Friday, July 28, 2006

Meet Alaska's father of the year.

Now let it be known that Alaskan men love fishing more then almost anything else in this world. Which apparently includes their children.

That orange bundle on the front of this jackasses chest is his baby.

That furry brown thing in the background is a grizzly bear.

Are you up to speed now?

Now for all of you "out of staters" who are just freaked out by the proximity of the bear, don't be. That is not an uncommon occurrence up here, and all that bear cares about is fish. He has no desire to eat the fishermen.

No my anger is directed at the guy wearing hip waders and fishing with his child in ankle deep water on algae covered rocks. This guy is an idiot and I hope that when his wife sees this picture she divorces his ass and charges him with child endangerment.

There are so many potential hazard here I don't know where to start. He could fall and the child could be pinned beneath him and be badly hurt or drown. He could reel in a fish and the baby might be injured then. There are hooks to consider. And that bear might get pissy and charge the guy. What does he do then? He cannot protect himself and that child from a bear!

No, this guy is why men like me have to fight to prove that we are fit parents when we get divorced. Everybody assumes that women are nurturing, but assholes like this make the rest of us suspect.

That picture totally fucked up my Friday!


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    if you lived up here and knew what it is all about maybe you might be the jackass for making that comment.

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It is so nice to see a daddy bonding with his child.
    But you are right about the danger.....
    what if an asteroid hit the earth and killed them?
    What if a mighty flood from ice-melt came crashing down the river and drowned them?
    What if th grizzly bear couldn't find fish and decided to eat babies?
    What if the girlfriend he dumped to marry the mother of that child hunted him down and killed both daddy and child?

    Talk about stretching for a criticism......


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It just goes directly to their thighs.