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"Hi Mr. Cameraman, do you see me? Am I in focus? Of course I am, I'm a star." |
North Louisiana, it was so great to be back in Monroe! With your warm southern hospitality you sure made us feel right at home amidst the duck weather (Duck weather?) that arrived ahead of season! It's an exciting time here. America's eyes are wide open after this month's election, and those eyes are now focused on Louisiana. This sportsman's paradise is poised to send the final message to Barack Obama in the runoff election on December 6th. (And that lesson is that this new Senate will do absolutely nothing until they get replaced by Democrats.) Congressman Bill Cassidy is ready to serve in the U.S. Senate as a fighter for Louisiana, as opposed to Senator Mary Landrieu who has been a voice for Barack Obama (voting with him 97% of the time) and has virtually ignored good Louisianans’ concerns for so many years. The status quo has got to go; Louisiana deserves the best, and Dr. Bill Cassidy is the best candidate for this great state! (Which is certainly not what she was saying just a month ago: "Check out Congressman Cassidy's long liberal record".) It's so encouraging to see concerned Americans all across the country rally for the good doctor – including Louisiana's own Duck Commander, Phil Robertson!
Never been prouder of Col. Rob Maness, a man of great character and commitment to serving our country. His efforts to unify the party behind Dr. Cassidy are truly admirable. (With the Colonel's bright future in public service, one can envision a future Cassidy/Maness team fighting for conservative principles in Washington.)
Well sure if he kisses Cassidy's ass now then the Republicans might throw him a bone later. That is Politics 101. Remember the first thing you have to give up is any of that integrity crap.
And Zach Dasher (Who? Oh yeah the Duck Dynasty Dipshit's cousin who recently lost his race. )is a bold, sharp leader with a beautiful family and shining future who has unified behind his former opponent, Dr. Ralph Abraham, for U.S. Congress. (And along with Rob Maness that makes two, count'em two, endorsees from one state that came up the loser in this election cycle. Gee, no wonder she's proud of Louisiana.) Dr. Abraham, another veteran, has a servant's heart with his "Pilots for Patients" service that provides free flights for patients far from medical care. Thank you to Dr. Abraham's great charity for letting us use their hangar for the Unity Rally yesterday. Todd felt right at home surrounded by all the aircraft and gear!
Well more at home then he feels at home where he has to sleep on the couch and is not allowed to make eye contact.
Louisiana, your spirit inspires the rest of America; your great candidates bode so well for you on December 6th. (Oh gag me!) We'll cheer you on as you exercise your right to vote for these good guys. The USA needs them fighting for us all!
- Sarah Palin
By the way apparently Palin suffered some kind of "travel emergency" yesterday which these young ladies helped her resolve.
Thanks to the MAC ladies at the Pecanland Mall in Monroe, LA for helping out with a travel emergency! pic.twitter.com/8hYcCbGwLn
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) November 15, 2014
The only thing I can imagine is that her road kill wig must have awakened from its coma and jumped off her head, and these ladies surrounded it and wrestled it back onto Palin's dome before it could make good on its escape.Just where is that hair school graduate when you need her?
Well whatever it was you know it must have been serious because Palin is standing with three African Americans and you know that must have made her break out in hives.
MAC Cosmetics!
ReplyDeleteJust like Kelly Osborne uses!
There is a store at the Pecanland Mall. (Where all the nuts shop?)
Of course she shops MAC. She's not really a Sephora kind of gal.
DeleteLOL The very one who "wrote the book" on saving christmas, shops at a store that offers "Holiday Gift Wrapping", not that she'd spend that much on a gift, that's some pretty pricey stuff. But considering Sarah's fascination with men's "junk", how could she resist? :Pecan nuts are a big dill in her fantasy life. Right Todd "Pisstacios" Palin?
DeleteIt's funny. MAC is a VERY liberal company, and a favorite of drag queens. The MAC store here in my city (in the North East) employs several rather stunning people who could be described as gender non-conformists. I wonder if Granny thinks she's gonna get an endorsement deal.
DeleteShe prob walked away with a few full sized items of MAC without paying look how shocked the one girl looks...she's known to do that....just sayin'!
