Saturday, June 13, 2015

Salon issues an open letter to "the poor slob stuck writing Bristol Palin's crappy Patheos blog."

So the reporter over at Salon, David Ferguson, decided that he had had enough of the charade so he wrote this piece directed right at Bristol's ghostwriter.

First he addressed the blog's most recent attack on Miley Cyrus, which of course we covered here extensively

Then Ferguson decided to pull back the curtain and talk directly to the person putting all of Sarah Palin's words into Bristol's mouth:

And here is where I must address you directly, ghost-writer, and tell you that it’s a dead giveaway that you’re not the actual Bristol Palin because you’re writing on at least a sixth grade level. 

“In her cover story for Paper magazine,” you huffed, “Miley Cyrus spoke candidly about her sexuality, her hippie lifestyle, and her politics. While her nude photo shoot has attracted the attention of many, it is her hilarious tirade about tolerance that turned my head.” 

Okay, there are few things I know for certain in this world, but one thing I would lay my last fifty dollars on is that Bristol Palin thinks the word “candid” is how European people spell something that’s been dipped in sugar or maybe that it has something to do with yearbook pictures? But she absolutely doesn’t know how to use it as an adverb. 

She thinks a tirade is that thing that gets the lug nuts off the car wheel when you have a flat tire. Just…really. You could at least try to sound like you’re a high school dropout from Wasilla and not a Liberty University graduate who got fired from their job writing photo captions at Parade for plagiarism. 

What are they paying you? Are you one of the employees at “Aries Petra Consulting” to whom Palin paid $22,000 in 2012 for “Internet messaging?” Or has that generation of harried underlings been “broken, used, stepped on,” and left “down in the dust,” like other previous waves of Palin employees? 

Whoever you are (Nancy French) and whatever you make, it’s not enough. Look. Send me your resume. I will help you find some better job where you get to sign your name to your work and you never have to hear That Voice squawking at you from the other end of your phone. I won’t tell a soul.

Man do I love this!

Now part of the reason I love this is because this is what we have been telling the world ever since we figured out the ghostwriter was Nancy French way back in 2012 when French first launched "Bristol's blog." Remember that?

Ever since then I have referred to the blog as "Brancy's blog" because it has been obvious from the start that Bristol's contribution has been either minimal, or completely nonexistent.

In fact I am willing to bet that if any of you ran into Bristol coming out of a store in Wasilla, or tripped over her crawling to her car from the Mug-shot Saloon, and asked her about her most recent blog post, she would have literally NO idea what in the hell you were talking about.

That is because Bristol's identity has been usurped by her mother who pays Nancy French to type up her own hateful attacks against the President, anti-abortion tirades, and old lady ravings at the press in her daughter's voice.

Which is creepy as shit. 

So I am glad that at least one reporter was actually able to put two and two together and come up with identity theft instead of buying into the myth that the words coming out of Brancy's blog are in fact words that have EVER been spoken by Bristol herself.

And it's about damn time too!

Update: More evidence of French's duplicity:


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    This was GREAT to wake up to!

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM


    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      What 6:11 said.

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM


      why the fuk can't this happen to the crosseyed dimwit skank ?!?

    4. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Ship named after Gifford! Sarah will cry!

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I don't think it was very smart to start a public spat with Miley Cyrus. Something tells me that will not end well for the grifters!!!

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Every time Sarah Palin gets in a stupid public fight on the internet it shows more people how completely unstable and irrational she really is. Palin's next book will be titled "How to go from a VP candidate to internet troll in less than one year"

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      The PayMes don't care. Remember, ANY mention in any publication is better than NO mention!

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Right on target!!! Nancy French must be as fake a Christian as the PayMe family, to write all this holier-than-though bull crap for a used up slut like Bristles.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      So sick of the Mini-Me con artist. I hope she gets locked up with the others soon for this fraud. Now that Mini-Me is homeless it could be the best thing for her. She could get a reality show taken after Orange Is the New Black.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Locked up exactly for what fraud 6:57?

      Please be specific about what criminal fraud you have proof of, and specifically what that proof is?

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      There are many frauds involving Palins. Take your pick. You don't have to think anything will get to court ever. That is when things will be more clear and laid out. In Wasilla, pregnancies/fake pregnant were not secret. Nor the corruption of the authorities.

      The OJ syndrome could also be at play for the Palins. They could murder 100 people but end up in prison for stealing some shoe or shades. Like karma.

    4. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Getting away with murder!

    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

      6:57 Did not say they had proof. There are others.

      Ty for expanding and saying it is criminal fraud, not just fraud.

      In law, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain. Fraud is both a civil wrong and a criminal wrong.

  4. Chenagrrl6:51 AM

    Fired for plagiarism on captions, or as we say in the newzbiz, cutlines? Good lord, that one would need a hoverer, not a mentor, so she doesn't give the store away. Most pix come with captions and user can use them and the info (as long as it's accurate) in them. Plagiarism in captions. (Shakes head) Time to mind the grow house.

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Nancy French tweeted about this same Miley blog post...

    Nancy French @NancyAFrench
    Hee hee -- Miley Cyrus Claims She’s “Least Judgmental Person Ever,” Calls Christians “Insane Motherf–kers”

    6:09 AM - 11 Jun 2015

    Bristol's blog post is also dated June 11. How is it that Nancy
    French knew about the new blog post at 6:09 AM (per my time stamp)? Alaska time would have been 5:09 AM. Nancy's involvement in this is OBVIOUS.

    The good news is it only got six retweets -- so not much of a following.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Another gotcha type question!~

      Like Sarah told Halco: Her voters don't care about facts and knowledge!

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      "Bristol's Blog" didn't even tweet about this post until June 12th. Nancy beat her to the punch?

      Bristol Palin Verified account @BristolsBlog

      Miley Cyrus Claims She’s “Least Judgmental Person Ever,” Calls Christians “Insane Motherf–kers”

      7:53 AM - 12 Jun 2015

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM


  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    OT Sarah Palin’s latest rant in her facebook page is to pretend she's the defender of Civil Rights.

    Stop acting like you are the defender of our Civil Rights leaders. Hillbilly Sarah Palin in 2008 you stirred up a lot of racist hate against presidential candidate Obama which could have gotten him assassinated and to this day you are still at it.

    Todd and Track what do you think about your lily white Sarah? Sarah was a lot like Marina Lupas. At one time Sarah was the vanilla ice cream in an ice cream sandwich.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Tavis Smiley: LOL—Who’d Sign Up To Be Black?

  7. Caroll Thompson7:02 AM

    Excellent. Just excellent.

