Saturday, June 04, 2005


That's right you you crotch sniffing cur, you owe the fine people at Newsweek and Michael Isikoff an apology!

But let's not stop there, you owe the news media in general an apology! But let's not stop there, you owe the American people an apology for interfering with our right to access information by attacking our sources of said information and sending them scurrying into their cubicles! You self righteous bastard!

It is shit like this that is keeping the majority of the public in the dark about the "Downing Street Memo" and other important news stories. We need to call these assholes on this crap everytime they try and take our eyes off of the story and direct it back on the media. If we don't protect our MSM it is going to become extinct. I am sorry my fellow bloggers, I know that many of you are anxious to take their place but I am old fashioned I want to sit down, turn on the news, and see some actual news. Damn I hate these guys!

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