Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lubbock, Texas asks God for rain. God replies "You broke the climate, you fix the climate".

Public officials in Lubbock, Texas, are organizing a day to pray for rain.

"Nobody is going to tell God what to do and what not to do, but we are in a serious drought in West Texas and since he is the man who controls the rain clouds, we're asking him for his mercy and his help," Mayor David Miller told the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.

The City Council and the Lubbock County commissioners are expected to adopt resolutions this week asking local residents to both pray and fast for rain this Sunday.

Well this is a well organized waste of time.

You know that this will not solve anything.

It is not at all like my plan to masturbate for peace. Because even if I don't achieve my goal of creating peace throughout the planet I will still have a satisfied glow about me. So it should not be a total loss.


  1. So much for the separation of church and state.

  2. Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other.[1] The term most often refers to the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom of religious exercise.
    Texas Drug Addiction


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It just goes directly to their thighs.