  8. Anonymous7:07 AM

    At least Nancy is married. Can't say the same for Bristol. Or maybe I can. It is possible Bristol ran away to marry her true love, Marina.

    Why else would Bristol openly "honeymoon" with Marina?

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Nancy French is married to a militant Christian Taliban lawyer who is hell bent on theocracy.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      ...Anon 7:37.....a husband whose associates might cringe at finding out that his obedient little faux Xtian wifey lies for a living in various blogs, Facebook posts, press releases, etc. :) Let's send out some information to better edumucate a few folks, huh? I mean, if Paylins flying monkeys can threaten to expose Audrey of the wonderful babygate blog by attempting to embarrass her husband about the writing she did for a living (allegedly erotic, so what? ).....Christian Taliban lawyers probably dont' want it getting out that their wifeys lie for pay on a regular basis.

      And the broader media might be interested, too. :)

  9. PalinsHoax7:08 AM

    Hey Bri$tool:

    1.) Which weighs more: a 1/2 pound of feathers or a half pound of stones?

    2.) What colour is a grey sky on a rainy day?

    3.) Who does this remind you of: a TWOBULLed car-pooler who reneges on her duties, a desperate idiot wearing a faux pregnancy belly and an imbecile who thinks people believe her ludicrous Wild Ride story?

    4.) Where does the depth of your deep, profound, meaningful personality end and the depth of a pin head begin?

    5.) When will you start being the legitimate, original,sole writer of your blog?

    6.) Why do you allow your mother to use you and make an absolute fool of you?

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Legit questions, especially the last.

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I'm so happy to see this crap getting called out by others. You've been on it from the start Gryphen, and now it looks like we are watching the end of the madness.

    The charade is up, and everyone is seeing these people for what they are, finally!

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The Palins went after the likes of:

    Dave Letterman
    Kathy Griffin
    Miley Cyrus

    Well Sarahand Bristol :
    Letterman describes Palin as "slutty" in the footage, while Maher calls her a "dumb twat" on his TV show. Madonna screams "Sarah fucking Palin" while performing at a concert and various other entertainers variously label her a "slut", "bitch" or use the term "hate" to describe their feelings about her. As the footage ends, a verse from the Bible appears on the screen: "By their fruits ye shall know them.

    Sarah you hate Hollywood and Hollywood hates you.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Sarah only "hates" Hollywood because they want nothing to do with her. They used her for the SNL anniversary but she lapped it up like the sick puppy she is. She wants to be "Hollywood" desperately LOL.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      That list is longer.

      Dakota Meyer's two cents on "trivial pop culture idiocy"
      dakotameyer0317 Yet another story hits the news today

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      7:37 AM, that's all she ever wanted because she is in her demented brain. She can't she say she wasn't given the opportunity, heck, her whole family. But there's this little thing called "ratings" and rill 'murika said, "oh HELL no." Why she'll never run for prez....she'll be laughed off the planet.

    4. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Of course, Meyer is unable to recognize this idiocy.
      #Repost @rangerup

      He also made a few other bad pop culture choices that are a tell the guy is a liar and makes bad decisions.

  12. Anonymous7:14 AM

    On $arah's fb, I notice how respectful the palinbots were during Vice President Joe Biden's grief over the loss of his Son, but on bristol's (nancy) fake fb I was shocked to see her give President Obama a compliment over his heart felt Eulogy of Beau Biden, but the bots have so much hatred for this great President they couldn't agree, their response "palin 2016"

  13. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Yes, it's about time someone called these frauds out!! $arah give me money palin is behind eveyone of these so called posts from her born again, 4th times a charm daughter. Fuck off $arah, nancy, barstool, all of them.

  14. Anonymous7:23 AM

    You can tell Sarah Palin’s facebook page and Bristol Palin’s blog are written by a ghostwriter. All you have to do is read their ghostwritten posts and compare it against Sarah and Mini Me's 4th grade hillbilly uneducated word salad rhetoric and you can tell there is a difference.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Also too if you listen to the police tapes you know how the Palin parasite spawn Rilly talk.

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Also too the idiot daughter had a national TV show where the family laughs at Tripp when he talks like the family Rilly talks.

      How much more inappropriate can they be with their spawn?

      I guess using Palin spawn to lure in perverts and pedophiles is inappropriate.

      Now that they outed themselves as cultish like Quiverfull Duggars it is hard to miss what they are covering up.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Brisdull is a coward just like her mother--- never speaks to people, never goes on a talk show where she might be asked a non scripted question. Hides behind the Facebook bunker and ghostwritten screeds. Note that B'dull is never asked to appear anywhere because her past 'performances' clearly show she has the personality of a shoe.

    4. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Don't insult my Keds!

  15. Oh great now bristle will try to write her own, look out third graders!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I doubt she will try but if she does it won't last long. It's way too much work and stuff.

  16. Anonymous7:31 AM

    “I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult — anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me.”
    -Miley Cyrus

    Can Sarah's sexually promiscuous daughter Bristol say she hasn't tried animals?

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      What about Todd? Can he say he hasn't tried sheep booting?

      Sheep booting: When you put on tall rubber boots, grab a sheep and put it's hind legs in the boots with your legs. You then proceed to fuck the sheep. This procedure is used to prevent the sheep from getting away.

      "Damn man, I am so horny, I'm about to fuck a sheep!" 
      "Yeah dude, gimme your tall rainboots, I need them for some sheep booting.

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM


    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      10:36, don't you mean "Ewe...?"

      I'll show myself out.

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Lol 11:27! 7:42, you're sick to post that unnecessary nastiness. Won't ask how you know...

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I've never been able to figure out why reporters have allowed this charade to continue. One could argue that Bristol Palin is not worth the ink to expose her blog as nothing but another ugly outlet for her mother, but they do seem to report on some of her (Nancy's) more outlandish posts. I am thinking they have finally pissed off the wrong people. Miley, Lena, Dakota; any one of them has the ability take her down. Maybe that's why Lena has been so silent, she's working behind the scenes. Let's just hope more reporters start catching on! Gryph, maybe this would be a good time to rerun the evidence you have of French being the ghostwriter. I'm guessing several reporters read here.

    What a great way to start the day!

