Monday, May 16, 2005

This weeks whipping boy...Newsweek Magazine

Holy Shit the Bush administration is shameless!

Just when I was sure that the Downing street memo was going to break as a major story this week the Bushies find another red herring to distract the press and the American people.

Newsweek magazine reported that guards at Gutanamo bay flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet in front of a muslim prisoner. Stories like this have been coming out of Gitmo for some time now and this story just cited a government source as confirming that this had indeed happened. Now, after riots have erupted in several muslim communities and the administration is pointing their finger at Newsweek as the cause, they are back pedaling and saying that their source was possibly mistaken. Bullshit!

The Bushies are just pounding these poor journalists and making them second guess everything that they print or broadcast to the point where important information is not reaching the American people.

Click on the link below to get the real story.

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