soros, you can start by clicking here.)

Palin then links to a video she pulled out from the murky depths of the Sarah Palin Channel, to show her support for Roberts, though oddly enough it ends up being all about her.

The video starts with Roberts calling Palin a "courageous grassroots Republican" and from there shows video of them  hugging with a voice over from Roberts, "Have you ever seen a Mama Grizzly dressed as a wildcat?"

There is footage of the two of them handing out pancakes to that group of 250 supporters that we talked about earlier. However the remainder of the video, while it DOES show Pat Roberts a few times, is really all about Sarah Palin.

There are numerous images of her shaking hands and giving out autographs, while attendees gush about her honesty, trustworthiness, and family values. (Hang on I almost gagged there for a second.)

In the end it is yet another example of self promotion, paid for by the idiots who contribute to SarahPAC, the handful of subscribers to the Sarah Palin Channel, and of course the Koch brothers. 


  1. Dinty9:04 AM

    The reason Ms Palin is pushing on the Maness endorsement is because she (more specifically her backers) are trying to ensure a runoff in the Louisiana Senate race. They feel that were a runoff to occur, it would benefit the Republican candidate (and likely contribute to (or be the deciding seat) in a Republican majority of the Senate.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Maness is backed by Money Bags Jim DeMint, who gets all his money from the Koch brothers. It's clear what the connection is, and I doubt the endorsements from Palin are being made for free. There is loads of moolah in that Koch monster wallet.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      lots of secrets in those pockets for

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      What are "other disbursements"
      I thought it was all supposed to be "Itemized"?

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    So what do you call a candidate who has made his living in Congress instead of holding any real jobs? Why, I think that would be a crony capitalist, don't you Sarah? And what do you call a pol who does not live or vote in his state, yet tries to hide the facts from those conservative voters so he can keep the tracy train rolling? Why, Sarah, that's a cheat, a fraud, and a grifter, not a conservative anything, honey. Kansas knows Roberts, who is beholden to the same Koch brothers who think you are the cat's meow. Watch out, a storm is coming, and it's liable to send all these career pols home at last, and enable liberals to actually run the country. Heck we might even get a Surgeon General who can help get the ebola virus under control before it gets to Alaska. Surely even you, Sarah, would approve of that?

    o he doesn't lose his

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    o/t Sally's Ghost has been hard at work lately, coming up with a new Word of the Day almost every day!
    Yesterday, it was pukka. Now, we know that no Heath or Palin has ever heard the word before, doesn't know it comes from the Hindu and Urdu, and was most often used as British slang in India for someone displaying good form, as in "pukka sahib."
    How this relates in any way to the very, very most un-pukka sahibs of the Mat-Su Valley is anyone's guess.
    Today is "accolade." An award for meritorious service -- even a tap on a shoulder with a sword to demonstrate outstanding deeds.
    To date, no accolades have been handed out to any Palins in the last few months. Other than Bristol's "Slugger of the Month" award for September/
    Can't wait to find out what bizarrely inappropriate words Sally's ghost will dredge up in the future. Is this for a Reading is Fundamental Course for their low-information palin channel subscribers, or is it to demonstrate the high levels of educamacation displayed at the Heath household when they're not slugging each other in the neck?

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I have always wondered by the University of Idaho never asked Sarah Palin to speak at one of their graduation ceremonies when Sarah was Governor of Alaska. She claims to have a degree in Journalism (or was it communications) from that school. Sarah should have been an illustrious alum to receive the accolade of an honorary PhD, which is what they usually do with commencement speakers.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM


      Isn't that what Bristol did on Korey's lawn?
      Pukka after drinking so much..

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      oh keep on playing those mind games together...
      it's just a mind fuck on the part of the Heaths...
      it is all they know how to do...FAKE It till you make it

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Willow: Grandma Sally, I was so wasted, all I could do was pukka my guts out. But you should've seen Barstool. She said someone dragged her around on her ass in the yard. But between you and me, she shitta her britches again.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    And even if Soros was spending what the Kochs are spending (he isn't), he supports what helps the 99%. The Kochs support what will make them and the 1% wealthier and more powerful at the expense of everyone else and the environment. The RW idiots of ordinary means who trumpet the Koch/Soros false equivalency think the Kochs have their interests in mind. They are a special kind of dumb ... after all, they are fooled by Sarah Palin.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    And yet Madame Alaska doesn't have any candidates in her own state on her dance card.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Word Of The Day: albatross.

    2. Jeanabella12:41 PM

      tweeted out to John McCain "John will forever have the Palin albatross around his neck"

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Why thank you Jeanabella!

