Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I have a lobbyist? Cool!

The Secular Coalition for America has hired Lori Lipman Brown as its congressional lobbyist and national voice. Brown's main job? To educate the public about mistaken notions regarding atheists while making sure religion doesn't get a ringside seat at issue debates.

Brown started her new job in mid-September with a flurry of hot-button social issues roaming the national landscape, from staples like same-sex marriage and abortion to new ones like a federal trial dubbed "Scopes II," which looks at a school board's mandate that "intelligent design" be taught in Dover, Pennsylvania.

Brown plans to monitor several issues closely, including stem cell research, access to emergency contraception, physician-assisted suicide, school vouchers and faith-based initiatives. But her first foray into federal lobbying focused on an issue that caught the eye and ire of Brown: an education reauthorization bill that passed last month.

Hot damn! The Godless now have a voice on the hill! I actually don't have many personal issues that I would like to see addressed except, "born again" pharmacists who refuse to give women the "morning after pill", candidates for public office having to identify some religious affiliation to even have a chance to be elected, the teaching of "Intelligent Design"theory in public school science classes, and the religious rights strangle hold on this country! Okay I have a few issues.

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