Thursday, October 05, 2006

Good news kids! If you are getting all of your news from Jon Stewart you are just as informed as your grandpa who is still watching network news.

Which would you think has more substantive news coverage -- traditional broadcast network newscasts or The Daily Show with Jon Stewart?

Would you believe the answer is neither?

Julia R. Fox, assistant professor of telecommunications at Indiana University isn't joking when she says the popular "fake news" program, which last week featured Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf as a guest, is just as substantive as network coverage.

"It is clearly a humor show, first and foremost," Fox said of Stewart's program. "But there is some substance on there, and in some cases, like John Edwards announcing his candidacy, the news is made on the show. You have real newsmakers coming on, and yes, sometimes the banter and questions get a little silly, but there is also substantive dialogue going on … It's a legitimate source of news."

You know I watch a lot of news during the day. A hell of a lot of news. And I have to concur that Jon Stewart and the Daily Show are just as timely and informative as CNN or MSNBC, and far more accurate then FOX news.

I made an earlier post saying that I think that Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher , and of course, Jon Stewart will be viewed by history as the brave pundits who brought us the truth at a time when many news organizations were too intimidated to state the facts for fear of angering a segment of the population.

It is important to note that all three of the individuals identified above have watched their ratings steadily increase just as George Bush's have steadily declined. One thing Americans respect is being told the truth.

Do you hear that O'Reilly? We want the damn truth!

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