Sunday, October 08, 2006

Here is some more good news out of Iraq.

Wounded troops returning from Iraq have been linked by government scientists to outbreaks of a deadly superbug in National Health Service hospitals.

Injured soldiers flown back to be treated on the NHS have been infected with a rare strain of Acinetobacter baumannii, a superbug resistant to antibiotics.

At one hospital in Birmingham in 2003 the bacteria went on to infect 93 people, 91 of whom were civilians. Thirty-five died, although the hospital has not been able to establish whether the superbug was a contributory factor.

Is it possible that "Iraq" is Arabic for "hell on earth"? This thing makes the "gulf war syndrome", which the soldiers from the first conflict in Iraq came down with, look like nothing more then a simple cold.

Can we please just start bringing our troops home now? How much more do these people have to go through?

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.