Sunday, October 30, 2005

The question that no mainstream media reporter can seem to bring themselves to ask, yet it must be asked!

"Mr. President, did you know that Mr. Libby and Mr. Rove were the source of the CIA leak? And if you did not, why not?"

This is the question. This is the most important question. If Bush did not know that they were the leakers then either he did not ask them or they lied. If he did not ask them, then he is an incompetent moron. If they lied to him and he does not immediately fire them then he is an impotent moron.

Any of us in a similar situation would bring each possible leaker, one by one, into our office and ask them if they did it. The only reason that we would not do this is because we already knew. That is what I believe is the real truth of this treasonous act. Bush knew! He knew because either he told them to do it or he was informed that it was happening. There is no other explanation for Bush not finding out for himself and informing the prosecutor who the bad guy was.

So why haven't any reporters asked this question again? I know that Helen Thomas asked the question at the beginning of this whole process, and was relegated to the back of the room. But now the bullshit excuse that the administration would not answer any questions until the investigation was over is null and void. There is nothing for them to hide behind any more. It is time to start answering questions and the first one should be the one that I have identified as the most important. And don't let them make any of those stupid excuses about letting the process work itself out. This investigation cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. If George Bush could have just confronted his staff and saved all of that money then that is exactly what he should have done.

And why is Cheney not being fired? He took classified information and instructed his staff to parcel it out to discredit an enemy of the administration. And Karl Rove? He alerted reporters to Valerie Plames job so why isn't he being fired? The only answer must be that Bush knew and supported the outing of Valerie Plame. So the whole administration is corrupt and they all should be shit canned so that we can hold a special election. Maybe this time we can elect somebody who has a brain, a heart, and courage, all of the things that George should have asked the man behind the curtain for long ago.

Now see that is the power of the press! If you ask the right questions you can change history. Woodward and Bernstein did it, so why can't today's reporters show that kind of chutzpah? Let's get this done people! There is justice to be done here!

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