Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Keith Olbermann, of MSNBC's "Countdown", gets some much deserved recognition.

After I have exhausted myself genuflecting at my Jon Stewart altar, I often turn on my television and pay homage to the great Keith Olbermann.

Keith did not shy away from the Downing Street memo's, he turned the cool light of reason on the CIA leak case before any other news programs were trying to out-scoop each other, he rarely misses an opportunity to point out the hypocrisy which pours out daily from FOX news, and he makes even the most complicated stories accessable to even those morons living in the red states. (Much like myself).

In short Keith, using a wry wit and not just a little self mockery, takes the complicated, dry, and boring news of the day and makes a sweet treat for our overwrought gray matter. He plays with words, tosses bons mots to his reporters, and generally has a blast entertaining us, and clearly himself as well.

So Keith, cheers, and please keep up the excellent work.

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