DeleteWhat an old, flat chested skank........
ReplyDeleteThat explains where Sarah's shirt came from! The 'arms' of the shirt would not have been baggy on a couple of these other women.
ReplyDeleteshe's lost her muscle tone...she's a true granny now. She has the granny look/body.
Deletenothing wrong with that except that she thinks she's 20.
Can't find my glasses, is that The Supremes?
ReplyDeleteNah, they're "the Weather Girls" Known for their hit "It's raining men", but they wrote one for our dear Sarah. Well a Wiggy!!!!
Travel emergency? From the looks of her, she probably backed into a spinning propeller.
ReplyDeleteThe Belmonts exploded at altitude in an under-pressurized cabin. Fake boobies everywhere. Oh, the humanity.
DeleteAs God is my Witness, I thought crazy glue held those chesticles in place!
DeleteOMG you are RIGHT!!
DeleteThis is the black choir robe she wore on the Billy Graham eulogy video- shredded by the propellers!
Good sleuthing!!
Sarah...SARAH!!! You're such a dumb fucking CHILD!!!!
ReplyDeletelove Love LOVE that "Who? Oh yeah the Duck Dynasty Dipshit's cousin who recently lost his race" is in italics as if that's what she wrote concerning Dasher! I know it's a faux pas, Gryph, but it made me giggle.
ReplyDeleteI gotta admit, I've never been to a makeup counter staffed by anything other than emaciated white chicks. I'm a little confused. I guess I've been out of the South for too long ;-)
ReplyDeleteDown south they like they wimmins with some meat on their bones!
DeleteThose Big Mama's were laughing their asses off at Baldy's nasty racist ass! Don't let those smiles fool ya!
Here's a thought...how come it took 3 black chicks to put on Baldy's face?
Wonder what kind of Nondisclosures they had to sign before even meeting Baldy? They looked like they are being held at gunpoint to take this picture!
Nah. It's MAC. I use their products too as they are grrrreat and do not contain a mineral to which I am allergic.
DeleteAll the staff are AA at the three stores near me.
Lovely staff , lovely stuff.
"Travel emergency!"
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, is that like what the Ol' Dipstick had when her "water broke" and she could not go to the nearest hospital in Texas, but had to catch two different aeorplanes, then travel by car for almost an hour, in order to "give birth" at a hospital not equipped to handle high risk pregnancies?.
Is that what she means by a 'travel emergency"?
Hey, hey, Peg Bundy is a fictional character, and because of that, can't be held responsible for anything she said or did. The Wasilla Wendigo, on the other hand...yikes. What a batshit nutcase she is.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you! Peg Bundy was one of the original "Harlettes", the backup singers for the Divine Miss M (aka Bette Midler). What's Sarah's "talent"? Pulling a bunny out of a hat or pulling a sofa cushion out from under her spanx? Yeah, she played the skinless flute for the pageant she lost, but she sucked something fierce at it, and not in a good way either.
DeleteIn the mean time, laughter ensues on a certain patheos blog where a woman in her fifties pretends to be outraged at President Obama over his words on single moms. It's updated and funny as heck! No mention of good ole Anchorage mud showing up in the strangest places nor the bolo (that's "cops" for "be on the lookout") for a huge diaphram (aka trampolene).
What's with all these GOP doctors?
ReplyDeleteI don't trust many of them -- they've already thought they were God. Now they're trying to tell us all what to do, because they think they know better, and have been told repeatedly that they do.
Sarah ... you have to win a rodeo event before you can wear a BIG belt buckle.
ReplyDeleteI though that was one of those fake wrestling championship things.
DeleteSarah needs to try the purple highlights. Willer- are you payin' attenchion?
ReplyDeleteSarah, are you telling us that you need mascara, blush, foundation, lipstick and concealer in order to go out in public?
ReplyDeleteWe thought all along that it was your natural beauty shining through. Now you admit it's all artifice! What do you really look like under that mask? Please show us on your next Facebook post!
/s/ Thoroughly Disillusioned
We saw after the Throwdown Hoedown face peel.
DeleteShe has said before she "spackles on the makeup" some quote of hers from way back when....
