Monday, May 29, 2006

Unfounded rumor about Angelina Jolie that might put a smile on Jennifer Aniston's face. Though she might already know.

Although there have been few specifics about the birth of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt in Namibia on Saturday, most reports are saying Angelina Jolie underwent a planned c-section. So why would a healthy 30 year old woman choose to have a complicated surgery in a country with less than exemplary medical care? According to one email, it's because of her STD. Herpes, to be specific.

"So I had to contribute a tid bit I heard when I was working for 20th Century Fox (in an executive position that will go unnamed) ... we produced 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'. Angie and Brad were indeed having sex on that film, and she apparently gave him some STD's, and that's how Jennifer Aniston first found out ... If you are young, like Angelina Jolie, and healthy, the reason for c-section is almost always herpes. Jennifer Garner is another herpes mom, Madonna another. Both delivered small babies by c-section. Katie Holmes is another."

I am ashamed of myself for trafficking in this type of rumor mongering. I have no class!

(But it does kind of make you feel a little better knowing that the beautiful people have truly nasty flaws like this, doesn't it?.)

Genital herpes is nasty shit! I had a girlfriend with it and she suffered quite a bit during outbreaks. And trust me sex is completely off limits when those nasty sores crop up. Very contagious.

No I don't have genital herpes in case you were wondering.

I would also still do Angelina, in case you were wondering.


  1. Anonymous3:23 AM

    For your information Jennifer Garner doesn't have herpes.I don't know about Angelina.Jennifer was over due a week so the doctors had to induced labor.

  2. Wow, Ben Affleck reads my blog!

    That is so exciting.

  3. Um, anonymous? If Jennifer Garner had a c-section then she wouldn't have had induced labor. You don't need to be in labor to have a c-section. And I've never heard of a doctor making someone have a c-section just because they were a week overdue.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    FWIW a lot of women choose scheduled c-sections for reasons other than STDs. Many women don't want to go through labor, are concerned about potential damage to the pelvic floor during delivery, or simply prefer to schedule to birth instead of waiting for nature to take its course. Many OBs also prefer this as it's easier on their schedules. I know, it doesn't make sense to those of us who value the birth process (myself included) but there is quite a trend towards scheduled c-sections, especially among Americans.

    Convenience asside, many scheduled c-sections are done on healthy young women for other reasons: pre-ecclampsia, gestational diatbetes, breach presentation, and placenta previa, just to name a few!

    As to whether Jolie had a c-section out of necessity or convenience: who knows? But there are lots of other possibile (and likely) reasons other than an STD. If a vaginal birth were important to her, even if she were HSV positive she could have taken viral suppressants during her pregnancy and still had a vaginal birth!


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