Friday, October 13, 2006

The US Post Office is finally doing something to keep us safe. They are keeping people from sending fruitcakes through the mail.

Lucille Greene, an 88-year-old grandmother, takes baking and mailing about 30 family recipe fruitcakes as Christmas gifts seriously. Seriously enough that she sued the U.S. Postal Service for emotional distress after alleged rough treatment and accusations of being a terrorist from a postal clerk, according to her federal lawsuit.

In December 2002, Greene showed up at the Magnolia, Del., post office to mail fruitcakes to relatives and friends when, her lawsuit states, a postal worker asked her, "What kind of explosives do you have in here?" before shaking the box.

Let me get this straight. The Postal worker determines if their is a bomb in the package by shaking it? Quite the group of intellectuals at the post office, huh?

But they did stop the mailing of the dreaded fruitcake, and for that I take my hat off to them. Finally, our long national nightmare is over! I mean Anthrax is bad, but fruitcake is a crumby death! (Totally accidental pun.)

Who eats that crap?

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