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Watching this play out has been interesting - the Palins attacking well known celebrities. It would seem they are really pushing this whole thing too far. I believe they feel they are untouchable.
      But - I read an article somewhere today about how Michelle Duggar pushed things a bit too far also. It goes back to the robocall she made concerning a vote and how she damned the fact trans-genders would be using bathrooms. What happened out of that was a woman (gay) who knows the Duggars took a picture of her and her wife in front of the Duggars home. The photo went viral, they were contacted by media and the woman provided info which helped take down the Duggar family.
      This same sort of thing could happen to the Palin family. Someone who has the courage and inside info on them could sink their ship real fast. They would crash faster than the Duggars.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      8:27 AM


  18. Anonymous7:38 AM

    If Sarah Palin ever wants to be POTUS she has a weird way of showing it. Whoever runs for president needs Hollywood. This proves Sarah Palin is all shit when she says she's thinking about running for president. Sarah has trashed Hollywood.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I doubt Sarah thinks for a minute she would run for POTUS. She will tease as long as she can.

      She seems to be putting her energy into 'Bristol'. The name she has stolen. She may be able to coerce her daughter into playing her game but there is no human being behind Sarah's ruse.

      IMO, Sarah's intent is to form another PAC and that is where 'Bristol' is very significant to her.

      Palin brand just uses and abuses our electoral system to the point of much criminal activity.

      Take 'em down media.

      Thank you Gryph for all you do.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      $arah does not want to be president or hold any office whatsoever. She's a dumb but cunning opportunist who happened to be lucky to live in a country full of stupid hateful, politically active religious extremists prime for fleecing.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Yet whenever Hollywood whistles, Sarah comes running.

      Even worse, she is kind of standing around outside the exclusive club, trying to bluster or bribe her way inside, while saying, "Hollywood? I wouldn't go if you paid me!" Her mouth says one thing but her actions have been those of a person desperately seeking fame and "glamor."

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      I can't imagine Miley, Lena, etc. Lowering themselves to strike back at $arah and The Chin. It will only bring more attention to the Grift Queens, which is what they want.

      The young women the PayMes are so quick to disparage are smart, hardworking, ever curious and making good lives for themselves, not riding on the coattails of others.
      What have you accomplished on your own, Brisdull?? You can't even. Speak for yourself.

    5. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Running for President is a full time job and it is a lot of work. The candidates will be running for more than a year. Sarah barely lasted two months when she ran for VP. Being President is even harder. Sarah just wants the fame and the money. It beats working. As long as she can attach some political cause to her facebook posts, she can justify that PAC which is her cash cow. It pays for her to promote herself, travel and all of the other costs of promoting herself, it's a vicious circle. But in the end, it's about the attention and the money.

    6. Anonymous10:00 AM

      The PayMe family would LOVE to be with the Hollywood in crowd. Unfortunately, none of them has a lick of talent, not a LICK. Bristles could not even sleep her way into a part now, too used-up. What is it that this family does not understand? Miley worked her arse off from the time she was a young kid. Voice lessons, dance lessons, acting lessons. While she was doing all this work, Bristles was sleeping her way through the hockey team!! To make it in Hollywood, it takes some talent, plus a willingness to work your arse off. The PayMe family does not know what hard work IS. Talent? Not this clan of grifters. I almost feel sorry for Nancy French. ALMOST, but she had to know what a lost cause Bristles is when she ghost wrote "her book"

    7. Anonymous10:01 AM

      7:38 why do you morons keep putting 'Palin' and 'President in the same sentence? Palin does not want to be president, she has never wanted to be president, she is never going to run for president. This election cycle she hasn't even really even played around or teased with the hint of running. So why do you idiots keep saying things like she wants to be or run for the presidency? She doesn't, she isn't even toying with her fans about it.

    8. Anonymous10:19 AM

      She doesn't want to be President, she wants to be Queen.

    9. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Yeah, because she thought Queen Elizabeth ruled England. SNORT!

    10. Anonymous2:05 PM


  19. Janice A Soderquist7:43 AM

    Postage, postage, postage, how much do the other Palin families make, parents, children, etc. to delete negative posts on her Facebook?

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If Nancy F is paid for the posts it's not identity theft, more like mercenary blogist.

    1. Nancy French didn't steal Bristol's identity, Sarah did.

      And then paid French to wear it like a mask.

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Well said!

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Well, nobody can steal Bristle's personality, since she has none!!

  21. Anonymous7:50 AM

    "....I am glad that at least one reporter was actually able to put two and two together'....."

    I wouldn't really call a snark piece about a d-list celebrity e-gov's d-list celeb daughters ghost written blog, by an online opinion source "reporting", it isn't really deserving of the title of reporting or reporter for such unimportance. That was much more resembling of an 2-3 times a day IM Palin grudge holding post. Guess that is why your panties got damp over it, maybe you found you intern.

    a couple of worthy comments on the linked open letter:

    "There's a point to this rant I suppose, but it's not apparent. Bristol is a fat little twit with no redeeming social value. However, she is deserving of utter anonymity so why not simply ignore her? Notice how little is being written lately about what'shername - Bristol's mom. Why not make daughter like mother? Or are you being paid to publicize her blog that no one has heard about before?"

    "Who thinks Salon's news editor can actually get someone a job where she gets paid to write work she signs her name to? Salon employs only a handful of regular writers, and the internet has broken paid journalism. "

    "Well, I dunno, Mr. Writer. I have scant use for the Palins as such, but to sort of mock them in high snark mode as being some sort of cartoonish redneck hillbillies and dismiss Alaska as some sort of imbecile land is not enough to convince me that your criticism is valid or that you're coming from any better place.

    If people would simply stop paying attention to the Palins, they'd probably all disappear from view (except to their neighbors). But Salon seems to want to keep the circus running. Must be good for business."

    couldn't agree more.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      I've never understood people commenting about the uselessness of commenting.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Sarah Palin will not stop paying attention to the Palins. She only wants certain people to stop paying attention.

      She wants to control and influence the writers that pay attention to the Palins.

      I support anyone that pays no attention to the Palins. I support all who do pay attention to the Palins and calls them out.

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      @7:50 Methinks you protest too much.

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      I think it's newsworthy, because I believe that Sarah Palin has hit a NEW LOW in using her family for her own publicity. Yes, politicians lie and distort truth all the time, but to put your thoughts into your own daughter's blog (via Nancy) truly needs to be called out. Glad to see that it has nearly reached "the Lamestream".

    5. Anonymous9:05 AM

      " 2-3 times a day IM Palin grudge holding post. Guess that is why your panties got damp over it, maybe you found you intern."

      Sarah tried to sic her lawyer on IM and it blew up in her face. Knocked her wig off, it did. IM also blew up Sarah's marriage and Bristol's wedding.

      IM seems to have blown up the friendship between Bristol and Marina.

      tee hee

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM


      Sarah's quitting is next!

