Saturday, November 05, 2005

Republican leaders tell Bush "Your Presidency is effectively over!"

A growing number of Republican leaders, party strategists and political professional now privately tell President George W. Bush that his presidency "is effectively over" unless he fires embattled White House advisor Karl Rove, apologizes to the American people for misleading the country into war and revamps his administration from top to bottom.

"The only show of unity we have now in the Republican Party is the belief that the President has failed the party, the American people and the presidency," says a longtime, and angry, GOP strategist.

With the public face of support for Bush eroding daily from even diehard Republicans, the President faces mounting anger from within his party over the path that may well lead to loss of control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections and the White House in 2008.

"This presidency is in trouble," says a senior White House aide. "Even worse, I don't know if there is a way out of the trouble."

Reading this kind of stuff literally makes my nipples erect. Ooooo there is more.

Bush, however, has dug his heels in on Rove. When a GOP strategist suggested last weekend that the President fire Rove, Bush exploded.

"You go to hell," he screamed at the strategist. "You can leave and you can take the rest of these lily-livered motherfuckers with you!" The President then stormed out of the room and refused to meet further with any other party leaders or strategists.

Holy crap! If George wasn't drinking before he surely must of cracked open a cold one by now. If I thought that he was a human being I might almost feel sorry for him. However since his policies have caused the death of thousands of my fellow Americans and potentially hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's then fuck him! As far as I am concerned he can just twist in the wind.

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