Thursday, October 05, 2006

Foley scandal may be the straw that breaks the Republican's hold on Congress.

Two-thirds of Americans aware of the congressional-page sex scandal believe Republican leaders tried to cover it up — and one quarter of them say the affair makes them less likely to vote for G.O.P. candidates in their districts come November. Those are among the findings of a new TIME poll conducted this week among 1,002 randomly-selected voting-age Americans.

The poll suggests the Foley affair may have dented Republican hopes of retaining control of Congress in November. Among the registered voters who were polled, 54% said they would be more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate for Congress, compared with 39% who favored the Republican. That margin may be fueled by the rolling scandal over sexually explicit e-mails sent to teenage pages by Republican Representative Mark Foley. Almost 80% of respondents were aware of the scandal, and only 16% approve of the Republicans' handling of it. Those polled were divided, however, on whether House Speaker Dennis Hastert should resign over his handling of the Foley affair, with 39% saying he should resign and 38% saying he should not.

Why don't these politicians learn? It is always the coverup that does them in.

Watergate would have been a political bump in the road if the Nixon administraton had not tried to make it go away.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, not for receiving a blow-job.

And this ugly incident could have been handled years ago when it first came to Speaker Hastert's attention. It would have been embarrassing to Foley and his family and probably done little to impact the Republicans.

And if this wasn't added to the pile of lies and the Republicans has thrown out about the war, the economy, global warming, etc.., it probably would not be having the impact that it is having right now. It appears to most of us that this is just how these guys roll, one deception or lie after another. Well we are tired of it and we don't want you guys in charge anymore.

Pack your shit, you are out of there!

P.S. There are more pages coming forward with allegations against Foley. Go here for the story.

P.S.S. Want to see how the Drudge Report is desperately trying to take the wind out of this scandal? Go here.

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