    4. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Word of the day = PAC $ for Sally

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    CAPTION: "Daddy says I'm still HAWT!!!"

    Come on, you know you were thinking it...

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      $arah has no appeal for modern sophisticated, educated men. She's out of date, out of style and out of her mind. Her loud brassy manners and cheap tacky look may be a turn-on to old fogies like Roberts and many of the old buzzards who send her a few bucks but the cooler guys prefer their women with a little more class and dignity.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      There's a woman I work with who is in her mid 40's. She "tans", wears her make-up an inch thick, has bleach blonde big hair and wears inappropriate clothing. All the over 60 guys at the company think she's a hot mama. The women and younger men think she's gross. Of course she's a repug.

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      ok that expalin's alot...daddy's been in my bed...

  7. Caroll Thompson9:45 AM

    Sarah sure isn't the 'cool kid' anymore. Hardly anyone wants her to campaign for them. A few years ago, they all wanted her to campaign for them. She has now been regulated to the bench while others are taking the field and campaigning for candidates in very tight elections.

    How come Sarah is not in Iowa with her pig friend Joni? Why isn't she in Texas with Gregg Abbott? Why isn't she in Washington with Clint Didier? She is none of these places. Sarah sits at home living her life vibrantly with her non working adult children to keep her company.

    9:23 spoke about a dance card in Alaska, I would say that Sarah's dance card does not have one name on it. No one wants to dance with Old Sarah. I guess the candidates do not want to be associated with a family who shows up uninvited and drunk to a birthday party and starts fighting.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I'll bet the Obamas had a big laugh over the Throwdown at the Hoedown!

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I doubt the Obama's even pay attention to that woman and her KKKLan...The president has REAL issues to take care of.

    3. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Caroll, she's home drunk on the fllor.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      well I am sure the MugShot Saloon will let her dance

    5. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Sarah sits at home living her life vibrantly *trolling* with her non working adult children to keep her company.
      I think BrisDull or Brancy is the "Griffy" troll
      Notice how nice its been without them b/c they were traveling with stupid....
      now they are back...
      Paging Gina! Paging Beldar!
      The idiot trolls are "living vibrantly" again!
      The family that Trolls together fights together at the hoedown. Sunglasses at midnight strutting around like Marilyn Monroe
      Its so goddamn funny that EVERYONE in DC now knows about Todd's pimping from Shay's testimony to DSH and the news about the Hoedown all the DC knows what kind of Trashy drugged up drunk ass family they are.
      can put a price on that? Can ya troll?
      And the Palin curse....soon it will hit home and I for one can't wait!

    6. Anonymous5:26 PM

      DC now knows about Todd's pimping from Shay's testimony to DHS (Department of HOMELAND Security) committee.

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Nice deal for Sarah, she gets paid to show up, uses the footage for self promotion under the guise of supporting someone else when in reality it's all Sarah all the time.

    And yes she is Mama Grizzly because Grizzly's show their agitation by swaying their heads,huffing,popping their jaws, blowing and snorting, or clacking their teeth, lowered head and laid-back ears also indicate aggresion, which explains those strange facial tics she has..a coke habit may help those also too. Another Grizzly fact, they abandon their cubs when the cubs reach about two and a half years of age, That sure sounds like Sarah!

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      And there you go, 9:48 AM, six years later I STILL don't get why she's given a voice PERIOD. She's so far from being knowledgeable on any given subject, let alone even remotely presidential in character and demeanor. Who would even want her endorsement? Answer: Someone I would NEVER vote for.

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      she's a copy cat...the BEAR deal...the language...the walk and's not of her at all...

      gee sarah do tell who you 'ache' to be

      who are you trying to be? and who is that again?

      how's that going to work out for you all again?

      tell john boy to take a trip to syria real soon now!

    3. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Another Grizzly fact, they abandon their cubs when the cubs reach about two and a half years of age, That sure sounds like Sarah!

  9. " Roberts: "Have you ever seen a Mama Grizzly dressed as a wildcat?""
    Eww, Just keep your porn fantasies to yourself, you creepy old fart.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      That has "eeeeeewww" written all over it, Nefer, but that's who she attracts!

    2. Roberts meant to say....

      "Have you ever seen a Mama Grizzly dressed as an alley cat?"

      I swear Baldy looks like a mangy...stanky...feral...dirty alley cat that I saw digging through the garbage behind a Taco Bell!

      Same colored wig hair....same expression on it's face...she probably smelled bad too! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Ha good one Nefer!

