Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Republican pundits keep reminding us that Treasongate is no Watergate, and they are right. It is worse, much much worse!

"The Wilson affair is not Watergate," wrote Todd S. Purdum in the New York Times, a paper known for its desire to be helpful to the Bush White House. He's right. Treasongate is worse.
Much, much worse.

Treasongate includes many of the essential components of Watergate: smearing opponents of the Iraq war and their loved ones, financial shenanigans and a cover-up. Actually it was a cover-up of a cover-up; they lied about trashing Plame, who they targeted because her husband revealed their lies about Iraqi WMDs. Outing a CIA agent is the rancid cherry on top of a triple-dip blob of corruption. You can bet there's more to come.

Trust us, they ask. We're incompetent, not evil. That's their defense.

"One can believe that the neocons are utterly wrong without also assuming that they are evil," Nicholas Kristof argues in a Times op-ed. But people willing to lie their country into war and stab the people who protect it in the back--if we're to believe them, by not bothering to check Plame's status--are evil.

It's like a case of vehicular homicide: Did Bush and his goons hit Plame on purpose or was it an accident? Either way, I want them off the road.

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