Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Afghans want soldiers involved in deadly traffic mishap handed over to them.

Afghanistan's parliament has approved a motion calling for the government to prosecute the U.S. soldiers responsible for a deadly road crash that sparked the worst riots in Kabul in years, officials said Wednesday.

The assembly passed the nonbinding motion Tuesday, after debating Monday's crash in which a U.S. truck plowed into a line of cars, killing up to five Afghans and sparking citywide, anti-foreigner riots, said Saleh Mohammed Saljuqi, an assistant to the parliamentary speaker.

"Those responsible for the accident on Monday should be handed over to Afghan legal authorities," Saljuqi cited the motion as saying.

The Afghans are claiming that the soldiers fired into the crowd and killed at least four people. The military is claiming the soldiers fired over the heads of the crowd when they started throwing rocks.

With the Haditha cover up all over the front page it is impacting the credibility of the American military. I hope that we did not do anything wrong in this case. But I am not convinced by the militaries denial of wrongdoing. I am waiting to see what an investigation will reveal.

But like I have said before, it will make no difference to the Afghans. They have already made up their minds. The invaders are guilty.

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