DeleteTravel emergency? Toad forgot his rod wax?
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with Sarah and the color Black? Does she rent herself out as a professional mourner to the losers she picks and those who wanted them to win? Or is it just wishful thinking on her part? Maybe she has ASSpirations to come out with a line of Lingerie? It's not looking good for her job prospects.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to personally thank the MAC ladies for trying, it's not their fault the raw material looked like shit to begin with, and something tells me she ain't big in the "tipping" department either. What a shame her band of marauding beauticians (aka "F Troop") have no talent nor work ethic.
"Good guys wear black" Johnny Cash? Hard to tell who she's trying to channel, but she looks downright cheap.
DeleteTick tock goes the clock Sarah. Time is not on your side. All that was hidden will soon be revealed. Too many people know too many things and the puzzle pieces are all coming together.
Sarah dearie, it's time to cove the old veiny-aging-neck and those flappy top arms. Better yet, it's time to dress your age. You look freeaking ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteTravel Emergency: You're over 40 years old, expecting a child with special needs and you go into labor a month before the baby is due, with amniotic fluid leaking. And, instead of heading to the nearest emergency room, as any doctor or health professional would advise, you travel for 12 hours on several airplanes, then in a car to deliver that premature special needs child in a small town hospital which cannot handle that kind of birth. That's a travel emergency.
ReplyDeleteIn a real travel emergency, the pregnant Governor of Alaska would have been met by State Troopers and an ambulance, then rushed to the nearest, best equipped hospital in Anchorage. That's how you are supposed to deal with a real travel emergency.
Losing your suitcase, forgetting to pack the Belmont Babes, discovering that your favorite blouse has a stain-- those are not travel emergencies.
She wasn't pregnant.
DeleteIt's all about the image.
She looks like she's starving herself to death, literally.
DeleteSarah you look fat! You need to bump whatever you are doing up a few notches!
"Travel emergency"? As in her wig was about to pop off her head there? Willya ought to explain to her that she can't just run it through the washer/dryer.
ReplyDeleteMust be a plug for Sarah's next "best-seller"---
DeleteTravel Emergency: My Wild Ride during a Fake Pregnancy
by Sarah Palin (as told to and interpreted by Nancy French, fictional ghost-author for fictional grifting money-grubber/tax dodger-types.
Palin sat on her make-up trowel and broke it.
ReplyDeleteThat thing was metal, but all the old hefty clumps of cheap pancake make-up destroyed it. Those young women broke off a shovel they had in the back and loaned it to her.
Yeah yeah yeah....good way to get free makeup/hairdo from those girls & convince them to pose for publicity photos without even naming the name of the salon. What a PoS!
ReplyDeleteSHOOT yeah...I'd say and real emergency. I mean we've all seen her without her makeup and fuk*d up hair.
ReplyDeleteTravel emergency?! Is that her new line to get free stuff & now even cosmetics? She probably showed up with her now well-known make-up-free face...yeah, that would be an emergency.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to her traveling hair & makeup consultant daughters?
poor saggy-granny sarah looks all hunchback & sorry looking in the top photo.....just look at her trying to do her best pose & "youthful" smile...tsk tsk tsk ..
ReplyDeleteAnd I notice she and her slutty abstinence daughter try to push the "I like blacks " B/S to pretend they aren't racists, but their actions and rants say it all.
Wait a minute, you tell me she pays those loser daughters of hers to do her hair and makeup and they are too busy to help out Mama? They let her borrow their clothes well that's the only explanation for that wardrobe disaster, could it be she can't be seen with Wallow and Brisdull? they need to slink into oblivion for awhile so people forget the Palin Brawl incident.Shove it in her face people, we know what you are white trash who are proud of it! Finally all the drunks, uneducated dysfunctional losers have a hero in Sarah! It's cool to be stupid , it's cool to have a husband who sits on his ass and carries your purse! unfortunately there is a certain segment of society who can really relate to this.
ReplyDeleteLooking at her facebook page she is getting complaints about her choice of "fashion" some of her sheep are waking up but not enough of them. Can you imagine that ho dressing idiot being any where near a seat of power no matter how small? It's embarrassing, and no she will never run for anything again but keep the brawl out there since she is trying so hard to bury it. She thinks she has got away with her crap yet again. Gryphen, if you have something now is the time.
