Thursday, October 26, 2006

Scientology vs Schizophrenia. Let's see who wins this one!

Why would a 28-year-old man, described as sweet, kind and gentle, take a knife to his mother one morning in 2003 and stab her over 70 times?

Jeremy Perkins, who had been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, came to believe that his mother, Elli, was evil and out to get him. Experts say the brutal murder might never have occurred, had he received proper treatment to control his psychotic delusions. But Jeremy’s parents were devout Scientologists and their religion strongly opposes psychiatric treatment.

Yeah that Scientology is a real winner against mental illness.

I feel bad for the family and Jeremy, it was a disaster that could have been avoided if they had not been sucked into a cult based on superstitious nonsense.

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