    4. Anonymous3:27 PM

      sarah is such a copy cat...BEAR? lol...copy cat!

    5. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

      LOL@Gina. Feral cat behind taco bell...... That's the infomercial for her "Save Crhstmas" line of toilet water, or should that be dumpster drippings?

  10. Roberts doesn't even LIVE in Kansas any longer. It's time to get rid of these old goats. They're not doing anything productive anyway.

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The video said nothing about Roberts. It was a tribute to Sarah Palin. The guy with the video camera found every person who would say how authentic and real Sarah was, when the whole thing was staged and a set up.

    SPC must be doing very badly if Sarah has to post the video, even a short video, for free on her facebook.

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      It's always about $arah. Always.

  12. Randall10:53 AM

    that booty!
    SHAKE that booty!

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Sarah's nasty GOP Pig de-baller is a named in a lawsuit

    A Senate Republican Caucus filed a lawsuit against the caucus on Thursday alleging that she was fired in 2013 after complaining about sexual harassment from some of her male colleagues that targeted female staffers.

    The lawsuit by the communications director, Kirsten Anderson of Des Moines, also alleges that state Sen. Joni Ernst, now the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, and another state senator, Sandra Greiner, were witnesses to some of the inappropriate actions by the male colleagues, including that an unnamed male colleague showed her a picture on his computer of a naked woman. Anderson's lawsuit says Ernst and Greiner did not do anything while the behavior was going on.

    Anderson was fired less than ten hours after writing a memo to her supervisors where she called attention to the alleged harassment, according to the Des Moines Register, which first reported the lawsuit on Thursday.

    "By way of just one example, Sen. Joni Ernst of Red Oak and Sen. Sandra Greiner of Keota witnessed sexual innuendo and inappropriate behavior exhibited by their male colleagues and did not and said nothing while female staffers stood by unable to say anything, Anderson's lawsuit said.

  14. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Gryph, please see Mediaite for their report on Meghan McCain on Howard Stern. Commenting on the brawl. ha! -sjp

  15. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Sarah now has to beg candidates to want her endorsement. When they don't even ask, she still endorses them. Soon, she'll be paying them to let her endorse them.

    1. "Soon, she'll be paying them to let her endorse them."
      I wouldn't be surprised if this is already happening. There is no end game for Palin other than the never-ending drive to keep attention focused on her. Any expenses not borne by whoever she is speaking for or endorsing will come out of SarahPAC, so it is not as though she is paying out of her own pocket.

      I think the cognitive dissonance of a narcissistic belief that she is fabulously popular and adored by all contradicted by the need to prop up declining PAC revenues to keep her illusions in place must be contributing to her increasingly incoherent behavior.

    2. abbafan2:12 PM

      Very brilliant observation; spot-on as always Nefer!

  16. Anonymous11:59 AM

    She looks really sorry when she poses with that look. I actually feel stupidly bad for the way she looks. All filthy and trying to smile for the camera. tsk tsk wonder she takes drugs. She looks worn out.

  17. Anonymous12:00 PM

    both roberts & manes look like pigs...filthy pigs

  18. Coming to a crummy bar soon; a site before seen in US history:

    .Picture it:
    An aging, scraggly-wigged, raddled face, scrawny old barfly in a getup reminiscent of a lower-class Peg Bundy on a bad day, wriggling around on a barstool, winking at every male in sight (including Old Sam, the bar's aging yellow lab mascot).

    Hooking her skinny, flappity arm around some hapless joe just wanting a brewski who didn't duck fast enough, she whines into his ear like a 90 pound mosquito: "Do you know who I am? Well, do ya? Do ya, punk? Or don't ya have any cajones? Here, lemmee squeeze... Wait, where was I? oh, yeah, I was the republican vice-presidential candidate, and I woulda won too, if it weren't for those meddlin' voters. And that bastard McCain. And that muslin commie, and {entire Palin shit list}...

    1. site before seen s/b sight never before seen

    2. Beldar T. Conehead1:02 PM

      Nefer, I didnt see your 'speculative fiction' entry before adding my own. Oops...

      I like everything about your comment expect your unnecessarily harsh treatment of Peg Bundy, who is unarguably one helluva classy broad when compared to TSW(rm)

    3. Well, yes, Beldar, Peg is a great gal ("husbands in the mist"; an all-time great line), which is why I was careful to say lower-class Peg. Never mind, you are right. There is no comparison. Peg Bundy is Madeleine Albright compared to Tundradunce.

    4. @102
      "comment expect your"????

