Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Presidents "red herring" Supreme Court nominee withdraws from consideration. Now King George can appoint the wingnut that he always wanted.

President Bush on Thursday accepted the withdrawal of Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, according to a statement from the White House.

In her letter to the president, Miers said she was "concerned that the confirmation process presents a burden for the White House and its staff and it is not in the best interest of the country."

Ooooh I am sooo surprised! Come on! It has been obvious to any of us who have been paying attention that this was a headfake to distract us from the presidents real agenda. As I sit here typing in my "Captain Cynic" unperpants I can tell you that whoever George has next in the chute is going to make Justice Thomas look like a latte drinking, Vespa driving, ex-Dead head.

And all of this is going to happen after the indictments are handed down and every news agency in town will be baying like hounds chasing after "Scooter" Libby and Karl Rove and will not even deign to notice the radical, fire breathing, evangelistic, inquisitor wannabe that is appointed for this judicial opening. I hope that CNN, MSNBC, and the other major news outlets can learn to walk and chew gum at the same time and keep the focus on both of these important stories.

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