      Writing her screech and getting ready for a surprise presser at her house INSTEAD OF enjoying the holiday in Juneau? Sounds like "less than ideal circumstances" to me!

      Coming soon.
      Right here on IM!

      The previews have been at austinsafecker for a while. Maybe someone will post the link.

      #secret s************ ?

      You betcha!

      It will be newsworthy.

    7. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Famous tv judge to be in the news on Monday?

      Heard it here!

    8. Anonymous10:44 AM

    9. Anonymous11:16 AM

      The previews of what 9:26? Be specific cause I don't see anything on the obsessed Irish womans blog that is of any interest. Just an Irish ladies rants and judgements of her perceptions of Palin-land, certainly nothing earth shattering. Why anyone spends so much time, esp across an ocean, on an unimportant ex-governor (and not even recent), is truly beyond me. Why?

    10. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Anonymous10:44 AM

      Sarah Palin projections too much!

    11. Anonymous11:57 AM

      11:16 AM

      You might want to contemplate why, why, why North Korea, also too. Sarah is popular in many places. Try Russian blogs. It is a hoot or woot, woot!

      There are too many all over the world. The Irish one has a funny wit.

    12. Irishgirl12:54 PM

      Hello 11.16

      I blog about Sarah Palin because it is fun, fun, fun. She used to scare the beejaysus out of me when she first arrived on the scene - but not anymore.

      And also and too, I rillly enjoy capturing those screenshots of her idiocy. And don't you worry your little head about how much time I devote to Palin, because I can blast out a post in about ten minutes. Well more, if I have to listen to her idiocy and take screenshots. And ain't it great that I have screenshots of Nancy French's fingermarks all over Bristol's blog?

      You should also look up my Dairygate posts and the resignation posts. I have found a lot in her emails my dear!

      And I also blog about the retarded one because someone from Alaska reached out to me and told me their story. The Palins are dangerous fecking thugs. And I do mean dangerous. I can't even begin to fathom what Gryphen knows but can't share.

      To conclude dear 11.16 AM - póg mo thóin. That translates to kiss my arse.

    13. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Thugs smhmugs! They are pussies! :)o

    14. Anonymous2:47 PM

      You tell 'em, IrishGirl!

    15. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Thanks for the response Irishgirl as to your Palin dedication. For fun. Although I really already knew that part. The question was maybe slightly deeper and darker, because at some point the record just starts repeating itself, and is it still really fun when it is a repeat? Perhaps.

      You are no doubt familiar with Regina's last post on Palingates. Perfectly stated in just several sentences was one of the best Palin posts ever, and really was the perfect snub to Palin herself. She quit feeding the sharks.

      I'm familiar with your past dairygate writings, emails, etc. None of that really is going anywhere now though right? It seems most of the Palin haters left have started confusing conjecture and imagination with facts and reality. The past is just one big jumbled mess now. Palin was typical of many politicians new to power that get themselves in legal gray areas. She never really liked the job anyways.

      You are a funny and witty writer and surely a decent and fun lady. I'm a bit of a fecker, but I truly don't mean to insult you. I'll gladly kiss your ass, as have a weakness for irish women, especially the green eyed strawberry blonde sirens.

    16. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Get ready Irishgirl!

      The rest of June will be a busy month.

      A few important revelations are on the way!

      I am that anonymous.

    17. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Element of surprise

  22. Anonymous7:56 AM

    You know, I can understand a ghostwriter for books: some people simply cannot write. Interview the person at length, take notes, then put it to paper. Happens all the time.

    But to continually put your own thoughts and agenda into an immature, uneducated individual's mouth, when the world knows better, is mental and sick. Pure and simple.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Yes, ghost writers are fine.

      In this case they have created another entity. They are selling this entity as Sarah's daughter. There is no way that is acceptable.

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Why not use a real writer as a "co-author" or "as told to..." and get the real writer's name on the front cover?

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Spot on.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I think that Nancy does it for the money that she is paid. Nancy gets to air her Christian beliefs and be paid in the process. If she wrote as Nancy French, no one would notice. Writing as Bristol, especially when Sarah Palin links to one of the posts, she gets money.

    5. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Why not say it is Sarah Palin that is behind another scheme? It has nothing to do with Bristol other than to use her name and allow her to have some stud bug posts of her son. Usually crap that looks like Tripp is being used to attract the Duggar, Nugent, Duck types and all the pervs and pedophiles they like to pose with.

      Why did Sarah protest to much on Dunham/

      "YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU" says Sarah Palin as she sends public to the fraud blog.

    6. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Consider this. You are an employer or a non-profit looking for a person with name recognition you want to represent your business. You are sincere and live an honest life, you want honest people you can believe to represent you.

      You see Bristol Palin's resume and you see she is a writer and Christian with a blog. You believe she has been working, writing and she is a real person as her resume states, not a fake facade that doesn't write or actually work.

      That job they say she worked for years is another falsified account of Bristol's work life.
      Alaska Dermatology, Laser and Skin Cancer Center and Aesthetica Med Spa.

      You might feel it matters if you hired someone like Bristol and found out later they had faked so much.

      Especially if she were to go back into the medical field. People were getting skin treatments that were not given by accredited people.

    7. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Ghostwritten blogs, facebooks, anythings... is hardly a new trend amongst celebrities, even bottom of the barrel celebrities.

      The real question is, why do you IMers want to pretend that anyone cares that, the not so secret truth is that Brisol's blog is ghost written? Everyone knows it already, not a big deal, not even a small deal. Nobody cares.

    8. Anonymous2:01 PM

      12:32 PM Thanks for showing it is a big enough deal for you to write all that.
      It is good to see when people care that much.

  23. Anonymous8:25 AM

    $$$ gotta pay the rent

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Wow and finally!

    This fakery Nancy French, who lies through her teeth by writing for someone else, knowing that Bristol is on a road to mental physical emotional destruction, yet continuing to placate Bristol and Sarah Palin for a nice pay, is NOT a christian. What is she? I don't know, but she certain has sold out to a nice fat paycheque.

    Hope Nancy French enjoyed that Disney two-week cruise and that she can look at herself in the face every morning without a pang of guilt that she uses people, and that her own children someday will see her as a huge fake.

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Bristol knows how and who to stop it! She just is scared of being broke! Hint: Best things in life are free!

