Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What the Fuck?

Okay this has just reached a point where I am quite literally screaming at the newscasters on television. Where are their souls? Where is the balance? How can anybody call the media liberal when they cover this story http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/46214.htm

And do absolutely nothing concerning these stories.

This is quite literally driving me crazy! I believe this story is bigger then Watergate! How could the media not be all over this memo? Am I a sucker? Is this fake? Somebody find the fuck out!

If this is true then it means just what we feared that all of those soldiers died for a lie! That this president and the administration killed 16,000 Americans without batting an eye. And they did it for their own selfish purposes and not to protect America. It means that Congress and the Senate bought into the biggest ass rape in the history of the United States.

Bush should be impeached and then put on trial for war crimes, and we owe millions and millions of dollars in restitution to the Iraqi's who we killed and who homes we destroyed just because we could. I am once again ashamed to be an Anerican.

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