      Beldar - if that's even your real name, which I bet it isnt - NOBODY on this defunct blog is going to take your stupidity seriously if you don't even know the difference between 'except' and 'accept'! How many colleges did YOU go to before you got YOUR degree???

      Beldar replies, sadly, "Eleven... or twelve. I don't remember...."

      I feel sorry for you, Beldar. smh

    5. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Nefer, I'm LMAO right now...
      "she whines into his ear like a 90 pound mosquito: "Do you know who I am? Well, do ya? Do ya, punk? "OMFG! Funny!

  19. Anonymous12:02 PM

    hoohah! that's what roberts is thinking about...

  20. Beldar Trophonius Conehead12:41 PM

    Gryphen, can you confirm or refudiate a strange rumor Ive been hearing lately? Apparently plans are underway for when The Screechy Wretch(tm) retires from her position as "Former Governor" and a multi-billion dollar, 10,000 acre ORACLE OF ALASKA tourist facility will be built on federal wildlife preserve land. As near as I can figure from the rumors, there will be a fabulous gilded cathedral and a solid gold throne upon which she will sit and the faithful will come bearing heartfelt gifts such as small bits of jewelry, pieces of fruit, handicrafts such as samplers, crocheted pillows and the like plus a nominal monetary gift of a minimum $450 + handling fees. Each supplicant will then be allowed 45 seconds to ask any question on any topic they would like and she will provide an answer that is guaranteed to change the asker's life.

    Probably something along these lines, I would imagine:

    Impoverished, aging, tea bagger: Oh, Great, Merciful and All Knowing Screechy, I have dreamed of this moment all my life!!!
    TSW(tm): Yeah? What's yer question?
    IATB: What is the secret to finding true enlightenment?
    TSW(tm): Hell if I kn.... I mean... Make frequent and generous contributions to ScreechyPAC and all will be revealed in the fullness of time!!!
    TSW(tm): You betcha! Thanks for visiting THE ORACLE OF ALASKA!!! NEEEEEEXXXXXXT!!!!!!

    Somethin' like that...

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      And to get you there in style Bristol wants to start her own rent a Hummer business, the add campaign goes something like this. "Rent Bristol's stretch hummer! low prices guaranteed! no party is too big or too small, we will get you to the brawl, so rent Bristol's stretch hummer today! and don't forget to use the coupon code for first customers we offer this due to a lot of mileage on the old hummer".

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      You have become very boring. Although seeing your name in print is all that matters to you.

      Pat Padrnos

    3. Hey, Pat, from your lips to God's ear, eh? See the thrashing I gave this loser in Nefer's comment above.

      C'mon, everyone! Together we can fight the Beldar Scourge!!!

      RUN, BELDAR, RUN!!!!!!

      (No, seriously, Beldar... not run for office. run away... Pat doesn't think you're funny and, to be honest, about half the time, I have to agree with him and/or her. Tho, I did like the Oracle of Alaska gag a little.)


    4. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Wow Pat, that was uncalled for

      Love you Beldar, keep up the good work and laughs!


    5. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Pat, who are you directing your comment to?

    6. Ummmm....Beldy baby...maybe it's time you "change" your name...or wear a "disguise"...Pat has taken a serious dislike to the name "Beldar".....hehehehe!

    7. BTC aka BJC aka Beldar3:56 PM

      Thanks, Mildred.

      Beldar isn't for everyone. Some say he's an acquired taste, like sour persimmon & garlic-flavored frozen yogurt.

      While others say he's just no darn good at all.

      (and there's a very good chance that Pat's just making a funny for us, cuz the idea that "Beldar" writes this shit in order to "see HIS name in print" is actually pretty hilarious if you think about it....)

    8. NOT Beldar (but actually, yeah, it's Beldar)4:00 PM

      Gina baby! You're looking lovely as ever, by the way.

      Your suggestion, as always, is excellent. I should point out, however, that upon close inspection it turns out that nobody on the entire internet changes his name as often as Beldar does.


    9. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Keep the garlic-flavored frozen yogurt coming, please.

    10. Anonymous6:18 PM

      NOT Beldar (but actually, yeah, it's Beldar)4:00 PM
      "upon close inspection it turns out that nobody on the entire internet changes his name as often as Beldar does."
      Yes, and as all good mothers teach their young, it should be changed everyday.

      Oh wait.. never mind. Carry on.