  25. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Booom….Hillary just said "I have been called a lot of things, but quitter is not one of them." Suck on that Sarah, our half term quitter Governor.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      That was a big FUC_ YOU & kiss my ass to Sarah Palin

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      3…2…1...The sound of someones head exploding is resonating around Wasilla. Hillary just called "The Quitter" out. Millions witnessed her jab at the half term Governor, failed Vice Presidential candidate, failed reality show celebrity, failed family values advocate,failed Christian, failed mother, street brawling family leader, etc.,etc. Run Sarah, run, you coward. Hilary is. Come on Sarah. You vs Hillary. You can do it. You can win. You know you can. Or you can continue to hide behind your Face Book posts and throw bombs. Loser.

    3. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Hills trolling Sarah and the wingers!

      June is turning out to be a bad month for Her Heinous the Quitter from Wasilla!

    4. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Bristol: "Why is everyone laughing at you again mama?"

    5. Anonymous10:42 AM


  26. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The screenshots that busted French.

  27. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Nancy French sounds like she's just as bad as the Palins. Her 'hee-hee in her tweet makes her the mean girl bully. She's happy and overjoyed that Miley calls christians 'mother-f_chers? What branch of christianity is she from? Certainly not the one who grieves over one unrepentent sinner and who prays for salvation for everyone, including Cyrus, per the bible.

    Now, the real question here is, what does Nancy French think about Dakota and Sarah's "F_ck You" sign, hee-hee? What did she think about, hee-hee, Bristol and Willow's profanity rants at the brawl, hee-hee, or Bristol's best friend Marina's career choice, hee-hee? Maybe someone needs to let her know she shouldn't cast stones before she looks in her own slate.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      We know what Nancy thinks about people shacking up and getting engaged after only a few weeks because she's criticized The Bachelor/ette for that exact thing.

      She's a lying, hypocritical, hack.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Cults stick together. Quiverfull, Scientology, Dominionist and many, many more. If they are not at war, they will come together and support their creeps.

      I will not be surprised to learn that Marina Lupas if in the Hooking for Jesus church.

  28. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Passing yourself off as someone else could land you in prison, but if you are convincing enough, your (fake) life could be the subject of a book or movie!

    We Love Who They Aren't

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I don't think that Nancy is passing herself off as Bristol. I think that she is paid to write Bristol's posts. She is a ghost writer.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM


      Nancy needs to be authentic and honest. It is ridiculous that the media takes these posts and runs with it as if Bristol is writing.

      By doing this they are creating a fake resume for Bristol Palin.

      Bristol needs to say she has a blog that is run by her mother, she doesn't always know what they post and she couldn't have an honest discussion about it. She just wants the money and has sold out.

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Sarah is the one hiring someone to impersonate the revirginated abstinence speaker.

      I don't see how Nancy is not complicit. Even if she believes Bristol is all the phony religious that she claims. Nancy may even believe that Bristol attends church. It doesn't matter if Nancy believes in lies or not. Nancy is posing as a 24 year old and she is not 24.

      Nancy does know she is writing as if she is the revirginated abstinence speaker. Nancy knows she is not ghost writing when she fakes it as if she is Bristol. Nancy also knows whose intent is behind the blog and posts.

      It is not Bristol, other then the stud boy lures she does.

    4. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Nancy 'Asshole' French, the Fake Evangelist Xtian.

    5. Anonymous12:00 PM

      It would help Nancy if she was a Christian and behaved as a Christian.
      Not some old world Bible cult, but Christ like Christian.

    6. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Isn't Bristol passing herself off as Nancy French although she is not using Nancy's name?

      Bristol or Sarah are building Bristol's writing and Christian cred when they have Bristol do nothing but use Nancy's work.

      Put it all together and it is deceptive and can be criminal.

      French may have not been sleeping around with various men. She can write about her sex while married.

      It gets dicey when Nancy writes as if she is Bristol and makes Bristol look more as if she is doing sex as a Christian wife. While Bristol is shacking up with Joey and Tripp at Disneyland, or takes Tripp to another state shacks up there.

      It's just not kosher. It would have been better had Sarah hired someone who claims to be a Christian and sins in regard to sex while not recognizing child abuse. A sinning child abusing ghostwriter would have at least been able to pull this off better as if Bristol is a writer.

  29. Anonymous8:54 AM

    LOL! Good for Salon!
    BTW, just what 40-something woman would use "hee-hee"??? Brancy forgot the twitter account is in her own name and mixed up her roles.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      NObody actually reads anything Nancy French writes under her own name, so it really doesn't matter.

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Maybe the "woot woot" got too much flak?? Remember Nancy writing "Two weeks until I becomre Mrs, Dakota Meyer. Woot woot"

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Nobody actually reads Salon or a dumb piece about a Palin either.

    4. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Nobody sock-puppets do read Sarah Palin. That is worse than nobody reading her. Poor Sarah.

    5. Anonymous1:59 PM

      @12:21 PM That is like saying that nobody reads IM while you are posting here.

  30. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Bristol Palin, 24, was pregnant at 16, engaged twice, and routinely wears mixed fibers (Leviticus 19:19) and husses herself up with makeup and jewelry like a worldly harlot (1 Tim 2:9). She also danced lustfully with a man who was not her husband on DWTS. But in new blog post, she wants to remind you who the true hypocrite is: Miley Cyrus, who recently briefly mentioned Christians in her interview with Paper Magazine with caused Bristol’s Persecution Phone to ring.

    Correction engaged three times and Bristol is 24. Sarah is it a sin that Christian Bristol shared beds and reproductive fluids with guys who are not her husbands. LOL this is a reflection on Sarah Palin’s parenting.

    Sarah Palin wants to be the voice of Christian mothers everywhere.

    Sarah Palin shut the fuck up. You and Bristol can't even keep your panties up.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Not big on the bible verses but definitely bookmarking that mixed fibers prohibition! Maybe that's why the jeebus freaks always used to wear 100% polyester?

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM


  31. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Throughout history, people have taken on new identities and pretended to be someone they’re not. Some do it live a more exciting life and attract attention, while others have more sinister motives, such as pulling off a crime.

    The Great Imposter.

    Female Military Imposter.

    SCOUTING... Dirty Ark. Boyz ‏@Dirtyarkboyz101 @ExotixLLC Alaska Modeling Company Now!!! Scouting loving ladies across the world!!! #modelcasting


    The rill dill.

    Which persona is Bristol Palin?

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Yes, Bristol is presented as 2 very different types of people.

      Which one is it?

  32. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Sarah has another cute little trick, assigning some profound revelation to one of her kids. Sorry, Willow did not diagnose Trig's DS the moment that he arrived at MatSu hospital. Willow's expertise is in making hair look magenta or purple.

    Sarah claims that it was Bristol who compared Lena Dunham to Josh Duggar. The only thing that Bristol cares about is posting another selfie with her little boy. They are terrible photos and they show us a shallow girl, obsessed by image and someone who needs to keep Tripp as her "baby."

