Tuesday, October 25, 2005

American death toll in Iraq reaches 2,000!

According to CNN we have reached this bloody milestone in our criminal war.

That is 2,000 young American lives that have been lost for a lie!

2,000 families that have ben stabbed through the heart by this administration.

How many more? How many more lives will it take to satisfy this God of destruction? How many more before George Bush can go to sleep at night satisfied that he has become a historic president by standing on the corpses of his fellow Americans. How many?

And how many Iraqi's have been lost to this behemoth? How many children swallowed up by our greed and careless destruction?

Too many! Too fucking many!


  1. This is big news, thanks for addressing it. When will Bush learn? I just finished a post on this topic too: http://twerpette.blogspot.com/2005/10/news-us-troop-deaths-in-iraq-reach.html

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    It's nice to know that ther are people out there who love to speak on an issue with such passion and conviction. too bad you have no fucking idea what your talking about. (though the death toll is 2000)


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