  21. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Oh lordy the Howard Stern interview with Meghan McCain. 'She's like my crazy aunt or something' LMAO

  22. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Meghan McCain Laments ‘Awkward’ Palin Connection: She’s Like ‘My Crazy Aunt’

    On The Howard Stern Show Thursday, Meghan McCain bemoaned the fact that she’ll always be associated former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

    McCain recalled her initial impression meeting Palin back in 2008, when then-Republican presidential nominee John McCain (Meghan’s father) chose her to be his running mate.

    “When I first met her, I really liked her because I thought she was a politician like I’d never seen,” said McCain. “She was beautiful, she had children, she had a newborn baby. And, you know, most politicians aren’t like that. They’re much older, and I didn’t have a lot to relate to them about.”

    Since then, McCain’s opinion has changed.

    “And now, it’s very awkward because everybody asks me and, you know, she’s getting arrested or her children are getting arrested, whatever, for brawling and bar fights,” McCain said, referring to a reportedly booze-tinged family brawl Palin was a part of.

    “When people ask me about it,” McCain said, “it’s like my crazy aunt or something that people all want to tell me about.”


    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      She also cow laughed at crazy auntie being presidential material.

  23. Anonymous3:10 PM

    What is that, a fucking wedding picture?!?

  24. Anonymous3:35 PM

    That is soooo weird the way she can reach one arm around her back like that! :)

  25. Anonymous3:53 PM

    So basically, this is Sarah's 'job' now, right? This is what she does for a living? She endorses someone, shows up for photo-ops, and gets paid for it? Oh, maybe gives a candidate a couple thousand, but gets to and from these photo-ops in private jets, stays in very nice hotels, etc. That's what she does for a living. This is Sarah hard at work. OK. So what is it that Todd does to make a living? What does Track do? What is it that Bristol who has according to Sarah such a magnificent work ethic, what does Bristol do for a living?
    I'm just really curious.

  26. Anonymous5:29 PM

    yeah Sarah tell all WHO really got that 500 million you posed as TransCanada deal...cough cough...

  27. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

    Ewwww She handled the face of some poor kid in a wheelchair then planted a wet one on his face. Poor kid can't even defend himself. And if I'm not mistaken, two of the pancakes granny flipped flopped behind her. Not a good sign, not good at all.
    Back to watching the Wizzard of OZ, when things go right in Kansas and a house falls on "what's in it for MEEEEEE?"
    A one minute clip, and fifty seconds of it are Sarah and folks drooling over what she means to them.

  28. Anonymous6:46 PM

    So in this dumb bitch's mind, "independent" means "can only support and vote for Republican candidates and causes". Way to be "independent", Sarah. F'in moron.

  29. Anonymous7:30 PM


  30. Anonymous8:23 PM

    It is interesting that no one has asked Sarah why she is endorsing this guy when he is the epitome of a candidate she is always slamming- career republican, DC elite etc. Guess they must have paid her big bucks to show up.

  31. Anonymous5:45 AM

    ....On The Howard Stern Show Thursday, Meghan McCain bemoaned the fact that she’ll always be associated former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.....

    ....“And now, it’s very awkward because everybody asks me and, you know, she’s getting arrested or her children are getting arrested, whatever, for brawling and bar fights,” McCain said, referring to a reportedly booze-tinged family brawl Palin was a part of.

    “When people ask me about it,” McCain said, “it’s like my crazy aunt or something that people all want to tell me about.”

  32. Anonymous5:53 AM

    The involvement of immediate family members in a drunken brawl does little to boost one’s political prospects.

    On a different level, the same might be said of a stingy leadership PAC.

    Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC continued to perform underwhelmingly as a source of funds for other candidates in 2014′s third quarter, a report filed with the FEC this week showed. Out of $1.4 million the PAC had available in the third quarter — $978,000 sitting in the bank at the beginning of the July 1-Sept. 30 period, plus another more than $433,000 raised during that time — SarahPAC managed to donate just $45,000 to fellow Republicans running in the midterms. That’s a little more than 3 percent.

    For the two-year 2014 cycle, the former Alaska governor’s PAC, a vehicle that helps her stay in the game amid talk that she may run in the 2016 presidential contest, has raised $2.5 million on top of more than $1.1 million that was in the bank at the start of the cycle. It has spent $2.7 million, with about $150,000 — or 5.5 percent — going to candidates.

  33. Anonymous6:11 AM

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP/ABC News) - A drunken brawl involving Sarah Palin and her family last month was a wild one, according to a newly released police report, and at the center of that report is Palin's daughter, Bristol, who repeatedly punched a man hosting the party in the face, was pounced on by a group of women and then dragged by her legs across the lawn.....

    ....."He said that while they were there, some guys were talking rudely to his sisters, making them cry,"..


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.