    In return, Bristol must be receive some kind of payment for the use of her facebook and her blog, where Nancy posts stories that are always three days after the fact. We can tell Bristol's level of writing, it's cute phrases like "all my babes." Nancy French was hired because she makes Bristol sound as if she writes at a high school level instead of grade school.

    If there are posts about abortions, it's Nancy's handiwork. If there are obscure posts about a child with DS who was elected prom queen or king, that's Nancy's handiwork. Bristol's limit is "my baby boy."

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Pretty much in a nutshell true!

  33. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Bristol is struggling, she wants to believe in herself. Perhaps a god quote will help. She has no life right now. Does little Trippy feel how trapped she is? What despair and fear.

    Janice Sims Nice nails!

    The 2 loves of my life

  34. Showing my age.
    These various posts about the suspect level of Bristol's command of the English language take me back again and again to a first season episode of "Cheers":

    Sam Malone: At least my dates don't count the number of letters in sentences.
    Diane Chambers: Your dates can't form sentences.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Feeling old but I laughed out loud. I mean when the show first aired! I remember that...

  35. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Remember the first day Bristol's blog came out and some of you took actual screenshots that showed Nancy French's signature all over it??

    Now I'm sorry I didn't! People please be emailing those screenshots to Salon, Wonkette, etc. More than 1 person who has those should be sending them out to the media or tweeting out the screenshots along with a link to Salon. Let the world see the proof!

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      The world doesn't care 9:56. The world doesn't care, because the world has more important things to do than obsess over who is ghostwrting a blog for a d-list celebrities daughter, nor is that big news or a slight surprise to anyone. 95% of everything out there is ghost written.

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Anytime a Palin can be outed for their fakery and lies - it's a good thing!

      Sorry 10:36 that it's not to your liking. You wish we'd stop pointing out their lies and backing it up with proof altogether wouldn't you? Not gonna happen.

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      10:36, or Nancy/Sarah/Bristol, you might be a little over the top here. Just sayin’ ...

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      That is right 11:37, it is all of us...

      you must have 'hit a nerve' lol.

      Love-Nancy, Sarah, and Bristol.

    5. Anonymous1:04 PM

      All over the world Sarah has people that love to laugh at her. They love her for being the laughing stock.

      They will love a good ass clown show any day and Nancy/Sarah/Bristol are doing their best.

    6. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Multiple personality disorder here???

    7. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Multiple personality disorder here???

      Brooklyn and all the rest?
      You betcha!

      Indicia: >>>95% of everything out there is ghost written<<

      Made up number? Used with a phrase from the post? No link? Three strikes and it's another wasted at bat!~

    8. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Lol...upset are we 244?

  36. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Lena Dunham was on Jimmy Fallon last night.

  37. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Wasilla High School has to be very proud of their graduates Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin. Their words of wisdom has enlightened all of us and made us better human beings.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Bristol didn't graduate

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Bristol did not graduate.

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Sorry Bristol never graduated, she got a GED !!! Just think if she actually finished high school her vocabulary might have reached 3rd grade level.

    4. Anonymous11:36 AM

      What exactly are the GED requirements?

    5. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Damn, Gryph, you didn't let my comment through. Love you, buddy! Giggling......

    6. Anonymous12:16 PM

      11:36 AM Pay someone to take the test for you online. None of the Palins could pass a GED without help.

    7. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Did too graduate!

      "Looking like a lot of her classmates – giddy and irreverent, wearing a silly necklace of Blow-Pop lollipops strung together with curly gift ribbon – Bristol Palin stepped toward the stage in Wasilla Sports Complex Thursday night to receive her high school diploma, more a worried mom than a jubilant teen.

      "Where's my baby?" Bristol mouthed,",,20279197,00.html

      Bristol boasted a 3.497 G.P.A., regretting only that she was "point zero-zero-something" away from graduating with Honors. A budding activist in the cause to prevent teen pregnancy, she says she hopes to go to an area college for a two-year business degree and then a job, possibly in real estate.

      /s not needed because that "private family" helped get that self serving bullshit published.

      Business degree my @$$!!!

  38. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Tweeted the Salon article to Nancy.

  39. Anonymous10:56 AM

    For a "christian" blog it seems like all they do is criticize, make fun of others and advertise for men ie mean girl grade school behavior.

    One would think the purpose of a "christian" blog is to inspire others to better themselves or the world.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Nancy French is a character straight out of the movie "Saved."

  40. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Sarah-Nancy-Bristol can only be compared to other impersonators and frauds.
    They are among the worst known of in the 21st century but that is their field of endeavor.

  41. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Okay, folks; It's time to flood ( with info that Nancy French is Bristol Palin's ghostwriter, and include links to this new Salon article because Gawker WILL jump on Christian hypocrisy bullshit (see their recent Duggar coverage) but they will tend to hesitate until someone else in the "mainstream" has covered it.

    Also send this info to the guy who actually wrote that Salon piece so he might do a followup.

    Lastly, and maybe most important, contact Panthoes or whatever that site is that hosts Bristols' blog and complain because chances are that having someone ghostwrite your blog goes against their terms of service; alert them that Nancy French, the paid ghostwriter, is the one who writes and posts all of Bristol Palin's "articles." They might be forced to take it down, especially if we can generate a confluence of exposes like gawker doing more research on it and there being some NOISE about this fakery that has been going on for far too long.l

    C'mon people. We have a chance to take down the fake Bristol identity, the fake Bristol mouthpiece that Sarah so often resorts to exploiting; and with that we will be effectively destroying at least 75% of Sarah Palin's current media "power" or "reach>' let's get going:

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM


    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      PS: Also, too, perhaps if anybody still has a live link to Bristol's audio recording of her drunken brawl police-recorded rant, in which we learn all too well how inarticulate she is ----we could send that along, too! I believe Gawker has already covered that but weren't some of the audio links later taken off public sites? Maybe if anybody saved it we could send them a reminder about Bristol's communication patterns! :)

    3. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Panthoes or whatever that site is that hosts Bristols' blog

      I read that Pant hoes?


  42. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Given Bristol’s penchant for vulgar language and inarticulate speech (like mother/like daughter!) I’m amazed French can even look herself in the mirror every morning. To be associated with her must really be a Xtian challenge.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      "YOU PEDOPHILE, YOU" From the pen lips of Sarah Palin before she introduces her daughter. Both women seem to consider themselves experts on the subject they are so passionate about.

      There's a place out there for cuss
      More than just a prayer or anything you've ever dreamed of.

