Thursday, May 26, 2005

Is that blood in the water I see?

I am becoming cautiously optimistic that the Republicans are beginning to crumble from within. I am very pleased that the Bolton confirmation has jumped the tracks but I still have my fingers crossed to see if this grostly unqualified man will be sent packing.

My new favorite Republican is Senator Voinovich from Ohio. Now usually I would say that there is no crying in politics but I really felt this poor mans struggle with his conscience as he testified before his fellow senators. I only hope that there are others on that side who secretly harbor those very same conflicted feelings. There must be.

Now the contest for my favorite Democrat is between Representative Conyers and Barbara Boxer. Conyers is aggressively chasing after those pesky allegations of voter fruad and trying to get to the bottom of the "Downey Street Memo". (see Brad's Blog for more at My darling Barbara Boxer continues to hold the republicans feet to the fire over the Bolton nomination, the war, torture at Abu Ghraib, and many other issues.

Now I have a message to any and all potential presidential hopefuls. You better get in the fight. We need to see real leadership. I do not want to vote for the candidate who played to all sides, liberal, moderate, and conservative. I want someone to have an honest postion and stick to it. Quit playing politics and make a damn difference! The republicans are falling apart, now is the time for strong leadership! Hillary, Biden, Edwards, Vilsack, and any other hopefuls (not Kerry you are damaged goods!) you need to break from the pack early and attack the build up to the war, and attack the Social Security lies, and attack Bush on how cavalier he has been in destroying our reputaion around the world, and attack the Republicans for using faith to drive a wedge between Americans, attack their bullying of other countries, and start making them sweat for a change.

I want to go to the polls in 2008 and cast my ballot with confidence and pride! I want to proudly proclaim that I am a Democrat and we are going to make a difference! Help me regain my patriotism because I have lost it recently. Help me no longer be ashamed to say I am an American. Really, is that too much to ask?

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