Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bush got a B in Anthropology?

How in the hell is that possible? According to news reports that I found on "The Drudge Report" (which as you know is always 100% accurate) showing the grades of both John Kerry and our soon to be impeached president at Yale.

In the report it says that Bush had an overall C average but got 88's in Anthropology, History, and Philosophy. Yeah I am stunned as well. How can you get a B in Anthropology and then completely disregard evolution? How does that work?

And history? You mean he actually might know what happened to other countries that suppressed human rights and promoted propaganda?

Now I have a theory. I think that George had met Laura and had her locked in a small room doing his homework to prove her love for him. Or maybe he just paid somebody. I mean could he really have understood those subjects once and then just decided that Yale was trying to control his mind with all of it's fancy information and so he just drank until he forgot all of it?

Have I told you that I hate this administration? Cause I do!

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