Sunday, September 03, 2006

The number two al-Qaida leader in Iraq has been captured! Again.

Iraqi and coalition forces have arrested the second most senior figure in al-Qaida in Iraq, Iraq’s national security adviser announced on Sunday, saying the group now suffered from a “serious leadership crisis.”

Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi, known as Abu Humam or Abu Rana, was captured north of Baghdad a few days ago “along with another group of his aides and followers,” Mouwafak al-Rubaie said.

Surely victory is just around the corner, or the corner after that, or the next corner for sure.

And the insurgency must be in it's last thros, or it's next to the last thros. or a couple of thros beyond that.

Oh hell this thing is going to go on forever!

P.S. Isn't "thros" a funky looking word?

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