      The homeless Bristol Palin in her next home.

      “Pennsatucky” ignorant/hillbilly/Jesus freak/meth head.

      What better place on earth is there to practice your religion?

  43. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I'm going to stick up here for Bristol's ghost-writer.

    I've done some ghostwriting in the past. Heck, I sent a proposal to Rex Butler back in the day to ghostwrite Levi's autobiography. (Spoiler alert: I never had a reply from Butler.)

    There's nothing wrong with ghostwriting. It happens a lot more than you think, and there's good money to be made doing it. Ghostwriting can range from polishing the client's rough draft to something publishable to full-fledged creation based on the client's (vague) ideas. (A conversation on the latter might go: "I want to say something about Paul McCartney." "What do you want to say?" "Well, I thought he was cute and 'Yesterday' was pretty good." Based on that little bit, whole books can be written.)

    A ghostwriter goes into a project knowing that their name won't be on the work. She's being paid to develop Bristol's ideas and write Bristol's words. (I won't speculate where she's taking her marching order from, but I'm sure it's from whomever is signing the checks.) She's an integral part of Bristol's identity, and she's probably compensated quite well for it.

    It may seem strange that her ghosting extends to Facebook, Twitter, and blogging, but it doesn't surprise me at all. As media channels have exploded in the last fifteen years, there's a need to have a consistent style and branding across the digital platforms. Plus, it puts the client's content and message where the audience is today, hence the need for ghosts to product digital content.

    Bristol's ghost isn't doing anything illegal or unseemly. For a working writer who wants to make a living wage at writing, ghosting for a public figure can be a very stable and financially rewarding career. It certainly beats working freelance or on spec, where you don't know when the next check is coming or the next sale made.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      The less than intelligent IM crowd doesn't really understand reality.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Yes Bristol's ghostwriter is going explicitly against's Terms of Use which clearly state that not only can a blog NOT be for promjotion of anything commercial (or political grandstanding, etc.) but they also clearly state that bloggers there can not impersonate another person. is not a site that wants or allows ghostwriters so let's let them know!

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Sarah, Nancy and Bristol need to update.

      At Patheos Family, Bristol Palin shares life as a single mom and how faith, fame and politics influence her life as she seeks to inspire others.
      About Me

      I’m the mother of one son named Tripp and live in Wasilla, Alaska. I’m also the author of my memoir Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far, which reached the New York Times Best Sellers List. I also appeared on ABC-TV’s Dancing with the Stars. Though I didn’t receive the coveted mirror ball trophy, I reached the finals and ultimately placed third during season eleven. I frequently speak in front of groups across the country, where I focus on inspirational and pro-life topics. Also, I star in an upcoming reality series, Life’s a Tripp, which will air on Lifetime beginning April 2.
      Please follow me on Facebook here and leave a comment below to receive weekly updates from my new blog!

    4. Anonymous12:28 PM

      By the way, you're conflating things that aren't related. I never said ghostwriting was illegal. It is, however, against's own terms of service to impersonate another person, so Nancy's fake blog posing as Bristol should be deleted. Also, Nancy, Bristol, Sarah et al claim to be excessively fundamentalist type/Dominionist leaning Christians, and according to their faith, they are not supposed to lie. And all "Bristol's blog is is one big lie, let alone Scarah and Bristol's Fakebook pages.

      Good for you for finding ways to work under pen names, ghosting, etc. Making a living as a writer has been especially challenging in recent years (says the full-time self-supporting writer for the past 17 years, who has never ghosted for anybody, but who has written under pen names.)

    5. Anonymous12:36 PM


      I respectfully disagree. Completely. This is NOT simply a case of a ghost writing Palin's thoughts. It's a deceitful plan to sell Bristol as something she is most definitely not. It's called grifting.

    6. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Bullshit. It's a lie, pure and simple. You and Nancy French are liars. There is no justification for it. It's IS unseemly. It's dishonest and no amount of your whitewashing it will make it be different. You are despicable to come here and try to defend dishonesty, lying, manipulation and downright bullshit. Shame on you. You are cheating and there's no other name for it. You and Nancy and Sarah and Bristol are disgusting grifters.

    7. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Shove your fake outrage up your ass 12:40.

      Nobody cares about ghostwritten blogs.

    8. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Why doesn't Bristol Palin acknowledge her other babies? Were they all given away? Pregnant in November 14, 2007 family photo, pregnant-looking at the RNC 2008, pregnant on DWTS and on the Graham Haiti trip, pregnant during the Junker Disneyland trip, and pregnant now by Junker. Why are there so many secrets around the Palins? Sealed records? Track in Rehab? Todd's pimping and sex trafficking? Todd's male prostitute-Danny?

    9. Anonymous12:59 PM


      This, coming from a Palinbot. Why don't you head back over to C4P and have another contest to guess when your queen-of-the-grift will announce. Hahahaha. And don't forget to send her your SS may get lucky and win a hockey stick to shove up your stupid ass.

    10. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Then Nancy should stick to Ghostwriting and stop with the Fake Christian ramblings. Bristol is far from being a Christian model of virtue. If Nancy French writes what Bristol and Sarah tell her to write, then she accepts Bristol's un-Christian lifestyle of booze, drugs, and sleeping with Trial Daddies. Teach your client to close her legs, Nancy. Quiverfulls are usually married, aren't they?

    11. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Unfortunately Bristol doesn't have her identity.

      Nancy is an integral part of Sarah's identity.
      That is why it is confusing. Bristol is homeless and roaming with her lost identity. There is nothing inspiring about her, she lies and that is not inspiring. Yet she sells herself as inspirational or wanting to be. If that were the case she would begin with being an honest authentic person.

      If they could admit to being non-political heathens it would be clear and better for all.

    12. Anonymous2:12 PM

      12:48 PM

      You miss the point.

      This is not about ghostwritten blogs.

    13. Anonymous2:31 PM

      1258 gee surprised he hasn't killed him yet! Danny started young killing that convenient store clerk on the kenai? Then who killed the Native prostitute on KGB? They suckered a crack head they convicted of it! Wrong address dude!

  44. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Also, it might be fun to contact anybody Nancy French is associated with in terms of her faux Christian street cred, groups she is associated with, places she writes for, etc; doesn't a good CHristian refuse to lie for others, no matter for how much pay? Why is she lying and pretending to be Bristol and why has she done so much ghostwriting in her professional past? Christians aren't supposed to lie, are they?

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Alright a new twist by the IMers on who to threaten with action that will never happen! I dare you to 'contact' all these associates of Nancy French and tell them what they and everyone else already knows lol!!! Moron. You. Moron.

