Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Democrats are taking aim at their foot again!

Here come the Democrats gearing up to snatch "defeat from the jaws of victory" again!

I used to train people to work with small children. One of the things I always said was "you have to be perfect." I would tell them that I did not believe that any of them or myself actually were perfect, they just had to pretend to be perfect while they were on the job.

With the Democrats now in a position to get back the Senate, the House, or both, they must be perfect. These Senators and Congressman are going to have to pretend to be perfect even when they are technically not "on the job" because they are going to be scrutinized by the Republicans and the Republican controlled media 24 hours a day.

That means that they cannot have bribe money stuffed into their freezer like Congressman William Jefferson. Or drive under the influence like Senator Patrick Kennedy. (Damn that Ambien!)

And now we have allegations that Harry Reid has taken free tickets to a boxing match.

Knock it the fuck off!

I want to get this corrupt bunch of assholes out of the seat of power. Unfortunately the only hope we have of that is for the Democrats to get their act together and take those Senate and House seats. America is depending on the Democrats! Do know how frightening that is to us?

So get your ass up at the crack of dawn, iron your tie, kiss your wife, and show up to work determined to be the most honest, incorruptable, consistent person that you can be. You need to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. We need you to be perfect! Perfect!

Just hold it together until November. Can you idiots manage that ?

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