Monday, October 30, 2006

Democrats remind the voters that this election is about the Iraq war, not gay marriage!

As the death toll for U.S. troops in Iraq passed 100 for the month, officials said ads criticizing Republican candidates for following the president's lead on the war would air in the campaign's final week in Connecticut, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Iowa and other areas they declined to name.

Public opinion polls show widespread public dissatisfaction with the war, helping give Democrats their best chance in more than a decade at winning control of at least one house of Congress.

This Republican president and his supporters lied about Saddam Hussein's WMD's, they knew that he did not have them!

This President and his supporters went into Iraq with no idea what to do after they defeated the Iraq army.

This President and his supporters were caught flat footed by an insurgency which was predicted by multiple sources before the war even began!

This President and his supporters have continued sending our children, wives, brothers, husbands, sisters, fathers, and mothers over to Iraq to face possible death even after having their lies revealed to the American people.

This President and his supporters have no intention of leaving Iraq as long as it sits over one of the richest oil fields in the world.

They are never going to do anything different unless they are forced too! And how can they be forced too? By electing as many Democrats as possible to send to Washington to put the brakes on an out of control Presidency and Senate.

Forget any differences you may have with the Democrats. We need them to save our country from this criminal administration. They are, quite literally, our last hope.

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