Monday, October 16, 2006

Australian journalist, still happily living in the late 1950's, explains why men should earn more money then broads. What year is it in Australia?

So, what if the average woman in Australia earns $300 less per week than the average man.

That statistic fails to take in account the hours worked. In fact, the average Australian Joe Blow works almost twice as many hours as the average Jenny Blow, according to data HILDA, the Household Income and Labor Dynamics in Australia survey.

Since he's putting in twice as many hours, I hope Joe Blow would earn far more.

You know the argument could be made that the reason the woman is working less hours is because she is getting the work done in the time allotted. Perhaps she is not distracted from her work by online porn, or those insidious gambling sites. Perhaps Jenny Blow is more efficient. (Yes, I can hear the men knashing their teeth at that statement, but that does not make it wrong.)

By the way I would like to meet a nice Jenny Blow myself. I mean it is not guaranteed that with a name like hers she would be any more proficient in the oral department, but I knew a guy named Mike Dick once and he was a real....well you know.

Besides it would just be fun to answer her question of what I wanted for my birthday with "I would like a good you-job, thank you very much." Yep looks like another short term relationship for me.

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