Friday, November 04, 2005

No love for our President in Argentina.

Tens of thousands of marchers protested on Friday against U.S. President George W. Bush and his free-trade push, as leaders from the Americas gathered in an Argentine resort for a contentious debate on improving Latin America's economy.

A mixed bag of protesters -- from Bolivian Indian women in traditional bowler hats to mothers of Argentine "dirty-war" victims -- filled 15 city blocks carrying signs with "Fuera Bush" (Get out Bush) and flags with the face of Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara.

About 7,500 police kept a heavy guard at the meeting site and in the city center, but paid little attention to the protesters, who were 4 miles away.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the leftist leader who opposes Bush's economic model, prepared to take the protesters' message inside the summit meeting room. He vowed to bury the stalled Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA.

"Every one of us has brought a shovel, an undertaker's shovel, because here in Mar del Plata is the tomb of FTAA," Chavez told a full stadium hosting an alternative Peoples' Summit before the afternoon start of the two-day meeting of leaders.

I have been watching this on CNN and these people are pissed!

Believe it or not the Bushies are spinning this as a postive sign that democracy is taking hold throughout the world.

I have got to get me a pair of those rose colored glasses these guys wear!

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