Monday, May 29, 2006

Update on Afghan riot. Apparently our guys fired first.

The Afghan capital erupted in gunfire and riots after US troops shot dead at least four people following a traffic accident, with angry crowds shouting "Death to America."

The trouble began when a US vehicle appeared to lose control and smashed into other vehicles, according to an AFP photographer who was on the scene.

The military coalition said the accident, which may have been caused by faulty brakes, killed one person and injured several. People angered by the carnage started protesting and pelting the military vehicle with stones.

US troops then opened fire and killed at least four people, the photographer said. He said two men were shot dead next to him, and two other bodies were found after the burst of gunfire. Several people were wounded.

The shooting set off more fury as protesters held aloft one of the bodies and chanted: "Death to America, Death to (President Hamid) Karzai."

"These traitors killed at least 10 people. Death to them," a protestor named Ahmadullah said told an AFP reporter, referring to the American troops.

Another said: "These cowards opened fire into the crowd and killed them like sheep. First they drove into the people's cars, destroyed them and then fired onto the people who were only throwing stones at them.

"They think Afghanistan is a playground where they can practise shooting," he said, without giving his name.

There are still some conflicting reports as to exactly what happened and how those Afghans were killed, but it makes no differrence. With what just happened in Haditha, and before in Abu Ghraib, there is no way the Afghans are ever going to believe any investigation that clears these soldiers of wrongdoing. We are just digging ourselves a deeper and deeper hole.

They don't trust us and, to be honest, I don't trust us.

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