Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dover, Pennsylvania school board evolves into more intelligent entity when it replaces eight members who promoted "Intelligent Design"

Challengers unseated eight out of nine Dover Board of Education members yesterday in a tight race that centered on the issue whether the theory of intelligent design has a place in science classes.

The ninth member of the York County school board was not up for re-election.

The eight board members unseated were all are proponents of a policy -- now the subject of a federal court case -- requiring high school freshmen to hear a statement about intelligent design before biology lessons about evolution.

I applaud Dovers move to join the twenty-first century. Welcome, we have Tivo now!

I am please to see the smart people finally taking back their educational process. Now replace your Republicans with Democrats and we can finally get this country back to sipping green tea and reading Chaucer. I totally do that every day.

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