      Don't fail us with your loose threats! Do it!

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      12:10 PM So you know how to spell your name...M O R O N. Why did your Mother name you that? Did the ultrasound tell too much about you?

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Hi Alicia at 12:10 -- those newest meds REALLY aren't working, are they? You poor thing.

    4. Anonymous2:21 PM

      You say

      "action that will never happen"

      Keep smoking the hopium because you are wrong about that.

      Go play scratch and sniff at a doggie park!

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM


  45. Anonymous11:49 AM

    As to the Nancy French tweet, how old are you mentally, Brancy? You're a grown supposedly "christian" woman who is not to be of this world....did you forget your Bible? Romans 12:2 in case you missed it.

  46. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Anonymous11:36 AM

    What exactly are the GED requirements?

    If your mother is the governor of your state and you can spell your first name within 100 tries,


  47. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Here it is, folks, on's own Terms of Use page:

    Scroll down to 4. Rules and Conduct; C Honest and Real and viii where it clearly states that impersonation of another person is not alllowed:

    viii. impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Patheos official, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

    So Bristol's fake blog, written by ghostwriter Nancy French, goes against Terms of Use and according to those terms should be deleted.

    We have it, folks! Let's let them know.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Do it! No more loose threats from the IM crowd!

      Tired of the lack of follow thru with the paper tigers around here... there was the CPS threats, the PETA threats, the LGBT, the anon poster threats, the recent FOIA threats (lol), and now busting a ghostwritten blog threat!

      Lets see some action, or you are bigger liars than Brancy!!

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Brancy is living a fantasy life through Bristol. Brancy wishes that she was enjoying Bristol's wild lifestyle.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Anon 12:42--I find your "you and us" mentality disturbing, since you are reading/commenting here, wouldn't that make us as much of one of us as not? You have no idea what individual commenters--or those who read and don't comment--are doing behind the scenes.

    4. You can complain to Patheos right here on Twitter if you want.

      Let them know what's up.

    5. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I'll be back in a little while.

      Need moar popcorn!

    6. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Meow! kitty kitty 1242...:-)ooo

    7. Anonymous3:52 PM

      @ 12:42 IM'ers threatened to expose Brancy and now it's done. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

    8. Anonymous4:49 PM

      "Loose threats?" GMAFB!

      I don't see where anything was threatened to happen.

      People were discussing "someone should" and what the Patheos TOS say. Also too, various anonymous people post that they claim to know things and at some point they will maybe do something like ??? and yadda yadda yadda.

      Sometimes it's probably bogus and other times it sounds ridiculous yet it turns out to be true. Todd's snowmachine sponsored by the Venezuelan state owned oil company. Toad pallin' around with Hugo Chavez? hahaha You know how that turned out.

      IM and it's commenters have a far better track record at predicting than her heinous.

      Remember that the blogs and the comments at the newspapers spilling the truth about the Palin maladministration (and Sarah's well documented obsession with them) were one of the things that had already wrecked her term as governor before she was picked by McCain.

      “You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told her. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

      Dairygate, troopergate, Attorney Generalgate (Wayne Anthony Ross), Koppgate (Chuck Kopp for Public Safety Commissioner to replace Walt for "hugs" and "resigns"); the list is long. Sometimes they post under real names, other times not.

      So, I guess when you read it here or somewhere else you never know for sure. Just like they said for years about the rumors about Josh Duggar and Jim Bob. You know that has to really worry Sarah. Unless she doesn't have any secrets to reveal.

      “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

    9. Anonymous6:19 PM

      “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”
      Please don't, Gryph, we love ya!

  48. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Nancy French looks just like a "Doogar."

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      She's fixin' to get splattered with some santorum with this blog ghostwriting sockpuppetry.

      That's exactly what it is.


    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Know what's sad? All because mommy thought herself Queen Esther and prayed over in that church, she turned on the sex, left her children to their own devices, and destroyed her family all for ME ME ME.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

      Hope they use protection. Human Sockpuppetry is dangerous. Just sayin'

      OT I saw something the other day and thought it's something Sarah would do. A car hit a deer, some hick in a pickup truck backed up the offramp when the cops were there and said "That's the deer she hit on the back of his pickup's bed". We sat in traffic in high nineties humid weather for over an hour, as did this piece of humanity. The driver was fine, but I still can't figure out how the driver didn't get hurt or worse.

  49. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Sarah and Bristol, not only has the media published posts about the pedophile you two are defending. Sarah and Bristol you know your boyJosh has hit rock bottom when he has been banned from 'ho' houses.

    Nevada Brothel Bans Josh Duggar in Order to 'Protect His Sisters'

    The world famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch, famed legal brothel that has been featured on HBO’s smash hit series “Cathouse”, has taken the extraordinary step of banning TLC’s “19 And Counting” star Josh Duggar from entering any of their properties, citing concerns for the safety of the 500 legal prostitutes that are employed there. Duggar has recently become embattled in a firestorm of controversy over his admission that he sexually molested five girls, including two of his younger sisters, when he was 15. One of the sisters was 5 at the time that the assault occurred.
    More at site below;

    1. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

      I think it's wrong. Some things are best left to "professionals", but the thing is, Pedophiles won't find what they're looking for in a brothel. They closed a bunch of movie houses and massage parlors in times square, and it did nothing to stop the number of rapes, which was the original intent. Rapists look to overpower the woman and it's more about violence than sexual gratification. If Josh wants porn, I'm sure he knows exactly where to find it.

  50. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Hey they got coverage of a battleship being named after Gabby Gifford! Eat that Sarah! You Blood Libel you! Haha!

  51. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Sarah and Bristol give America and Immoral Minority the middle finger by letting Josh Duggar and his family move into one of your Alaskan houses.

  52. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

    Well, it's about time!!!!!! What took them so long? Early in her long and lucrative career as a spokesperson, she used terms like "Calculus", and that was the first dead giveaway someone else was writing her scripts. Gryphen should get a lot of credit for exposing these charlatans for what they truly are, faux christian fame whores who know how to do "knots" and learned to find clothes to match her baby's chocolate brown skin.

    Place vecro fuzzy side up on top of hand, then apply loop side to forehead and do a post, Nancy French, titled "Why ME? Add bible verse, then whine away "Why Why Whaaaah?" apply fuzzy part to loop part and boo hoo to the bank.


    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      "The country needs you in the White House, $arah. Please run!" -- Engineer-whatever-number c4p

      No we don't, let alone you being the speechwriter, Nancy, Go take care of your family. PLEASE.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.