Sunday, October 15, 2006

The bravest man in politics, John Murtha, calls the Republicans on their childish name calling.

The Republicans have resorted to calling the Democrats the "Defeatocrats", they must make the other four year olds on the playground very proud.

"It's all baseless name-calling, and it's all wrong," Murtha wrote. "Unless, of course, being a Defeatocrat means taking a good hard look at the administration's Iraq policy and determining that it's a failure.

"In that case, count me in. Because Democrats recognize that we're headed for a far greater disaster in Iraq if we don't change course - and soon. This is not defeatism. This is realism."

Murtha was the first to come forward and talk about bringing the troops home and calling the war a disaster, he will always be a hero to the people who are fed up with being lied to by this government.

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