Monday, October 02, 2006

Still not completely understanding the definition for pedophilia, Foley goes in for alcohol counseling.

Foley Monday announced that he had entered an alcoholism treatment center.

Can you say 'hiding from the press"?

These guys are unbelievable. The idea that we are all so stupid as to believe that anybody might hit on a sixteen year old subordinate if they had knocked back a few is mind numbingly stupid.

My father was an alcoholic and he would have been insulted by the comparison of his disease to what this Mark Foley asshole did!

Pedophilia is a dangerous perversion and should never be confused with alcoholism or homosexuality.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, and thank you for saying it.

    The fact that this is being blamed on gay people doesn't surprise me. What surprises (and sickens) me is that they went there so quickly.

    When the pedophile priest scandal first came to light, we constantly heard about how this was a result of "tolerating" gay people and allowing them to serve in the priesthood.

    Gay people have been blamed for earthquakes, hurricanes, divorce and a host of societal ills. We are accused of promiscuity but not allowed to marry. When we try to legitimize and protect our relationships we are accused of destroying the family.

    I hope that people are finally starting to realize the hypocrisy of this corrupt bunch. It is time to throw the entire rancid batch out of government and reclaim our country.


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