You are on to something.
DeleteI net mama Skarah put all the kids into a time out, including cutting off their finances for a bit, to pay them back for the hoedown.
You kids could make a lot of money and never ever have to work again for real if you write the tell all book....tell the Tri-G truth girls!! You know you want to.
Hey Gryph! Have you seen this? Someone's making a movie where Sarah Palin has become president! It's a horror movie of course! LOL
Didn't she have a travel wardrobe problem before? When she showed up with a tie dyed shirt?
ReplyDeleteI think she fully knows she has an "image" to project, but can't stand passing up a chance to "chic" herself up to show everyone she is so cooool.
She can't be judged on it by the straight-laced crowd, it was a wardrobe emergency!
She is so jealous of the kardashians sluts. It's what she aspires to.
NPD will do that. She proclaimed herself Queen Esther Redux, God would have the right people win in '08, on and on....
DeleteShe's a fake through and through, and no amount of polishing the turd is going to change the fact. It's downright pitiful to watch her try. Imagine if she took her "servant's heart" and used it for true service to the downtrodden. She really could change her image, but it will never happen. $arah has always been about $arah and nothing else.
It's just like the nutbomb to say mac makeup is an emergency but her old ass giving "birth" to a challenged baby isn't.
DeleteMAC is a cosmetics line. She must have left her make up in Wasilla in a stoned stupor or the cases cracked and broke in flight.
ReplyDeleteI m saddened to say I use MAC as well, love their products.
Can't belive Palin uses them too.
Sad face.
Doesn't mean she always uses MAC, it just means she found a place in the mall that would do her makeup for free.
DeleteSarah Palin ✔ @SarahPalinUSA
ReplyDeleteThanks to the MAC ladies at the Pecanland Mall in Monroe, LA for helping out with a travel emergency!
Look at the picture Sarah Palin tweeted from Mac's Emergency Makeup Salon
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is sending a subliminal message to President Obama:
Look my brotha in the Black House, I dress all in black like my sistas at Macs. You got a bag you can hit me up with? So come holla at me and get some of this fine Alaskan hoohah.
You think I'm playing with you that Sarah Palin is trying to dress and look like a sista?
DeleteLook at Sarah Palin's black shirt, black pants and WWE championship wrestling belt. Now look at the two ladies standing on both sides of Queen Laquisha Palin
Now do you believe me?
Sarah Palin your Alaskan hoohah aint fresh. You are standing in Louisiana and we are standing down wind from you in Wasilla and we can smell you
DeleteLet's play a game called
An emergency to RVPN Sarah Palin is trying to push Trig's head back up her hoohah while sitting in an airplane getting ready to takeoff and fly cross country from Texas to Alaska. Then landing in Alaska and not wanting Alaska State Troopers to escort your ambulance to the nearest hospital with sirens blaring and their emergency lights lit up like Christmas trees.
An emergency to RVPN Sarah Palin is standing in Louisiana getting ready to speak but you had a Travel Emergency, the airlines misplaced (lost) your skin school certified pimple popper and you need a facial overhaul because you don't want to go on stage looking like an old used up ho coming out of exercise class with no makeup on.
The LAST person I'm ever going to listen to, let alone vote for, is an immature, over-aged teeny bopper with a potty mouth.
ReplyDeleteomg, look what the cat dragged in. eww.
ReplyDeleteand the dog didn't want so it drug it back out.
DeleteIs she wearing those 7 inch heeled American Flag lumberjack boots again?
ReplyDelete@ anon 9:56 AM Possibly!
DeleteSarah should really invest in clothing with collars or turtlenecks to hide her turkey neck!
Poor $carah has lost her muscle tone. Look at those arms...
ReplyDeleteShe can put fillers and botox on her face but what about those arms. tsk tsk tsk..maybe surgery. That reminds me of her legs while in Hawaii with the gross cellulite and the ugly neck.
NOW, compare that to Michelle Omaba's toned bod. lol....Oh Sarah, no wonder you're full of hate.